Bosnian Croat war criminal dies after taking poison in UN courtroom

What away to go.

Bosnian Croat war criminal dies after taking poison in UN courtroom

Former commander Slobodan Praljak drank from bottle moments after judges upheld 20-year sentence in The Hague
He died like a man. And the sniveling, chinless, moist little rat judge who sentenced him simultaneously wet his pants and created a martyr.

Good riddance to bad rubbish..he died like he lived..a coward.

May he burn in hell.

What away to go.

Bosnian Croat war criminal dies after taking poison in UN courtroom

Former commander Slobodan Praljak drank from bottle moments after judges upheld 20-year sentence in The Hague
Too much of a coward to face up to and face the punishment for the horrific things he did.
Agreed but there is little difference between him and Big Ears and Dumbass W.
That is a completely asinine statement. His crimes:
  • nine counts of grave breaches of the Geneva conventions (wilful killing; inhuman treatment (sexual assault); unlawful deportation of a civilian; unlawful transfer of a civilian; unlawful confinement of a civilian; inhuman treatment (conditions of confinement); inhuman treatment; extensive destruction of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly).
  • nine counts of violations of the laws or customs of war (cruel treatment (conditions of confinement); cruel treatment; unlawful labour; wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or destruction not justified by military necessity; destruction or wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion or education; plunder of public or private property; unlawful attack on civilians; unlawful infliction of terror on civilians; cruel treatment), and
  • eight counts of crimes against humanity (persecutions on political, racial and religious grounds; murder; rape; deportation; inhumane acts (forcible transfer); imprisonment; inhumane acts (conditions of confinement); inhumane acts).[20]
...and how is W's illegal Iraq War based on a purposeful lie, any different? By some estimates his war caused the deaths of 150k Iraqis, including many women and children. That is far more than this scumbag Praljak killed.

I get so tired of assholes like you claiming that the war was based on GWB's lies, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Iraq claimed to have WMDs and had documented massive stockpiles of these weapons, but it was all a ruse to keep Iran at bay. Should we have taken the chance that Saddam and his henchmen were lying and continue to build these stockpiles after he used them on his own people? Of course not.

I guess you think the world would have been a better place if Saddam had stayed in power.

This is where dumb cons like you, get in trouble. Bush attacked a nation that never attacked us (that should be an impeachable offense) and who had nothing to do with 9/11. He did so based on a lie...that WMD were held by Saddam. So what if he did? Many nations hold WMD, but that is another story.

Our military murdered thousands of innocent Iraqis. BINGO...war crime.

W and BO should both be behind bars, but then so should most of our presidents. Most are/were war criminals for causing the deaths of so many innocent people.

This is what happens when you have a corrupt criminal political class bent on empire building for the benefit of a very small elite.
What away to go.

Bosnian Croat war criminal dies after taking poison in UN courtroom

Former commander Slobodan Praljak drank from bottle moments after judges upheld 20-year sentence in The Hague
Too much of a coward to face up to and face the punishment for the horrific things he did.
Agreed but there is little difference between him and Big Ears and Dumbass W.
That is a completely asinine statement. His crimes:
  • nine counts of grave breaches of the Geneva conventions (wilful killing; inhuman treatment (sexual assault); unlawful deportation of a civilian; unlawful transfer of a civilian; unlawful confinement of a civilian; inhuman treatment (conditions of confinement); inhuman treatment; extensive destruction of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly).
  • nine counts of violations of the laws or customs of war (cruel treatment (conditions of confinement); cruel treatment; unlawful labour; wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or destruction not justified by military necessity; destruction or wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion or education; plunder of public or private property; unlawful attack on civilians; unlawful infliction of terror on civilians; cruel treatment), and
  • eight counts of crimes against humanity (persecutions on political, racial and religious grounds; murder; rape; deportation; inhumane acts (forcible transfer); imprisonment; inhumane acts (conditions of confinement); inhumane acts).[20]
...and how is W's illegal Iraq War based on a purposeful lie, any different? By some estimates his war caused the deaths of 150k Iraqis, including many women and children. That is far more than this scumbag Praljak killed.

I get so tired of assholes like you claiming that the war was based on GWB's lies, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Iraq claimed to have WMDs and had documented massive stockpiles of these weapons, but it was all a ruse to keep Iran at bay. Should we have taken the chance that Saddam and his henchmen were lying and continue to build these stockpiles after he used them on his own people? Of course not.

