BOOM: UPS Fires 250 Union Workers for Refusing to Work

Well no shit I'm a disgruntled customer. The USPS screwed me out of a couple hundred bucks worth of fruit. I would call them and they never called back. They've lost my packages twice. I've never had that problem with UPS.
USPS sucks plain and simple.

hey i have heard that before no biggie.....and you wont believe this because you are "disgruntled".....but UPS and Fed-X fuck up with mis-deliveries and lost packages just as much...and if the PO sucks so bad....why are they delivering a whole bunch of the other guys parcels?.....

Hold on a second. I've never personally had a package lost by UPS or FedEx but have had a few lost by the USPS. But this isn't really the point is it? Even if the service remains the same in lost packages or late deliveries or trashed product being delivered the primary concern should be that it costs the US taxpayer is on the hook for 16 billion dollars just to keep the USPS afloat with their bloated operating cost and retirement packages. When it actually costs us nothing for UPS or FedEx to deliver, or not deliver those packages as may occur whichever may be the case.

UPS and FedEx may very well fuck up some deliveries much like the USPS does. Only difference is that UPS and FedEx fuck up on their own dime. USPS fucks up and goes to congress for more bailout money.

Here is the article I used to come up with 16 billion being what's needed to keep the government version of mail delivery afloat. US Postal Service faces ruin without rescue from Congress, watchdog warns | Business |

they are trying to get them to drop that 5 billion dollar fee they have to pay every year and let them run the place without Congress micromanaging them....and the money they theirs.....and think of this.....Obama and Co. bail out private companies but the one they actually own and can turn a profit for them they least they own the PO, GM and all the others someone else owns.....if you owned a Co. and it was having problems and the Co. down the Street was having problems.....which one would you help first?....yours or the one down the street?...
Pablum. The USPS tracking system SUCKS. It's not the's the fact that half the stuff DOESN'T GET SCANNED PROPERLY! I just ordered some books from Amazon...several had NO tracking info between the shipper sending them & them getting delivered to me!

do you guys even understand what goes on....or do you just talk?....
The USPS tracking system SUCKS.

i said its just about the same fucking system....they now are delivering a lot of their parcels.....i get books from Amazon once a month...its tracked between the shipper and the PO.....i had a package i bought off of Amazon delivered by UPS....when i got it it had a scan bar code on it....i never got to track it..... why was that?....

it's the fact that half the stuff DOESN'T GET SCANNED PROPERLY!

its a fact huh? long did you work there to know it wasnt scanned properly?.....Amazon just awarded the PO a Billion dollar contract to deliver their shit over the other 2.....there was a reason for that.....

If the tracking system is the same,why is it I can follow my package through each destination damn near in real time with UPS,yet USPS tracking is usually a day behind if it's progress gets updated at all?
I have a holster from Detroit Holsters in transit. The last update was on the sixth.
So as far as I know it's still sitting at the Detroit sorting facility on the eighth.
Thats bullshit.

right now the PO is using real time tracking just like the other guys.....BECAUSE....they are delivering many of their packages .....IF they are so bad WHY is UPS and Fed-X using the PO to deliver a hell of a lot of their parcels to the houses?...its called "the last mile delivery"...if they are as bad as you say they are WHY would these two companies do this with their parcels?.........WHY did Amazon give the PO this Billion Dollar Contract and not the other guys?.....
Pablum. The USPS tracking system SUCKS. It's not the's the fact that half the stuff DOESN'T GET SCANNED PROPERLY! I just ordered some books from Amazon...several had NO tracking info between the shipper sending them & them getting delivered to me!

do you guys even understand what goes on....or do you just talk?....
The USPS tracking system SUCKS.

i said its just about the same fucking system....they now are delivering a lot of their parcels.....i get books from Amazon once a month...its tracked between the shipper and the PO.....i had a package i bought off of Amazon delivered by UPS....when i got it it had a scan bar code on it....i never got to track it..... why was that?....

it's the fact that half the stuff DOESN'T GET SCANNED PROPERLY!

its a fact huh? long did you work there to know it wasnt scanned properly?.....Amazon just awarded the PO a Billion dollar contract to deliver their shit over the other 2.....there was a reason for that.....

