Old school lesbian says she is sorry she ever fought for gays rights.

LBGTQs do have rights….. but that’s not good enough for the sexual deviants among them who think those “rights” include pushing their lifestyle on everyone else; in particular, children. Heterosexual Sexual deviancy towards children is not tolerated so what makes some LBGTQ activists believe they have that “right” ?

"pushing their lifestyle on everyone else"

I mean, look at the media.

There's always some women almost naked who's trying to grab attention to boast their career and make money because humans seem to think beautiful women nearly naked are better people than ugly people.

Isn't that "pushing their lifestyle on everyone else"?

Then you have the religious who demand we say prayer at school, and want religious supremacy. "Pushing their lifestyle on everyone else"
That's a fact of all sexes and sexual orientations.
Yes, thats true

But only gays are openly pedophilic

Though I think you might bring up little girls beauty contests

If do you wont get any argument from me

All the lowlifes should leave the children alone
Yes, thats true

But only gays are openly pedophilic
When we find politicians defending child marriages they tend to be Republican.
Though I think you might bring up little girls beauty contests
The ones Trump put on? Yes. I do point out how you support the man who televised an event where adults judged how good teenage girls looked in bikinis.
If do you wont get any argument from me

All the lowlifes should leave the children alone
So should all bigots. In fact being a bigot should be reason enough to get your children taken from you.
No you dipshit. There are different degrees to how disgusting each is but there is no nuance over them both being pretty disgusting.
You are a typicsl lib

all your dirty mind can think of is child brides for rich old men

Selling daughters for money may still be common in china but not America

More often here the couple can be close to the same age but with a baby involved
You are a typicsl lib

all your dirty mind can think of is child brides for rich old men

Selling daughters for money may still be common in china but not America

More often here the couple can be close to the same age but with a baby involved
So what you're saying is that the cause of children marrying other children they knocked up is so near and dear to you and Republicans that you're okay with the cost of the occasional old man/young girl scenario. In other words you were projecting.
"pushing their lifestyle on everyone else"

I mean, look at the media.

There's always some women almost naked who's trying to grab attention to boast their career and make money because humans seem to think beautiful women nearly naked are better people than ugly people.

Isn't that "pushing their lifestyle on everyone else"?

Then you have the religious who demand we say prayer at school, and want religious supremacy. "Pushing their lifestyle on everyone else"
a naked woman isn’t pushing her lifestyle on everyone else with the expectation that they live life as a heterosexual; including, giving her access to influence children. When is the naked woman pride month? No, a naked woman is simply pushing her assets knowing their are enough takers in the world and could give two shits about those people who are opposed to her lifestyle.

There are definitely activists (extremists) among Christians, Jews, Muslims (sharia law) and cults that want to push their lifestyle on everyone else so thank you for bringing that up because many LBGTQ activists fall into that same category.
So what you're saying is that the cause of children marrying other children they knocked up is so near and dear to you and Republicans that you're okay with the cost of the occasional old man/young girl scenario. In other words you were projecting.
If you want (and it might not be a bad idea) we can make an exception and prohibit dirty old men from marrying child brides
a naked woman isn’t pushing her lifestyle on everyone else with the expectation that they live life as a heterosexual; including, giving her access to influence children. When is the naked woman pride month? No, a naked woman is simply pushing her assets knowing their are enough takers in the world and could give two shits about those people who are opposed to her lifestyle.

There are definitely activists (extremists) among Christians, Jews, Muslims (sharia law) and cults that want to push their lifestyle on everyone else so thank you for bringing that up because many LBGTQ activists fall into that same category.

How is a homosexual "pushing their lifestyle" on anyone?

You see it, you see a pride event IF YOU'RE LOOKING. Doesn't mean you're instantly going to turn gay, is it?

It's just right wing fucking moaning, they've got no other shitty argument, so they go for "they're pushing their lifestyle on us".

Looking at those videos, and others….i don’t get it. I’m all for them celebrating pride events. That’s the freedom we have to do and be who we want…what I don’t get, however, is why “pride” always seems to be about wandering down the street half naked…or as in these videos….going down the street half naked doing sexualized things

It makes me think “pride” is not about celebrating your lifestyle, but more of a sexual thing, and an excuse to be able to exhibit those sexual behaviors in public.

I guess it’s a damn good thing the coprophilia crowd doesn’t have parades…..

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How is a homosexual "pushing their lifestyle" on anyone?

You see it, you see a pride event IF YOU'RE LOOKING. Doesn't mean you're instantly going to turn gay, is it?

It's just right wing fucking moaning, they've got no other shitty argument, so they go for "they're pushing their lifestyle on us".

You need to go back and re-read my post. I did not say being homosexual or all of LBGTQ is pushing their lifestyle on everyone.
You need to go back and re-read my post. I did not say being homosexual or all of LBGTQ is pushing their lifestyle on everyone.

Well if you write "sexual deviants among them"... how the fuck is anyone supposed to know what you actually mean?

For most right wingers, ALL GAY PEOPLE are "sexual deviants"

Instead of writing pointless insults and crap, write what you want to say
Well if you write "sexual deviants among them"... how the fuck is anyone supposed to know what you actually mean?

For most right wingers, ALL GAY PEOPLE are "sexual deviants"

Instead of writing pointless insults and crap, write what you want to say
I did write what I wanted to say. And since you are now making the claim about most right wingers’ view on all gay people, do you have numbers to back that up or is it just your opinion?
I did write what I wanted to say. And since you are now making the claim about most right wingers’ view on all gay people, do you have numbers to back that up or is it just your opinion?

Then you wrote something that doesn't communicate well.

But again, for the second time in two days, this conversation is over.

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