BOOM: UPS Fires 250 Union Workers for Refusing to Work

Why is union greed bad, but CEO greed is good?

Because one goes to one guy which is the American way...the other goes to all the workers like some commie shit which is, of course, terrible

In theory, the CEO is responsible for the performance of the company.

Also, a CEO's job is to make a profit. So the greed fits what he is supposed to do.

A union's job is to protect workers. That they seek profit instead shows they are not doing that.
I have no problem with companies that want to go non-union, or move to a right to work state........

IF they are doing that to survive, or, to provide a better service/product, or to lower prices for their customers.

But so many of these companies make that move....only to see the money saved from going non-union funneled right into the pockets of CEO's, board members, etc, etc.

If a company is profiting, someone is getting the money: Is it the very few at the top and only them? Or is it the very few at the top...and some for the little guys how make it happen too?

Perhaps those that own the stock in the company get some of the money. That would include millions of people that have a]save for their retirement with IRA's and 401K's. Some of them are the "little guys."
see... this is what happens when low information rightwingnuts get their "news" from the rightwingnut blogosphere....


The workers were protesting the dismissal of longtime employee and union activist Jairo Reyes, who was fired over an hours dispute, according to Gaut. The New York Daily News first reported on the firings.
Local politicians are threatening to cancel city contracts that give UPS millions of dollars in breaks on parking fines.

UPS fires 250 employees for staging a strike in Queens, N.Y.

So? if you read the contract what they did was against said contract.
Pathetic...cheering on people being fired because of partisan bias....what a low life.

The contract is quite clear on striking, in particular strikes that are not authorized at the highest parts of the Union.

You expect the company to keep its part of the agreement. The drivers broke the agreement, were warned about breaking the agreement, and are facing the consequences of breaking the agreement.

Considering the new drivers will likely be part of the Union, how is this union breaking by adhering to the agreement?
Understandable...There is no need to cheer.

There is no cheering going on. My main issue is the NYC politicians getting all pissed at this and threatening the company, when they know any punitive actions against UPS would result in MORE people losing their jobs.
At 88, Mama depends upon the performance of common mutual fund stocks like UPS to cover her modest needs and to make small annual gifts to her grandkids. If the CEOs of firms like UPS do not act prudently and profitably her income suffers. Evidently the socialists among us do not understand how America's capitalist economy works or just don't give a flying cow chip about Mama. As this thread exposes once again, they are more concerned with Reyes's right to act as he pleases than they are with UPS management's duty to turn a profit.
The contract is quite clear on striking, in particular strikes that are not authorized at the highest parts of the Union.

You expect the company to keep its part of the agreement. The drivers broke the agreement, were warned about breaking the agreement, and are facing the consequences of breaking the agreement.

Considering the new drivers will likely be part of the Union, how is this union breaking by adhering to the agreement?
Understandable...There is no need to cheer.

There is no cheering going on. My main issue is the NYC politicians getting all pissed at this and threatening the company, when they know any punitive actions against UPS would result in MORE people losing their jobs.
The OP is cheering..
At 88, Mama depends upon the performance of common mutual fund stocks like UPS to cover her modest needs and to make small annual gifts to her grandkids. If the CEOs of firms like UPS do not act prudently and profitably her income suffers. Evidently the socialists among us do not understand how America's capitalist economy works or just don't give a flying cow chip about Mama. As this thread exposes once again, they are more concerned with Reyes's right to act as he pleases than they are with UPS management's duty to turn a profit.

Yes, we should all kow tow to the corporation because mama has $5 invested in their business and we need those grandkids to get those gifts.

What a bunch of crap. Most people do not have money invested in specific companies. They may have a retirement fund, but it's diversified. You may have a big interest in UPS, if so, maybe you should speak up and tell them it's stupid to fire 250 employees for going on a 90 minute strike. I still say the 230 employees who are being maintained until they can train their replacements should just walk out now. As far as I'm concerned, they've already been fired and deserve workman's comp.
Wildcat strikes are problematic for the workers; they have no official protection. If the union is weak, the company can act with impunity as is the case here.

Lovebears is silly when he says unions are not needed. Corporate would return workers to the 1920s and 1930 if they could. They can't, thank heavens.

