BOMBSHELL Video Exposes Kamala Harris/Democrats ActBlue 'Fraud Scheme', There Is No Real Grassroots Support (Watch)

Just a hunch.

"In a 2021 interview he let it slip that he thinks he was let in on purpose."

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In 5 short minutes the cold hard truth is entirely exposed.

There is no "grass roots" support for Kamala.

It's all a smokescreen of fraud.

And this guy's got the receipts.

The Dems are cheating again, the only way they know how to play the game.

Golly, what a surprise. Were in bad times, half because of tech. And global econ. And half the deep state, and their historically dirt Democrats, who work for quasi communists.

Were fuckedvif they succeed with kamala. It will be the first time we don't support some level of moderate, and a pitch to liberalize everything we know. Bet your ass those who really run shit will take note of the dumbing down,, and take full advantage. Covid is nothing compared what will come.
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Yeah, I'm quakin' in my boots.

Passed the "NEW ENGLAND FOR TRUMP!" store out here in deep blue Rhode Island today on my way to the beach.

Business was booming.

What you morons don't understand?

Biden was far more preferred by traditional New England Democrats than Kamala is.

I guess ye finds out the hard way ;)
tRump is done.
I found a picture of JD Vance's backer, Peter Thiel, with his dad. . . you don't suppose Alex has posed with him too?


Well. There's a reason that the mainstream narative has been made more about age rather than competency. The WEF's main focus has been on the ''Young Global Leadership'' program. Or something like that.

So Soros's boy, and historically his old man, too, is and has been a big player in all of that. A field organizer for th WEF platform of sorts.

And they basically just got away with installing their choice for America's ''young global leader'' without so much as a vote, completely bypassing the US electoral system in the form of Harris.

Anyway. I rarely respond to posts like this one much any more. But I made an exception this time.
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