Once more for the slow kid: tracking the things I ordered is impossible, because they are not being scanned when they should be! Unless you are now claiming that a package should go from Seattle to the Boston area without ONE SINGLE STOP or ONE SINGLE SCAN in between! (Note: that book was delivered March 25th. Tracking still shows it "in transit".)

The last FedEx shipment I got I was able to track as it moved...from Colorado, to New Jersey, to the local FedEx terminal...even got an email within ten minutes when it was delivered.

i sent my sister in law some books in a box by PO that wasnt first class.....i put a tracking scan on it and was able to follow it all the way to Michigan.......i had no problems....done it 2-3 times.....and i had something sent to me by Fed-x.....the guy delivered it to the Street behind me with the same numbers and left it by the guys door.....luckily for me the guy brought it said it was delivered too....
In my career I have seen that this is the case for SOME companies. But not even close to all of them. And the safety regulations are not going away. If anything, they are becoming more strict.

I think it has a lot to do with how good you are at your job.
I have never worked anywhere that didnt offer every benefit imaginable.
But I could see where someone who sucks at what they do having no choice but to work for shady companies. Those people should be thankful that those shady companies exist or they wouldnt be employed at all.

What a bunch of garbage. I worked for the Federal Government and was told to my face I'd never get promoted, I was too good in the job I had and no one else could do it.

I can't think of a single company that doesn't take advantage of their employees. Even my brother in law, with his doctorate was taken advantage of by his company after he sold his own company to take a job there. They made him a vice president, got what they could out of him and laid him off. Now he's started yet another business.

If you find a company that treats it's workers well, my advice is stick to them like glue.

First of all I'm retired.
Second,if you worked for the feds you had every imaginable benefit. And if you dont like working for the fed? Get another job.
And third, I really dont care what your brother did. He's the one who sold his company.

And of course you really didnt address my statements.
We all want the best service... for the least amount possible. Says something about this country doesn't it?

We used to have laws that protected us, but Corporate laws changed in the 70's and we started this long spiral downward in our country.

Any body who thinks we are protected because of laws hasn't been paying attention. Without unions, we will be even worse off and those laws will very quickly go away.

Unions only make up seven percent of the work force.
In 1970 I was five,so I didnt start working a real job till 1981. Yet I still managed to retire at 46 without a high school diploma. Sounds to me like some people are just lazy.
Unions once had a purpose and it is the same purpose as it was back in the old days. To hide the money of the organized crime syndicates.
Wish to hell I could. I have to take my lunch break before 8 hours, even though I frequently would rather not!

I always worked through lunch on Fridays so I could leave a little early and get a jump on traffic and my weekend.
But then I was a valued employee and could pretty much do as I pleased.
Of course that took years of hard work to get in that position,something kids now days dont understand. They actually couldnt understand why I had so many privileges.

One of the big complaints I hear about the younger employees is that they have no concept of the time it takes to earn the extras and special benefits.

Other than a few special circumstances, I haven't worked an hourly rates in decades. was like clockwork. A new hire would start and within six months he wanted top pay. But when you'd tell them to program,set up and run a CNC they had no clue where to start.
They were button pushers at best. Yet they thought they deserved 30 bucks an hour.
It's sad whats become of our youth. I blame a school system that teaches ego over substance.
do you guys even understand what goes on....or do you just talk?....
The USPS tracking system SUCKS.

i said its just about the same fucking system....they now are delivering a lot of their parcels.....i get books from Amazon once a month...its tracked between the shipper and the PO.....i had a package i bought off of Amazon delivered by UPS....when i got it it had a scan bar code on it....i never got to track it..... why was that?....

it's the fact that half the stuff DOESN'T GET SCANNED PROPERLY!

its a fact huh? long did you work there to know it wasnt scanned properly?.....Amazon just awarded the PO a Billion dollar contract to deliver their shit over the other 2.....there was a reason for that.....

