Boy Fights Back When Told Flag on His Bike Offends Others


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
This kid was told by the school to take the American flag off his bike because it offended others. What a load of crap! If anyone is offended by the American flag, they can leave. It's ridiculous how many times people have been told to remove the flag because it offends others. Why would anyone even consider cowtowing to those who dislike America? Fuck 'em. I am so tired of schools, landlords or homeowner's associations prohibiting the flying of flags or yellow ribbons because it offends Muslims, Mexicans or other group. It's un-American and I am glad this community stood up for the boy's rights. We need to send a message that if the American customs bother you, then stay the hell out of here. We should not allow people to come here and force us to make changes to suit them.

I Support Our Veterans
California, of course. Color me shocked.
You've been outraged over this for a year and a half?

You need some Xanax.
You've been outraged over this for a year and a half?

You need some Xanax.

More than likely, she just learned about it, but I'm sure you already knew that. Your response is a deflection of the topic at hand.
More of the story.

Parraz said racial tensions boiled over at the school this year around the Cinco de Mayo holiday.

"Our Hispanic, you know, kids will, you know, bring their Mexican flags and they'll display it, and then of course the kids would do the American flag situation, and it does cause kind of a racial tension which we don't really want," Parraz said. "We want them to appreciate the cultures."

Alicea's parents said he flies the flag from his bike as a tribute to veterans in his family.

If the kid only flew the flag on his bike around the Cinco de Mayo invented holiday (they don't even celebrate it in Mexico), then he was obviously intending it as a slap toward his Mexican classmates. He is offended by the Mexican flag and decided to offend them back.

Does he fly it year round? Does he fly it on St Paddy's Day?

Not that that would excuse the mental stumblefucks who told him to take it off his bike. It doesn't. But let's not deify the kid if he is just being a racialist culture warrior chain yanker.
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First off, your story was from 2010. Secondly, the school didn't order it, they requested it. They had racial issues when some Mexican-Americans brought Mexican flags to school for Cynco d' Mayo.

I personally thought the schools request was stupid, btw, but you people are idiots to believe things without checking them out.

Here's more of the story, which FOX published on the same day they put out the OP.

School Reverses Course After Ordering Student to Remove American Flag From Bike | Fox News
More of the story.

Parraz said racial tensions boiled over at the school this year around the Cinco de Mayo holiday.

"Our Hispanic, you know, kids will, you know, bring their Mexican flags and they'll display it, and then of course the kids would do the American flag situation, and it does cause kind of a racial tension which we don't really want," Parraz said. "We want them to appreciate the cultures."

Alicea's parents said he flies the flag from his bike as a tribute to veterans in his family.

If the kid only flew the flag on his bike around the Cinco de Mayo invented holiday (they don't even celebrate it in Mexico), then he was obviously intending it as a slap toward his Mexican classmates. He is offended by the Mexican flag and decided to offend them back.

Does he fly it year round? Does he fly it on St Paddy's Day?

Not that that would excuse the mental stumblefucks who told him to take it off his bike. It doesn't. But let's not deify the kid if he is just being a racialist culture warrior chain yanker.

Who gives a fuck what day it is! The American flag should NEVER offend anyone in AMERICA no MATTER WHAT DAY IT IS!!!
First off, your story was from 2010. Secondly, the school didn't order it, they requested it. They had racial issues when some Mexican-Americans brought Mexican flags to school for Cynco d' Mayo.

I personally thought the schools request was stupid, btw, but you people are idiots to believe things without checking them out.

Here's more of the story, which FOX published on the same day they put out the OP.

School Reverses Course After Ordering Student to Remove American Flag From Bike | Fox News
To the bolded and quoted from your link:

"A California school has done a U-turn after it forced a student to remove an American flag attached to his bike, saying the Stars and Stripes could spur racial tensions on campus. ...."

Where is that 'request', again?
First off, your story was from 2010. Secondly, the school didn't order it, they requested it. They had racial issues when some Mexican-Americans brought Mexican flags to school for Cynco d' Mayo.

I personally thought the schools request was stupid, btw, but you people are idiots to believe things without checking them out.

Here's more of the story, which FOX published on the same day they put out the OP.

School Reverses Course After Ordering Student to Remove American Flag From Bike | Fox News
To the bolded and quoted from your link:

"A California school has done a U-turn after it forced a student to remove an American flag attached to his bike, saying the Stars and Stripes could spur racial tensions on campus. ...."

Where is that 'request', again?

Parraz says the school decided on Friday to allow Cody to display his flag again, and now it will be shifting its focus to the students who complained.
"In no way did we want to take that right away from Cody," Parraz told Fox40 on Friday. "…We think we know who the instigators are that were trying to do that and we need to meet with their parents and those students to just kind of explain that this isn't what we want to have. We want to make sure that our kids can appreciate a safe environment and be able to have the American flag."

Read more: School Reverses Course After Ordering Student to Remove American Flag From Bike | Fox News
First off, your story was from 2010. Secondly, the school didn't order it, they requested it. They had racial issues when some Mexican-Americans brought Mexican flags to school for Cynco d' Mayo.

