Bombshell: Main writer of New York Post's story on Hunter Biden refused to be named as an author due to doubts on article credibility

What do we expect?
We expect you and people like you to act like adults, think rationally, and see what has been laid out in front of your faces.
Apparently we expect to much.

When you're backing the Orange Buffoon and you use words like "act like adults" and "think rationally", you have a massive credibility issue.
Please elaborate what policies of trumps you disagree with

oh, please tell me (coherently) what his policies are...
There needs to be a corpse before there is veracity to an obituary. There is no meeting time, place or date in the original reporting: Of a meeting that Fox finally reduced to the possibility of a plan, if even that.

NY Post created that lack of authenticity all by itself. Credible media and credible social media all noticed.

Still no corpse.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Red States Jesus Message Persists: Matt 25: 14-30, the apparent promise of, "Oh, Christ!"
yes democrat created jim crow
Southern whites created Jim crow. Democrats used to be the party of southern whites who.were racists. Things are the opposite now. Look who wins the South all the time. republicans. Because they're racist.
Republicans win the South because they are NOT racist is what you meant to say. Democrats only survive in southern cities and only the large ones of those.
That made no sense at all. Southern whites created Jim Crow and now southern whites are all of a sudden the not racist ones?
DEMS made the JIM CROW laws didn't they? Many of them carpetbaggers to boot.

Conservatives made Jim Crow, black codes, and segregation; that racism, fear, and hate, was fundamental to the Republican Southern Strategy after Democrats championed the civil rights movement in the South.

Today Republicans and conservatives continue to exploit racism, fear, and hate.
There needs to be a corpse before there is veracity to an obituary. There is no meeting time, place or date in the original reporting: Of a meeting that Fox finally reduced to the possibility of a plan, if even that.

NY Post created that lack of authenticity all by itself. Credible media and credible social media all noticed.

Still no corpse.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Red States Jesus Message Persists: Matt 25: 14-30, the apparent promise of, "Oh, Christ!"
yes democrat created jim crow
Southern whites created Jim crow. Democrats used to be the party of southern whites who.were racists. Things are the opposite now. Look who wins the South all the time. republicans. Because they're racist.
Republicans win the South because they are NOT racist is what you meant to say. Democrats only survive in southern cities and only the large ones of those.
That made no sense at all. Southern whites created Jim Crow and now southern whites are all of a sudden the not racist ones?
DEMS made the JIM CROW laws didn't they? Many of them carpetbaggers to boot.

Conservatives made Jim Crow, black codes, and segregation; that racism, fear, and hate, was fundamental to the Republican Southern Strategy after Democrats championed the civil rights movement in the South.

Today Republicans and conservatives continue to exploit racism, fear, and hate.
Conservative DEMOcrats and liberal democrats equal Jim crow
Fake News
His name is Bruce Golding and the widely questioned story continues to fall apart.
the New York Post is becoming the story instead of their piece.
The New York Times has the bombshell:

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.
Seems like a lot of people owe the New York Post an apology.

You need to apologize and issue a retraction.

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said this week that the information contained on Hunter Biden's laptop, including potentially damning emails, “is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign.” The Justice Department and the FBI, which is in possession of the laptop, concur with Ratcliffe’s assessment.

How embarrassing for our benevolent tech overlords. They have been covering up a Bribery Conspiracy and Kiddie Porn.

Twitter locked the New York Post out of its account on Oct. 14 after it published email excerpts purporting to show that Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, “to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company.” Twitter also barred users from sharing the story. The New York Post is still unable to tweet from its account. Facebook similarly restricted its users' ability to share the potentially damaging report.

Time To Break Them Up!
There needs to be a corpse before there is veracity to an obituary. There is no meeting time, place or date in the original reporting: Of a meeting that Fox finally reduced to the possibility of a plan, if even that.

NY Post created that lack of authenticity all by itself. Credible media and credible social media all noticed.

Still no corpse.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Red States Jesus Message Persists: Matt 25: 14-30, the apparent promise of, "Oh, Christ!"
yes democrat created jim crow
Southern whites created Jim crow. Democrats used to be the party of southern whites who.were racists. Things are the opposite now. Look who wins the South all the time. republicans. Because they're racist.
Republicans win the South because they are NOT racist is what you meant to say. Democrats only survive in southern cities and only the large ones of those.
That made no sense at all. Southern whites created Jim Crow and now southern whites are all of a sudden the not racist ones?
DEMS made the JIM CROW laws didn't they? Many of them carpetbaggers to boot.

Conservatives made Jim Crow, black codes, and segregation; that racism, fear, and hate, was fundamental to the Republican Southern Strategy after Democrats championed the civil rights movement in the South.

Today Republicans and conservatives continue to exploit racism, fear, and hate.
Fake News. Democrats fought for slavery and Jim Crow. Democrats fought the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which passed on GOP votes. The GOP freed the slaves, passed the anti-Slavery amendments, started the NAACP and the Historical Black Colleges and Trump has made their funding secure. That is why Trump will likely enjoy the strongest black support for a GOP President, EVER!

Both social media groups offered a half-hearted explanation targeting the story’s alleged “lack of authoritative reporting on the origins of the materials,” which is a curious thing to assert considering not even Biden disputes the authenticity of the emails. It is even more curious in light of the intelligence community’s determination that the New York Post's reporting is not part of a Russian disinformation scheme.

And how embarrassing Ratcliffe’s assessment must be for our vaunted press, that bulwark of our democracy.

Democrats, the party that covers up Kiddie Porn and Bribery.

Time to Break Up These Big Tech Censorious Platforms that are trying affect the outcome of the election.
Right now, it's a live grenade with the pin pulled. And the people involved in this snipe hunt, including Guliani, are passing it back and forth. :)
No amount of backpedaling is going to save these people. Looks like a race to deny here. LOL.

Hunter is fucked.

Joe is fucked even more.
Who's fucking President Joe? Vice President Kamala?

His name is Bruce Golding and the widely questioned story continues to fall apart.
the New York Post is becoming the story instead of their piece.
The New York Times has the bombshell:

This thread didn’t age well for pyetro

But then, none of his do age well.
The cat is out of the bag. No amount of litter box cleaning is gonna work at this point. The stink is on him AND YOU if you defend this bullshit
Pretty much.

This is all old news.

The idea that it should suddenly resurface "now" (without an indictment attached to it) is telling.
Fake News. Democrats fought for slavery and Jim Crow. Democrats fought the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which passed on GOP votes. The GOP freed the slaves, passed the anti-Slavery amendments, started the NAACP and the Historical Black Colleges and Trump has made their funding secure. That is why Trump will likely enjoy the strongest black support for a GOP President, EVER!

Both social media groups offered a half-hearted explanation targeting the story’s alleged “lack of authoritative reporting on the origins of the materials,” which is a curious thing to assert considering not even Biden disputes the authenticity of the emails. It is even more curious in light of the intelligence community’s determination that the New York Post's reporting is not part of a Russian disinformation scheme.

And how embarrassing Ratcliffe’s assessment must be for our vaunted press, that bulwark of our democracy.

Democrats, the party that covers up Kiddie Porn and Bribery.

Time to Break Up These Big Tech Censorious Platforms that are trying affect the outcome of the election.
And after they lost their opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, they became Republicans of today....southern Democrats became the Republicans, and voila! Just like that, this silly assed argument is blown up...again. :)

The rest of your post belongs in Conspiracy Theories.
The laptop was REAL….just as you lying left wing assholes knew.

So you put a corrupt man on the take from China, Russia, and Ukraine in the WH…and we are on the brink of WWIII.


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