Botched ACA Rollout Hammers Obama; Job Disapproval Reaches a Career High


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Another day, and more and more are continuing to eject from the downward spiral of the Obama machine


Botched ACA Rollout Hammers Obama; Job Disapproval Reaches a Career High

By Gary Langer
Nov 19, 2013 12:01am

Barack Obama has been hammered by the botched rollout of the Affordable Care Act, with disapproval of his job performance reaching a career high, opposition to the new healthcare law up sharply and evidence of potential fallout in the midterm elections a year off.

The president’s job approval rating has fallen to 42 percent in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, down 13 percentage points this year and 6 points in the past month to match the lowest of his presidency. Fifty-five percent disapprove, a record. And 70 percent say the country’s headed seriously off on the wrong track – up 13 points since May to the most in two years.

See PDF with full results, charts and tables here.

Other ratings of the president’s performance have tumbled as well. He’s at career lows for being a strong leader, understanding the problems of average Americans and being honest and trustworthy – numerically under water on each of these (a first for the latter two). His rating for strong leadership is down by 15 points this year and a vast 31 points below its peak shortly after he took office. In a new gauge, just 41 percent rate him as a good manager; 56 percent think not.

This poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, finds that the president’s personal image has suffered alongside his professional ratings. Fewer than half, 46 percent, see him favorably overall, down 14 points this year to the fewest of his presidency. Fifty-two percent now view him unfavorably, a new high and a majority for the first time since he took office. It may matter: Personal popularity can provide a president with cushioning when the going gets rough. Losing it leaves the president more vulnerable.

The poll produces evidence that the ACA could spell trouble for Democrats in the 2014 midterm elections. Americans by a 16-point margin, 37-21 percent, are more likely to oppose than to support a candidate for Congress who favors Obamacare. That’s opened up from an even score in July 2012. (Using an intensity rating – those who are “much” more or less likely to support a candidate who backs the ACA – it’s still 15 points negative, vs. 2 points last year.)

Botched ACA Rollout Hammers Obama; Job Disapproval Reaches a Career High - ABC News


Hidden gem in ABC/WaPo Poll: Strong Tea Party support

Posted by William A. Jacobson Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at 10:51am

We have addressed many times recently the misleading claim that support for the Tea Party Movement was at historic lows or reflected the near-end of the movement:

The ABC News – Washington Post poll released just after midnight has generated headlines for the sharp decline in Obama’s favorability ratings by just about every measure, and the growing unpopularity of Obamacare.

But there is a hidden gem in the poll that is not receiving much attention.

Support for the Tea Party movement is at 38% for all registered voters, not far below the 41% approval rating and 46% favorability rating for Obama.

Moreover, 46% think the Tea Party has too little/just about right influence versus 43% who think it has too much influence. 49% think the Tea Party political views are about right or too liberal, versus only 40% who think too conservative.

Tea Party Support | Favorability | Poll
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A CBS poll had him yesterday down to 37% approval. And a whopping 70% disapprove of Obamacare.

Obama's glory days are long gone. You just can't lie to the American public over 40 times and think you're going to get away with it. These millions that are getting their insurance cancelled are looking at double to triple to what they were paying on these state Obamacare web-sites--which just adds insult to the injury.

I doubt his credibility will ever come back.

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And Nixon was smarter than Obama.

He (Nixon) recognized the game was up and walked away.


Not so much.
Wow, he is about where BushII was when he left office.

Well there is a difference between Bush and Obama. The media in this country continually hammered Bush with all kinds of negative news coverage--about Iraq, Katrina, etc. etc.

Obama has had major media protection from all media outlets with the exception of Fox News.

Henceforth--Obama did this all to himself.

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Wow, he is about where BushII was when he left office.

Well there is a difference between Bush and Obama. The media in this country continually hammered Bush with all kinds of negative news coverage--about Iraq, Katrina, etc. etc.

Obama has had major media protection from all media outlets with the exception of Fox News.

Henceforth--Obama did this all to himself.


Of course. Can't have the first black president appear inept. Oprah will call them racist

Theres still hope Mr. H. Maybe Obama can pick up the pace to maybe 1 carton of coffin nails every 3 days.


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