If the tracking system is the same,why is it I can follow my package through each destination damn near in real time with UPS,yet USPS tracking is usually a day behind if it's progress gets updated at all?
I have a holster from Detroit Holsters in transit. The last update was on the sixth.
So as far as I know it's still sitting at the Detroit sorting facility on the eighth.
Thats bullshit.

right now the PO is using real time tracking just like the other guys.....BECAUSE....they are delivering many of their packages .....IF they are so bad WHY is UPS and Fed-X using the PO to deliver a hell of a lot of their parcels to the houses?...its called "the last mile delivery"...if they are as bad as you say they are WHY would these two companies do this with their parcels?.........WHY did Amazon give the PO this Billion Dollar Contract and not the other guys?.....

Here we are on the ninth. Yet tracking says my package is still in Detroit.
If the tracking system is the same,why is it I can follow my package through each destination damn near in real time with UPS,yet USPS tracking is usually a day behind if it's progress gets updated at all?
I have a holster from Detroit Holsters in transit. The last update was on the sixth.
So as far as I know it's still sitting at the Detroit sorting facility on the eighth.
Thats bullshit.

right now the PO is using real time tracking just like the other guys.....BECAUSE....they are delivering many of their packages .....IF they are so bad WHY is UPS and Fed-X using the PO to deliver a hell of a lot of their parcels to the houses?...its called "the last mile delivery"...if they are as bad as you say they are WHY would these two companies do this with their parcels?.........WHY did Amazon give the PO this Billion Dollar Contract and not the other guys?.....

Here we are on the ninth. Yet tracking says my package is still in Detroit.

but yet you still avoid answering what i asked above....and as far as your package goes....have you contacted the company you bought the Holster from and told them whats going on?....they can track it too and will get more results than what you can....
right now the PO is using real time tracking just like the other guys.....BECAUSE....they are delivering many of their packages .....IF they are so bad WHY is UPS and Fed-X using the PO to deliver a hell of a lot of their parcels to the houses?...its called "the last mile delivery"...if they are as bad as you say they are WHY would these two companies do this with their parcels?.........WHY did Amazon give the PO this Billion Dollar Contract and not the other guys?.....

Here we are on the ninth. Yet tracking says my package is still in Detroit.

but yet you still avoid answering what i asked above....and as far as your package goes....have you contacted the company you bought the Holster from and told them whats going on?....they can track it too and will get more results than what you can....

No point. This happens every time my orders get shipped USPS. The vendor makes no difference.
I would guess on average I get 4 to 5 packages a month delivered to my home so I have a pretty good sampling of the various delivery services out there.
USPS is the worst by far. I will say they eventually get here....other then the two they've lost to date.
Here we are on the ninth. Yet tracking says my package is still in Detroit.

but yet you still avoid answering what i asked above....and as far as your package goes....have you contacted the company you bought the Holster from and told them whats going on?....they can track it too and will get more results than what you can....

No point. This happens every time my orders get shipped USPS. The vendor makes no difference.
I would guess on average I get 4 to 5 packages a month delivered to my home so I have a pretty good sampling of the various delivery services out there.
USPS is the worst by far. I will say they eventually get here....other then the two they've lost to date.

and yet that piss poor Co. is the one they are all using for the final delivery.....and if the vendor makes no difference then that vendor is not very customer orientated are they?.....and look Here We Go.....i dont want to get in a pissing contest with you on this because i agree a lot of times with you......but after working 33 years for the PO and comparing notes with the UPS and Fed-X drivers on my route.....i know that those guys fuck up a lot too....BUT you hear it about the PO because they are that big giant Govt thing i have learned about the delivery business.....not much is different in the way the other places run the and the UPS driver used to sit in the back of his truck taking 5 and laughing at how similar things are....
"Wow, what a messed up little man you are.

