Old school lesbian says she is sorry she ever fought for gays rights.

I am not jealous

Homos are disgusting
Anyone who has such strong feelings about gays? Are closet gays. Same advice to you as to the other retard.

Come out of the closet, already. You are not fooling anyone.
Anyone who has such strong feelings about gays?
Dont be shy

Simulating gay sex (or straight sex) in public is designed to confuse children and shock their parents

So your modesty is out of place
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Dont be shy

Simulating gay sex in public is designed to confuse children and shock their parents

So your modesty is out of place
LOL You think I need your permission to "gay" it up if I was truly gay? You must be a bigger retard than I give you credit for.

Nope, I am secure in my sexuality. So, secure that I don't feel the need to castigate gays or trans to make myself feel better.

It is insecure people like you and the other retards like the OP that need to post tirades against gays so that you can stifle those pesky gay thoughts that keep intruding.

Thoughts & prayers.
An interesting, and very honest take from an old school lesbian.

She said she is sorry she ever fought for gays rights because they took things too far. And she is right, fags are out of control now. How can any of them ever claim to be want to be equal when they constantly demand special treatment and attention, and when they are constantly trying to make society conform to them and meet their demands and change everything to suit them?

Jesus gets one day a year, veterans get one day a year, founding fathers get one day a year, our countries independence gets one day a year, mothers and fathers get one day a year but gays get a whole month purely based on their sexual activity?

Then you have stuff like this

And this

Or even gays getting no u turn signs and no cruising signs removed from city streets because they somehow negatively impact gays.

Of course you have all the well known issues gays are causing on a daily basis that are too numerous to even begin to list as I'd have to quit my job to have time to do it.

But she is absolutely correct. Fighting for gay rights was a huge mistake. They should have stuck to just "what consenting adults do behind closed doors is their own business". Gays were much better off then when they just lived their lives and blended in with society. Now they suffer push back not because they are gay, but because they are pushing their gay lifestyle right into the face of the whole country and by really taking things to extreme measures.

I don't agree with gays and I want no exposure to their lifestyle, but from that little clip I think I could be friends with her because despite being gay she is just a normal and average American that doesn't like to see what is happening to America. You can be gay and be my friend, but you can't be a smug, arrogant, entitled, demanding, cartoonish and screeching over exaggerated caricature of a gay person getting in everyone's face and forcing your lifestyle on america and expect me to even be civil towards you.

And I blame all the "normal" gays that don't speak out like she did. When you're in a group and you see others in your group doing things they shouldn't that harm your group and others around that group then your responsible because you're letting your group do it. From the outside everyone sees you as part of the problem if you don't distance yourself from them.

This is horse manure.

My sister is an "old school lesbian" (whatever that is) and she says that most gays don't like Gay Activists. She was a bio-chemist living in San Francisco, and helped create AIDs test kits they used in the 90s.
She says Gay Activists are just communists and degenerates bent on causing trouble. Most gays just want to left alone to live their lives. They don't like rubbing their lifestyles in other people's faces.
Anyone with a soul should stay far away from that evil.
An interesting, and very honest take from an old school lesbian.

She said she is sorry she ever fought for gays rights because they took things too far. And she is right, fags are out of control now. How can any of them ever claim to be want to be equal when they constantly demand special treatment and attention, and when they are constantly trying to make society conform to them and meet their demands and change everything to suit them?

Jesus gets one day a year, veterans get one day a year, founding fathers get one day a year, our countries independence gets one day a year, mothers and fathers get one day a year but gays get a whole month purely based on their sexual activity?

Then you have stuff like this

And this

Or even gays getting no u turn signs and no cruising signs removed from city streets because they somehow negatively impact gays.

Of course you have all the well known issues gays are causing on a daily basis that are too numerous to even begin to list as I'd have to quit my job to have time to do it.

But she is absolutely correct. Fighting for gay rights was a huge mistake. They should have stuck to just "what consenting adults do behind closed doors is their own business". Gays were much better off then when they just lived their lives and blended in with society. Now they suffer push back not because they are gay, but because they are pushing their gay lifestyle right into the face of the whole country and by really taking things to extreme measures.

I don't agree with gays and I want no exposure to their lifestyle, but from that little clip I think I could be friends with her because despite being gay she is just a normal and average American that doesn't like to see what is happening to America. You can be gay and be my friend, but you can't be a smug, arrogant, entitled, demanding, cartoonish and screeching over exaggerated caricature of a gay person getting in everyone's face and forcing your lifestyle on america and expect me to even be civil towards you.

