Both Sides Say Ireland Has Voted to Legalize Gay Marriage

What's not to work out?

Low rates of marriage, high rates of divorce, high rates of spouse abuse, bad outcomes for children, off the top of my head.

Gays have been marring in the US for a European countries much longer than that. Provide evidence to support your claims that gays marrying leads to those things?

Let's start with high divorce rates...Massachusetts has had gay marriage the longest...and has one of the lowest divorce rates in the United States. Fail

"High rates of spousal abuse". Let's look at the numbers shall we?

  • Nearly 25% of women and 7.6% of men were raped and/or physically assaulted by a current or former spouse, cohabiting partner, or dating partner/acquaintance at some time in their lifetime (based on survey of 16,000 participants, equally male and female).
  • Intimate partner violence made up 20% of all nonfatal violent crime experienced by women in 2001.
  • Of the almost 3.5 million violent crimes committed against family members, 49% of these were crimes against spouses.
  • 84% of spouse abuse victims were females, and 86% of victims of dating partner abuse at were female.
  • Males were 83% of spouse murderers and 75% of dating partner murderers
  • 50% of offenders in state prison for spousal abuse had killed their victims. Wives were more likely than husbands to be killed by their spouses: wives were about half of all spouses in the population in 2002, but 81% of all persons killed by their spouse.
  • 11% of lesbians reported violence by their female partner and 15% of gay men who had lived with a male partner reported being victimized by a male partner.
Another FAIL

"Bad outcomes for children". Nope, fail again. All studies show that there is no difference in outcomes between the children of gays and the children of straights.

From the American Academy of Pediatrics
Technical Report
Promoting the Well-Being of Children Whose Parents Are Gay or Lesbian

Extensive data available from more than 30 years of research reveal that children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma. Many studies have demonstrated that children's well-being is affected much more by their relationships with their parents, their parents' sense of competence and security, and the presence of social and economic support for the family than by the gender or the sexual orientation of their parents.

My response was about the issues in gay marriage.

And I note that you also use misleading stats.

Lumping boyfriends in with husbands, and then moving on to the subset of "crimes committed against family members" then discussing a percentage of THAT.


Your response was lacking any proof or evidence. You citing you is not evidence...that's what we call "Ass Facts".

Why is that misleading? Aren't you "lumping boyfriends and girlfriends" into the LGBT statistics? You have to be since not all gays can marry.

Domestic violence is statistically more prevalent in heterosexual relationships than in gay relationships...but you don't see gays trying to keep straights from marrying as a result. I know...let's just work on ending Domestic Violence instead.

(Your blowing off of the other responses to your ridiculously false claims is noted)

No, I was making a prediction about what gay marriage will be.

Link to support your claim Married couples have more domestic violence than Gay Married couples?

The burden of proof is on you, dimwit. You're the one making the ignorant claim.
Low rates of marriage, high rates of divorce, high rates of spouse abuse, bad outcomes for children, off the top of my head.

Gays have been marring in the US for a European countries much longer than that. Provide evidence to support your claims that gays marrying leads to those things?

Let's start with high divorce rates...Massachusetts has had gay marriage the longest...and has one of the lowest divorce rates in the United States. Fail

"High rates of spousal abuse". Let's look at the numbers shall we?

  • Nearly 25% of women and 7.6% of men were raped and/or physically assaulted by a current or former spouse, cohabiting partner, or dating partner/acquaintance at some time in their lifetime (based on survey of 16,000 participants, equally male and female).
  • Intimate partner violence made up 20% of all nonfatal violent crime experienced by women in 2001.
  • Of the almost 3.5 million violent crimes committed against family members, 49% of these were crimes against spouses.
  • 84% of spouse abuse victims were females, and 86% of victims of dating partner abuse at were female.
  • Males were 83% of spouse murderers and 75% of dating partner murderers
  • 50% of offenders in state prison for spousal abuse had killed their victims. Wives were more likely than husbands to be killed by their spouses: wives were about half of all spouses in the population in 2002, but 81% of all persons killed by their spouse.
  • 11% of lesbians reported violence by their female partner and 15% of gay men who had lived with a male partner reported being victimized by a male partner.
Another FAIL

"Bad outcomes for children". Nope, fail again. All studies show that there is no difference in outcomes between the children of gays and the children of straights.

