Border Patrol halts Mexico flights


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
APNewsBreak: Border Patrol halts Mexico flights | US National Headlines | Comcast

The U.S. government has halted flights home for Mexicans caught entering the country illegally in the deadly summer heat of Arizona's deserts, a money-saving move that ends a seven-year experiment that cost taxpayers nearly $100 million.

More than 125,000 passengers were flown deep into Mexico for free since 2004 in an effort that initially met with skepticism from Mexican government officials and migrants, but was gradually embraced as a way to help people back on their feet and save lives.

The Border Patrol hailed it as a way to discourage people from trying their luck again, and it appears to have kept many away — at least for a short time.

Impeach Obama
Sneak in and get a free trip back. That wouldn't be subsidizing Illegal Alien activity would it? Naw, the US Gov't uses the IRS and multiple Tax ID numbers to do that.
Nova78 you beat me to it, I hope you don't mind if I post my take here. Thanks.

Mexican illegals free flights to Mexico program ends in Arizona, I guess we’re going to keep’em

In my opinion,

Monday, September 10, 2012

TUCSON, ARIZONA – The government has stopped a program called, The Mexican Interior Repatriation Program, (MIRP). Since 2004 the program has cost the American taxpayers $90.6 million dollars. It deported 125,164 Mexican illegal aliens who volunteered to take the FREE flight to Mexico City, Mexico. Upon arriving in Mexico City the illegal aliens were given bus tickets to their hometown and the tab was picked up by the U.S. taxpayers.

It was a great program while it lasted for the illegal aliens, if you had to go visit grandma they simply called ICE and scheduled a free flight. This was just another one of our fine services that our government provided to the Mexican citizens who we fondly call Cheap Labor.

This program was implemented by Homeland Security and the Mexican government in 2004 in the state of Arizona only. The program gave the illegal alien Mexican’s a choice on a volunteer basis to return to Mexico on a one-way flight to Mexico City. (One way, there’s always a catch)

The program was designed to help illegal aliens who were mostly first-time offenders and families return home without having to hoof it through the Arizona desert in the summer time, whence they came. We wouldn’t want our cheap labor stubbing their toes returning home for grandma’s birthday, Christmas or a mini vacation would we?

The flights only ran in summer and they were on a strictly volunteer basis only, about 70% of all Mexican’s who were offered the free ride home declined. So, needless to say those illegal aliens were let loose on the streets of America to rape, rob and pillage innocent American victims and raise their spawn. How nice of us, we are so nice it just sends a tingle up my leg.

The government decided to stop the program because they couldn’t find enough Mexican’s to fill up the seats in the planes, each flight held 146 passengers. Their logic was instead of sending a half empty flight to Mexico City like they were doing. They chose to discontinue the program to save us taxpayer’s some money. How Brilliant!

There are 12 – 20 million illegal aliens in America and they couldn’t find 146 illegal aliens to fill up the seats per flight? WTF… They could have picked up more than that at a Home Depot, any day of the week, in any town that had a Home Depot or Lowes store. I think we’d better off to start putting the politicians on those one-way-flights! Again, VOTE THE BUMS OUT.

In July 2011, Department of Homeland Security boasted that more than 102,000 Mexican nationals had been safely returned under MIRP since it started in 2004.

In September 2012 DHS boasted that 125,164 people have been flown home to Mexico for free since 2004.

“The Mexican Interior Repatriation Program (MIRP) flights carried 125,164, passengers at a cost of $90.6 million since 2004 or an average of $724 each, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“The flights ran as few as 38 days in 2009 and as many as 120 days in 2010, when a record 23,384 passengers were flown. Last year, there were 8,893 passengers flown at a cost of $5 million -- an average of $562 each.”

So, now what are you going to do brilliant government? Are you going to continue dumping out potential criminal illegal aliens on to our streets in America OR are you going to go back to the “revolving-door policy” of dumping them out in border cities and have the illegal aliens sneak back into the country by the next day.