When you are first hired the company makes you an initial offer they can live with if you fail to be any more productive than the rate they hired you for. I usually try to low ball it by 50 cents to a dollar lower, because in the interview I can tell you aren't real bright and probably won't be worth much. They do this because most will fall into that beginner pay grade and piss and whine but never put out the effort to improve their worth.

You are the exact reason that new hires are put on probation with reviews after 30, 60 and 90 days without the company committing to any insurance, 401k participation or permanent employment.

People with your motto get nowhere because you fail to understand the value and benefit of actually doing your job a little better gets you the raise, doing your job down to what you get paid gains you nothing.

When I hire someone I have 1-2 dollars an hour in reserve for the probation period. And by then I have an additional 2-5 dollars available if your work ethic is up to par. Did you show up on time every day for 30 days? Did you do your job? You get another .50 to 1.00 per hour. Did you exceed that low bar? Do something a little extra? maybe learn something that makes you valuable? That was worth another dollar or two.

Or am I dealing with a Initforme? Which is a perfect fucking name for someone like you. Did Initforme do the bare minimum based on what he was paid? Well then. I think we will keep you at the very base that you seem to be capable of. I see no reason to invest more in you in hopes you will perform better with more money when I have someone else looking to move up. They just got your raise. Congrats on giving away your money to someone more qualified. That's capitalism"

Well for your info I owned my own company for 27, yes, 27 years because I realized that working for someone else was no way to go. Now I am retired and my oldest son runs the company. This holier are thou you gotta work your tail off is fine but it in no way will get one ahead very far. What needs to be done by the worker is to learn a skill that he/she can use against his/her employer in that they can get up, walk out with no notice, and find another job. Either that, or get paid more. That's called capitalism in my book. I paid my workers well. I found out the hard way that if you pay less you get less quality from those who work for you. Quality is what customers want, not garbage work. Breaking free from working for another company is the key. A large percentage of them don't see their workers as valuable... even their best workers. Those are the ones who need to walk away when most needed.

Hold on a sec here, how does this post pair with your previous stance?

Well I do know that my motto was I will work as hard as I am paid. Minimum wage means minimum work. High pay = high productivity. Its a game played by both sides. Its called capitalism right?

Almost like it was written by a different person......or it's a lie.
do you guys even understand what goes on....or do you just talk?....
The USPS tracking system SUCKS.

i said its just about the same fucking system....they now are delivering a lot of their parcels.....i get books from Amazon once a month...its tracked between the shipper and the PO.....i had a package i bought off of Amazon delivered by UPS....when i got it it had a scan bar code on it....i never got to track it..... why was that?....

it's the fact that half the stuff DOESN'T GET SCANNED PROPERLY!

its a fact huh? long did you work there to know it wasnt scanned properly?.....Amazon just awarded the PO a Billion dollar contract to deliver their shit over the other 2.....there was a reason for that.....

If the tracking system is the same,why is it I can follow my package through each destination damn near in real time with UPS,yet USPS tracking is usually a day behind if it's progress gets updated at all?
I have a holster from Detroit Holsters in transit. The last update was on the sixth.
So as far as I know it's still sitting at the Detroit sorting facility on the eighth.
Thats bullshit.

right now the PO is using real time tracking just like the other guys.....BECAUSE....they are delivering many of their packages .....IF they are so bad WHY is UPS and Fed-X using the PO to deliver a hell of a lot of their parcels to the houses?...its called "the last mile delivery"...if they are as bad as you say they are WHY would these two companies do this with their parcels?.........WHY did Amazon give the PO this Billion Dollar Contract and not the other guys?.....

