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Bombing Iran?

While Obama is in office:

-Iran will develop and build nuclear weapons.
-Iran will use one of those nuclear wepons in Israel; Israel will retalliatein like and kind.
-Economies will collapse, world-wide chaos and tumult will ensue.

Obama will blame Bush; His useful idiots will agree.

So we should attack Iran so they don't nuke Israel? So more Americans should die protecting Israel? Would attacking Iran even work? Or will we just get dragged into the mess for no real reason to the US? Like seriously, who really cares if Iran and Israel nuke each other? I know I don't.
Clearly, you don't understand the global effect of a Iran/Isreal nuclear exchange.

Clearly, the US should mind its own business. Let Israel alone deal with what they did. We once had slaves, and it took a civil war to eradicate it, but we did it, at great cost to human life. Now Israel needs to step up to the plate and take care of its own shit for a change and do the right thing.
Nobody around the world except SOME Americans, will care if Israel gets nuked. Everyone will think to themselves: they had it coming. Only the Axis of Zionism will care (that's the US and the 8 dwarves who voted at the UN recently to support Israel).
I really don't think there should be much concern about removing one of the two carriers battle groups. There are enough US airbases scattered around the region anyway. Bombing Iran is a bad idea - the US can't afford another protracted war. If you're going to bomb Iran for its nuclear intent, then why not bomb North Korea too? All of this fuss about Iran and North Korea has tested its third nuclear device and seems more likely to use its weapons of mass destruction than the Iranians.
While Obama is in office:

-Iran will develop and build nuclear weapons.
-Iran will use one of those nuclear wepons in Israel; Israel will retalliatein like and kind.
-Economies will collapse, world-wide chaos and tumult will ensue.

Obama will blame Bush; His useful idiots will agree.

So we should attack Iran so they don't nuke Israel? So more Americans should die protecting Israel? Would attacking Iran even work? Or will we just get dragged into the mess for no real reason to the US? Like seriously, who really cares if Iran and Israel nuke each other? I know I don't.
Clearly, you don't understand the global effect of a Iran/Isreal nuclear exchange.

Iran has no intention of bombing anyone.
Iran has no intention of bombing anyone.

You can't know that.

They constantly SAY they mean to eradicate Israel.

Also us.

In general, I think it's best to assume people mean what they say! Why not? Bin Laden meant it.

How can you know "Iran" has no intention of bombing the countries the leaders of Iran say over and over that they do intend to bomb as soon as possible? And how can a country have an intention?
Letting Iran bomb us is a much better idea. A quick surrender would mean immediate peace. Iran doesn't actually have to come here, although some small nuclear devices could easily be smuggled in. There are plenty of American interests around the world to bomb. And, as an added benefit, bombing American interests would hurt, if not destroy, all those enterprises the interests represent.

There is no downside to democrats to stop Iran.

this isn't necessarily about iran. this is about an american business man going to a foreign country and criticising our military decisions to them and in front of the world, essentially putting the whole issue in play for foreign powers.

nor is it about republicans or democrats. obama is the commander in chief first and a democrat second, and this isn't being done without the knowledge and approval of the oint chiefs of staff.

i tell ya what. i am a vet and i sure didn't appreciate what jane fonda did what she did and while this isn't exactly the same, it is close enough.

it also sends ripples and rumours through our military from the lower command on down.

What nerve you have, Seal! My husband is a disabled veteran who survived vietnam war and what Jane Fonda did led directly to the torture of POW's! She is a traitor of the highest degree! This mans comment can in no wise be compared to the communist traitors actions during Vietnam war. You must be kidding. You need to retract that statement as it is false and you know it.
the thing i obect to though is here we have this very prominant american businessman whose organisation contributes very heavily to political causes i am sure, having a very public meeting with a foreign head of state and publically criticises our president for an action by our military.

first of all, i am pretty sure obama had very little to do with that decision...but for someone to criticise our government and military that way to the head of a foreign nation on a public stage is just wrong, no matter who is in office.

Remember, he probably does not consider himself an American, exactly. Many Jews DO have dual citizenship....if he does, I am not so sure his behavior was inappropriate, though I do disapprove of dual citizenship in general. Let people be either fish or fowl, friend or foe, you know?

What *I* didn't like was Romney going to that Jerusalem hotel and making a lot of promises about supporting Israel if he became president!!!!!!! I thought that was truly seditious. What is an American presidential candidate doing going to a foreign country and soliciting money from foreign rich people???? His campaign SAID they were all "Americans," but you know ---- they weren't, they were dual citizenship Israelis living in Israel at the time. It's just wrong: it's illegal.

