Bradley Manning Sentenced To 35 Years:

the ones which were were cut off from the video by your lying god assange
I was referring to Daveman's video.

which does not mean nobody was doing anything.
It doesn't mean they were enemy belligerents and definately should not have been treated that way if you weren't certain they were.

Civilians - yes. Those were not civilians. Or maybe they were. Nobody knows. And nobody has to distinguish - if the enemy does not distinguish themselves from civilians - there are no civilians
Yes they were. Enemy belligerents don't hang out in plain sight with no weapons on them.

no it is not. the video is doctored. the part which is cut off demonstrates clearly there was threat to the helicopter. That is why it was cut.
Again, I was referring to Daveman's video.

yes they ARE. Until proven guilty.

What court riued them guilty? ah, none... that's what I thought
The pilot confessed.

So did other troops on the scene.

Link much?

U.S. Troops Apologize For Wikileaks Massacre Video

Two soldiers who were in the same company as the culprits featured in the infamous Wikileaks “Collateral Murder” video, which showed troops in Apache helicopters slaughtering Reuters cameramen and children while laughing about it, have apologized for the massacre while stating that the footage only begins to depict the suffering inflicted upon innocent Iraqis as a consequence of the occupation.

The Wikileaks video provoked an international firestorm earlier this month after it showed U.S. troops slaughtering over a dozen innocent people, including two Reuters employees and the father of two children who were trapped in a rescue vehicle that also came under fire.
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The Geneva Conventions apply to all wars!

This article states that the Geneva Conventions apply to all cases of international conflict,[/B] where at least one of the warring nations have ratified the Conventions. Primarily:
The Conventions apply to all cases of declared war between signatory nations.[/B] This is the original sense of applicability, which predates the 1949 version.

The Conventions apply to all cases of armed conflict between two or more signatory nations, even in the absence of a declaration of war. [/B]This language was added in 1949 to accommodate situations that have all the characteristics of war without the existence of a formal declaration of war, such as a police action.

The Conventions apply to a signatory nation even if the opposing nation is not a signatory,but only if the opposing nation "accepts and applies the provisions" of the Conventions.In a nutshell, shithead, the GC apply's to the Iraq war.

dumbass, you should make it RED and a size of 14 to substantiate your stupidity even more :lol:
It does not apply to this war, because there were no signatory nations on the insurgents side.
But even if it applies to the war,

It does not apply to THIS SITUATION.
Plain and simple.
Didn't you read the last line that stated they still apply even if the opposing nation is not a signatory?
The pilot confessed.

So did other troops on the scene.

except they were NOT in the helicopter. the link you have provided has nothing to do with the troops in a helicopter.

those were different troops.

nothing on the court convictions of the troops IN the helicopter?

so I thought.

There were NO "war crimes" in the released WikiLeaks video.

dumbass, you should make it RED and a size of 14 to substantiate your stupidity even more :lol:
It does not apply to this war, because there were no signatory nations on the insurgents side.
But even if it applies to the war,

It does not apply to THIS SITUATION.
Plain and simple.
Didn't you read the last line that stated they still apply even if the opposing nation is not a signatory?

do you understand that EVEN IF it applies to the war IT DOES NOT APPLY to this particular situation :rolleyes:
Yeah, it's not the side of the Zionists and the Oil Companies, the only people who benefitted from this clusterfuck in Iraq.

Iraq was a complete clusterfuck. It was the worst thing we ever did as a country. You do get that, right?

You're dismissed, Jew-hater. You have zero credibility, on this or any other subject.

Yawn... no problem with Jews.

Have a big problem with Zionism. Of course, had no use for it under it's original title, "Apartheid".

Absolute insanity for us to spend trillions of dollars propping up a bunch of guys playing "God loves us the very bestest."
Yes, Zionism -- that's what all Jew-haters unsuccessfully try to disguise their Jew-hatred with.

You're dismissed, Jew-hater. You have zero credibility, on this or any other subject.

Yawn... no problem with Jews.

Have a big problem with Zionism. Of course, had no use for it under it's original title, "Apartheid".

Absolute insanity for us to spend trillions of dollars propping up a bunch of guys playing "God loves us the very bestest."
Yes, Zionism -- that's what all Jew-haters unsuccessfully try to disguise their Jew-hatred with.

Like I said. A five year old screams "Why do you hate me" when you make him stand in a corner for being bad.