I personally thought the schools request was stupid, btw, but you people are idiots to believe things without checking them out.

Here's more of the story, which FOX published on the same day they put out the OP.

School Reverses Course After Ordering Student to Remove American Flag From Bike | Fox News
To the bolded and quoted from your link:

"A California school has done a U-turn after it forced a student to remove an American flag attached to his bike, saying the Stars and Stripes could spur racial tensions on campus. ...."

Where is that 'request', again?

Parraz says the school decided on Friday to allow Cody to display his flag again, and now it will be shifting its focus to the students who complained.
"In no way did we want to take that right away from Cody," Parraz told Fox40 on Friday. "…We think we know who the instigators are that were trying to do that and we need to meet with their parents and those students to just kind of explain that this isn't what we want to have. We want to make sure that our kids can appreciate a safe environment and be able to have the American flag."

Read more: School Reverses Course After Ordering Student to Remove American Flag From Bike | Fox News
They back peddled from their ORDER to the kid.


Very, very sad.

Thank goodness the community made a stink about it. I don't give a shit what day of the week it is.
First off, your story was from 2010. Secondly, the school didn't order it, they requested it. They had racial issues when some Mexican-Americans brought Mexican flags to school for Cynco d' Mayo.

I personally thought the schools request was stupid, btw, but you people are idiots to believe things without checking them out.

Here's more of the story, which FOX published on the same day they put out the OP.

School Reverses Course After Ordering Student to Remove American Flag From Bike | Fox News

Parraz says the school decided on Friday to allow Cody to display his flag again, and now it will be shifting its focus to the students who complained.
"In no way did we want to take that right away from Cody," Parraz told Fox40 on Friday. "…We think we know who the instigators are that were trying to do that and we need to meet with their parents and those students to just kind of explain that this isn't what we want to have. We want to make sure that our kids can appreciate a safe environment and be able to have the American flag."

Yes, but desperate conservatives aren’t going to be satisfied with this; they need to keep the faux outrage alive.
More of the story.

Parraz said racial tensions boiled over at the school this year around the Cinco de Mayo holiday.

"Our Hispanic, you know, kids will, you know, bring their Mexican flags and they'll display it, and then of course the kids would do the American flag situation, and it does cause kind of a racial tension which we don't really want," Parraz said. "We want them to appreciate the cultures."

Alicea's parents said he flies the flag from his bike as a tribute to veterans in his family.

If the kid only flew the flag on his bike around the Cinco de Mayo invented holiday (they don't even celebrate it in Mexico), then he was obviously intending it as a slap toward his Mexican classmates. He is offended by the Mexican flag and decided to offend them back.

Does he fly it year round? Does he fly it on St Paddy's Day?

Not that that would excuse the mental stumblefucks who told him to take it off his bike. It doesn't. But let's not deify the kid if he is just being a racialist culture warrior chain yanker.

Who gives a fuck what day it is! The American flag should NEVER offend anyone in AMERICA no MATTER WHAT DAY IT IS!!!

I see the point went right over your head.

Does the kid fly the flag every day or did he just pick a specific day to offend a specific race of people?

Is he a patriot, or just being a racialist chain yanker?

Does he wave the flag about on St. Paddy's Day or does he just chose Mexicans as his target?

See what I mean?

Yes, the school was wrong to ask him to remove it. But if he is being a jerk, he isn't a hero. He's just a jerk.

Everyone involved is a jerk.
You've been outraged over this for a year and a half?

You need some Xanax.

More than likely, she just learned about it, but I'm sure you already knew that. Your response is a deflection of the topic at hand.

Nah. I remember when this came out in November of '10, which if you'll notice is when the video posted to youtube. School was wrong, kid was within his rights, kudos to the community for showing its support for the boy. School lost, boy won, as he should have. No need to work myself into a tizzy about this a year and a half after the fact.
First off, your story was from 2010. Secondly, the school didn't order it, they requested it. They had racial issues when some Mexican-Americans brought Mexican flags to school for Cynco d' Mayo.

I personally thought the schools request was stupid, btw, but you people are idiots to believe things without checking them out.

Here's more of the story, which FOX published on the same day they put out the OP.

School Reverses Course After Ordering Student to Remove American Flag From Bike | Fox News

Superintendent Edward Parraz says the school was trying to avoid racial tensions that stemmed from a "little issue" that arose when Hispanic students brought Mexican flags to school on Cinco De Mayo.

"That's when it all kind of started, and I think it carried through so that when Cody started doing his flag everybody said well why isn't he getting in trouble?" Parraz told

So the school asked Cody to remove the flag, both to keep the peace and for his own protection.

"It was a safety concern that that particular campus supervisor called at that particular time based on information she had heard," Parraz said.
Gee I wonder if the kid had...

mexicanflag.jpg would have been an issue?
You've been outraged over this for a year and a half?

You need some Xanax.

More than likely, she just learned about it, but I'm sure you already knew that. Your response is a deflection of the topic at hand.

True, I did just learn about this particular incident and I will be outraged until this crap stops. It continues every day. One family was being fined $25 a day until they took down the yellow ribbon to support their son serving overseas. It never ends.

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