I guess you think the world would have been a better place if Saddam had stayed in power.


I agree about the whole WMD thing..although there was intel that countered the prevailing views of the time..but hey..he made a call. It's easy to Monday morning QB. to whether the world would be a better place? Taking Saddam down created a power vacuum that led directly to the rise of ISIS, most of the trouble in Syria..and opened the door for the Russians to become a major player in the region. Would the world have been a better place? I dunno..but I can make the argument that it would have been a safer place...with Saddam as our puppet..and acting as a stabilizing influence in the region.
Too much of a coward to face up to and face the punishment for the horrific things he did.
Agreed but there is little difference between him and Big Ears and Dumbass W.
That is a completely asinine statement. His crimes:
  • nine counts of grave breaches of the Geneva conventions (wilful killing; inhuman treatment (sexual assault); unlawful deportation of a civilian; unlawful transfer of a civilian; unlawful confinement of a civilian; inhuman treatment (conditions of confinement); inhuman treatment; extensive destruction of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly).
  • nine counts of violations of the laws or customs of war (cruel treatment (conditions of confinement); cruel treatment; unlawful labour; wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or destruction not justified by military necessity; destruction or wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion or education; plunder of public or private property; unlawful attack on civilians; unlawful infliction of terror on civilians; cruel treatment), and
  • eight counts of crimes against humanity (persecutions on political, racial and religious grounds; murder; rape; deportation; inhumane acts (forcible transfer); imprisonment; inhumane acts (conditions of confinement); inhumane acts).[20]
...and how is W's illegal Iraq War based on a purposeful lie, any different? By some estimates his war caused the deaths of 150k Iraqis, including many women and children. That is far more than this scumbag Praljak killed.

I get so tired of assholes like you claiming that the war was based on GWB's lies, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Iraq claimed to have WMDs and had documented massive stockpiles of these weapons, but it was all a ruse to keep Iran at bay. Should we have taken the chance that Saddam and his henchmen were lying and continue to build these stockpiles after he used them on his own people? Of course not.

I guess you think the world would have been a better place if Saddam had stayed in power.


I agree about the whole WMD thing..although there was intel that countered the prevailing views of the time..but hey..he made a call. It's easy to Monday morning QB. to whether the world would be a better place? Taking Saddam down created a power vacuum that led directly to the rise of ISIS, most of the trouble in Syria..and opened the door for the Russians to become a major player in the region. Would the world have been a better place? I dunno..but I can make the argument that it would have been a safer place...with Saddam as our puppet..and acting as a stabilizing influence in the region.
American government interventions have caused nothing but failure, death and destruction for over 100 years. You would think we would ALL learn this, but no.

So what if Saddam had WMDs. Is that reason enough to go to war and murder thousands of innocent civilians, to say nothing of the many young Americans who were killed and wounded????...and many you committed war crimes for the empire, now suffer terrible psychological problems.
People such as yourself refuse to study. You just hear what you want to hear. The documents are out there. Quit listening to others.

U.S. Secretly Takes Yellowcake From Iraq
Syria's Chemical Weapons Came From Saddam's Iraq
Too much of a coward to face up to and face the punishment for the horrific things he did.
Agreed but there is little difference between him and Big Ears and Dumbass W.
That is a completely asinine statement. His crimes:
  • nine counts of grave breaches of the Geneva conventions (wilful killing; inhuman treatment (sexual assault); unlawful deportation of a civilian; unlawful transfer of a civilian; unlawful confinement of a civilian; inhuman treatment (conditions of confinement); inhuman treatment; extensive destruction of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly).
  • nine counts of violations of the laws or customs of war (cruel treatment (conditions of confinement); cruel treatment; unlawful labour; wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or destruction not justified by military necessity; destruction or wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion or education; plunder of public or private property; unlawful attack on civilians; unlawful infliction of terror on civilians; cruel treatment), and
  • eight counts of crimes against humanity (persecutions on political, racial and religious grounds; murder; rape; deportation; inhumane acts (forcible transfer); imprisonment; inhumane acts (conditions of confinement); inhumane acts).[20]
...and how is W's illegal Iraq War based on a purposeful lie, any different? By some estimates his war caused the deaths of 150k Iraqis, including many women and children. That is far more than this scumbag Praljak killed.