A Zionists screams "Jew-Hater" when someone points out that they've become as bad as the Nazis.

"The Germans killed the Jews
and the Jews killed the Arabs
and the Arabs killed the hostages
and that is the news..

Is it any wonder that the monkey's confused.
" - Roger Waters, Amused to Death.
Yawn... no problem with Jews.

Have a big problem with Zionism. Of course, had no use for it under it's original title, "Apartheid".

Absolute insanity for us to spend trillions of dollars propping up a bunch of guys playing "God loves us the very bestest."
Yes, Zionism -- that's what all Jew-haters unsuccessfully try to disguise their Jew-hatred with.

Like I said. A five year old screams "Why do you hate me" when you make him stand in a corner for being bad.

A Zionists screams "Jew-Hater" when someone points out that they've become as bad as the Nazis.

"The Germans killed the Jews
and the Jews killed the Arabs
and the Arabs killed the hostages
and that is the news..

Is it any wonder that the monkey's confused.
" - Roger Waters, Amused to Death.
As bad as the Nazis?

Why, exactly, do you claim to have any credibility at all? Why, exactly, do you claim you're NOT an idiot?
Yes, Zionism -- that's what all Jew-haters unsuccessfully try to disguise their Jew-hatred with.

Like I said. A five year old screams "Why do you hate me" when you make him stand in a corner for being bad.

A Zionists screams "Jew-Hater" when someone points out that they've become as bad as the Nazis.

"The Germans killed the Jews
and the Jews killed the Arabs
and the Arabs killed the hostages
and that is the news..

Is it any wonder that the monkey's confused.
" - Roger Waters, Amused to Death.
As bad as the Nazis?

Why, exactly, do you claim to have any credibility at all? Why, exactly, do you claim you're NOT an idiot?

I'm not seeing the big difference between a concentration camp and a refugee camp...

You take someone else's land, crowd them into camps, routinely torture and kill them.

And these are the "Good guys"?
Like I said. A five year old screams "Why do you hate me" when you make him stand in a corner for being bad.

A Zionists screams "Jew-Hater" when someone points out that they've become as bad as the Nazis.

"The Germans killed the Jews
and the Jews killed the Arabs
and the Arabs killed the hostages
and that is the news..

Is it any wonder that the monkey's confused.
" - Roger Waters, Amused to Death.
As bad as the Nazis?

Why, exactly, do you claim to have any credibility at all? Why, exactly, do you claim you're NOT an idiot?

I'm not seeing the big difference between a concentration camp and a refugee camp...

You take someone else's land, crowd them into camps, routinely torture and kill them.

And these are the "Good guys"?


well that is an amazing public declaration of your stupidity on your part, but thanks for honesty :lol:
As bad as the Nazis?

Why, exactly, do you claim to have any credibility at all? Why, exactly, do you claim you're NOT an idiot?

I'm not seeing the big difference between a concentration camp and a refugee camp...

You take someone else's land, crowd them into camps, routinely torture and kill them.

And these are the "Good guys"?


well that is an amazing public declaration of your stupidity on your part, but thanks for honesty :lol:

The rest of the world knows what Israel is. We are the only ones who get the propaganda treatment.

Look up "Shabra and Shatilla" some time. They were refugee camps where thousands of Palestinian women and children were slaughtered because the Zionists turned a blind eye when a militia went into to kill them.
I'm not seeing the big difference between a concentration camp and a refugee camp...

You take someone else's land, crowd them into camps, routinely torture and kill them.

And these are the "Good guys"?


well that is an amazing public declaration of your stupidity on your part, but thanks for honesty :lol:

The rest of the world knows what Israel is. We are the only ones who get the propaganda treatment.

Look up "Shabra and Shatilla" some time. They were refugee camps where thousands of Palestinian women and children were slaughtered because the Zionists turned a blind eye when a militia went into to kill them.

you better check your fact before making yourself an idiot again.
Like I said. A five year old screams "Why do you hate me" when you make him stand in a corner for being bad.

A Zionists screams "Jew-Hater" when someone points out that they've become as bad as the Nazis.

"The Germans killed the Jews
and the Jews killed the Arabs
and the Arabs killed the hostages
and that is the news..

Is it any wonder that the monkey's confused.
" - Roger Waters, Amused to Death.
As bad as the Nazis?

Why, exactly, do you claim to have any credibility at all? Why, exactly, do you claim you're NOT an idiot?

