Both Sides Say Ireland Has Voted to Legalize Gay Marriage

Are you implying some type of underlying trend?

What I'm saying is that you're an idiot. Everything you listed above, happens in straight marriage.

Mmm, no, no it doesn't.

Straight marriage, doesn't have high rates of spousal abuse.

Two parent families don't have high rates of bad outcomes for children.

BUT, single parent families that do, are the growing form of family.

An pattern that is occurring, as you pointed out, as homosexual marriage is gaining in acceptance.

You might be on to something here.

What do you think the underlying issue is?

What planet do you live on? 22% of the women in this country have been physically assaulted by a current or former spouse, partner, or boyfriend.

Straight marriage doesn't have high divorce rates....OMG, you are a joke.

Cute. YOu discuss spousal abuse and then include boyfriends. A clear sign you know you need to play games with the stats to save your argument.

AND you lied about what I said, re straight marriage and abuse/divorce. Another clear sign you know you are on weak ground.

BUT, you completely ignored my follow up question on your analysis on the underlying cause.


You're an idiot. You can't even follow the discussion.

And for a reasoned response we go to, um, never mind.:rofl:

It will be interesting to see the numbers coming out on how this works out for them.

It will work out just fine. They are not forcing the Church to marry gays. It's only civil marriage. Of course the nutters here in the US think that if gay marriage becomes legal here in the US that means churches will be forced to marry gays.

You do realize there are people out there who spend their days thinking of ways to attack religion?

Yeah, but enough about Pam Geller and Fox News.
What a shitty fucking mess. I hope they all get aids!


What are you at? This is not some evil plan, this is simply a love thy neighbour issue... Two people want to commit to each other and want it recognised in law...

Why hope those people die?

You seem open minded when it comes to scientific research and outcomes of that research... Gay people are born gay, why would we punish them for that?

It will be interesting to see the numbers coming out on how this works out for them.

What's not to work out?

Low rates of marriage, high rates of divorce, high rates of spouse abuse, bad outcomes for children, off the top of my head.

Gays have been marring in the US for a European countries much longer than that. Provide evidence to support your claims that gays marrying leads to those things?

Let's start with high divorce rates...Massachusetts has had gay marriage the longest...and has one of the lowest divorce rates in the United States. Fail

"High rates of spousal abuse". Let's look at the numbers shall we?

  • Nearly 25% of women and 7.6% of men were raped and/or physically assaulted by a current or former spouse, cohabiting partner, or dating partner/acquaintance at some time in their lifetime (based on survey of 16,000 participants, equally male and female).
  • Intimate partner violence made up 20% of all nonfatal violent crime experienced by women in 2001.
  • Of the almost 3.5 million violent crimes committed against family members, 49% of these were crimes against spouses.
  • 84% of spouse abuse victims were females, and 86% of victims of dating partner abuse at were female.
  • Males were 83% of spouse murderers and 75% of dating partner murderers
  • 50% of offenders in state prison for spousal abuse had killed their victims. Wives were more likely than husbands to be killed by their spouses: wives were about half of all spouses in the population in 2002, but 81% of all persons killed by their spouse.
  • 11% of lesbians reported violence by their female partner and 15% of gay men who had lived with a male partner reported being victimized by a male partner.
Another FAIL

"Bad outcomes for children". Nope, fail again. All studies show that there is no difference in outcomes between the children of gays and the children of straights.

From the American Academy of Pediatrics
Technical Report
Promoting the Well-Being of Children Whose Parents Are Gay or Lesbian

Extensive data available from more than 30 years of research reveal that children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma. Many studies have demonstrated that children's well-being is affected much more by their relationships with their parents, their parents' sense of competence and security, and the presence of social and economic support for the family than by the gender or the sexual orientation of their parents.

My response was about the issues in gay marriage.

And I note that you also use misleading stats.

Lumping boyfriends in with husbands, and then moving on to the subset of "crimes committed against family members" then discussing a percentage of THAT.


Your response was lacking any proof or evidence. You citing you is not evidence...that's what we call "Ass Facts".

Why is that misleading? Aren't you "lumping boyfriends and girlfriends" into the LGBT statistics? You have to be since not all gays can marry.