From the American Academy of Pediatrics
Technical Report
Promoting the Well-Being of Children Whose Parents Are Gay or Lesbian

Extensive data available from more than 30 years of research reveal that children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma. Many studies have demonstrated that children's well-being is affected much more by their relationships with their parents, their parents' sense of competence and security, and the presence of social and economic support for the family than by the gender or the sexual orientation of their parents.

My response was about the issues in gay marriage.

And I note that you also use misleading stats.

Lumping boyfriends in with husbands, and then moving on to the subset of "crimes committed against family members" then discussing a percentage of THAT.


Your response was lacking any proof or evidence. You citing you is not evidence...that's what we call "Ass Facts".

Why is that misleading? Aren't you "lumping boyfriends and girlfriends" into the LGBT statistics? You have to be since not all gays can marry.

Domestic violence is statistically more prevalent in heterosexual relationships than in gay relationships...but you don't see gays trying to keep straights from marrying as a result. I know...let's just work on ending Domestic Violence instead.

(Your blowing off of the other responses to your ridiculously false claims is noted)

No, I was making a prediction about what gay marriage will be.

Link to support your claim Married couples have more domestic violence than Gay Married couples?

The burden of proof is on you, dimwit. You're the one making the ignorant claim.

I made a prediction. He made the claim that stats already exist, that show that Gay Marriage is better than regular Marriage.

So, show me.

Calling me names does not make you case stronger.

What a great victory.

DUBLIN — Leaders on both sides of Ireland's gay marriage campaign say advocates of legalization have won a resounding victory with the ballot count still underway.

Senior figures from the "no" campaign, who sought to prevent Ireland's constitution from being amended to permit gay marriage, say the only question Saturday is how large the "yes" side's margin of victory will be from Friday's vote.

An Irish Cabinet minister, Leo Varadkar, who came out as gay at the start of the government's campaign, says Dublin looks to have voted about 70 percent in favor of gay marriage, while most districts outside the capital also were reporting strong "yes" leads. Official results come later Saturday.

Meanwhile in Syria, another hundred thousand Christians are murdered by ISIS and the Western economies continue to slide towards self destruction.

All these victories for gays under governments that are on their way out. LOL
What's not to work out?

Low rates of marriage, high rates of divorce, high rates of spouse abuse, bad outcomes for children, off the top of my head.

Gays have been marring in the US for a European countries much longer than that. Provide evidence to support your claims that gays marrying leads to those things?

Let's start with high divorce rates...Massachusetts has had gay marriage the longest...and has one of the lowest divorce rates in the United States. Fail

"High rates of spousal abuse". Let's look at the numbers shall we?

  • Nearly 25% of women and 7.6% of men were raped and/or physically assaulted by a current or former spouse, cohabiting partner, or dating partner/acquaintance at some time in their lifetime (based on survey of 16,000 participants, equally male and female).
  • Intimate partner violence made up 20% of all nonfatal violent crime experienced by women in 2001.
  • Of the almost 3.5 million violent crimes committed against family members, 49% of these were crimes against spouses.
  • 84% of spouse abuse victims were females, and 86% of victims of dating partner abuse at were female.
  • Males were 83% of spouse murderers and 75% of dating partner murderers
  • 50% of offenders in state prison for spousal abuse had killed their victims. Wives were more likely than husbands to be killed by their spouses: wives were about half of all spouses in the population in 2002, but 81% of all persons killed by their spouse.
  • 11% of lesbians reported violence by their female partner and 15% of gay men who had lived with a male partner reported being victimized by a male partner.
Another FAIL

"Bad outcomes for children". Nope, fail again. All studies show that there is no difference in outcomes between the children of gays and the children of straights.

From the American Academy of Pediatrics
Technical Report
Promoting the Well-Being of Children Whose Parents Are Gay or Lesbian

Extensive data available from more than 30 years of research reveal that children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma. Many studies have demonstrated that children's well-being is affected much more by their relationships with their parents, their parents' sense of competence and security, and the presence of social and economic support for the family than by the gender or the sexual orientation of their parents.

My response was about the issues in gay marriage.

