BOOM: UPS Fires 250 Union Workers for Refusing to Work

That is a lie.

What you failed to address, because you are a liar, is that overtime in most States is based on WEEKLY hours, NOT on Daily hours worked.

That's the law in most States.

So if you put in 4 ten hour days, you don't get overtime pay.

I'll take that deal all day long. ALL day long.

Three days off a week, every week? Oh, hell yes.

How about Firemen? Know how they work? Didn't think so.

You need to learn before you speak.

But, you're a dimocrap, which means you're not all that bright and you're also prone to dishonesty in the first place.

Sorry, it's just true :dunno:

i actually read this just now. You actually didnt even address what i said. You dodged it...Typical Conservative always dodging.

Hold up...are you saying they can work you ten hours a day with no breaks?

it was 12 hour days actually and yes, in the state of ohio they do not have to give you a break. When it was negative 20 out that one day. We were out there no breaks outside if we couldnt feel our toes we could warm up for five minutes or so. Beyond that? Nope you get fucked
Ohio Labor Laws Breaks

here we go

In the state of Ohio, labor law for breaks specifies that employers are not obligated to give their employees a lunch or break unless they are under the age of 18. According to the Ohio Revised Code 4109.07(c), an employer must give a minor under the age of 18 a 30-minute, unpaid break when working more than 5 hours at a time.

If the employer does give a break period for a person over the age of 18, they are not required to pay the employee after 20 minutes under Ohio labor laws on breaks. Federal law is quite different from Ohio labor law for breaks, and the following section describes some important factors about federal law.

Federal Laws on Breaks

Like Ohio labor laws on breaks, federal law does not require an employer to give a rest period to an employee over the age of 18. However, if the employer does give a break, they must pay an employee if the break is less than 20 minutes.

so i can work 12 or 16 hours in the state of ohio with no breaks...
i actually read this just now. You actually didnt even address what i said. You dodged it...Typical Conservative always dodging.

Hold up...are you saying they can work you ten hours a day with no breaks?

it was 12 hour days actually and yes, in the state of ohio they do not have to give you a break. When it was negative 20 out that one day. We were out there no breaks outside if we couldnt feel our toes we could warm up for five minutes or so. Beyond that? Nope you get fucked

Boy that sucks. I would figure a yankee state would be kinder to it's workers being enlightened liberals and all. appears Texas is the same. But I have to say that not only have I never heard that,I've never witnessed it or experienced it.

Who the hell were you working for and what were you doing? Because thats way fucked up.
Dont know about where you live but UPS is far better then the USPS when it comes to on time delivery.
I cancelled my Harry and David fruit deliveries because the USPS kept putting my fruit in the gang boxes instead of delivering to the front door as they were supposed to.
They ruined four boxes of fruit and never paid for them. FUCK THE USPS!

Dont know about where you live but UPS is far better then the USPS when it comes to on time delivery.

that has been proven to be kinda of exaggerated....

I cancelled my Harry and David fruit deliveries because the USPS kept putting my fruit in the gang boxes instead of delivering to the front door as they were supposed to.

so you are one of those who dont empty their box every day right?.....Harry and David told us that Parcel boxes are perfectly acceptable even for says right on the label....leave if no response.....even if its perishable...with Perishables i would do the door first,if not home, if you had a parcel box thats where it went,if not i notified....but we were allowed to leave ANYTHING that said right on the label....leave if no response .....thats why the mailer put it there.....blame Harry and David not the PO....they were just doing what the mailer Harry and David wanted....

the UPS drivers on my route would leave stuff at the door even if the place was said the same thing on their packages that did not need a signature....leave if no response ......

Not where I live.

And no I dont empty my box every night,all my bills are paid through electronic transfer.
And when it's ninety five degrees out those boxes WILL ruin fruit.
And the thing is? One month they would leave it on my porch as instructed. The next they would put it in the gang box so you never knew what to expect.

And when it's ninety five degrees out those boxes WILL ruin fruit.

talk to H&D....they told us a day in the box wont hurt it.....and if you seldom go out to check your box then that box of fruit in the parcel box for more than a day is on you not the PO....UPS would have left it by your door in the Sun....i have seen that quite a few i said they have left stuff at the door of vacant Houses and Apts....
i actually read this just now. You actually didnt even address what i said. You dodged it...Typical Conservative always dodging.

Hold up...are you saying they can work you ten hours a day with no breaks?

it was 12 hour days actually and yes, in the state of ohio they do not have to give you a break. When it was negative 20 out that one day. We were out there no breaks outside if we couldnt feel our toes we could warm up for five minutes or so. Beyond that? Nope you get fucked

Ohio must be run by those nasty Republicans.....
I will confess I have not read all the above posts ... I'm so tired right about now I don't know which end is up.