I get so tired of assholes like you claiming that the war was based on GWB's lies, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Iraq claimed to have WMDs and had documented massive stockpiles of these weapons, but it was all a ruse to keep Iran at bay. Should we have taken the chance that Saddam and his henchmen were lying and continue to build these stockpiles after he used them on his own people? Of course not.

I guess you think the world would have been a better place if Saddam had stayed in power.

This is where dumb cons like you, get in trouble. Bush attacked a nation that never attacked us (that should be an impeachable offense) and who had nothing to do with 9/11. He did so based on a lie...that WMD were held by Saddam. So what if he did? Many nations hold WMD, but that is another story.

Our military murdered thousands of innocent Iraqis. BINGO...war crime.

W and BO should both be behind bars, but then so should most of our presidents. Most are/were war criminals for causing the deaths of so many innocent people.

This is what happens when you have a corrupt criminal political class bent on empire building for the benefit of a very small elite.
Russia already was involved with Iraq.
Too much of a coward to face up to and face the punishment for the horrific things he did.
Agreed but there is little difference between him and Big Ears and Dumbass W.
That is a completely asinine statement. His crimes:
  • nine counts of grave breaches of the Geneva conventions (wilful killing; inhuman treatment (sexual assault); unlawful deportation of a civilian; unlawful transfer of a civilian; unlawful confinement of a civilian; inhuman treatment (conditions of confinement); inhuman treatment; extensive destruction of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly).
  • nine counts of violations of the laws or customs of war (cruel treatment (conditions of confinement); cruel treatment; unlawful labour; wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or destruction not justified by military necessity; destruction or wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion or education; plunder of public or private property; unlawful attack on civilians; unlawful infliction of terror on civilians; cruel treatment), and
  • eight counts of crimes against humanity (persecutions on political, racial and religious grounds; murder; rape; deportation; inhumane acts (forcible transfer); imprisonment; inhumane acts (conditions of confinement); inhumane acts).[20]
...and how is W's illegal Iraq War based on a purposeful lie, any different? By some estimates his war caused the deaths of 150k Iraqis, including many women and children. That is far more than this scumbag Praljak killed.

I get so tired of assholes like you claiming that the war was based on GWB's lies, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Iraq claimed to have WMDs and had documented massive stockpiles of these weapons, but it was all a ruse to keep Iran at bay. Should we have taken the chance that Saddam and his henchmen were lying and continue to build these stockpiles after he used them on his own people? Of course not.

I guess you think the world would have been a better place if Saddam had stayed in power.


I agree about the whole WMD thing..although there was intel that countered the prevailing views of the time..but hey..he made a call. It's easy to Monday morning QB. to whether the world would be a better place? Taking Saddam down created a power vacuum that led directly to the rise of ISIS, most of the trouble in Syria..and opened the door for the Russians to become a major player in the region. Would the world have been a better place? I dunno..but I can make the argument that it would have been a safer place...with Saddam as our puppet..and acting as a stabilizing influence in the region.
People such as yourself refuse to study. You just hear what you want to hear. The documents are out there. Quit listening to others.

U.S. Secretly Takes Yellowcake From Iraq
Syria's Chemical Weapons Came From Saddam's Iraq
Agreed but there is little difference between him and Big Ears and Dumbass W.
That is a completely asinine statement. His crimes:
  • nine counts of grave breaches of the Geneva conventions (wilful killing; inhuman treatment (sexual assault); unlawful deportation of a civilian; unlawful transfer of a civilian; unlawful confinement of a civilian; inhuman treatment (conditions of confinement); inhuman treatment; extensive destruction of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly).
  • nine counts of violations of the laws or customs of war (cruel treatment (conditions of confinement); cruel treatment; unlawful labour; wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or destruction not justified by military necessity; destruction or wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion or education; plunder of public or private property; unlawful attack on civilians; unlawful infliction of terror on civilians; cruel treatment), and
  • eight counts of crimes against humanity (persecutions on political, racial and religious grounds; murder; rape; deportation; inhumane acts (forcible transfer); imprisonment; inhumane acts (conditions of confinement); inhumane acts).[20]
...and how is W's illegal Iraq War based on a purposeful lie, any different? By some estimates his war caused the deaths of 150k Iraqis, including many women and children. That is far more than this scumbag Praljak killed.