Domestic violence is statistically more prevalent in heterosexual relationships than in gay relationships...but you don't see gays trying to keep straights from marrying as a result. I know...let's just work on ending Domestic Violence instead.

(Your blowing off of the other responses to your ridiculously false claims is noted)
What a shitty fucking mess. I hope they all get aids!


What are you at? This is not some evil plan, this is simply a love thy neighbour issue... Two people want to commit to each other and want it recognised in law...

Why hope those people die?

You seem open minded when it comes to scientific research and outcomes of that research... Gay people are born gay, why would we punish them for that?
People are born with all kinds of compulsions. There are born pedophiles, serial killers, zoophiles, why would you punish them for that? One thing we do not do is accept these compulsions as normal behavior. Ireland did what it wanted to do. It voted to become a land of degenerates. We will soon follow. Perhaps the sickness is throughout the whole of western civilization.
What's not to work out?

Low rates of marriage, high rates of divorce, high rates of spouse abuse, bad outcomes for children, off the top of my head.

Yeah, but I'm not talking about straight marriage.

Are you implying some type of underlying trend?

What I'm saying is that you're an idiot. Everything you listed above, happens in straight marriage.

Mmm, no, no it doesn't.

Straight marriage, doesn't have high rates of spousal abuse.

Two parent families don't have high rates of bad outcomes for children.

BUT, single parent families that do, are the growing form of family.

An pattern that is occurring, as you pointed out, as homosexual marriage is gaining in acceptance.

You might be on to something here.

What do you think the underlying issue is?

Again, moron, you don't have a clue. 40 - 50% of marriages end in divorce in this country. Is that not a bad outcome for children? Spousal/partner abuse has been going on in straight relationships for years. We have a national hotline dedicated to abuse, idiot. What do you think the purpose is for all those women's battered shelters?

Everything you listed happens in straight marriages.
What a shitty fucking mess. I hope they all get aids!


What are you at? This is not some evil plan, this is simply a love thy neighbour issue... Two people want to commit to each other and want it recognised in law...

Why hope those people die?

You seem open minded when it comes to scientific research and outcomes of that research... Gay people are born gay, why would we punish them for that?
People are born with all kinds of compulsions. There are born pedophiles, serial killers, zoophiles, why would you punish them for that? One thing we do not do is accept these compulsions as normal behavior. Ireland did what it wanted to do. It voted to become a land of degenerates. We will soon follow. Perhaps the sickness is throughout the whole of western civilization.

You are the sick person here. I hate to bust your bubble, but that is a fact.
What a great victory.

DUBLIN — Leaders on both sides of Ireland's gay marriage campaign say advocates of legalization have won a resounding victory with the ballot count still underway.

Senior figures from the "no" campaign, who sought to prevent Ireland's constitution from being amended to permit gay marriage, say the only question Saturday is how large the "yes" side's margin of victory will be from Friday's vote.

An Irish Cabinet minister, Leo Varadkar, who came out as gay at the start of the government's campaign, says Dublin looks to have voted about 70 percent in favor of gay marriage, while most districts outside the capital also were reporting strong "yes" leads. Official results come later Saturday.
Tis a foin ting dey done...lettin Paddy stick his sheleighly in Conor's arse...
What a shitty fucking mess. I hope they all get aids!


What are you at? This is not some evil plan, this is simply a love thy neighbour issue... Two people want to commit to each other and want it recognised in law...

Why hope those people die?

You seem open minded when it comes to scientific research and outcomes of that research... Gay people are born gay, why would we punish them for that?
People are born with all kinds of compulsions. There are born pedophiles, serial killers, zoophiles, why would you punish them for that? One thing we do not do is accept these compulsions as normal behavior. Ireland did what it wanted to do. It voted to become a land of degenerates. We will soon follow. Perhaps the sickness is throughout the whole of western civilization.

The test is whether the behavior causes harm. Letting a man and woman have a legally recognized civil marriage causes no more or less harm than letting two people of the same sex have a legally recognized civil marriage,

therefore you cannot justify allowing one and denying the other.
What a great victory.

DUBLIN — Leaders on both sides of Ireland's gay marriage campaign say advocates of legalization have won a resounding victory with the ballot count still underway.