And I note that you also use misleading stats.

Lumping boyfriends in with husbands, and then moving on to the subset of "crimes committed against family members" then discussing a percentage of THAT.


Your response was lacking any proof or evidence. You citing you is not evidence...that's what we call "Ass Facts".

Why is that misleading? Aren't you "lumping boyfriends and girlfriends" into the LGBT statistics? You have to be since not all gays can marry.

Domestic violence is statistically more prevalent in heterosexual relationships than in gay relationships...but you don't see gays trying to keep straights from marrying as a result. I know...let's just work on ending Domestic Violence instead.

(Your blowing off of the other responses to your ridiculously false claims is noted)

No, I was making a prediction about what gay marriage will be.

Link to support your claim Married couples have more domestic violence than Gay Married couples?

Only if prediction means pulling random thoughts out of your ass and typing them up on a message board.

I gave you links...unlike you that have provided nothing but your "ass facts". Gays, in the United States, have been marrying in MA for over a decade. In other countries for almost two decades. Where are your "predictions" coming true?
Low rates of marriage, high rates of divorce, high rates of spouse abuse, bad outcomes for children, off the top of my head.

Gays have been marring in the US for a European countries much longer than that. Provide evidence to support your claims that gays marrying leads to those things?

Let's start with high divorce rates...Massachusetts has had gay marriage the longest...and has one of the lowest divorce rates in the United States. Fail

"High rates of spousal abuse". Let's look at the numbers shall we?

  • Nearly 25% of women and 7.6% of men were raped and/or physically assaulted by a current or former spouse, cohabiting partner, or dating partner/acquaintance at some time in their lifetime (based on survey of 16,000 participants, equally male and female).
  • Intimate partner violence made up 20% of all nonfatal violent crime experienced by women in 2001.
  • Of the almost 3.5 million violent crimes committed against family members, 49% of these were crimes against spouses.
  • 84% of spouse abuse victims were females, and 86% of victims of dating partner abuse at were female.
  • Males were 83% of spouse murderers and 75% of dating partner murderers
  • 50% of offenders in state prison for spousal abuse had killed their victims. Wives were more likely than husbands to be killed by their spouses: wives were about half of all spouses in the population in 2002, but 81% of all persons killed by their spouse.
  • 11% of lesbians reported violence by their female partner and 15% of gay men who had lived with a male partner reported being victimized by a male partner.
Another FAIL

"Bad outcomes for children". Nope, fail again. All studies show that there is no difference in outcomes between the children of gays and the children of straights.

From the American Academy of Pediatrics
Technical Report
Promoting the Well-Being of Children Whose Parents Are Gay or Lesbian

Extensive data available from more than 30 years of research reveal that children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma. Many studies have demonstrated that children's well-being is affected much more by their relationships with their parents, their parents' sense of competence and security, and the presence of social and economic support for the family than by the gender or the sexual orientation of their parents.

My response was about the issues in gay marriage.

And I note that you also use misleading stats.

Lumping boyfriends in with husbands, and then moving on to the subset of "crimes committed against family members" then discussing a percentage of THAT.


Your response was lacking any proof or evidence. You citing you is not evidence...that's what we call "Ass Facts".

Why is that misleading? Aren't you "lumping boyfriends and girlfriends" into the LGBT statistics? You have to be since not all gays can marry.

Domestic violence is statistically more prevalent in heterosexual relationships than in gay relationships...but you don't see gays trying to keep straights from marrying as a result. I know...let's just work on ending Domestic Violence instead.

(Your blowing off of the other responses to your ridiculously false claims is noted)

No, I was making a prediction about what gay marriage will be.

Link to support your claim Married couples have more domestic violence than Gay Married couples?

Only if prediction means pulling random thoughts out of your ass and typing them up on a message board.

I gave you links...unlike you that have provided nothing but your "ass facts". Gays, in the United States, have been marrying in MA for over a decade. In other countries for almost two decades. Where are your "predictions" coming true?

You mean the link where they lump boyfriends/girlfriends in with husbands and wives to try get the numbers they want?

Mmm, yeah, I would prefer a site that isn't obviously trying to get a predetermined outcome.
It means your entire argument is based on a lie.


