Bradley Manning Sentenced To 35 Years:

Yawn, guy, you want to keep talking about Jews, I'm talking about Zionists.

Most Jews aren't zionists. They have no desire to live in Israel and even find the thing kind of embarrassing. (Kind of the way most DECENT White folks were embarrassed about South Africa and Apartheid.)

It's why Obama got 71% of the Jewish vote despite Romney's horrible pandering to the Zionist faction.

The Zionists realize this, so they've changed their pitch to appeal to funditarded Christians. We need Israel so Jay-a-zus can come back!!!

The company you keep...

Yawn, guy, I get pretty sick of Zionists playing the Nazi Card when people call them on their bad behavior.

It's like a serial killer trying to get sympathy by saying his parents beat him.

Shit that happened 70 years ago doesn't justify what the Zionists are doing now.

Seventy (70) years ago is yesterday, to a People with a documented 3,000+ year-old history.

Jewish Folk do not measure time - as a People - the way that you and I do.

The State of Israel - and its slow, plodding acquisition of all of the land comprising the old historical kingdoms of Israel and Judea - Eretz Yisrael - Greater Israel - are a direct and logical consequence of promises made to them in the late 1800s and early 1900s by those controlling the land - and are a direct result of the slaughter of 6,000,000 of their innocent men, women and children within living memory.

They bought-up much of the land before declaring statehood and they took the rest by force of arms - but only after their (then) smaller enclave was attacked first by Muslim-Arabs, and gave them the excuse to claim the additional land as the spoils of war due the victor (victors who did not even initiate such wars).

The Muslim-Arabs of so-called Pelestine who chose to remain in their homes after 1948 and to live in harmony within the new State have evolved into enfranchised and full-fledged citizens of Israel, and exist in a far happier condition than their errant brethren.

The Muslim-Arabs of so-called Palestine who were enticed by their phoney-baloney Muslim-Arab neighbor-states to flee their homes - those fools and their descendants are now exiles who have been living in shithole refugee camps and towns for 65 years.

These fools have had 65 years to get it through their thick skulls that they have lost, and that the old 1948 promises of a Pan-Arab Redemption of Palestine and a driving of the Jews into the Med - that these promises are as dead as Julius Caesar and that they need to relocate their families and begin life anew in some other place that is more welcoming.

Generally speaking, the Palestinians are Mad Dogs; untrustworthy, dishonorable fools and incompetents who can't even keep their own shoe-laces tied, politically speaking. One does not make deals with Mad Dogs. One keeps them at bay, and, when necessary, shoots them.

They were half-mad before all this began, and they're fully insane (as a People) by now, as a direct consequence of their foolish choices in 1948 and their even more foolish choices in refusing negotiations for so long, until it was too late.

They are rabid now (metaphorically speaking) - they are now too dangerous to be let back inside the house (Israel) - and they can no longer be trusted to live peacefully alongside the Jews who now control what has become Israel, even if they claimed otherwise (which they do not).

Given such an un-resolvable impasse...

The so-called Palestinian suffering will end when they figure-out that they've lost, that so-called Palestine is now Israel, that there is nothing which they nor their Muslim-Arab neighbors combined can do to reverse that, and when they realize the futility of what they are doing, and toss-in the towel and pack up and move away.

The world at-large will weep no tears for these Muslim-Arab fools of Old (now Rump) Palestine, but will breathe a quiet sigh of relief when they've dispersed and vanish into the surrounding Muslim-Arab populations; putting an end to a pathetic joke of a failed state that never was, and which would merely have been another province of Greater Jordan or the like, had the State of Israel never been declared.

Meanwhile, the Jews will do what they have to do, to keep the Mad Dogs in their kennels and to slap the shit out of them when they get too far out of line and start killing Israeli civilians with their indiscriminate rocketry and suicide bombings.

The so-called Palestinians and their dogma and leadership are a cancer upon the face of the earth, and the only humane cure is to disperse them and allow them to assimilate back into the surrounding countrysides from which their ancestors invaded or immigrated and to begin to regain some measure of sanity with the passing of a generation or two.

As to worldwide Jewish support for Israel, and claims that few Jews outside of Israel support Israel or its policies of recapture of Eretz Yisrael or its self-preservation actions in containing the Mad Dogs and protecting its own citizens while that plays out, well...

Something tells me that worldwide Jewish support for Israel is just a wee bit higher than some here would like the rest of us to believe...

Heck, here in our own country, American support for Israel is at an all-time high...


Americans' Sympathies for Israel Match All-Time High (Gallup, March, 2013)

...and if Gentile support for Israel is at an all-time high here in the United States..

...chances are doubly-good that worldwide Jewish support for Israel is at an all-time high as well.

Your Honor, the Defense rests...
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