Senior figures from the "no" campaign, who sought to prevent Ireland's constitution from being amended to permit gay marriage, say the only question Saturday is how large the "yes" side's margin of victory will be from Friday's vote.

An Irish Cabinet minister, Leo Varadkar, who came out as gay at the start of the government's campaign, says Dublin looks to have voted about 70 percent in favor of gay marriage, while most districts outside the capital also were reporting strong "yes" leads. Official results come later Saturday.
Tis a foin ting dey done...lettin Paddy stick his sheleighly in Conor's arse...

Ah, but Paddy could already legally stick his sheleighly in Conor's they get legal protections whilst doin' it, lad.

Let the people of the USA also decide this issue. Then its over, and I will accept the will of the people. Will the rest of you?
What a shitty fucking mess. I hope they all get aids!


What are you at? This is not some evil plan, this is simply a love thy neighbour issue... Two people want to commit to each other and want it recognised in law...

Why hope those people die?

You seem open minded when it comes to scientific research and outcomes of that research... Gay people are born gay, why would we punish them for that?
People are born with all kinds of compulsions. There are born pedophiles, serial killers, zoophiles, why would you punish them for that? One thing we do not do is accept these compulsions as normal behavior. Ireland did what it wanted to do. It voted to become a land of degenerates. We will soon follow. Perhaps the sickness is throughout the whole of western civilization.

The test is whether the behavior causes harm. Letting a man and woman have a legally recognized civil marriage causes no more or less harm than letting two people of the same sex have a legally recognized civil marriage,

therefore you cannot justify allowing one and denying the other.

that is your opinion, not everyone agrees with you on the "harm" question. Why should your opinion carry more weight than anyone else's?
What a shitty fucking mess. I hope they all get aids!


What are you at? This is not some evil plan, this is simply a love thy neighbour issue... Two people want to commit to each other and want it recognised in law...

Why hope those people die?

You seem open minded when it comes to scientific research and outcomes of that research... Gay people are born gay, why would we punish them for that?
People are born with all kinds of compulsions. There are born pedophiles, serial killers, zoophiles, why would you punish them for that? One thing we do not do is accept these compulsions as normal behavior. Ireland did what it wanted to do. It voted to become a land of degenerates. We will soon follow. Perhaps the sickness is throughout the whole of western civilization.

The test is whether the behavior causes harm. Letting a man and woman have a legally recognized civil marriage causes no more or less harm than letting two people of the same sex have a legally recognized civil marriage,

therefore you cannot justify allowing one and denying the other.

that is your opinion, not everyone agrees with you on the "harm" question. Why should your opinion carry more weight than anyone else's?

No one's proven any harm.
What a shitty fucking mess. I hope they all get aids!


What are you at? This is not some evil plan, this is simply a love thy neighbour issue... Two people want to commit to each other and want it recognised in law...

Why hope those people die?

You seem open minded when it comes to scientific research and outcomes of that research... Gay people are born gay, why would we punish them for that?
People are born with all kinds of compulsions. There are born pedophiles, serial killers, zoophiles, why would you punish them for that? One thing we do not do is accept these compulsions as normal behavior. Ireland did what it wanted to do. It voted to become a land of degenerates. We will soon follow. Perhaps the sickness is throughout the whole of western civilization.

The test is whether the behavior causes harm. Letting a man and woman have a legally recognized civil marriage causes no more or less harm than letting two people of the same sex have a legally recognized civil marriage,

therefore you cannot justify allowing one and denying the other.

that is your opinion, not everyone agrees with you on the "harm" question. Why should your opinion carry more weight than anyone else's?

You are free to believe gay marriage causes harm but you have been utterly unable to demonstrate how it causes you any harm.
I don't know any couples who ever divorced cuz some dude across the state put mustard on pancakes either.

Is there a point,

Yes, there's a point. Correl is claiming man/woman marriage will be harmed by legal same sex marriage.

Of course he asked a question, and your answer?


Care to try again?
Mmm, no, no it doesn't.

Straight marriage, doesn't have high rates of spousal abuse.

Two parent families don't have high rates of bad outcomes for children.