Not really, Marriage, for the entire existence of this nation, has meant :ONe man, One woman.

Pretending otherwise is dishonest.

Only one being dishonest here is you.

Marriage always has been a state contract and the state has had the ability to change the terms of the contract over time.

When this nation was founded women were considered to be property and not allowed to even own property in their own right. It wasn't until 1900 when it became legal in all states.

States banned interracial marriage and that was only overturned in 1967.

Why are you fallaciously pretending that marriage has never changed in the "entire existence of this nation"?
It means your entire argument is based on a lie.


Not really, Marriage, for the entire existence of this nation, has meant :ONe man, One woman.

Pretending otherwise is dishonest.

Only one being dishonest here is you.

Marriage always has been a state contract and the state has had the ability to change the terms of the contract over time.

When this nation was founded women were considered to be property and not allowed to even own property in their own right. It wasn't until 1900 when it became legal in all states.

States banned interracial marriage and that was only overturned in 1967.

Why are you fallaciously pretending that marriage has never changed in the "entire existence of this nation"?

Women "being considered property" does not change the fact that marriage was about "ONe Man, One Woman". It is a completely irrelevant to the discussion. But I guess you have to throw something out there.

The ban on Interracial Marriage did not claim that a black man and a white woman (or visa versa) who went though the marriage process was not a marriage, it just made it illegal. This does not alter the definition of marriage either. But I guess you have to throw something out there.

THe relationship between men and women, the role of women in society, all this has changed.

But the definition of marriage has not.

Until now.

Under false pretense.

Does the fact that you have to lie to make your case not raise any red flags in your mind?
Gays have been marring in the US for a European countries much longer than that. Provide evidence to support your claims that gays marrying leads to those things?

Let's start with high divorce rates...Massachusetts has had gay marriage the longest...and has one of the lowest divorce rates in the United States. Fail

"High rates of spousal abuse". Let's look at the numbers shall we?

  • Nearly 25% of women and 7.6% of men were raped and/or physically assaulted by a current or former spouse, cohabiting partner, or dating partner/acquaintance at some time in their lifetime (based on survey of 16,000 participants, equally male and female).
  • Intimate partner violence made up 20% of all nonfatal violent crime experienced by women in 2001.
  • Of the almost 3.5 million violent crimes committed against family members, 49% of these were crimes against spouses.
  • 84% of spouse abuse victims were females, and 86% of victims of dating partner abuse at were female.
  • Males were 83% of spouse murderers and 75% of dating partner murderers
  • 50% of offenders in state prison for spousal abuse had killed their victims. Wives were more likely than husbands to be killed by their spouses: wives were about half of all spouses in the population in 2002, but 81% of all persons killed by their spouse.
  • 11% of lesbians reported violence by their female partner and 15% of gay men who had lived with a male partner reported being victimized by a male partner.
Another FAIL

"Bad outcomes for children". Nope, fail again. All studies show that there is no difference in outcomes between the children of gays and the children of straights.

From the American Academy of Pediatrics
Technical Report
Promoting the Well-Being of Children Whose Parents Are Gay or Lesbian

Extensive data available from more than 30 years of research reveal that children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma. Many studies have demonstrated that children's well-being is affected much more by their relationships with their parents, their parents' sense of competence and security, and the presence of social and economic support for the family than by the gender or the sexual orientation of their parents.

My response was about the issues in gay marriage.

And I note that you also use misleading stats.

Lumping boyfriends in with husbands, and then moving on to the subset of "crimes committed against family members" then discussing a percentage of THAT.


Your response was lacking any proof or evidence. You citing you is not evidence...that's what we call "Ass Facts".

Why is that misleading? Aren't you "lumping boyfriends and girlfriends" into the LGBT statistics? You have to be since not all gays can marry.

Domestic violence is statistically more prevalent in heterosexual relationships than in gay relationships...but you don't see gays trying to keep straights from marrying as a result. I know...let's just work on ending Domestic Violence instead.

(Your blowing off of the other responses to your ridiculously false claims is noted)

No, I was making a prediction about what gay marriage will be.

Link to support your claim Married couples have more domestic violence than Gay Married couples?

Only if prediction means pulling random thoughts out of your ass and typing them up on a message board.

