Bomb mom blames America

Boston bomber's mom, "FBI called me right before the bombing"....Nuckin' Futs!

[ame=]Mother of 'Boston bombers'- FBI rang me before attacks - YouTube[/ame]
Yes America put guns to their heads and forced them to come here, what bullshit. Fuck those kids and fuck that cock servicing whore too.
It will be looked at by some here that way as well.

It's Americas fault...because of it's policies.
It's the Americans fault because we enjoy living the way we do.
It's Bush's fault.... why...because everything is.
Is any of it Obama's doing...nope.Because nothing is ever his fault.
That would be so fucking hilarious if her jihadis friends cut her hand off for shoplifting. Stupid twat deserves it
The more this woman talks, the more ridiculous she makes all Muslims look in the court of public opinion.
The more this woman talks, the more ridiculous she makes all Muslims look in the court of public opinion.
I agree, which is why we need to keep hearing from her.
If she makes it out that America is oppressing Muslims it will lead to more Muslims killing people
She could be used for Public service commercials: "This is your brain on Islam."



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