Boots chasing rabbits in places other than benghazi


Apr 9, 2009

Libya was and is pockmarked by powder rooms
each ready to be set off.

So when the thing went down
the boots
that should have been
on the ground
were chasing rabbits
in different places

Though State and Defense screwed up badly.
the Benghazi Ambassador's death is historically
but one of a long string of American whats
soon forgot
that most did not
as much as note
and few will long remember

I'll not vote for Obama---or for Romney
but I will not hold Obama responsible
for what happened to the Ambassador and to those others
of at least equal importance
who were killed along with our Ambassador.

Clinton, Petraeus and Panetta responsible?
but not Obama.

CIA timeline belies White House excuses...
CIA Timeline Confirms: Wood and Doherty Killed in Benghazi 7Hrs After WH Told of Attack; Commercial Airliner Can Fly From London to Libya and Back in That Time
November 4, 2012 - What David Ignatius of The Washington Post describes as a “detailed CIA timeline” of the events that unfolded in Libya on Sept. 11, 2012 (and in the early hours of Sept. 12), confirms that former Navy Seals Tyrone Wood and Brian Doherty were not killed until seven hours after the State Department informed the White House—in writing--that the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi was under attack and that U.S. Amb. Chris Stevens was in Benghazi where the attack was taking place.
The attack started at 3:40 p.m Washington, D.C. time. The State Department sent the White House an email at 4:05 pm with this subject line: “U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack.” The email said Amb. Stevens was in Benghazi. According to the CIA timeline provided to the Washington Post and other news organizations, Wood and Doherty were killed by mortar fire while on the roof of a CIA facility in Benghazi between 11:15 p.m. and 11:26 p.m. Washington time—or between 5:15 a.m. and 5:26 a.m. Sept. 12 Benghazi time. Between 4:05 p.m. Washington time, when the State Department emailed the White House that the U.S diplomatic mission in Benghazi was under attack, and 11:15 p.m., when Wood and Doherty were killed, more than seven hours passed.

On, British Airways is currently advertizing a non-stop flight from London to Libya on Nov. 15--via an Airbus A320--that is expected to have a duration of 3 hours and 30 minutes. That means that in the seven hours that elapsed between when the State Department informed the White House that the U.S. mission in Benghazi was under and when Wood and Doherty were killed, a common commercial airliner—not a military jet--could have flow from England to Libya and back. White House National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, according to reporting by CBS News, personally informed President Obama of the ongoing attack in Benghazi before Obama went into a pre-scheduled 5:00 p.m. meeting with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Vice President Joe Biden.

(On Tuesday, asked the Defense Department whether this previously scheduled meeting between Obama and Panetta had in fact taken place, whether Panetta was aware at that time of the ongoing attack in Benghazi that the State Department had reported to both the Pentagon and the White House at 4:05 p.m., and whether the president had used that meeting to discuss with Panetta what should be done to defend the Americans in Benghazi. Lt. Col. Todd Breasseale, a department spokesman, told at that time: “Panetta met with President Obama, as the White House-provided scheduled indicates. However, neither the content nor the subject of discussions between the President and his advisers are appropriate for disclosure.”)


See also:

Rand Paul: State Spent $100K to ‘Green Up’ Vienna Embassy 4 Days After Denying Libya Embassy Access to Plane
November 2, 2012 – Four days after the security team at the U.S. embassy in Libya was denied further use of a DC-3 plane, the State Department approved $100,000 to “green up” the U.S. embassy in Vienna, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said on C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers” on Sunday.
“What I’ve been pounding home is four days after that DC-3 was removed in May of 2012, they approved $100,000 to green up the embassy in Vienna, to spend some money on electrical charging stations for electric cars that cost the taxpayer $250,000 per car in subsidies,” said Paul. Paul asked why no one was guarding U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and why the 16-person security team was removed from Libya in August when they “specifically requested to stay.” Stevens and three other Americans were killed on Sept. 11, 2012, the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, during an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.

“I would hate to be the person who’s sitting there today who made the decision when it was requested that a security team stay in one of the most dangerous countries in the world that— would you like to be the bureaucrat in the State Department who said, ‘Oh, no. We don’t have the money. You need to come home,’” Paul asked. “The same with the DC 3. What I’ve been pounding home is four days after that DC-3 was removed in May of 2012, they approved $100,000 to green up the embassy in Vienna, to spend some money on electrical charging station for electric cars that cost the taxpayer $250,000 per car in subsidies,” he said.

The Vienna embassy announced on its website on May 10, that it was “Celebrating the Greening of the Embassy.” “The U.S. Embassy Vienna opened the doors to Ambassador Eacho’s ‘green’ residence with a gala dinner event, an exhibit by green-technology companies and an electric car and motorcycle show. The Embassy used the makeover to highlight U.S. government commitment to climate change solutions, and to successfully demonstrate the use of innovative clean energy technologies,” the website said.

Paul called the Vienna event “a political statement.” “This is a political statement that we’re making at the Vienna embassy. They want to show off for the Europeans to say, ‘Hey, we’re as European as you are, but yet, we don’t have money to provide for the basic security of an embassy. That to me is inexcusable, and whoever made those decisions, and they already know that. You don’t need a congressional investigation. Whoever made those decisions ought to be fired,” he said.

The vital question is that of whether Obama had knowledge of the need.
There is no evidence Obama knew of the need
and to assume that he knew of the need is absurd.


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