

Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The collaboration, conspiracy, and witch hunt blew up in their faces, exposing their own crimes.

Each attempt BOOMERANGed back at them. And with each failure they slipped a little more into insanity.

Demented Hollywood liberals have now called for the kidnapping, caging, and raped of women within the Trump administration AND HIS OWN SON.

And even elected Democrats have doubled-down on violence-inducing hate speech / propaganda that already caused a snowflake to become triggered and attempt to assassinate GOP Congressmen as they practiced softball.

One of the key underlying tactics of critical to success for the Democratic Party is manipulation of EMOTION.

Hate...fear-mongering...these have been just a few of the 'tools if the trade' of Democratic Party politics, and they are being dangerously over-worked again.

Vile, race/Hate-baiting trash like Maxine Waters actually believe disrespect, lack of civility, intimidation, hate, and violence will result in their eventual victory...or she DID believe that until her own party turned against her...told her to 'stand down'...told her to STFU!


Water's attack has come back full-circle and is hitting her in the forehead...and the now panicked DNC leadership, those NOT completely unstable, see it....fear it.

Just months before the Mid-Term elections, Waters and other violent rhetoric pushers have lost their minds and gone way to far.

They have:
'Crossed the line'

Called for the rape of children

Called for the rape of the President's son

Called women 'gashes'

Called for the brutal rape of women

Called for stalking, harassing, intimidating, and even violence against the President-s family and members of his administration administration

They have made Trump, his family, and his administration the 'TARGETED VICTIMS' of Ms13/Nazi Gestapo-esque style intimidation and violence from people who are doing all of this in support of criminals who are here illegally.

Hollywood liberal extremists and Maxine Waters have managed to flip the current situation, making Trump, his family, and his administration the 'sympathetic victim's while making themselves look like ... Well, who they actually are... pathetic, despicable, violent, intolerant radicals who become violent when they do not get their way.

So the backlash has started...right before the Mid-Terms...

The majority of Americans are now condemning the Democrats and supporting Trump...

The GOP is about to Censure Waters while calling for her to resign...

...and, again, Pelosi & Schumer are now telling Waters to STFU....

Watching the Democrat Party implode is extremely entertaining...

Democrats fear call to shame Trump admin officials will cost votes in midterms: report
The collaboration, conspiracy, and witch hunt blew up in their faces, exposing their own crimes.

Each attempt BOOMERANGed back at them. And with each failure they slipped a little more into insanity.

Demented Hollywood liberals have now called for the kidnapping, caging, and raped of women within the Trump administration AND HIS OWN SON.

And even elected Democrats have doubled-down on violence-inducing hate speech / propaganda that already caused a snowflake to become triggered and attempt to assassinate GOP Congressmen as they practiced softball.

One of the key underlying tactics of critical to success for the Democratic Party is manipulation of EMOTION.

Hate...fear-mongering...these have been just a few of the 'tools if the trade' of Democratic Party politics, and they are being dangerously over-worked again.

Vile, race/Hate-baiting trash like Maxine Waters actually believe disrespect, lack of civility, intimidation, hate, and violence will result in their eventual victory...or she DID believe that until her own party turned against her...told her to 'stand down'...told her to STFU!


Water's attack has come back full-circle and is hitting her in the forehead...and the now panicked DNC leadership, those NOT completely unstable, see it....fear it.

Just months before the Mid-Term elections, Waters and other violent rhetoric pushers have lost their minds and gone way to far.

They have:
'Crossed the line'

Called for the rape of children

Called for the rape of the President's son

Called women 'gashes'

Called for the brutal rape of women

Called for stalking, harassing, intimidating, and even violence against the President-s family and members of his administration administration

They have made Trump, his family, and his administration the 'TARGETED VICTIMS' of Ms13/Nazi Gestapo-esque style intimidation and violence from people who are doing all of this in support of criminals who are here illegally.

Hollywood liberal extremists and Maxine Waters have managed to flip the current situation, making Trump, his family, and his administration the 'sympathetic victim's while making themselves look like ... Well, who they actually are... pathetic, despicable, violent, intolerant radicals who become violent when they do not get their way.

So the backlash has started...right before the Mid-Terms...

The majority of Americans are now condemning the Democrats and supporting Trump...

The GOP is about to Censure Waters while calling for her to resign...

...and, again, Pelosi & Schumer are now telling Waters to STFU....

Watching the Democrat Party implode is extremely entertaining...

Democrats fear call to shame Trump admin officials will cost votes in midterms: report
Mad Maxine is just doing her job.
Acting insane.

Which makes the rest of the race-baiting Democrats appear sane in comparison.

Problem is she is too stupid to know where to draw the line.
Maxine Waters is acting black. She will have no consequences.

Democrats have not been paying attention. They have not understood the disgust the public has over the tactics used at colleges. These are the tactics now used against the administration. Adults won't stand for it.
If she crosses the line from talk to action & follows through then she should be charged & locked up. I’m sure the Secret Service & the FBI should be able to handle an eccentric old lady & her followers.
If anything becomes of this maxine waters. You will be assured they will come out like flies on shit.

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