Border Patrol halts program that provided flights home to Mexico for illegal immigrants

8th year of Mexican repatriation program underway

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If people are wondering what happens to the illegal aliens that are caught and don’t take a free plane ride back home. The government arrests them and gives them a court date and sets them free in American society. Of course the illegal aliens just laugh that off. The illegal aliens who don’t show up for their court dates are called, Absconders, meaning: flee, fly, on the lam or run away.

From 1996 through 2009, the United States allowed 1.9 million aliens to remain free before trial and 770,000 of them — 40 percent of the total — vanished. Nearly one million deportation orders were issued to this group — 78 percent of these orders were handed down for court evasion.

From 2002 through 2006 — in the shadow of 9/11 — 50 percent of all aliens free pending trial disappeared. Court numbers show 360,199 aliens out of 713,974 dodged court.

For years, the Department of Justice (DoJ) has grossly understated the number of aliens who evade court. In 2005 and 2006, DoJ said 39 percent of aliens missed court. Actually, 59 percent of aliens — aliens remaining free before trial — never showed.

Since 1996, failures of aliens to appear in court have never dipped below 30 percent.


Deception and Disorder in America’s Immigration Courts

I say send them back the same way the came. Throw them over the fence or take them to the river and watch them swim.
Air Wetback discontinued...
Border Patrol halts Mexico flights
September 10, 2012 — The U.S. government has halted flights home for Mexicans caught entering the country illegally in the deadly summer heat of Arizona's deserts, a money-saving move that ends a seven-year experiment that cost taxpayers nearly $100 million.
More than 125,000 passengers were flown deep into Mexico for free since 2004 in an effort that initially met with skepticism from Mexican government officials and migrants, but was gradually embraced as a way to help people back on their feet and save lives. The Border Patrol hailed it as a way to discourage people from trying their luck again, and it appears to have kept many away — at least for a short time. But with Border Patrol arrests at 40-year lows and fresh evidence suggesting more people may be heading south of the border than north, officials struggled to fill the planes and found the costs increasingly difficult to justify. Flights carrying up to 146 people were cut to once from twice daily last year.

And this summer, there haven't been any. "Everything comes down to dollars and cents," said George Allen, assistant chief of the Border Patrol's Tucson sector. "We're running into a more budget-conscious society, especially with the government." He added: "Does it fit within our budget and is there an alternative that is not as effective but still effective?" In an effort to keep the flights going, American authorities proposed mixing in Mexicans who commit crimes while living in the U.S. The Mexican government balked at seating hardened criminals next to families, elderly and the frail who recently crossed the border in search of work. "Right off the bat, I can tell you that Mexico was not going to allow, nor will it ever allow, that kind of repatriation, which puts families' safety at risk," said Juan Manuel Calderon, the Mexican consul in Tucson.

U.S. and Mexican negotiators also discussed changing the route from El Paso, Texas, where many Mexicans with criminal records are held, to the central Mexican state of Guanajuato. In the past, the route has been from Tucson to Mexico City. The flights may resume but not this year, U.S. and Mexican officials say. They have operated only in the summer and only in Arizona, designed as a humanitarian effort in response to the many migrants who have died over the last decade trekking through remote deserts in debilitating heat.

U.S. Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and Mexico Interior Secretary Alejandro Poire said in February that they planned to launch a pilot program April 1 to fly migrants arrested while living in the United States deep into Mexico. The pilot program was partly a response to complaints from Mexican border cities that too many deportees were being dumped on their streets and contributing to crime and unemployment. "We wanted to maximize the flight and we couldn't come to an agreement," said Allen. "They were close. It may happen next year, but by the time it drug on, we got through July and for a short period of time, it wouldn't have been realistic."

all the laws they want Who’s fricken’ country is this anyway and who’s running it?! It's time to kick ass and take names.

"The inmates are running the asylum"

We need to close the border and stop this Black Hole that we're throwing our money down. Especially, when all we get in return is never ending heart ache and grief that multiples daily.

America must look like the biggest Turkey on earth to the rest of the world. We are the world’s "Crazy Cat Lady" with 87 cats and multiplying.

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