Border Patrol cuts open border fences, fist bumps illegals crossing in.

Ueber das Marionettentheater der Musken (On Musk's Marionette Theater)

Yes, Virginia, it is about social distancing. A typical capitalist, nazi Musk's fascism will appear to give with one hand what gets taken away with the other. Non-members of Musk's X can no longer read the replies in the OP, nor can they see current posts on the Twitter page of the OP.

30 Ap 2020 Elon Musk Slams 'Fascist' Social Distancing
Democrats sure are good at enforcing laws and protecting Americans!

BTW - International Law says the US I’d not required to take in asylum seekers. They can stay in Mexico per International Law.

WTF is happening?

We have a traitor in the White House.

Any questions?
Ueber das Marionettentheater der Musken (On Musk's Marionette Theater)

Yes, Virginia, it is about social distancing. A typical capitalist, nazi Musk's fascism will appear to give with one hand what gets taken away with the other. Non-members of Musk's X can no longer read the replies in the OP, nor can they see current posts on the Twitter page of the OP.

30 Ap 2020 Elon Musk Slams 'Fascist' Social Distancing
Still reading state run propaganda I see.

I’m not a member and not just read comments but make them.
Biden's America.

Let the shitheads in, sign them up for welfare and watch them vote Democrat.

Fuck the American people that have pay for them and then put up with the drugs, human trafficking and crime they bring.

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