Bowe Bergdahl to Face General Court Martial, Could Face Life Sentence


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Another monstrous FU from the White House moron. Media will bury this story but if obozo was white, it would lead.

Bowe Bergdahl to Face General Court Martial

dec 14 2015 Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl’s case has been referred to a general court martial, where he could face a life sentence if convicted of misbehavior before the enemy and he could face five years of prison time if convicted of desertion. On June 30, 2009, Bergdahl walked away from his unit’s remote outpost in eastern Afghanistan and was held captive by the Taliban for the next five years until a controversial prisoner swap for five former Taliban officials held at Guantanamo.

"The U.S. Army Forces Command's Commanding General referred two charges today, Dec. 14, in the case of United States vs. Sgt. Robert B. Bergdahl to a General Court-Martial," the Army said in a statement.

"The two specific charges referred under the U.S. Armed Forces' Uniform Code of Military Justice are: (1) Article 85: 'Desertion with Intent to Shirk Important or Hazardous Duty;' and (2) Article 99: 'Misbehavior before the Enemy by Endangering the Safety of a Command, Unit or Place,'" the statement added.
Granny says, "Dat's right - politicians always got dey's fingers in ever'body's pie

Bergdahl Attorney: Did Lawmakers Influence Court-Martial Decision?
Dec 15, 2015 | The attorney for accused Army deserter Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is seeking all pertinent communications between members and staff of the Senate Armed Services Committee and the U.S. Army to determine if there has been undue pressure on the Army to put his client on trial.
Eugene Fidell requested any communications regarding Bergdahl in October under the Freedom of Information Act, following remarks by Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, that Fidell says threatens Bergdahl's chance for a fair trial and also reveals the Senate Armed Services Committee has been conducting "longstanding oversight" of the case. "It took the Army six weeks to acknowledge receiving my FOIA," he told on Tuesday. Fidell said he has not yet received any correspondence.


Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, right, stands with a Taliban fighter in eastern Afghanistan.​

Any suggestion that the Army's decision to prosecute Bergdahl stemmed from congressional pressure is bound to be fodder for a defense move to drop the court-martial. Bergdahl, who has admitted walking away from his base in Afghanistan in 2009, was returned to the U.S. by Taliban captors in May 2014 in a controversial prisoner swap that saw five senior Taliban leaders released from Guantanamo Bay detention to Qatar. Bergdahl told investigators he intended to walk to another U.S. military base to report problems he believed put soldiers at risk, but was captured along the way.

Claims that other soldiers were killed while searching for him were dismissed by Army investigators. The Army announced on Monday that it would try Bergdahl for desertion at a general court-martial, a decision contrary to the advice of the preliminary hearing officer who interviewed Bergdahl and other witnesses, Fidell said. The preliminary hearing officer, Lt. Col. Mark Visger, recommended in October that the charges against Bergdahl be referred to a special court-martial but that "a punitive discharge and confinement would be inappropriate given all the circumstances," Fidell told reporters at the time.

If proven true, not only should Bergdahl serve a maximum sentence, but Obumma should face charges of treason, at least.
Nevvah happen, of course, him being the first black president...
If proven true, not only should Bergdahl serve a maximum sentence, but Obumma should face charges of treason, at least.
Nevvah happen, of course, him being the first black president...

He's not black, he's mulatto.
Another monstrous FU from the White House moron. Media will bury this story but if obozo was white, it would lead.

Bowe Bergdahl to Face General Court Martial

dec 14 2015 Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl’s case has been referred to a general court martial, where he could face a life sentence if convicted of misbehavior before the enemy and he could face five years of prison time if convicted of desertion. On June 30, 2009, Bergdahl walked away from his unit’s remote outpost in eastern Afghanistan and was held captive by the Taliban for the next five years until a controversial prisoner swap for five former Taliban officials held at Guantanamo.

"The U.S. Army Forces Command's Commanding General referred two charges today, Dec. 14, in the case of United States vs. Sgt. Robert B. Bergdahl to a General Court-Martial," the Army said in a statement.

"The two specific charges referred under the U.S. Armed Forces' Uniform Code of Military Justice are: (1) Article 85: 'Desertion with Intent to Shirk Important or Hazardous Duty;' and (2) Article 99: 'Misbehavior before the Enemy by Endangering the Safety of a Command, Unit or Place,'" the statement added.

He should face courts marshal and be shot for treason.
Been two days since this huge story came out and still little national coverage. The TV networks are owned by that pervert in the WH.
Family must mean something in the military, too.
DOD Secretary Ash Carter must have wanted to bolster his defense creds when he picked his staff, because one of his military staffers comes with some serious military creds of his own, plus some hefty family creds as well.
General Robert Abrams, the man who recommended Bowe Bergdahl be tried for desertion is the son of the late General Creighton Abrams, the man for whom the Abrams tank is named. General Abrams, then only a Major in command of the 37th Tank Battalion, Fourth Armored Division, the tip of General george S Patton's spear, was in command of the first US tank to enter Bastogne, the day after Christmas, December, 1944, relieving the besieged 101st Airborne, defending that city.
General Abrams, in recommending Bergdahl's court martial, must have wanted to further refine the meaning of serving with distinction, especially to one Chicago Bath House Boy who spent the night four Americans, including the US Ambassador, were killed in Benghazi, Libya sodomizing his male lover in the White House's Lincoln Bedroom, and to our Chicago Bath House Boy's National Security Adviser.
I wonder if our Chicago Bath House Boy whispered anything in Ash Carter's ear yesterday, during that National Security tete a tete over at DOD, something like "Demote this b@st@rd Abrams or transfer him to some shithole post like in Nigeria or Zimbabwe.

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