Bombshell claims in Jack Smith's new filing

Seems Donny is a tad upset at the timing of this, but why? surely telling the truth is never wrong?

Of course the loyal MAGA cultists will see nothing wrong in any of this, that's because they can't tell right from wrong, dangerous people:

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Its a crime against humanity vermin like you even live, certainly at the very least we should lobotomize every fascist cretin like you, just for offending us by your very existence! :fu:
Its a crime against humanity vermin like you even live, certainly at the very least we should lobotomize every fascist cretin like you, just for offending us by your very existence!
I get it, you're a psycho hiding behind a keyboard, there's always a couple of those in every forum site.
The Capitol building was never “ransacked”.

Uniformed officers opened the doors and escorted people in and through the building.

Stop being such a drama queen.
Dingbat, its moronic beliefs like that that have put hundreds behind bars, tell it to the judge.

"If I leave my door open to my house, you can't bolt in, even though I left the door open," Shakhnevich said. "It's still trespassing ... and making the argument that I impliedly consented to access by leaving my door open is silly."
What’s the “bombshell”?

President Trump believed the election was stolen.

That is his “crime”.

Hate to break it to you, but he is entitled to that opinion, as are the rest of us.

Now fuck off.
Traitor Trump knew he lost. Read the filing.

You won't, of course. You are too chickenshit.

He treated our democracy like toilet paper.

He should be tried and hung.
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Why are the MAGA cowards so silent about this post I made above - cat got ya tongues? all out of ideas? any of you starting to see the light? see the error of your ways?
Really, is that the best ya got? LMAO

No, I have more, like this post that the MAGA pussies here are all running away from like whipped pups.

Let's try again

Why are the MAGA cowards so silent about this post I made above - cat got ya tongues? all out of ideas? any of you starting to see the light? see the error of your ways?
Hack Smith whining about Trump being on his phone.

What federal statute does that violate?

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