Old school lesbian says she is sorry she ever fought for gays rights.

An interesting, and very honest take from an old school lesbian.

She said she is sorry she ever fought for gays rights because they took things too far. And she is right, fags are out of control now. How can any of them ever claim to be want to be equal when they constantly demand special treatment and attention, and when they are constantly trying to make society conform to them and meet their demands and change everything to suit them?

Jesus gets one day a year, veterans get one day a year, founding fathers get one day a year, our countries independence gets one day a year, mothers and fathers get one day a year but gays get a whole month purely based on their sexual activity?

Then you have stuff like this

And this

Or even gays getting no u turn signs and no cruising signs removed from city streets because they somehow negatively impact gays.

Of course you have all the well known issues gays are causing on a daily basis that are too numerous to even begin to list as I'd have to quit my job to have time to do it.

But she is absolutely correct. Fighting for gay rights was a huge mistake. They should have stuck to just "what consenting adults do behind closed doors is their own business". Gays were much better off then when they just lived their lives and blended in with society. Now they suffer push back not because they are gay, but because they are pushing their gay lifestyle right into the face of the whole country and by really taking things to extreme measures.

I don't agree with gays and I want no exposure to their lifestyle, but from that little clip I think I could be friends with her because despite being gay she is just a normal and average American that doesn't like to see what is happening to America. You can be gay and be my friend, but you can't be a smug, arrogant, entitled, demanding, cartoonish and screeching over exaggerated caricature of a gay person getting in everyone's face and forcing your lifestyle on america and expect me to even be civil towards you.

And I blame all the "normal" gays that don't speak out like she did. When you're in a group and you see others in your group doing things they shouldn't that harm your group and others around that group then your responsible because you're letting your group do it. From the outside everyone sees you as part of the problem if you don't distance yourself from them.

You people are such thirsty Simps. :lmao: These threads that are basically Hey everyone, this gay, black, immigrant, person said something that I think validates my bigotry, are so hilariously sad. Another person saying the same stupid shit you're saying doesn't make it any less stupid, even if they're from the same community that you've formed these stupid beliefs about. This is what actual identity politics is. :laugh:
Dumb asses that fell for one of the globalists social fracturing tricks of homosexuality, racism, sexism and every other "ism" designed to FRACTURE SOCIETY.

These "Issues" are not about the issue, rather, they are about dividing people up. David Horowitz
Sure, I actively write about politics and the crimes of your orange douchebag because those are important and would affect me and my family and so I do actively think about it.

So, I guess, by that token, your posting on gays means you are actively thinking about them? You know that you are not helping your cause, right? Thoughts & prayers.
Trump was a much better leader than Biden .. and the only crime is the lawfare being waged by the left and their tyrannical, Marxist, insane, gender confused, base .
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Nope. The gay community uses the word fag regularly.
I was raised in a town with a large percentage of immigrants from Poland and Czechoslovakia and kids often called each other dumb hunkys. Coming from one of your own, it isn`t considered an insult. Get it? Probably not.
I was raised in a town with a large percentage of immigrants from Poland and Czechoslovakia and kids often called each other dumb hunkys. Coming from one of your own, it isn`t considered an insult. Get it? Probably not.
If someone’s family came from Poland that qualifies as immutable

But “faggery” is a choice
I was raised in a town with a large percentage of immigrants from Poland and Czechoslovakia and kids often called each other dumb hunkys. Coming from one of your own, it isn`t considered an insult. Get it? Probably not.
What on Earth are you babbling about?
LBGTQs do have rights….. but that’s not good enough for the sexual deviants among them who think those “rights” include pushing their lifestyle on everyone else; in particular, children. Heterosexual Sexual deviancy towards children is not tolerated so what makes some LBGTQ activists believe they have that “right” ?
An interesting, and very honest take from an old school lesbian.

She said she is sorry she ever fought for gays rights because they took things too far. And she is right, fags are out of control now. How can any of them ever claim to be want to be equal when they constantly demand special treatment and attention, and when they are constantly trying to make society conform to them and meet their demands and change everything to suit them?

Jesus gets one day a year, veterans get one day a year, founding fathers get one day a year, our countries independence gets one day a year, mothers and fathers get one day a year but gays get a whole month purely based on their sexual activity?

Then you have stuff like this

And this

Or even gays getting no u turn signs and no cruising signs removed from city streets because they somehow negatively impact gays.

Of course you have all the well known issues gays are causing on a daily basis that are too numerous to even begin to list as I'd have to quit my job to have time to do it.

But she is absolutely correct. Fighting for gay rights was a huge mistake. They should have stuck to just "what consenting adults do behind closed doors is their own business". Gays were much better off then when they just lived their lives and blended in with society. Now they suffer push back not because they are gay, but because they are pushing their gay lifestyle right into the face of the whole country and by really taking things to extreme measures.

I don't agree with gays and I want no exposure to their lifestyle, but from that little clip I think I could be friends with her because despite being gay she is just a normal and average American that doesn't like to see what is happening to America. You can be gay and be my friend, but you can't be a smug, arrogant, entitled, demanding, cartoonish and screeching over exaggerated caricature of a gay person getting in everyone's face and forcing your lifestyle on america and expect me to even be civil towards you.

And I blame all the "normal" gays that don't speak out like she did. When you're in a group and you see others in your group doing things they shouldn't that harm your group and others around that group then your responsible because you're letting your group do it. From the outside everyone sees you as part of the problem if you don't distance yourself from them.

Every group will take things too far. That's what people do.

That doesn't mean gay people should have civil rights just like everyone else should have.

Then again if it were up to Republicans it'd be white men with all the "rights" and everyone else told what to do.

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