BUT, single parent families that do, are the growing form of family.

An pattern that is occurring, as you pointed out, as homosexual marriage is gaining in acceptance.

You might be on to something here.

What do you think the underlying issue is?

Do you know couples who have gotten divorced because gay marriage became legal in their state?

And for that reason alone, mind you. Tell us about those couples you know.

I don't know any couples who ever divorced cuz some dude across the state put mustard on pancakes either.

Is there a point,

Yes, there's a point. If you can't demonstrate sufficient harm from legalizing same sex marriage than you have no good reason to keep it illegal.

That's how equal rights are supposed to work.

Same with same sex gay sibling marriage?

Same with same sex straight marriage?

And what harm do allege with same sex marriage? Nothing. When asked, you start babbling about incest.

As I said, the former opponents of same sex marriage have surrendered the field of debate on same sex marriage. Good.

Begging the question, what harm is there to me if someone marries a toaster?

I support SSM. I've made that clear, but likely for a different reason than you.

It amazes me that when I bring up the ramifications I get the same old bumper sticker debate points and no real debate.
Same sex marriage is benign. It neither harms nor helps the greater society in which it exists. Once the abberation of homosexuality is accepted as normal behavior by the greater society it becomes toxic. Thereafter all other forms of degeneracy are also accepted as normal behavior and the culture becomes depraved in its entirety.
What a shitty fucking mess. I hope they all get aids!


What are you at? This is not some evil plan, this is simply a love thy neighbour issue... Two people want to commit to each other and want it recognised in law...

Why hope those people die?

You seem open minded when it comes to scientific research and outcomes of that research... Gay people are born gay, why would we punish them for that?
People are born with all kinds of compulsions. There are born pedophiles, serial killers, zoophiles, why would you punish them for that? One thing we do not do is accept these compulsions as normal behavior. Ireland did what it wanted to do. It voted to become a land of degenerates. We will soon follow. Perhaps the sickness is throughout the whole of western civilization.

The test is whether the behavior causes harm. Letting a man and woman have a legally recognized civil marriage causes no more or less harm than letting two people of the same sex have a legally recognized civil marriage,

therefore you cannot justify allowing one and denying the other.

that is your opinion, not everyone agrees with you on the "harm" question. Why should your opinion carry more weight than anyone else's?

If you believe that same sex marriage has the capability to do so much harm to society that it ought to be banned,

why do you support referendum as the means to legalize gay marriage?

Shouldn't support measures that might thwart the errant 'will of the people'?
Same sex marriage is benign. It neither harms nor helps the greater society in which it exists. Once the abberation of homosexuality is accepted as normal behavior by the greater society it becomes toxic. Thereafter all other forms of degeneracy are also accepted as normal behavior and the culture becomes depraved in its entirety.
Yep, this isn't about MARRIGE at all and it won't STOP with that if they did get it.
If the people of Ireland voted to make gay marriage legal good for them I have said more than a few times put the issue of gay marriage on the national ballot here and let the people decide. If the nation votes yes I will accept the decision and live my life the question is if the vote was no would the gay marriage supporters do the same?
As already correctly noted: the Untied States is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, whose citizens are subject to the rule of law, not men, as men are incapable of ruling justly – measures denying same-sex couples access to marriage law in violation of the 14th Amendment are evidence of that.

Consequently, one's rights are not subject to 'majority rule,' as they are inalienable and fundamental, immune from attack by government or popular referenda.

Except that marriage, has for the entire existence of this nation, meant between a man and a woman.

YOu cannot have a same sex couple from an union between a man and a woman.

Thus, this is not about denying people access to marriage. This is about changing the institution of marriage.

And doing it dishonestly.

Marriage is the union of two equal, consenting adult partners not related to each other in a committed relationship recognized by the state – same- or opposite-sex.

To seek to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in violates the 14th Amendment, where to perceive something as being 'traditional' is not justification to deny citizens their civil rights (Lawrence v. Texas).

Same-sex couples are eligible to enter in to marriage contracts, marriage unchanged, unaltered, and not 'redefined.' To attempt to advance the lie that allowing same-sex couples access to marriage law 'changes' marriage is to be dishonest.

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