BoyCott Shell Oil Gas UP $.15 Yesterday upto $6.00 this summer Fight Back


Feb 16, 2012
Mid Class working people we Have to Fight Back, these oil company's are destroying our economy along with the working person just to set record profits.Supposedly the oil companys claims shortages of oil as the cause of rising prices.If this is so which I doubt thats the truth,"let these oil companys lose some of those RECORD PROFITS just to help the economy and the People".BOYCOTT Shell Oil let them know WE Can Fight back.:banned03:
How does boycotting only one petroleum company fight back against rising prices?

Do you especially hate the Dutch, or something?

Why Shell is my point.
You do understand that government makes more on it than the companies do through taxation, do you not? And why you are at it? Ask why Obama is purposely banning drilling, and why he nixed the pipeline.

Boycott indeed. :eusa_hand:
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How does boycotting only one petroleum company fight back against rising prices?

Do you especially hate the Dutch, or something?

Why Shell is my point.

Looks like one of those 3 keyboard a day types........ :eusa_whistle:
BoyCotting and hurting Shell will send a message to the other oil companys we can hurt them Finacially like they are Hurting Us.I cant believe these asshole posters on this board with their negative responces to something that would benifit them and their family and friends.Fight Back People before its to late.
"Before it's too late" for what?

95% of the oil discovered and produced in the U.S. is done so by Independents, not major internaional companies.

Are you mad at them too?
Reduce oil and gas prices and the burden they are placing on the middle class and the poor by voting obama out of office in November.
Boycott your government and the Federal Reserve. Oil and other commodities are fairly stable. What is unstable is the cheapening of the purchasing power of the monopoly money we use for exchange by oversupply and your government's interference in trade between nations.
This is what you get from importing half of our oil instead of drilling for the oil that's literally right under our noses.

Hope you environmentalists are happy! :)

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