I get so tired of assholes like you claiming that the war was based on GWB's lies, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Iraq claimed to have WMDs and had documented massive stockpiles of these weapons, but it was all a ruse to keep Iran at bay. Should we have taken the chance that Saddam and his henchmen were lying and continue to build these stockpiles after he used them on his own people? Of course not.

I guess you think the world would have been a better place if Saddam had stayed in power.

This is where dumb cons like you, get in trouble. Bush attacked a nation that never attacked us (that should be an impeachable offense) and who had nothing to do with 9/11. He did so based on a lie...that WMD were held by Saddam. So what if he did? Many nations hold WMD, but that is another story.

Our military murdered thousands of innocent Iraqis. BINGO...war crime.

W and BO should both be behind bars, but then so should most of our presidents. Most are/were war criminals for causing the deaths of so many innocent people.

This is what happens when you have a corrupt criminal political class bent on empire building for the benefit of a very small elite.
I don't care and you shouldn't either. Don't let the Empire dupe you.

I know there is proof Saddam had WMD. The fucker mass murdered the Kurds with WMD.

That however does not grant asshole W the right to go to war, resulting in mass death of thousands of innocent Iraqis.

Get it?
We need an Amendment to the Constitution that says something like this....

The USA can't EVER go to war, unless attacked. The attack must not be a false flag set up by corrupt politicians. If any POTUS goes to war without being attacked, he or she must by impeached, removed, and imprisoned for life.
What away to go.

Bosnian Croat war criminal dies after taking poison in UN courtroom

Former commander Slobodan Praljak drank from bottle moments after judges upheld 20-year sentence in The Hague

The guy was a war hero. He was fighting the invading Muslim hordes.

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He was ethnic cleansing the area of mooslims, BIG difference.

Pushing back the Islamic invaders and fighting the war. This war is already being waged in Western Europe and is on America’s front door.

Fuck the PC bullshit the world is at war with Islam from China, to Russia, to the Christians in Africa, to India and yes to Europe. It is about time we start fighting it!

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They weren't invading, they were simply living there for a long, long time. Although I agree about fighting Islam Jihadists, these weren't that, just ordinary western-style people.
We need an Amendment to the Constitution that says something like this....

The USA can't EVER go to war, unless attacked. The attack must not be a false flag set up by corrupt politicians. If any POTUS goes to war without being attacked, he or she must by impeached, removed, and imprisoned for life.
We're being attacked by white guys, like in Vegas. Does that count?
Too much of a coward to face up to and face the punishment for the horrific things he did.
Agreed but there is little difference between him and Big Ears and Dumbass W.
That is a completely asinine statement. His crimes:
  • nine counts of grave breaches of the Geneva conventions (wilful killing; inhuman treatment (sexual assault); unlawful deportation of a civilian; unlawful transfer of a civilian; unlawful confinement of a civilian; inhuman treatment (conditions of confinement); inhuman treatment; extensive destruction of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly).
  • nine counts of violations of the laws or customs of war (cruel treatment (conditions of confinement); cruel treatment; unlawful labour; wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or destruction not justified by military necessity; destruction or wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion or education; plunder of public or private property; unlawful attack on civilians; unlawful infliction of terror on civilians; cruel treatment), and
  • eight counts of crimes against humanity (persecutions on political, racial and religious grounds; murder; rape; deportation; inhumane acts (forcible transfer); imprisonment; inhumane acts (conditions of confinement); inhumane acts).[20]
...and how is W's illegal Iraq War based on a purposeful lie, any different? By some estimates his war caused the deaths of 150k Iraqis, including many women and children. That is far more than this scumbag Praljak killed.

I get so tired of assholes like you claiming that the war was based on GWB's lies, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Iraq claimed to have WMDs and had documented massive stockpiles of these weapons, but it was all a ruse to keep Iran at bay. Should we have taken the chance that Saddam and his henchmen were lying and continue to build these stockpiles after he used them on his own people? Of course not.

I guess you think the world would have been a better place if Saddam had stayed in power.

