Both parents die leaving 4 Texas orphans.

So the vaccine isn't 100% perfect. It's better than both parents dying and leaving all those poor kids. There aren't any stories where both vaccinated parents died.
The media won't report on that, doesn't fit their narrative. But some how you haven't figured that one out yet.
So you are saying there is a 100% they would have survived if they had the vaccine? If you can't say that, you should probably just shut your limey pie hole.
Did he say 100%? I missed that part.
We all die....some by stupidity with a dash of selfishness.
You just have to grind that "selfishness" thing in there, don't you? Why can't you just accept that normal people do not give a fuck about your little collectivist gulag mental illness?

And just in case....... Yes, I'm selfish. I'm one of the most selfish motherfuckers I've ever known. I like it this way. You are NEVER going to guilt me out of my self-interest. Don't try, because you'll be wasting breath and keystrokes.

Unvaxxed of course. Those kids will grow up knowing that their parents didnt love them enough to get a jab. Saddest story of the day.
who cares? seriously? it’s sad folks got sick ans died…but what about the 1000s that are going to be left orphans because of xiden’s actions in Afghan?

Moreover how many will get sick in the united states due to the surge of refugees?

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