Boy Scouts make condoms readily and easily accessible at upcoming global gathering

Good for the Boy Scouts!. I hope the Girl Scouts are following suit, if they haven't already. What's so difficult about teaching teenagers how to prevent unwanted pregnancies and the spread of STDs? It's only malicious morons who don't want to.
Yeah then the left wonders why parents pull their son's out of Boy Scouts
Because white wingers are pissed the Boy Scouts aren't all white.

Come on. White wingers push Donald Trump as a role model for their kids.

That means illicit unprotected sex.

What do you expect?
In unrelated news, the Catholic church is making condoms readily and easily available to altar boys.
Yeah then the left wonders why parents pull their son's out of Boy Scouts
Because white wingers are pissed the Boy Scouts aren't all white.

Come on. White wingers push Donald Trump as a role model for their kids.

That means illicit unprotected sex.

What do you expect?

And I want to live in a world where little gay Matt can be in the boy scouts and the other kids aren’t mean to him and gay Brian Tommy’s dad is a good dude he can take my kid on a camping trip anytime.

Actually I’d be uncomfortable sending my kid on a trip with a gay man. But if I knew him then I wouldn’t feel that way. But then I wouldn’t want to send my kid with a straight dad. Unless the kids are old enough to fight back and stay in groups.

God I’d kill someone if they hurt one of my nephews or niece
Boy Scouts to make condoms ‘readily and easily accessible’ at upcoming global gathering
GLEN JEAN, West Virginia, May 22, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – A gathering of scouts from all over the world slated for next summer and hosted by big names such as Boy Scouts of America and Scouts Canada will include condoms that must be “readily and easily accessible for all participants” of any age.

No they aren't sexualizing your kid why the schools let tranny's in girls bathrooms who still have a penis, we've got planned parenthood teaching 5 years they are gay or transgenders, they show kids where it goes where to put it how and where to stick it in, how to use dildo and play with themselves and all the liberal minds think this is all so cool and grand why we have the HYPOCRITES WHO ARE LIKE RABID DOGS CALLED THE ME TOO MOVEMENT,

Yes because SCOUTS BSA now stands for

Yeah then the left wonders why parents pull their son's out of Boy Scouts
Because white wingers are pissed the Boy Scouts aren't all white.

Come on. White wingers push Donald Trump as a role model for their kids.

That means illicit unprotected sex.

What do you expect?

And I want to live in a world where little gay Matt can be in the boy scouts and the other kids aren’t mean to him and gay Brian Tommy’s dad is a good dude he can take my kid on a camping trip anytime.

Actually I’d be uncomfortable sending my kid on a trip with a gay man. But if I knew him then I wouldn’t feel that way. But then I wouldn’t want to send my kid with a straight dad. Unless the kids are old enough to fight back and stay in groups.

God I’d kill someone if they hurt one of my nephews or niece

That's what these faggots need to know.
It's not just gonna be jail time ... You hurt a kid.... Your ass is chain saw bait!

My youngest son joined the cub scouts and it was a menagerie fifteen years ago.
My youngest son joined the cub scouts and it was a menagerie fifteen years ago.

a strange or diverse collection of people or things.

That's ok as long as strange doesn't cross any lines.

You know these crazy shooters who go on rampages? I bet they were strange when they were kids and everyone shunned them. What they should have done was accept them into the group. Then that weirdo doesn't hate society as much when they grow up. They're still weird but they don't hate people for treating them badly.

We are not raising good citizens.
Boy Scouts to make condoms ‘readily and easily accessible’ at upcoming global gathering
GLEN JEAN, West Virginia, May 22, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – A gathering of scouts from all over the world slated for next summer and hosted by big names such as Boy Scouts of America and Scouts Canada will include condoms that must be “readily and easily accessible for all participants” of any age.

No they aren't sexualizing your kid why the schools let tranny's in girls bathrooms who still have a penis, we've got planned parenthood teaching 5 years they are gay or transgenders, they show kids where it goes where to put it how and where to stick it in, how to use dildo and play with themselves and all the liberal minds think this is all so cool and grand why we have the HYPOCRITES WHO ARE LIKE RABID DOGS CALLED THE ME TOO MOVEMENT,

Yes because SCOUTS BSA now stands for


Wow, how long did it take you to think that up? And scream it out in capital letters?
Good for the Boy Scouts!. I hope the Girl Scouts are following suit, if they haven't already. What's so difficult about teaching teenagers how to prevent unwanted pregnancies and the spread of STDs? It's only malicious morons who don't want to.
A true Boy Scout is always prepared! So any nerd who would be in the Boy Scouts to begin with would carry his own condoms, if that's something he truly wanted to do, which is doubtful to begin with.

So for organizers to make condoms plentiful and available at an upcoming gathering is just organizers tacitly approving
and encouraging Scouts to pork with abandon even though my experience has been that is not high on their list of
things to do, not that they don't have normal human urges.
They just prefer sublimating those urges by engaging in bird watching, rocket making or other Scouting activities.

This is adult leadership trying to please leftist sensibilities which is always a mistake.

Additionally, the handbook states that an exception for alcohol consumption at “confined areas” can be made for adults “in accordance with a host country’s habits.”
Our scout gatherings never allowed alcohol
Yeah right. Mary Jane was illegal too right ?
Yeah then the left wonders why parents pull their son's out of Boy Scouts
No we don't. You are just weak, bad parents who can't raise your kids to make the right choices in the face of input from the outside world. There is no mystery there.

Our sons were never in Boy Scouts and never will be.

Try again fag, heaven forbid they might encounter you.

Let's dance
Boy Scouts to make condoms ‘readily and easily accessible’ at upcoming global gathering
GLEN JEAN, West Virginia, May 22, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – A gathering of scouts from all over the world slated for next summer and hosted by big names such as Boy Scouts of America and Scouts Canada will include condoms that must be “readily and easily accessible for all participants” of any age.

No they aren't sexualizing your kid why the schools let tranny's in girls bathrooms who still have a penis, we've got planned parenthood teaching 5 years they are gay or transgenders, they show kids where it goes where to put it how and where to stick it in, how to use dildo and play with themselves and all the liberal minds think this is all so cool and grand why we have the HYPOCRITES WHO ARE LIKE RABID DOGS CALLED THE ME TOO MOVEMENT,

Yes because SCOUTS BSA now stands for


Wow, how long did it take you to think that up? And scream it out in capital letters?

You a scout leader Derp or just defending what happened?

Leftists need to be very very careful on this one. We're watching
Hate the game, don't hate the playa ...

Yeah then the left wonders why parents pull their son's out of Boy Scouts
No we don't. You are just weak, bad parents who can't raise your kids to make the right choices in the face of input from the outside world. There is no mystery there.

Our sons were never in Boy Scouts and never will be.

Try again fag, heaven forbid they might encounter you.

Let's dance
So, lemme get this straight:

You are terrified of the boy scouts, because a gay man might kiss your kids.

But you send them to a catholic church...

Heh heh....ooooooookay!
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