This is where dumb cons like you, get in trouble. Bush attacked a nation that never attacked us (that should be an impeachable offense) and who had nothing to do with 9/11. He did so based on a lie...that WMD were held by Saddam. So what if he did? Many nations hold WMD, but that is another story.

Our military murdered thousands of innocent Iraqis. BINGO...war crime.

W and BO should both be behind bars, but then so should most of our presidents. Most are/were war criminals for causing the deaths of so many innocent people.

This is what happens when you have a corrupt criminal political class bent on empire building for the benefit of a very small elite.

Get over yourself small fry. The Iraq War was a mistake, but it was built on faulty intelligence in a time of chaos. Pre-9/11 the agencies didn’t communicate with each other, intelligence was weak and Sadam made the world think he had WMDs because he feared Iran. He admitted this after capture. He was seen as a threat to the world and a man who would have no moral issues using WMDs or selling them to terrorists. We relied on weak intelligence and made a bad decision, for the right reasons, to invade Iraq.

Now take your self-righteousness and shovel it up your ass

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What away to go.

Bosnian Croat war criminal dies after taking poison in UN courtroom

Former commander Slobodan Praljak drank from bottle moments after judges upheld 20-year sentence in The Hague

The guy was a war hero. He was fighting the invading Muslim hordes.

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He was ethnic cleansing the area of mooslims, BIG difference.

Pushing back the Islamic invaders and fighting the war. This war is already being waged in Western Europe and is on America’s front door.

Fuck the PC bullshit the world is at war with Islam from China, to Russia, to the Christians in Africa, to India and yes to Europe. It is about time we start fighting it!

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They weren't invading, they were simply living there for a long, long time. Although I agree about fighting Islam Jihadists, these weren't that, just ordinary western-style people.

People are always revisionists. The Muslims invaded a long time back and took the lands, then they were persecuting all non-Muslims, they got hit back and hit back hard. Atrocities were committed by both sides, but the Muslims were the aggressors! Make no mistake!

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Agreed but there is little difference between him and Big Ears and Dumbass W.
That is a completely asinine statement. His crimes:
  • nine counts of grave breaches of the Geneva conventions (wilful killing; inhuman treatment (sexual assault); unlawful deportation of a civilian; unlawful transfer of a civilian; unlawful confinement of a civilian; inhuman treatment (conditions of confinement); inhuman treatment; extensive destruction of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly).
  • nine counts of violations of the laws or customs of war (cruel treatment (conditions of confinement); cruel treatment; unlawful labour; wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or destruction not justified by military necessity; destruction or wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion or education; plunder of public or private property; unlawful attack on civilians; unlawful infliction of terror on civilians; cruel treatment), and
  • eight counts of crimes against humanity (persecutions on political, racial and religious grounds; murder; rape; deportation; inhumane acts (forcible transfer); imprisonment; inhumane acts (conditions of confinement); inhumane acts).[20]
...and how is W's illegal Iraq War based on a purposeful lie, any different? By some estimates his war caused the deaths of 150k Iraqis, including many women and children. That is far more than this scumbag Praljak killed.

I get so tired of assholes like you claiming that the war was based on GWB's lies, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Iraq claimed to have WMDs and had documented massive stockpiles of these weapons, but it was all a ruse to keep Iran at bay. Should we have taken the chance that Saddam and his henchmen were lying and continue to build these stockpiles after he used them on his own people? Of course not.

I guess you think the world would have been a better place if Saddam had stayed in power.

This is where dumb cons like you, get in trouble. Bush attacked a nation that never attacked us (that should be an impeachable offense) and who had nothing to do with 9/11. He did so based on a lie...that WMD were held by Saddam. So what if he did? Many nations hold WMD, but that is another story.

Our military murdered thousands of innocent Iraqis. BINGO...war crime.

W and BO should both be behind bars, but then so should most of our presidents. Most are/were war criminals for causing the deaths of so many innocent people.

This is what happens when you have a corrupt criminal political class bent on empire building for the benefit of a very small elite.

Get over yourself small fry. The Iraq War was a mistake, but it was built on faulty intelligence in a time of chaos. Pre-9/11 the agencies didn’t communicate with each other, intelligence was weak and Sadam made the world think he had WMDs because he feared Iran. He admitted this after capture. He was seen as a threat to the world and a man who would have no moral issues using WMDs or selling them to terrorists. We relied on weak intelligence and made a bad decision, for the right reasons, to invade Iraq.