Because any idiot can deliver a package the "last mile"? Kinda hard to lose something when it's damn near to it's destination.
hey i have heard that before no biggie.....and you wont believe this because you are "disgruntled".....but UPS and Fed-X fuck up with mis-deliveries and lost packages just as much...and if the PO sucks so bad....why are they delivering a whole bunch of the other guys parcels?.....

Hold on a second. I've never personally had a package lost by UPS or FedEx but have had a few lost by the USPS. But this isn't really the point is it? Even if the service remains the same in lost packages or late deliveries or trashed product being delivered the primary concern should be that it costs the US taxpayer is on the hook for 16 billion dollars just to keep the USPS afloat with their bloated operating cost and retirement packages. When it actually costs us nothing for UPS or FedEx to deliver, or not deliver those packages as may occur whichever may be the case.

UPS and FedEx may very well fuck up some deliveries much like the USPS does. Only difference is that UPS and FedEx fuck up on their own dime. USPS fucks up and goes to congress for more bailout money.

Here is the article I used to come up with 16 billion being what's needed to keep the government version of mail delivery afloat. US Postal Service faces ruin without rescue from Congress, watchdog warns | Business |

they are trying to get them to drop that 5 billion dollar fee they have to pay every year and let them run the place without Congress micromanaging them....and the money they theirs.....and think of this.....Obama and Co. bail out private companies but the one they actually own and can turn a profit for them they least they own the PO, GM and all the others someone else owns.....if you owned a Co. and it was having problems and the Co. down the Street was having problems.....which one would you help first?....yours or the one down the street?...

That fee they pay is to keep their retirement funds solvent. And it still leaves them 11 Billion in the hole.
If the tracking system is the same,why is it I can follow my package through each destination damn near in real time with UPS,yet USPS tracking is usually a day behind if it's progress gets updated at all?
I have a holster from Detroit Holsters in transit. The last update was on the sixth.
So as far as I know it's still sitting at the Detroit sorting facility on the eighth.
Thats bullshit.

right now the PO is using real time tracking just like the other guys.....BECAUSE....they are delivering many of their packages .....IF they are so bad WHY is UPS and Fed-X using the PO to deliver a hell of a lot of their parcels to the houses?...its called "the last mile delivery"...if they are as bad as you say they are WHY would these two companies do this with their parcels?.........WHY did Amazon give the PO this Billion Dollar Contract and not the other guys?.....

Because any idiot can deliver a package the "last mile"? Kinda hard to lose something when it's damn near to it's destination.

really? ...and you just got through saying how fucked the PO know what are just another long line of dipshits on the outside looking in that have no comprehension of what goes on but you think you sound like Katz does with Pot on this topic....clueless....
If the tracking system is the same,why is it I can follow my package through each destination damn near in real time with UPS,yet USPS tracking is usually a day behind if it's progress gets updated at all?
I have a holster from Detroit Holsters in transit. The last update was on the sixth.
So as far as I know it's still sitting at the Detroit sorting facility on the eighth.
Thats bullshit.

right now the PO is using real time tracking just like the other guys.....BECAUSE....they are delivering many of their packages .....IF they are so bad WHY is UPS and Fed-X using the PO to deliver a hell of a lot of their parcels to the houses?...its called "the last mile delivery"...if they are as bad as you say they are WHY would these two companies do this with their parcels?.........WHY did Amazon give the PO this Billion Dollar Contract and not the other guys?.....

Because any idiot can deliver a package the "last mile"? Kinda hard to lose something when it's damn near to it's destination.

But not impossible. From another board...