I gave you links...unlike you that have provided nothing but your "ass facts". Gays, in the United States, have been marrying in MA for over a decade. In other countries for almost two decades. Where are your "predictions" coming true?

You mean the link where they lump boyfriends/girlfriends in with husbands and wives to try get the numbers they want?

Mmm, yeah, I would prefer a site that isn't obviously trying to get a predetermined outcome.

Aren't you "lumping boyfriends and girlfriends" in with "husbands and wives" with the LGBT numbers? Yes, yes you are.
My response was about the issues in gay marriage.

And I note that you also use misleading stats.

Lumping boyfriends in with husbands, and then moving on to the subset of "crimes committed against family members" then discussing a percentage of THAT.


Your response was lacking any proof or evidence. You citing you is not evidence...that's what we call "Ass Facts".

Why is that misleading? Aren't you "lumping boyfriends and girlfriends" into the LGBT statistics? You have to be since not all gays can marry.

Domestic violence is statistically more prevalent in heterosexual relationships than in gay relationships...but you don't see gays trying to keep straights from marrying as a result. I know...let's just work on ending Domestic Violence instead.

(Your blowing off of the other responses to your ridiculously false claims is noted)

No, I was making a prediction about what gay marriage will be.

Link to support your claim Married couples have more domestic violence than Gay Married couples?

Only if prediction means pulling random thoughts out of your ass and typing them up on a message board.

I gave you links...unlike you that have provided nothing but your "ass facts". Gays, in the United States, have been marrying in MA for over a decade. In other countries for almost two decades. Where are your "predictions" coming true?

You mean the link where they lump boyfriends/girlfriends in with husbands and wives to try get the numbers they want?

Mmm, yeah, I would prefer a site that isn't obviously trying to get a predetermined outcome.

Aren't you "lumping boyfriends and girlfriends" in with "husbands and wives" with the LGBT numbers? Yes, yes you are.


I've been speaking in generalities. I don't recall posting any numbers.
Congrats when do you all leave?

or you still plan on shoving it on the rest of here?

The majority of this country now supports same sex marriage. When are you leaving? And no, you can't take your food stamps with you, sorry.
Gays have been marring in the US for a European countries much longer than that. Provide evidence to support your claims that gays marrying leads to those things?

Let's start with high divorce rates...Massachusetts has had gay marriage the longest...and has one of the lowest divorce rates in the United States. Fail

"High rates of spousal abuse". Let's look at the numbers shall we?

  • Nearly 25% of women and 7.6% of men were raped and/or physically assaulted by a current or former spouse, cohabiting partner, or dating partner/acquaintance at some time in their lifetime (based on survey of 16,000 participants, equally male and female).
  • Intimate partner violence made up 20% of all nonfatal violent crime experienced by women in 2001.
  • Of the almost 3.5 million violent crimes committed against family members, 49% of these were crimes against spouses.
  • 84% of spouse abuse victims were females, and 86% of victims of dating partner abuse at were female.
  • Males were 83% of spouse murderers and 75% of dating partner murderers
  • 50% of offenders in state prison for spousal abuse had killed their victims. Wives were more likely than husbands to be killed by their spouses: wives were about half of all spouses in the population in 2002, but 81% of all persons killed by their spouse.
  • 11% of lesbians reported violence by their female partner and 15% of gay men who had lived with a male partner reported being victimized by a male partner.
Another FAIL

"Bad outcomes for children". Nope, fail again. All studies show that there is no difference in outcomes between the children of gays and the children of straights.

From the American Academy of Pediatrics
Technical Report
Promoting the Well-Being of Children Whose Parents Are Gay or Lesbian

Extensive data available from more than 30 years of research reveal that children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma. Many studies have demonstrated that children's well-being is affected much more by their relationships with their parents, their parents' sense of competence and security, and the presence of social and economic support for the family than by the gender or the sexual orientation of their parents.

My response was about the issues in gay marriage.

And I note that you also use misleading stats.

Lumping boyfriends in with husbands, and then moving on to the subset of "crimes committed against family members" then discussing a percentage of THAT.


Your response was lacking any proof or evidence. You citing you is not evidence...that's what we call "Ass Facts".