Now take your self-righteousness and shovel it up your ass

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I have no doubt Bush lied us into war. You shouldn't either. Going to war based on intelligence, is about the DUMBEST thing I have heard in a long time. Intelligence failures are numerous...look at 9/11.

Wake the fuck up! War is ALWAYS about the STATE.

Politicians are criminals. Why do you believe criminals?
What away to go.

Bosnian Croat war criminal dies after taking poison in UN courtroom

Former commander Slobodan Praljak drank from bottle moments after judges upheld 20-year sentence in The Hague

The guy was a war hero. He was fighting the invading Muslim hordes.

Sent from my iPhone using
He was ethnic cleansing the area of mooslims, BIG difference.

Pushing back the Islamic invaders and fighting the war. This war is already being waged in Western Europe and is on America’s front door.

Fuck the PC bullshit the world is at war with Islam from China, to Russia, to the Christians in Africa, to India and yes to Europe. It is about time we start fighting it!

Sent from my iPhone using
They weren't invading, they were simply living there for a long, long time. Although I agree about fighting Islam Jihadists, these weren't that, just ordinary western-style people.

People are always revisionists. The Muslims invaded a long time back and took the lands, then they were persecuting all non-Muslims, they got hit back and hit back hard. Atrocities were committed by both sides, but the Muslims were the aggressors! Make no mistake!

Sent from my iPhone using
The mooslims who got attacked never invaded anything and were happy to live side by side with others, like we all do here. But you're right, people are revisionists.
That is a completely asinine statement. His crimes:
  • nine counts of grave breaches of the Geneva conventions (wilful killing; inhuman treatment (sexual assault); unlawful deportation of a civilian; unlawful transfer of a civilian; unlawful confinement of a civilian; inhuman treatment (conditions of confinement); inhuman treatment; extensive destruction of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly).
  • nine counts of violations of the laws or customs of war (cruel treatment (conditions of confinement); cruel treatment; unlawful labour; wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or destruction not justified by military necessity; destruction or wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion or education; plunder of public or private property; unlawful attack on civilians; unlawful infliction of terror on civilians; cruel treatment), and
  • eight counts of crimes against humanity (persecutions on political, racial and religious grounds; murder; rape; deportation; inhumane acts (forcible transfer); imprisonment; inhumane acts (conditions of confinement); inhumane acts).[20]
...and how is W's illegal Iraq War based on a purposeful lie, any different? By some estimates his war caused the deaths of 150k Iraqis, including many women and children. That is far more than this scumbag Praljak killed.

I get so tired of assholes like you claiming that the war was based on GWB's lies, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Iraq claimed to have WMDs and had documented massive stockpiles of these weapons, but it was all a ruse to keep Iran at bay. Should we have taken the chance that Saddam and his henchmen were lying and continue to build these stockpiles after he used them on his own people? Of course not.

I guess you think the world would have been a better place if Saddam had stayed in power.

This is where dumb cons like you, get in trouble. Bush attacked a nation that never attacked us (that should be an impeachable offense) and who had nothing to do with 9/11. He did so based on a lie...that WMD were held by Saddam. So what if he did? Many nations hold WMD, but that is another story.

Our military murdered thousands of innocent Iraqis. BINGO...war crime.

W and BO should both be behind bars, but then so should most of our presidents. Most are/were war criminals for causing the deaths of so many innocent people.

This is what happens when you have a corrupt criminal political class bent on empire building for the benefit of a very small elite.

Get over yourself small fry. The Iraq War was a mistake, but it was built on faulty intelligence in a time of chaos. Pre-9/11 the agencies didn’t communicate with each other, intelligence was weak and Sadam made the world think he had WMDs because he feared Iran. He admitted this after capture. He was seen as a threat to the world and a man who would have no moral issues using WMDs or selling them to terrorists. We relied on weak intelligence and made a bad decision, for the right reasons, to invade Iraq.

Now take your self-righteousness and shovel it up your ass

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I have no doubt Bush lied us into war. You shouldn't either. Going to war based on intelligence, is about the DUMBEST thing I have heard in a long time. Intelligence failures are numerous...look at 9/11.

Wake the fuck up! War is ALWAYS about the STATE.