However, as a former legal secretary working for labor lawyers, I can say that it is perfectly legal for businesses to hire new employees to come in and do the jobs that are sitting there undone because union employees are out on strike. Those jobs could become permanent positions - they don't necessarily HAVE to become permanent positions, but they could become just that.
Thank goodness we have labor laws because after being in corporate America for a few years I learned the following facts:

1). Unions are on the way out.
2). Most companies would take away all safety regulations
3). Most companies would quickly increase the amount of hours their workers are forced to work and take away pay. They are interested in more profit and less labor costs(poor business practice that always leads to a lesser quality product).

I do agree that unions are outdated but we need the laws otherwise YES most all companies would take advantage of their workers in every way they can.
Thank goodness we have labor laws because after being in corporate America for a few years I learned the following facts:

1). Unions are on the way out.
2). Most companies would take away all safety regulations
3). Most companies would quickly increase the amount of hours their workers are forced to work and take away pay. They are interested in more profit and less labor costs(poor business practice that always leads to a lesser quality product).

I do agree that unions are outdated but we need the laws otherwise YES most all companies would take advantage of their workers in every way they can.

In my career I have seen that this is the case for SOME companies. But not even close to all of them. And the safety regulations are not going away. If anything, they are becoming more strict.
Hold up...are you saying they can work you ten hours a day with no breaks?

it was 12 hour days actually and yes, in the state of ohio they do not have to give you a break. When it was negative 20 out that one day. We were out there no breaks outside if we couldnt feel our toes we could warm up for five minutes or so. Beyond that? Nope you get fucked

Boy that sucks. I would figure a yankee state would be kinder to it's workers being enlightened liberals and all. appears Texas is the same. But I have to say that not only have I never heard that,I've never witnessed it or experienced it.

Who the hell were you working for and what were you doing? Because thats way fucked up.

oh i quit that job after 8 months because it wasnt going where it was supposed to. But it was a Steel mill.
Hold up...are you saying they can work you ten hours a day with no breaks?

it was 12 hour days actually and yes, in the state of ohio they do not have to give you a break. When it was negative 20 out that one day. We were out there no breaks outside if we couldnt feel our toes we could warm up for five minutes or so. Beyond that? Nope you get fucked

Ohio must be run by those nasty Republicans.....

Republican governor.... granted i dont know if he has anything to do with it.

Dont know about where you live but UPS is far better then the USPS when it comes to on time delivery.

that has been proven to be kinda of exaggerated....

I cancelled my Harry and David fruit deliveries because the USPS kept putting my fruit in the gang boxes instead of delivering to the front door as they were supposed to.

so you are one of those who dont empty their box every day right?.....Harry and David told us that Parcel boxes are perfectly acceptable even for says right on the label....leave if no response.....even if its perishable...with Perishables i would do the door first,if not home, if you had a parcel box thats where it went,if not i notified....but we were allowed to leave ANYTHING that said right on the label....leave if no response .....thats why the mailer put it there.....blame Harry and David not the PO....they were just doing what the mailer Harry and David wanted....

the UPS drivers on my route would leave stuff at the door even if the place was said the same thing on their packages that did not need a signature....leave if no response ......

Not where I live.

And no I dont empty my box every night,all my bills are paid through electronic transfer.
And when it's ninety five degrees out those boxes WILL ruin fruit.
And the thing is? One month they would leave it on my porch as instructed. The next they would put it in the gang box so you never knew what to expect.

And when it's ninety five degrees out those boxes WILL ruin fruit.

talk to H&D....they told us a day in the box wont hurt it.....and if you seldom go out to check your box then that box of fruit in the parcel box for more than a day is on you not the PO....UPS would have left it by your door in the Sun....i have seen that quite a few i said they have left stuff at the door of vacant Houses and Apts....

So now you're trying to equate an aluminium box in direct sunlight to my shaded porch?
And like I said,one month they would leave it on the porch and the next they'd put it in the hot box where the fruit turned to mush.
I called the post office and they had no answer as to why the carrier could not be consistent. Total lack of professionalism and management oversight.
Add the fact that USPS tracking is complete shit compared to UPS....yeah I'll use any other shipping method when possible.
Thank goodness we have labor laws because after being in corporate America for a few years I learned the following facts:

1). Unions are on the way out.
2). Most companies would take away all safety regulations
3). Most companies would quickly increase the amount of hours their workers are forced to work and take away pay. They are interested in more profit and less labor costs(poor business practice that always leads to a lesser quality product).

I do agree that unions are outdated but we need the laws otherwise YES most all companies would take advantage of their workers in every way they can.

In my career I have seen that this is the case for SOME companies. But not even close to all of them. And the safety regulations are not going away. If anything, they are becoming more strict.