And I blame all the "normal" gays that don't speak out like she did. When you're in a group and you see others in your group doing things they shouldn't that harm your group and others around that group then your responsible because you're letting your group do it. From the outside everyone sees you as part of the problem if you don't distance yourself from them.

I have no issues with this woman, but lets be clear when she was fighting for gay rights they were just as in your face and hateful towards other views as they are now. As a lesbian she's just mad because the hate is now directed at her. The trans have taken over are forcing their agenda on the G&L's. Just like 20 years ago the gays were saying straight people were haters for not being open to a relationship with a gay person, now the trans are saying the same towards the gays.
An interesting, and very honest take from an old school lesbian.

She said she is sorry she ever fought for gays rights because they took things too far. And she is right, fags are out of control now. How can any of them ever claim to be want to be equal when they constantly demand special treatment and attention, and when they are constantly trying to make society conform to them and meet their demands and change everything to suit them?

Jesus gets one day a year, veterans get one day a year, founding fathers get one day a year, our countries independence gets one day a year, mothers and fathers get one day a year but gays get a whole month purely based on their sexual activity?

Then you have stuff like this

And this

Or even gays getting no u turn signs and no cruising signs removed from city streets because they somehow negatively impact gays.

Of course you have all the well known issues gays are causing on a daily basis that are too numerous to even begin to list as I'd have to quit my job to have time to do it.

But she is absolutely correct. Fighting for gay rights was a huge mistake. They should have stuck to just "what consenting adults do behind closed doors is their own business". Gays were much better off then when they just lived their lives and blended in with society. Now they suffer push back not because they are gay, but because they are pushing their gay lifestyle right into the face of the whole country and by really taking things to extreme measures.

I don't agree with gays and I want no exposure to their lifestyle, but from that little clip I think I could be friends with her because despite being gay she is just a normal and average American that doesn't like to see what is happening to America. You can be gay and be my friend, but you can't be a smug, arrogant, entitled, demanding, cartoonish and screeching over exaggerated caricature of a gay person getting in everyone's face and forcing your lifestyle on america and expect me to even be civil towards you.

And I blame all the "normal" gays that don't speak out like she did. When you're in a group and you see others in your group doing things they shouldn't that harm your group and others around that group then your responsible because you're letting your group do it. From the outside everyone sees you as part of the problem if you don't distance yourself from them.

On our left are two male gay guys who are intelligent, bright, caring, great neighbors. You would never know they were gay or 'married' if you didn't know them well enough to ask any more than you know whether anybody is straight or gay unless you ask. They are mainstream, unobtrusive, and people anybody would be proud to call friend which they are. When I ran a large social agency in Kansas, my second in command was a lesbian woman who was brilliant in her job, a huge help to me, and a true friend to all who would accept her. Nobody would ever know whether she was gay or straight unless you knew her well enough to ask. Somebody I still call friend.

In my last working for somebody else job, the company secretary was a lesbian ex-Marine who was openly gay but never in anybody's face about it or hyper sensitive or demanding any special consideration. She was not only an exceedingly competent secretary but funny as hell. Kept us entertained all the time. Hombre and I and our boss attended her 'wedding' to another woman. One of our colleagues in that firm was a lesbian woman that we had no clue was lesbian until an occasion in which it was logical for her to matter of factly mention it. Lovely person, extremely competent, and entirely mainstream just living her life as an ordinary American as all mainstream Americans do. She remains a friend to this day.

Very few Americans are meanspirited or critical of gays who just go about their daily business and be good friends, neighbors, citizens without broadcasting their sexual orientation as if that was more important about them than anybody else. Normal heterosexuals go about their daily business, are good friends, neighbors, citizens without broadcasting their sexual orientation as that was more important about them than anything else. Normal gay and straight people don't find it necessary or important to insist that people know about their sexual orientation.