How come here in the south we do just fine without them.. My husband makes a great salary , has great benefits and guess what his company which is a fortune 100 company is not unionized. There was a time and place for unions and that time has passed. They were good and passed many regulations that it will be impossible for them to go back to the 1920s now. being the poorest population in the US. Yeah you guys are doing swimmingly

Only the lazy dumbfucks have substandard wages. Which is as it should be.
And for being so poor we sure have a lot of master planned communities. Wonder how all those poor people manage to live in five thousand square foot homes?
At 88, Mama depends upon the performance of common mutual fund stocks like UPS to cover her modest needs and to make small annual gifts to her grandkids. If the CEOs of firms like UPS do not act prudently and profitably her income suffers. Evidently the socialists among us do not understand how America's capitalist economy works or just don't give a flying cow chip about Mama. As this thread exposes once again, they are more concerned with Reyes's right to act as he pleases than they are with UPS management's duty to turn a profit.

Yes, we should all kow tow to the corporation because mama has $5 invested in their business and we need those grandkids to get those gifts.

What a bunch of crap. Most people do not have money invested in specific companies. They may have a retirement fund, but it's diversified. You may have a big interest in UPS, if so, maybe you should speak up and tell them it's stupid to fire 250 employees for going on a 90 minute strike. I still say the 230 employees who are being maintained until they can train their replacements should just walk out now. As far as I'm concerned, they've already been fired and deserve workman's comp.

I'm guessing that you mean Unemployment Insurance instead of Workman's Comp. WC is for injuries and illnesses related to the work.

So you are saying that the union negotiates a method for dealing with grievances, but that the workers are allowed to do it their way, even when it is contrary to the agreed method? lol
Wildcat strikes are problematic for the workers; they have no official protection. If the union is weak, the company can act with impunity as is the case here.

Lovebears is silly when he says unions are not needed. Corporate would return workers to the 1920s and 1930 if they could. They can't, thank heavens.

How come here in the south we do just fine without them.. My husband makes a great salary , has great benefits and guess what his company which is a fortune 100 company is not unionized. There was a time and place for unions and that time has passed. They were good and passed many regulations that it will be impossible for them to go back to the 1920s now.

I thought he was in the military? Hmmm. As for the South and non-union, some of the worst records for pay and protection from overwork (with no overtime) and lack of protection from unfair business practices.

Oh...and some of the worst safety records in industry too.

No overtime? :lol:
At 88, Mama depends upon the performance of common mutual fund stocks like UPS to cover her modest needs and to make small annual gifts to her grandkids. If the CEOs of firms like UPS do not act prudently and profitably her income suffers. Evidently the socialists among us do not understand how America's capitalist economy works or just don't give a flying cow chip about Mama. As this thread exposes once again, they are more concerned with Reyes's right to act as he pleases than they are with UPS management's duty to turn a profit.

Yes, we should all kow tow to the corporation because mama has $5 invested in their business and we need those grandkids to get those gifts.

What a bunch of crap. Most people do not have money invested in specific companies. They may have a retirement fund, but it's diversified. You may have a big interest in UPS, if so, maybe you should speak up and tell them it's stupid to fire 250 employees for going on a 90 minute strike. I still say the 230 employees who are being maintained until they can train their replacements should just walk out now. As far as I'm concerned, they've already been fired and deserve workman's comp.

I'm guessing that you mean Unemployment Insurance instead of Workman's Comp. WC is for injuries and illnesses related to the work.

So you are saying that the union negotiates a method for dealing with grievances, but that the workers are allowed to do it their way, even when it is contrary to the agreed method? lol

You're right, I meant unemployment. And I'm saying that going on strike for 90 minutes is not worthy of being fired and if you are fired, then you are fired, no way in hell you should continue working while they train your replacement.
Yes, we should all kow tow to the corporation because mama has $5 invested in their business and we need those grandkids to get those gifts.

What a bunch of crap. Most people do not have money invested in specific companies. They may have a retirement fund, but it's diversified. You may have a big interest in UPS, if so, maybe you should speak up and tell them it's stupid to fire 250 employees for going on a 90 minute strike. I still say the 230 employees who are being maintained until they can train their replacements should just walk out now. As far as I'm concerned, they've already been fired and deserve workman's comp.