Why is that misleading? Aren't you "lumping boyfriends and girlfriends" into the LGBT statistics? You have to be since not all gays can marry.

Domestic violence is statistically more prevalent in heterosexual relationships than in gay relationships...but you don't see gays trying to keep straights from marrying as a result. I know...let's just work on ending Domestic Violence instead.

(Your blowing off of the other responses to your ridiculously false claims is noted)

No, I was making a prediction about what gay marriage will be.

Link to support your claim Married couples have more domestic violence than Gay Married couples?

The burden of proof is on you, dimwit. You're the one making the ignorant claim.

I made a prediction. He made the claim that stats already exist, that show that Gay Marriage is better than regular Marriage.

So, show me.

Calling me names does not make you case stronger.


Yes, you've made predictions. You've pulled them right out of your ass. And when you can show that straight marriage doesn't suffer high divorce rates, spousal abuse, and other issues leading to bad outcomes for the children, you may have a point. So far, you have nothing.
Your response was lacking any proof or evidence. You citing you is not evidence...that's what we call "Ass Facts".

Why is that misleading? Aren't you "lumping boyfriends and girlfriends" into the LGBT statistics? You have to be since not all gays can marry.

Domestic violence is statistically more prevalent in heterosexual relationships than in gay relationships...but you don't see gays trying to keep straights from marrying as a result. I know...let's just work on ending Domestic Violence instead.

(Your blowing off of the other responses to your ridiculously false claims is noted)

No, I was making a prediction about what gay marriage will be.

Link to support your claim Married couples have more domestic violence than Gay Married couples?

Only if prediction means pulling random thoughts out of your ass and typing them up on a message board.

I gave you links...unlike you that have provided nothing but your "ass facts". Gays, in the United States, have been marrying in MA for over a decade. In other countries for almost two decades. Where are your "predictions" coming true?

You mean the link where they lump boyfriends/girlfriends in with husbands and wives to try get the numbers they want?

Mmm, yeah, I would prefer a site that isn't obviously trying to get a predetermined outcome.

Aren't you "lumping boyfriends and girlfriends" in with "husbands and wives" with the LGBT numbers? Yes, yes you are.


I've been speaking in generalities. I don't recall posting any numbers.

Oh I were making claims with absolutely no evidence to back you up. Thanks for admitting that. :lol:
It means your entire argument is based on a lie.


Not really, Marriage, for the entire existence of this nation, has meant :ONe man, One woman.

Pretending otherwise is dishonest.

Only one being dishonest here is you.

Marriage always has been a state contract and the state has had the ability to change the terms of the contract over time.

When this nation was founded women were considered to be property and not allowed to even own property in their own right. It wasn't until 1900 when it became legal in all states.

States banned interracial marriage and that was only overturned in 1967.

Why are you fallaciously pretending that marriage has never changed in the "entire existence of this nation"?

Women "being considered property" does not change the fact that marriage was about "ONe Man, One Woman". It is a completely irrelevant to the discussion. But I guess you have to throw something out there.

The ban on Interracial Marriage did not claim that a black man and a white woman (or visa versa) who went though the marriage process was not a marriage, it just made it illegal. This does not alter the definition of marriage either. But I guess you have to throw something out there.

THe relationship between men and women, the role of women in society, all this has changed.

But the definition of marriage has not.

Until now.

Under false pretense.

Does the fact that you have to lie to make your case not raise any red flags in your mind?

The definition of marriage has changed and you were given proof of that. It wasn't between a man and woman. It was between a man and his property originally.

You don't get to be the only decider of what is the "definition" of marriage. The states and the courts can change the definition as they see fit.

The only "false pretense" here is yours.
No, I was making a prediction about what gay marriage will be.

Link to support your claim Married couples have more domestic violence than Gay Married couples?

Only if prediction means pulling random thoughts out of your ass and typing them up on a message board.

I gave you links...unlike you that have provided nothing but your "ass facts". Gays, in the United States, have been marrying in MA for over a decade. In other countries for almost two decades. Where are your "predictions" coming true?

You mean the link where they lump boyfriends/girlfriends in with husbands and wives to try get the numbers they want?