Politicians are criminals. Why do you believe criminals?

You have no doubt? Many others don't believe that, so it means nothing. You obviously have not done your homework.

Tell me all about "Curveball" and how that had nothing to do with anything.
Do you even have enough sense to understand that if the wrong people got hold of or negotiated with Saddam for his wmd, what likely could have happened? Do you not understand this man would stop at nothing to harm us. I see you see it as rather us than them. Glad you are in the minority. He killed millions of his own, starved babies and children by cheating, tortured relentlessly, his own. But that matters not to you. How telling.
Both in One Trench
SH-IISX-D-001-105, “Correspondence within the Iraqi Intelligence Service regarding scientific ideas to produce viruses and germs to pollute the water tanks of U.S. Forces in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia,” 22 Oct 2000, Conflict Records Research Center, Washington, D.C.
Original Record for SH-IISX-D-001-105
SH-IISX-D-000-475, “Iraqi Intelligence Service investigative reports regarding failed bombing attempts against the residence of the U.S. Ambassador in Jakarta, Japanese Embassy, and American Airlines in the Philippines,” Jan 1992 to Mar 1994, Conflict Records Research Center, Washington, D.C.
Original Record for SH-IISX-D-000-475
SH-FSDM-D-001-077, “Fedayeen Saddam instructions regarding planning and preparing for operations, including personnel selection, mission planning and coordination, assassinations, and bombings,” 25 May 1999, Conflict Records Research Center, Washington, D.C.
Original Record for SH-FSDM-D-001-077
SH-FSDM-D-001-081, “Letters from the Secretariat Office of the Fedayeen Saddam regarding volunteers for martyrdom operations,” 7 Oct 2000, Conflict Records Research Center, Washington, D.C.
Original Record for SH-FSDM-D-001-081

People such as yourself refuse to study. You just hear what you want to hear. The documents are out there. Quit listening to others.

U.S. Secretly Takes Yellowcake From Iraq
Syria's Chemical Weapons Came From Saddam's Iraq
That is a completely asinine statement. His crimes:
  • nine counts of grave breaches of the Geneva conventions (wilful killing; inhuman treatment (sexual assault); unlawful deportation of a civilian; unlawful transfer of a civilian; unlawful confinement of a civilian; inhuman treatment (conditions of confinement); inhuman treatment; extensive destruction of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly).
  • nine counts of violations of the laws or customs of war (cruel treatment (conditions of confinement); cruel treatment; unlawful labour; wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or destruction not justified by military necessity; destruction or wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion or education; plunder of public or private property; unlawful attack on civilians; unlawful infliction of terror on civilians; cruel treatment), and
  • eight counts of crimes against humanity (persecutions on political, racial and religious grounds; murder; rape; deportation; inhumane acts (forcible transfer); imprisonment; inhumane acts (conditions of confinement); inhumane acts).[20]
...and how is W's illegal Iraq War based on a purposeful lie, any different? By some estimates his war caused the deaths of 150k Iraqis, including many women and children. That is far more than this scumbag Praljak killed.

I get so tired of assholes like you claiming that the war was based on GWB's lies, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Iraq claimed to have WMDs and had documented massive stockpiles of these weapons, but it was all a ruse to keep Iran at bay. Should we have taken the chance that Saddam and his henchmen were lying and continue to build these stockpiles after he used them on his own people? Of course not.

I guess you think the world would have been a better place if Saddam had stayed in power.

This is where dumb cons like you, get in trouble. Bush attacked a nation that never attacked us (that should be an impeachable offense) and who had nothing to do with 9/11. He did so based on a lie...that WMD were held by Saddam. So what if he did? Many nations hold WMD, but that is another story.

Our military murdered thousands of innocent Iraqis. BINGO...war crime.

W and BO should both be behind bars, but then so should most of our presidents. Most are/were war criminals for causing the deaths of so many innocent people.

This is what happens when you have a corrupt criminal political class bent on empire building for the benefit of a very small elite.
I don't care and you shouldn't either. Don't let the Empire dupe you.

I know there is proof Saddam had WMD. The fucker mass murdered the Kurds with WMD.

That however does not grant asshole W the right to go to war, resulting in mass death of thousands of innocent Iraqis.