I'm guessing that you mean Unemployment Insurance instead of Workman's Comp. WC is for injuries and illnesses related to the work.

So you are saying that the union negotiates a method for dealing with grievances, but that the workers are allowed to do it their way, even when it is contrary to the agreed method? lol

You're right, I meant unemployment. And I'm saying that going on strike for 90 minutes is not worthy of being fired and if you are fired, then you are fired, no way in hell you should continue working while they train your replacement.

So the workers should be allowed to walk off the job in an unauthorized strike for an hour and a half (abandoning the agreement concerning grievances)?? I am betting they were told they had to get back to work or they would be fired.
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The even better thing about this is that it was reported that the city has a 43 million dollar contract with UPS.

Time to end that.

Along with the other goodies.

Meet the new boss..UPS.

So UPS then has less NYC business, and closes more offices/transit centers, and lays off people for no reason instead of firing people for breaking their contract.


I'd like to see UPS pack and go.

They are a pain in the ass. They are constantly blocking people in their parking spots and double park everywhere.

We have a constitutionally guaranteed post office as well.

The Money should go to them.

Fuck UPS.

Dont know about where you live but UPS is far better then the USPS when it comes to on time delivery.
I cancelled my Harry and David fruit deliveries because the USPS kept putting my fruit in the gang boxes instead of delivering to the front door as they were supposed to.
They ruined four boxes of fruit and never paid for them. FUCK THE USPS!
How come here in the south we do just fine without them.. My husband makes a great salary , has great benefits and guess what his company which is a fortune 100 company is not unionized. There was a time and place for unions and that time has passed. They were good and passed many regulations that it will be impossible for them to go back to the 1920s now.

I thought he was in the military? Hmmm. As for the South and non-union, some of the worst records for pay and protection from overwork (with no overtime) and lack of protection from unfair business practices.

Oh...and some of the worst safety records in industry too.

No overtime? :lol:

I'd be curious to see where they worked and had no overtime. No place I have ever heard of in the south.
I'm guessing that you mean Unemployment Insurance instead of Workman's Comp. WC is for injuries and illnesses related to the work.

So you are saying that the union negotiates a method for dealing with grievances, but that the workers are allowed to do it their way, even when it is contrary to the agreed method? lol

You're right, I meant unemployment. And I'm saying that going on strike for 90 minutes is not worthy of being fired and if you are fired, then you are fired, no way in hell you should continue working while they train your replacement.

So the workers should be allowed to walk off the job in an unauthorized strike for an hour and a half (abandoning the agreement concerning grievances)?? I am betting they were told they had to get back to work or they would be fired.

I notice you haven't touched the statement about them working until their replacements are trained. Do you really believe anyone who's been fired should continue to work while their replacements are trained?
At 88, Mama depends upon the performance of common mutual fund stocks like UPS to cover her modest needs and to make small annual gifts to her grandkids. If the CEOs of firms like UPS do not act prudently and profitably her income suffers. Evidently the socialists among us do not understand how America's capitalist economy works or just don't give a flying cow chip about Mama. As this thread exposes once again, they are more concerned with Reyes's right to act as he pleases than they are with UPS management's duty to turn a profit.

Yes, we should all kow tow to the corporation because mama has $5 invested in their business and we need those grandkids to get those gifts.

What a bunch of crap. Most people do not have money invested in specific companies. They may have a retirement fund, but it's diversified. You may have a big interest in UPS, if so, maybe you should speak up and tell them it's stupid to fire 250 employees for going on a 90 minute strike. I still say the 230 employees who are being maintained until they can train their replacements should just walk out now. As far as I'm concerned, they've already been fired and deserve workman's comp.

They broke the rules. If the company had broken the rules I'm sure people would have gone after UPS with pitchforks as well.

And it doesn't matter if you are invested in specific companies or not, all retirements be it pension or 401k are invested in things like stocks and bonds, and these companies need to do well to keep the values of the stocks/bonds up as well as provide dividends/payments.

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