Mmm, yeah, I would prefer a site that isn't obviously trying to get a predetermined outcome.

Aren't you "lumping boyfriends and girlfriends" in with "husbands and wives" with the LGBT numbers? Yes, yes you are.


I've been speaking in generalities. I don't recall posting any numbers.

Oh I were making claims with absolutely no evidence to back you up. Thanks for admitting that. :lol:

Mmm, and here I was being nice for not slamming you for making a stupid mistake.

THere are two facts I base my opinion on.

1. Men and Women are different and have different roles to play in child rearing. A child without both is missing out compared to a child with both.

2. THe Gay Community is all screwed up.

IMO, this is not going to work out the way you libs think.
It means your entire argument is based on a lie.


Not really, Marriage, for the entire existence of this nation, has meant :ONe man, One woman.

Pretending otherwise is dishonest.

Only one being dishonest here is you.

Marriage always has been a state contract and the state has had the ability to change the terms of the contract over time.

When this nation was founded women were considered to be property and not allowed to even own property in their own right. It wasn't until 1900 when it became legal in all states.

States banned interracial marriage and that was only overturned in 1967.

Why are you fallaciously pretending that marriage has never changed in the "entire existence of this nation"?

Women "being considered property" does not change the fact that marriage was about "ONe Man, One Woman". It is a completely irrelevant to the discussion. But I guess you have to throw something out there.

The ban on Interracial Marriage did not claim that a black man and a white woman (or visa versa) who went though the marriage process was not a marriage, it just made it illegal. This does not alter the definition of marriage either. But I guess you have to throw something out there.

THe relationship between men and women, the role of women in society, all this has changed.

But the definition of marriage has not.

Until now.

Under false pretense.

Does the fact that you have to lie to make your case not raise any red flags in your mind?

The definition of marriage has changed and you were given proof of that. It wasn't between a man and woman. It was between a man and his property originally.

You don't get to be the only decider of what is the "definition" of marriage. The states and the courts can change the definition as they see fit.

The only "false pretense" here is yours.

NO, you tried to support your lie, and I pointed out why your support was flawed.

I am not the decider of the definition. I am merely pointing out the last 230 years of history.

YOu, personally or as the group, lib, do not have the power to change history.

You can lie about it, and you are, and it is working.

I am just speaking the truth.
It means your entire argument is based on a lie.


Not really, Marriage, for the entire existence of this nation, has meant :ONe man, One woman.

Pretending otherwise is dishonest.

Same sex marriage will soon be legal in all states, and the majority of the country supports it. It seems it's time for you to move on or move out.

Argumentum ad populum, logical fallacy.

Just because you are winning the legal battle, does not mean your lie is the truth.

Marriage, for the entire existence of this nation, has meant :ONe man, One woman.

Pretending otherwise is dishonest
It means your entire argument is based on a lie.


Not really, Marriage, for the entire existence of this nation, has meant :ONe man, One woman.

Pretending otherwise is dishonest.

Same sex marriage will soon be legal in all states, and the majority of the country supports it. It seems it's time for you to move on or move out.
Are you describing the United States or Sodom?
Only if prediction means pulling random thoughts out of your ass and typing them up on a message board.

I gave you links...unlike you that have provided nothing but your "ass facts". Gays, in the United States, have been marrying in MA for over a decade. In other countries for almost two decades. Where are your "predictions" coming true?

You mean the link where they lump boyfriends/girlfriends in with husbands and wives to try get the numbers they want?

Mmm, yeah, I would prefer a site that isn't obviously trying to get a predetermined outcome.

Aren't you "lumping boyfriends and girlfriends" in with "husbands and wives" with the LGBT numbers? Yes, yes you are.


I've been speaking in generalities. I don't recall posting any numbers.

Oh I were making claims with absolutely no evidence to back you up. Thanks for admitting that. :lol:

Mmm, and here I was being nice for not slamming you for making a stupid mistake.

THere are two facts I base my opinion on.

1. Men and Women are different and have different roles to play in child rearing. A child without both is missing out compared to a child with both.

2. THe Gay Community is all screwed up.

IMO, this is not going to work out the way you libs think.

Did the Duggars' reality show help you form your opinions, or was it Honey Boo Boo? Just curious.

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