Get it?
Do you even have enough sense to understand that if the wrong people got hold of or negotiated with Saddam for his wmd, what likely could have happened? Do you not understand this man would stop at nothing to harm us. I see you see it as rather us than them. Glad you are in the minority. He killed millions of his own, starved babies and children by cheating, tortured relentlessly, his own. But that matters not to you. How telling.
Both in One Trench
SH-IISX-D-001-105, “Correspondence within the Iraqi Intelligence Service regarding scientific ideas to produce viruses and germs to pollute the water tanks of U.S. Forces in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia,” 22 Oct 2000, Conflict Records Research Center, Washington, D.C.
Original Record for SH-IISX-D-001-105
SH-IISX-D-000-475, “Iraqi Intelligence Service investigative reports regarding failed bombing attempts against the residence of the U.S. Ambassador in Jakarta, Japanese Embassy, and American Airlines in the Philippines,” Jan 1992 to Mar 1994, Conflict Records Research Center, Washington, D.C.
Original Record for SH-IISX-D-000-475
SH-FSDM-D-001-077, “Fedayeen Saddam instructions regarding planning and preparing for operations, including personnel selection, mission planning and coordination, assassinations, and bombings,” 25 May 1999, Conflict Records Research Center, Washington, D.C.
Original Record for SH-FSDM-D-001-077
SH-FSDM-D-001-081, “Letters from the Secretariat Office of the Fedayeen Saddam regarding volunteers for martyrdom operations,” 7 Oct 2000, Conflict Records Research Center, Washington, D.C.
Original Record for SH-FSDM-D-001-081

People such as yourself refuse to study. You just hear what you want to hear. The documents are out there. Quit listening to others.

U.S. Secretly Takes Yellowcake From Iraq
Syria's Chemical Weapons Came From Saddam's Iraq
...and how is W's illegal Iraq War based on a purposeful lie, any different? By some estimates his war caused the deaths of 150k Iraqis, including many women and children. That is far more than this scumbag Praljak killed.

I get so tired of assholes like you claiming that the war was based on GWB's lies, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Iraq claimed to have WMDs and had documented massive stockpiles of these weapons, but it was all a ruse to keep Iran at bay. Should we have taken the chance that Saddam and his henchmen were lying and continue to build these stockpiles after he used them on his own people? Of course not.

I guess you think the world would have been a better place if Saddam had stayed in power.

This is where dumb cons like you, get in trouble. Bush attacked a nation that never attacked us (that should be an impeachable offense) and who had nothing to do with 9/11. He did so based on a lie...that WMD were held by Saddam. So what if he did? Many nations hold WMD, but that is another story.

Our military murdered thousands of innocent Iraqis. BINGO...war crime.

W and BO should both be behind bars, but then so should most of our presidents. Most are/were war criminals for causing the deaths of so many innocent people.

This is what happens when you have a corrupt criminal political class bent on empire building for the benefit of a very small elite.
I don't care and you shouldn't either. Don't let the Empire dupe you.

I know there is proof Saddam had WMD. The fucker mass murdered the Kurds with WMD.

That however does not grant asshole W the right to go to war, resulting in mass death of thousands of innocent Iraqis.

Get it?
Yeah...Saddam was harming us...LMFAO.

The guy was a war hero. He was fighting the invading Muslim hordes.

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He was ethnic cleansing the area of mooslims, BIG difference.

Pushing back the Islamic invaders and fighting the war. This war is already being waged in Western Europe and is on America’s front door.

Fuck the PC bullshit the world is at war with Islam from China, to Russia, to the Christians in Africa, to India and yes to Europe. It is about time we start fighting it!

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They weren't invading, they were simply living there for a long, long time. Although I agree about fighting Islam Jihadists, these weren't that, just ordinary western-style people.

People are always revisionists. The Muslims invaded a long time back and took the lands, then they were persecuting all non-Muslims, they got hit back and hit back hard. Atrocities were committed by both sides, but the Muslims were the aggressors! Make no mistake!

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The mooslims who got attacked never invaded anything and were happy to live side by side with others, like we all do here. But you're right, people are revisionists.
Like we do here!? Are you fucking kidding? We aren't happily living side by side. They kill our people in terrorist acts. We don't kill them, because for the most part we follow the laws. If you think things were hunky dory between the two... You know jack shit about it.

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