Boycott Excessive Negativity In Media: The Glue That Mends A Divided Nation

I ....

  • ...pledge to try the "five in five" experiment, or my version of it.

  • ...enjoy the feeling I get when I turn on the news today.

  • never exposed to any type of media.

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Taken from this conversation (one I heartily encourage you to join and add to with your own stories or links) Positive News Challenge

How in the hell does one focus on the positive, with so much negative shit going on in this country. Its like sticking your head in the sand and wishing it all would go away. To much scorched earth to be happy going forward and we can all thank racist white mf's for this one.
If you think about it...if you walk down any street and think about it...what do you see? What do you find? People opening doors for one another. People saying "excuse me" or "thank you"....the man offering to carry the old lady's groceries to her car...the woman patting the back of a sobbing child...friends laughing over some silly pet video on an iphone while riding the subway...

If you really stop and think about it, 90% of what goes on with humanity each day is positive. It's just that the 10% is so outlandish, often, that it draws in your attention. The human eye is trained to notice rarer things. And the media chooses to use that tendency to rake in money via ratings and advertising. So they perpetuate the myth. They get off on dividing us like we are jersey-wearing political teams on a football field; pitching fury at one another inside a big artificially negative stadium they've created. It's quite the enterpri$e...

The GOP likes us hating the democrats because really their masters, BigOil etc. want us hating what the dems stand for: green energy (this is an example). The dems like us hating the GOP because really their master, George Soros, wants us hating what the GOP stands for: striving to be moral and of God. Both green energy and being of God are excellent ideas. But if they're attached to the jersey of the hated team, they become "hated ideas". See how that works?

Take heart! The world really is a good place. Instead of focusing on the one pile of dog shit in a field of daisies, try looking at the daisies more often. In fact, I've heard a rumor that if you focus on the daisies you may become part of the beautiful scenery. ;)

Here's how not to become a media-tool:

I call it "the five in five".. Next time you're watching the news or listening to it in your car or wherever, when you hear a negative story that shocks you, turn it off. Just turn it off and breathe for 5 minutes. During that 5 minutes, think of at least 5 positive things you've seen in the last week. Don't have to be big things. Just a man opening a door for someone....a child laughing.. just anything will do. Then, turn the TV or radio back on and see if you're still interested in hearing the type of news most stations are dishing up..
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I call BS to much extent. Walk down near any populated street. That shit is no 90% good, it's a zombie apocalypse.

Walk down near any street, what do you see? People with their gadgets so far up their as they can no longer operate core function.
All the news I hear from news sources of late both trusted and not is Beethoven.

Democrats are contained.

I guess I do in a way... a few years back I completely changed my eating habits, etc. So, I don't eat fast food because it is basically shit. Not sure if I am boycotting though.
You are. Just as you would be if you turned the same shit off in the media when it reached your ears. If enough people learned that they're consuming crap, the media would learn to feed us more healthy news.

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