The woman in that video seems to have figured that out. If people want to be accepted as mainstream and normal, they are wise to understand that dressing, behaving, speaking, doing what is mainstream and normal and fitting in with the existing culture, values, mores, traditions is how to make that happen.
You think I need your permission to "gay" it up if I was truly gay? You must be a bigger retard than I give you credit for.
I think permission is the last thing you want

Permission translates to acceptance

And that does not generate the attention you need in order to validate your existence

If two adult men having sex in public is no longer shocking then you’ll need something stronger

Maybe that is adult on child sex, or intercourse with a barnyard animal

But I’m sure you will think of something
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And yet you seem to know what exactly happens at pride events! ;)

Word of advice...you should come out of the closet, already. Have a feeling everyone around you already knows. Thoughts & prayers on your journey.
at tactic from leftwing homosexuals like yourself is claiming people that disparage the homo agenda are in the closet homos themselves .. bull ! if that were true then you would be what you disparage .. a normal human being and a republican .
An interesting, and very honest take from an old school lesbian.

She said she is sorry she ever fought for gays rights because they took things too far. And she is right, fags are out of control now. How can any of them ever claim to be want to be equal when they constantly demand special treatment and attention, and when they are constantly trying to make society conform to them and meet their demands and change everything to suit them?

Jesus gets one day a year, veterans get one day a year, founding fathers get one day a year, our countries independence gets one day a year, mothers and fathers get one day a year but gays get a whole month purely based on their sexual activity?

Then you have stuff like this

And this

Or even gays getting no u turn signs and no cruising signs removed from city streets because they somehow negatively impact gays.

Of course you have all the well known issues gays are causing on a daily basis that are too numerous to even begin to list as I'd have to quit my job to have time to do it.

But she is absolutely correct. Fighting for gay rights was a huge mistake. They should have stuck to just "what consenting adults do behind closed doors is their own business". Gays were much better off then when they just lived their lives and blended in with society. Now they suffer push back not because they are gay, but because they are pushing their gay lifestyle right into the face of the whole country and by really taking things to extreme measures.

I don't agree with gays and I want no exposure to their lifestyle, but from that little clip I think I could be friends with her because despite being gay she is just a normal and average American that doesn't like to see what is happening to America. You can be gay and be my friend, but you can't be a smug, arrogant, entitled, demanding, cartoonish and screeching over exaggerated caricature of a gay person getting in everyone's face and forcing your lifestyle on america and expect me to even be civil towards you.

And I blame all the "normal" gays that don't speak out like she did. When you're in a group and you see others in your group doing things they shouldn't that harm your group and others around that group then your responsible because you're letting your group do it. From the outside everyone sees you as part of the problem if you don't distance yourself from them.

The 90s were really such a great decade. When I started teaching in the early/mid 90s, we had some elementary students you could tell were almost certainly going to be gay. But we just LEFT THEM ALONE to be themselves. We did a pretty good job making sure they weren't bullied, had friends, etc. And we just let them grow up. Breaks my heart that now, if you're the girl who likes to hang out with the boys all the time, you're pressed into "being in the wrong body" and all the pronoun stuff. It's awful.
I think permission is the last thing you want

Permission translates to acceptance

And that does not generate the attention you need in order to validate your existence

If two adult men having sex in public is no longer shocking then you’ll need something stronger

Maybe that is adult on child sex, or intercourse with a barnyard animal

But I’m sure you will think of something
LOL I have never seen gay men have sex on the streets. Do you know why? Because I don't visit gay parades or wherever they are doing this stuff.

You, I guess, actively seek out those places. Like I said before, come out of the closet already. You are not fooling anyone.

Good luck on your journey. :itsok:
at tactic from leftwing homosexuals like yourself is claiming people that disparage the homo agenda are in the closet homos themselves .. bull ! if that were true then you would be what you disparage .. a normal human being and a republican .
Sure, I actively write about politics and the crimes of your orange douchebag because those are important and would affect me and my family and so I do actively think about it.

So, I guess, by that token, your posting on gays means you are actively thinking about them? You know that you are not helping your cause, right? Thoughts & prayers.
LOL I have never seen gay men have sex on the streets. Do you know why? Because I don't visit gay parades or wherever they are doing this stuff.

You, I guess, actively seek out those places. Like I said before, come out of the closet already. You are not fooling anyone.

Good luck on your journey. :itsok:
It was simulated sex and we didnt need to be there

There was video posted online here

If you werent there in person you were there in spirit
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It was simulated sex and we didnt need to be there

There was video and posted online here

If you werent there in person you were there in spirit
Yeah, and I can look up videos of stuff that happens between hetros on any given New Orleans parade.

So, what? I couldn't care less. You, on the other hand, seem to be obsessed with the gay stuff.

Same advice, chump. Come out of the closet, already. You are not fooling anyone, you know.

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