Bonnie & Clyde Toothpick


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The fabled American bank robbers Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were immortalized in the media and their whirlwind love affair was romanticized by legions of laymen hypnotized by their Robin Hood like feats of daring in a time when society was economically, politically, socially, and emotionally frustrated by the Depression.

Bonnie and Clyde have been portrayed in movies too, so their thrilling robberies create an aura of conspiracy theory romance-adventure for many aspiring American writers and cartoonists.

If treated wisely, this American folk story can serve as a relatively balanced pedestal for celebrating the daredevil aspects of the eschewed American Dream.

You might just notice a colorful Bonnie and Clyde bistro opening up in your moody town.

Under the Red Hood

"I went to an American bank (one of those that federally insure all customer accounts) in southern California and walked up to the teller and said, 'If you give me all the cash in your register, I'll walk out of here peacefully and even give you $200 to keep, but if you ring the alarm or do anything funny, I'll set off a bomb in this bank in two weeks.' So, the teller quietly gave me all the cash in the register (about $3000) without setting the alarm off, and I walked out of the bank and onto a bus headed for Tijuana, Mexico."

This sort of story is very symbolic in our age of consumerism culture (i.e., eBay, eTrade, etc.). It's no surprise that the iconic Red Hood Gang (a bank robbing daredevil band of sinister bandits) is a popular fictional comic book villain troop in the vigilantism-fantasy world of Batman (DC Comics).

How much more was Bonnie and Clyde timely placed in the federal-fund angst era of the Great Depression?

If you rent "Bonnie and Clyde" (1967) on Netflix and feel antsy about your inability to feel rebellious in our modern network-obsessed society (i.e., Facebook), you might think to yourself, "Since I'm not clever or daring enough to rob a bank, maybe I can just read Batman comic books or make tiny pancakes for a brunch party as a harmless and entertaining joke."

Maybe the media does help, after all...


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