I always used to support Israel, but this sort of thing, suborning our political candidates to pledge to do whatever Israel wants and trying to get us to fight their wars for them, I don't like any of that.
I'm sure that all those people now carping about Jews having dual citizenship fully support mexican dual citizenship. They don't mind at all the Bill Richardson is a dual citizen who actively campaigns for mexican interests, nor Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor of Los Angeles being a dual citizen, nor any of the other dual citizens who campaign for the interests of their home country.

All those liberals who complain that no one should criticize the president had no problem at all complimenting all those who went around the world criticizing Bush. obama included on his great American apology tour.


Israel is our only ally in the middle east. They are our source of information and the bell weather of muslim sentiment. They are fighting our war for us. They are absorbing attack after attack because the American government told them to. Even if muslims achieved their fondest dream of killing all the Jews, in the world, take out Israel and then on to communities elsewhere, it would not be enough. Infidels are just as bad and unless you plan on converting in the near future and living under shariah, you are on the list.
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I'm sure that all those people now carping about Jews having dual citizenship fully support mexican dual citizenship. They don't mind at all the Bill Richardson is a dual citizen who actively campaigns for mexican interests, nor Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor of Los Angeles being a dual citizen, nor any of the other dual citizens who campaign for the interests of their home country.

I suppose all this is to my address, so I'll just say not so, but far otherwise. I didn't know Mexicans do it too, but I think this whole dual-citizenship thing is a blight. It should be stopped entirely: if someone wants an American passport, they have to give up other passports. If the mayor of LA wants to be Mexican, let him go to Mexico to do that.

I think it's AWFUL that a US presidential candidate would go to Israel and ask for money from Israelis ---- how can that POSSIBLY be legal???? I am perfectly sure our political candidates are not supposed to get foreign money!
I'm sure that all those people now carping about Jews having dual citizenship fully support mexican dual citizenship. They don't mind at all the Bill Richardson is a dual citizen who actively campaigns for mexican interests, nor Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor of Los Angeles being a dual citizen, nor any of the other dual citizens who campaign for the interests of their home country.

I suppose all this is to my address, so I'll just say not so, but far otherwise. I didn't know Mexicans do it too, but I think this whole dual-citizenship thing is a blight. It should be stopped entirely: if someone wants an American passport, they have to give up other passports. If the mayor of LA wants to be Mexican, let him go to Mexico to do that.

I think it's AWFUL that a US presidential candidate would go to Israel and ask for money from Israelis ---- how can that POSSIBLY be legal???? I am perfectly sure our political candidates are not supposed to get foreign money!

There are a LOT of Americans living in Israel. There are a LOT of Americans living all over the world.
There are a LOT of Americans living in Israel. There are a LOT of Americans living all over the world.

The so-called "Americans" living in Israel are Israelis, actually, and everyone knows it.

I recognize that Israel has functioned as an ally in the Mideast, but what do we get out of this relationship except a lot of grief, expense, and now constant pressure to fight Israel's wars for it?

Israel should fight its own wars. There is no reason for the US to fight Iran for the sake of Israel. I mean, really --- why? It just isn't in our national interest.

To be perfectly candid, Israel is NOT THAT VALUABLE. As far as I can tell, Isreal is not in the least valuable to our national interests: it's a dead loss, constantly the focus of unrest and militarism in the area. I don't blame Israel for that, it's these awful Muslims, but still --- where's the advantage to us, you know? And then they want to micromanage our Mediterranean Fleet movements and get us to go to war for them?

Which they certainly do: I subscribe to the Weekly Standard, at this point only for the book reviews, and that warmonger Bill Kristol, who never saw a war he didn't love with all his heart, has been beating the drum for a war on Iran for the sake of Israel for the past couple years, issue in, issue out. Darn. I think that' s pretty awful. We may have some reasons to make war on Iran eventually, but Israel cannot possibly be one of them: it's a different country from us!
So we should attack Iran so they don't nuke Israel? So more Americans should die protecting Israel? Would attacking Iran even work? Or will we just get dragged into the mess for no real reason to the US? Like seriously, who really cares if Iran and Israel nuke each other? I know I don't.
Clearly, you don't understand the global effect of a Iran/Isreal nuclear exchange.
Nobody around the world except SOME Americans, will care if Israel gets nuked.
Thank you for proving my point.
I'm sure that all those people now carping about Jews having dual citizenship fully support mexican dual citizenship. They don't mind at all the Bill Richardson is a dual citizen who actively campaigns for mexican interests, nor Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor of Los Angeles being a dual citizen, nor any of the other dual citizens who campaign for the interests of their home country.

All those liberals who complain that no one should criticize the president had no problem at all complimenting all those who went around the world criticizing Bush. obama included on his great American apology tour.


Israel is our only ally in the middle east. They are our source of information and the bell weather of muslim sentiment. They are fighting our war for us. They are absorbing attack after attack because the American government told them to. Even if muslims achieved their fondest dream of killing all the Jews, in the world, take out Israel and then on to communities elsewhere, it would not be enough. Infidels are just as bad and unless you plan on converting in the near future and living under shariah, you are on the list.