I think it has a lot to do with how good you are at your job.
I have never worked anywhere that didnt offer every benefit imaginable.
But I could see where someone who sucks at what they do having no choice but to work for shady companies. Those people should be thankful that those shady companies exist or they wouldnt be employed at all.
We all want the best service... for the least amount possible. Says something about this country doesn't it?
Well I do know that my motto was I will work as hard as I am paid. Minimum wage means minimum work. High pay = high productivity. Its a game played by both sides. Its called capitalism right?
Well I do know that my motto was I will work as hard as I am paid. Minimum wage means minimum work. High pay = high productivity. Its a game played by both sides. Its called capitalism right?

No, its called how to be a loser in three easy steps. Take a job, slack off, get fired. Puts you right back out on the street. The employer will not have much of a problem hiring your replacement.
Well I do know that my motto was I will work as hard as I am paid. Minimum wage means minimum work. High pay = high productivity. Its a game played by both sides. Its called capitalism right?

Thats a fucked up attitude I've heard from many young people.
You work harder...Then you make more money. Thats the way it's always worked,not sure what makes you special.
Not where I live.

And no I dont empty my box every night,all my bills are paid through electronic transfer.
And when it's ninety five degrees out those boxes WILL ruin fruit.
And the thing is? One month they would leave it on my porch as instructed. The next they would put it in the gang box so you never knew what to expect.

And when it's ninety five degrees out those boxes WILL ruin fruit.

talk to H&D....they told us a day in the box wont hurt it.....and if you seldom go out to check your box then that box of fruit in the parcel box for more than a day is on you not the PO....UPS would have left it by your door in the Sun....i have seen that quite a few i said they have left stuff at the door of vacant Houses and Apts....

So now you're trying to equate an aluminium box in direct sunlight to my shaded porch?
And like I said,one month they would leave it on the porch and the next they'd put it in the hot box where the fruit turned to mush.
I called the post office and they had no answer as to why the carrier could not be consistent. Total lack of professionalism and management oversight.
Add the fact that USPS tracking is complete shit compared to UPS....yeah I'll use any other shipping method when possible.

like i said....H&D said parcel boxes are ok....if you dont check your box....thats on sounds like you had a shitty carrier or you did not have a regular one....i took care of my customers ....and we use just about the same tracking system that they and Fed-X use since we deliver many of their parcels....its all kinda joined there you are just sounding like a disgruntled customer....
Wildcat strikes are problematic for the workers; they have no official protection. If the union is weak, the company can act with impunity as is the case here.

Lovebears is silly when he says unions are not needed. Corporate would return workers to the 1920s and 1930 if they could. They can't, thank heavens.

How come here in the south we do just fine without them.. My husband makes a great salary , has great benefits and guess what his company which is a fortune 100 company is not unionized. There was a time and place for unions and that time has passed. They were good and passed many regulations that it will be impossible for them to go back to the 1920s now.

And yet the callous conservatives and the GOP are not engaged in war on working men and women. Like hell they're not.

Those callous conservatives are working men and women, and have never been engaged in any war on working men or working women. I spent decades as a working man, many years as a member of a union, and a few years as an officer of a union local. I have negotiated contracts, from the union side, and from managements side, and I have resolved grieviences from both sides. I had the respect of the men and women in the union, and the managers of the enterprise. We had a good working relationship.

I have yet to meet a manager who desired to screw the workers, and I have never met a CEO who wasn't concerned about the welfare of his employees. I have been through layoffs, and I have seen the anguish that managers went through when they could not find a justification for keeping a man or woman on. No one in management, or the union likes a layoff, and it takes a company years to recover from one. They are not done lightly.

I have also seem non-union companies with happy employees and good management get sold to the money grubbers. The good times are gone, and it is too late to unionize. But, life is that way.

Anyone who cannot see past their hatred and treat managers and workers as individuals, and not as members of some political mass, is a friggin idiot. There are good ones and bad ones, and that applies to workers and managers alike.
And when it's ninety five degrees out those boxes WILL ruin fruit.

talk to H&D....they told us a day in the box wont hurt it.....and if you seldom go out to check your box then that box of fruit in the parcel box for more than a day is on you not the PO....UPS would have left it by your door in the Sun....i have seen that quite a few i said they have left stuff at the door of vacant Houses and Apts....

So now you're trying to equate an aluminium box in direct sunlight to my shaded porch?
And like I said,one month they would leave it on the porch and the next they'd put it in the hot box where the fruit turned to mush.
I called the post office and they had no answer as to why the carrier could not be consistent. Total lack of professionalism and management oversight.
Add the fact that USPS tracking is complete shit compared to UPS....yeah I'll use any other shipping method when possible.

like i said....H&D said parcel boxes are ok....if you dont check your box....thats on sounds like you had a shitty carrier or you did not have a regular one....i took care of my customers ....and we use just about the same tracking system that they and Fed-X use since we deliver many of their parcels....its all kinda joined there you are just sounding like a disgruntled customer....

Well no shit I'm a disgruntled customer. The USPS screwed me out of a couple hundred bucks worth of fruit. I would call them and they never called back. They've lost my packages twice. I've never had that problem with UPS.
USPS sucks plain and simple.

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