"I owned a DDG for a long, long time and eventually sold it on eBay after acquiring a mint condition copy. Well, I sent it in a padded envelope. The mailman folded the hardcover book so that it could fit into the buyer's mailbox. Luckily I shipped with insurance, but that was a wonderful book that now has permanent crease lines on the covers and is irrevocably ruined. I felt bad for the buyer, even though she got her money back from the Post Office. Now I ship hardcovers in boxes."
right now the PO is using real time tracking just like the other guys.....BECAUSE....they are delivering many of their packages .....IF they are so bad WHY is UPS and Fed-X using the PO to deliver a hell of a lot of their parcels to the houses?...its called "the last mile delivery"...if they are as bad as you say they are WHY would these two companies do this with their parcels?.........WHY did Amazon give the PO this Billion Dollar Contract and not the other guys?.....

Because any idiot can deliver a package the "last mile"? Kinda hard to lose something when it's damn near to it's destination.

Dude...I'm telling you my experience with Fedex,USPS and UPS.
I've received 4 to 5 packages a month for at least the last seven years.
Dont really care for FedEx,they are on par with the USPS. I've had the best luck with UPS.
Thats a fact!!! Maybe it's my location,but considering I live in the fourth largest city in America I find that hard to believe.
I dont work for UPS,yet you work or worked for the USPS. YOU have a biased opinion!
I'm telling you what I've found with ZERO bias. I have no reason to lie.

really? ...and you just got through saying how fucked the PO know what are just another long line of dipshits on the outside looking in that have no comprehension of what goes on but you think you sound like Katz does with Pot on this topic....clueless....

I have ZERO bias. You on the other hand have worked or still work for the USPS.
I have no reason to lie,I'm just telling you my experience.
I dont care for FedEx either and I've had better success with UPS then either carrier.
I have no agenda....just experience.
Maybe it's my location,but living in the fourth largest city in America I find that doubtful.
No reason to get bent.
Ohio Labor Laws Breaks

here we go

In the state of Ohio, labor law for breaks specifies that employers are not obligated to give their employees a lunch or break unless they are under the age of 18. According to the Ohio Revised Code 4109.07(c), an employer must give a minor under the age of 18 a 30-minute, unpaid break when working more than 5 hours at a time.

If the employer does give a break period for a person over the age of 18, they are not required to pay the employee after 20 minutes under Ohio labor laws on breaks. Federal law is quite different from Ohio labor law for breaks, and the following section describes some important factors about federal law.

Federal Laws on Breaks

Like Ohio labor laws on breaks, federal law does not require an employer to give a rest period to an employee over the age of 18. However, if the employer does give a break, they must pay an employee if the break is less than 20 minutes.

so i can work 12 or 16 hours in the state of ohio with no breaks...

Wish to hell I could. I have to take my lunch break before 8 hours, even though I frequently would rather not!

neat....feel free to go work there, they are highering. 12 hours no breaks, poop pay.
What you just said has nothing to do with the fact that the south are the poorest in the nation. Nothing

standard of living is a much better measure than average income. You don't see people moving from georgia to michigan do you? nope. what you do see is a lot of people and companies moving south. Texas has a large net increase in population for instance, whereas new jersey and michigan have net decreases.

Except that trend has started to reverse.

Guess people are getting "wind" of what a shithole the south is.. :lol:

Yer kidding? That article does not even gloss over the migration of people from the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt.
In the decade of the 2000's NY had lost over $100 billion in wealth. In the period 2003 thru 2007 NJ lost $70 billion in wealth.
Since 1972 NY has gone from 45 electoral votes to 29 in 2012.
This is due to populations shifts.
The even better thing about this is that it was reported that the city has a 43 million dollar contract with UPS.

Time to end that.

Along with the other goodies.

Meet the new boss..UPS.

So UPS then has less NYC business, and closes more offices/transit centers, and lays off people for no reason instead of firing people for breaking their contract.


I'd like to see UPS pack and go.

They are a pain in the ass. They are constantly blocking people in their parking spots and double park everywhere.

We have a constitutionally guaranteed post office as well.

The Money should go to them.

Fuck UPS.
Oh Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
You can't stand that your beloved government entity the USPS has competition...
The USPS in it's present form, sucks.....

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