Boob Bombs - TSA Grobing for ways to detect them


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
Breast implants suicide bomb threat: Heathrow on high alert over ?credible? intelligence - Mirror Online

Heathrow Airport is on high terror alert amid fears women suicide bombers are ready to strike with *explosives concealed in breast implants.

Security checks have been beefed up after “credible” intelligence that al-Qaeda is plotting attacks on airlines flying out of London.

One staff member said: “There are genuine fears over this.

"We have been told to pay particular attention to females who may have concealed hidden explosives in their breasts.

“This is particularly difficult for us to pick up but we are on a very high state of alert.

“It’s led to long queues here at Heathrow – much longer than usual at this time of the year.

“But because it’s the summer holiday season, no one has complained.”

Al-Qaeda’s chief bomb-maker Ibrahim al-Asiri is understood to have developed the method of foiling airport scanners by concealing *explosives in an implant or bodily cavity.

It is also feared there is no shortage of *volunteers willing to take part in an atrocity after hundreds of extremists recently escaped from prison in Pakistan.

Explosives expert Andy Oppenheimer said: “There is a great fear that al-Qaeda are planning on using internal devices to try and get through airport scanners.

"These explosives could be in breast implants.”

Another specialist, who asked not to be named, said breast implant bombs could be set off by injecting another liquid.

The expert added: “Both are very difficult to pick up with current technology and they are petrified al-Qaeda are a step ahead here.

“It’s pretty top secret and potentially very grisly and ghastly.”

Independent security analyst Paul Beaver said: “There are currently deeply serious concerns over body cavities and implants of all kinds – including breast implants – being used to hide explosives.

"It is taking longer to get through Heathrow and other airports in Europe and North America because of these fears.

Dang it.. That's supposed to be "Groping" in the title.
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The country formerly known as England bends over backwards to accommodate jihad extremists to the point that Sharia law is respected and the #1 name for a male newborn in London is Mohammed. Yet they are concerned about terrorist attack. What does that tell you about the jihad agenda? It respects no other society and giving in to their demands is seen as a sign of weakness.
TSA cant catch a shoe bomber or an underwear bomber...alert passengers did that even though he FBI was aware of them already...thee are no boob bombs this the whole things a scam to take your liberty and make you submit to the point of allowing the Gestapo to violate your woman and children
Couldn't they just look at the breast and determine if they are loaded or not?
I read something a while back and don't know if it's true or not, but it's a great idea. Have passengers step into a chamber that will detonate any kind of bomb. If they are trying to sneak on the place with a bomb, they will explode and no one else gets hurt..

Wouldn't that be great if there were such a thing?

I hate flying anymore. I would rather drive clear across the country than to deal with asshole TSA people. I notice that staff at the airport aren't as friendly as they used to be. And the airlines charge $3 for a little snack. No more complimentary snacks or meals. Luggage and other fees add up so quick that you overpay.

We aren't flying the friendly skies anymore. Now we all get treated like potential terrorists.
This sounds like something Bill Clinton came up with. I don't think Obama is interested in breasts.
Think I need a career change. Where do I apply to be a 'screener'. lol

Does a female Street-Muslim also get 72 virgins in Paradise when she blows herself up?
First butt bombers, now boobie bombers, What is next C4 fake dentures? or a fake C4 fake peninis bomber? Dont they have shrinks in the middle east?

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