Boycott Israel

An anti-Israel group in Canada that is promoting the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel has been found to be using Israeli software to circulate its message, B’nai Brith Canada said on Tuesday.

The group, Petition for Palestine, is pushing for negative coverage of Israel by sharing a petition. The website builder that the group used for the anti-Israel petition, however, is Wix, an Israeli tech company.

Israellycool, a pro-Israel website, blogged on January 3 about Petition for Palestine’s use of Wix.

“The so-called BDS movement is nonsensical,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada. “The same people who focus on boycotting and demonizing Israel most likely use Israeli technology multiple times a day.”

Yeah, these antisemites are all a bunch of hypocrites. The Jew-hating Tlaib supports BDS, and yet used Israeli technology to create her website.

The Dutch government on Wednesday announced that it was cutting funds to a Palestinian NGO working in the agricultural sector over its ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) — designated as a terrorist organization by the US, the European Union, Israel, Australia, Canada and Japan.

The decision means that the Netherlands will not pay out the next installment of an aid grant to the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC), a Palestinian NGO that has so far received approximately $25 million of Dutch taxpayer money.

In a lengthy joint statement, Ben Knapen, the Dutch Foreign Minister, and Tom De Bruijn, the Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development, said that research commissioned by the Netherlands cabinet from an independent consultancy had “provided sufficient evidence that there were ties at the individual level between UAWC staff and board members and the PFLP for a considerable period of time.”

The statement noted that “for the government, the findings on individual links between the UAWC and the PFLP and the lack of openness about this from the UAWC, also during the investigation, are sufficient reason to stop financing the activities of the UAWC. The Netherlands will not proceed with payment to UAWC of the last part of the financial contribution under the Land and Water Resource Management Program.”

According to the UK's Department for International Trade, the total UK imports from "Occupied Palestinian Territories" amounted to £9 million ($12 million) in the four quarters to the end of Q2 2021.

Palestinians were the UK’s 184th largest trading partner in those four quarters, accounting for less than 0.1% of total UK trade.

The UK does more trade with well-known economic powerhouses the US Minor Outlying Islands, Laos, Vanuatu, St Kitts and Liechtenstein than it does with the Palestinians.

Annual Palestinian trade with the UK is worth less than two hours of trade between the US and the UK.

If Palestinians would boycott Great Britain, no one would notice.

After decades of getting huge amounts of media attention, Palestinians really think they are important to the world, and that their economic might can bring a great power to its knees.

(full article online)

According to the UK's Department for International Trade, the total UK imports from "Occupied Palestinian Territories" amounted to £9 million ($12 million) in the four quarters to the end of Q2 2021.

Palestinians were the UK’s 184th largest trading partner in those four quarters, accounting for less than 0.1% of total UK trade.

The UK does more trade with well-known economic powerhouses the US Minor Outlying Islands, Laos, Vanuatu, St Kitts and Liechtenstein than it does with the Palestinians.

Annual Palestinian trade with the UK is worth less than two hours of trade between the US and the UK.

If Palestinians would boycott Great Britain, no one would notice.

After decades of getting huge amounts of media attention, Palestinians really think they are important to the world, and that their economic might can bring a great power to its knees.

(full article online)

I don’t think the antidemitic BDS movement is designed to get people to boycott Israel, and as you’ve shown, they are woefully unsuccessful with it anyway.

Its purpose is to drive anti-Israel sentiment specifically, and Jew-hate broadly. One only has to look at the campuses where BDS is active - a pervasive environment of antisemitism flourishes.
I don’t think the antidemitic BDS movement is designed to get people to boycott Israel, and as you’ve shown, they are woefully unsuccessful with it anyway.

Its purpose is to drive anti-Israel sentiment specifically, and Jew-hate broadly. One only has to look at the campuses where BDS is active - a pervasive environment of antisemitism flourishes.
So much name calling, I feel like I am back in the 5th grade.
It's Thursday so as expected, another fail for the BDS'ers

Thanks for the heads up. They probably just don't know.

The group, Petition for Palestine, is pushing for negative coverage of Israel by sharing a petition. The website builder that the group used for the anti-Israel petition, however,
is Wix, an Israeli tech company.
Thanks for the heads up. They probably just don't know.

The group, Petition for Palestine, is pushing for negative coverage of Israel by sharing a petition. The website builder that the group used for the anti-Israel petition, however,
is Wix, an Israeli tech company.

“They probably just don't know”.

Thanks for the heads up. Just more reinforcement of the buffoonery that typifies such hate groups.

Speaking of buffoonery.

Can’t win for losin’, eh?

Yes, the Oppressed no one cares about.

The people of Gaza are being oppressed, not their leaders who are enjoying the fruits of all the thieving they have they done for the past 70 years and in turn are oppressing them to keep the war against Israel.

Oppression by their leaders which explains why the people of Gaza are escaping Gaza the first opportunity they get.

Sounds like Cuba and other oppressive governments around the world.

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