As to the OP, you prefer to use tax-payer money to prop up dictatorships? I thought the Republican voters were overwhelmingly for cutting "foreign aid"? Peace at any price is expensive not to mention oppressive. You want to pay for it? :doubt:
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As to the OP, you prefer to use tax-payer money to prop up dictatorships? I thought the Republican voters were overwhelmingly for cutting "foreign aid"? Peace at any price is expensive not to mention oppressive. You want to pay for it? :doubt:


I'm interested in your substantive point: that we are propping up a dictatorship in Iran by not going to war on Iran? I don't know if I'd go that far......not doing something (war) isn't the same as the opposite (propping up the dictatorship).

You say "peace at any price is expensive, not to mention oppressive," but it didn't work when we attacked both Iraq and then Afghanistan to get rid of bad dictators, or in Afghanistan's case, the Taliban. We lost both wars, took ten years doing each. This was terrible, and a WHOLE lot more expensive and oppressive for everyone than peace would have been.

Rumsfeld wanted to try a new way to get rid of bad dictators who were against us because sanctions had been a sort of Fountain of Youth for all of them --- Saddam, Chavez, Castro, Qaddafi, Kim Jong-Il, etc. Okay, he did the experiment, decapitation. It failed BIGTIME. Here's an idea: let's don't go through all that again with Iran!!! We KNOW this tactic doesn't work, and what's more, it leaves us with a huge, huge crippling financial deficit as we wage incredibly expensive foreign wars off the budget by borrowing money from China.
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Clearly, you don't understand the global effect of a Iran/Isreal nuclear exchange.
Nobody around the world except SOME Americans, will care if Israel gets nuked.
Thank you for proving my point.

What? That only the Axis of Zionism will care (that's the US and the 8 dwarves who voted at the UN recently to support Israel)? And even in the US, not many care. There's the christians who want armageddon in the ME so that Jesus can come back (is that you?) and the Jews and their lobby. So not many would actually care and the christians who would actually be happy.
Thank you for proving my point.
I'll explain:
That you belive nobody around the world, except SOME Americans, will care if Israel gets nuked clearly proves the point that you don't understand the global effect of a Iran/Isreal nuclear exchange.

So who's going to care? China? No. Russia? maybe, since Iran is an ally of theirs, but they'll never get involved, meaning they don't really care about iran all that much. Europe? They won't care. Africa? Too busy starving. South America? Don't think so. Australia? Might pretend to care, but don't really. Other arabs countries? Almost all hate both Iran and Israel. So you're left with the Axis of Zionism, which is tiny. Please try again.
I'll explain:
That you belive nobody around the world, except SOME Americans, will care if Israel gets nuked clearly proves the point that you don't understand the global effect of a Iran/Isreal nuclear exchange.
So who's going to care? China? No. Russia? maybe, since Iran is an ally of theirs, but they'll never get involved, meaning they don't really care about iran all that much. Europe? They won't care. Africa? Too busy starving. South America? Don't think so. Australia? Might pretend to care, but don't really. Other arabs countries? Almost all hate both Iran and Israel. So you're left with the Axis of Zionism, which is tiny. Please try again.
You continue to prove my point, that you don't understand the global effect of a Iran/Isreal nuclear exchange. Thank you.
Nobody around the world except SOME Americans, will care if Israel gets nuked.

What? That only the Axis of Zionism will care (that's the US and the 8 dwarves who voted at the UN recently to support Israel)? And even in the US, not many care. There's the christians who want armageddon in the ME so that Jesus can come back (is that you?) and the Jews and their lobby. So not many would actually care and the christians who would actually be happy.

This is harsh, and sad for Israel no doubt, but I'm coming to think it's true. Who will care? Israel does us no good: Israel is nothing but harmful to USA interests in the Mideast, and it takes up a lot of presidential time that the last two administrations have decided not to give up so much of, and who can blame them? It's just a constant frustration that leads nowhere, ever.

Israel is the best armed and best militarized power in, well, all of the Dark Continent! if they can't survive on their own, too bad. But it's S.E.P. ---- Somebody Else's Problem.

We don't own Israel. We don't have to defend them. The really important thing is that Israel recognize that they do not own us.
Nobody around the world except SOME Americans, will care if Israel gets nuked.

What? That only the Axis of Zionism will care (that's the US and the 8 dwarves who voted at the UN recently to support Israel)? And even in the US, not many care. There's the christians who want armageddon in the ME so that Jesus can come back (is that you?) and the Jews and their lobby. So not many would actually care and the christians who would actually be happy.

This is harsh, and sad for Israel no doubt, but I'm coming to think it's true. Who will care?[/U]

That reminds me of the statement of Martin Niemöller, ever heard of it?

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