I'm not seeing the big difference between a concentration camp and a refugee camp...

You take someone else's land, crowd them into camps, routinely torture and kill them.

And these are the "Good guys"?
Still not seeing why you claim you're not an idiot. If anything, you're cementing your idiothood even more firmly.
I'm not seeing the big difference between a concentration camp and a refugee camp...

You take someone else's land, crowd them into camps, routinely torture and kill them.

And these are the "Good guys"?


well that is an amazing public declaration of your stupidity on your part, but thanks for honesty :lol:

The rest of the world knows what Israel is. We are the only ones who get the propaganda treatment.

Look up "Shabra and Shatilla" some time. They were refugee camps where thousands of Palestinian women and children were slaughtered because the Zionists turned a blind eye when a militia went into to kill them.
Typical. You blame the Jews instead of the militia that actually did the killing.

Jew-haters are stupid.

well that is an amazing public declaration of your stupidity on your part, but thanks for honesty :lol:

The rest of the world knows what Israel is. We are the only ones who get the propaganda treatment.

Look up "Shabra and Shatilla" some time. They were refugee camps where thousands of Palestinian women and children were slaughtered because the Zionists turned a blind eye when a militia went into to kill them.
Typical. You blame the Jews instead of the militia that actually did the killing.

Jew-haters are stupid.

That militia never would have gotten near those people if the Zionists first hadn't invaded Lebanon, then drove out the PLO fighters, and then turned a blind eye when the Militia went into that camp and slaughtered them.

Oh, who armed the Militia? Israel!

Kind of like the Nazis always found people to do their dirty work in the countries they occuppied.
do you understand that EVEN IF it applies to the war IT DOES NOT APPLY to this particular situation :rolleyes:
If it didn't apply, then why did Bush, his Attorney General (Alberto Gonzales) and advisors (John Woo, David Addington, etc) try to change common Geneva Convention terms in order to avoid being prosecuted?
except they were NOT in the helicopter. the link you have provided has nothing to do with the troops in a helicopter.

those were different troops.

nothing on the court convictions of the troops IN the helicopter?

so I thought.

There were NO "war crimes" in the released WikiLeaks video.

Those troops were from the same unit as the pilot, shithead!
The rest of the world knows what Israel is. We are the only ones who get the propaganda treatment.

Look up "Shabra and Shatilla" some time. They were refugee camps where thousands of Palestinian women and children were slaughtered because the Zionists turned a blind eye when a militia went into to kill them.
Typical. You blame the Jews instead of the militia that actually did the killing.

Jew-haters are stupid.

That militia never would have gotten near those people if the Zionists first hadn't invaded Lebanon, then drove out the PLO fighters, and then turned a blind eye when the Militia went into that camp and slaughtered them.

Oh, who armed the Militia? Israel!

Kind of like the Nazis always found people to do their dirty work in the countries they occuppied.
Yawn, guy, you want to keep talking about Jews, I'm talking about Zionists.

Most Jews aren't zionists. They have no desire to live in Israel and even find the thing kind of embarrassing. (Kind of the way most DECENT White folks were embarrassed about South Africa and Apartheid.)

It's why Obama got 71% of the Jewish vote despite Romney's horrible pandering to the Zionist faction.

The Zionists realize this, so they've changed their pitch to appeal to funditarded Christians. We need Israel so Jay-a-zus can come back!!!
Yawn, guy, you want to keep talking about Jews, I'm talking about Zionists.

Most Jews aren't zionists. They have no desire to live in Israel and even find the thing kind of embarrassing. (Kind of the way most DECENT White folks were embarrassed about South Africa and Apartheid.)

It's why Obama got 71% of the Jewish vote despite Romney's horrible pandering to the Zionist faction.

The Zionists realize this, so they've changed their pitch to appeal to funditarded Christians. We need Israel so Jay-a-zus can come back!!!

The company you keep...

Yawn, guy, you want to keep talking about Jews, I'm talking about Zionists.

Most Jews aren't zionists. They have no desire to live in Israel and even find the thing kind of embarrassing. (Kind of the way most DECENT White folks were embarrassed about South Africa and Apartheid.)

It's why Obama got 71% of the Jewish vote despite Romney's horrible pandering to the Zionist faction.

The Zionists realize this, so they've changed their pitch to appeal to funditarded Christians. We need Israel so Jay-a-zus can come back!!!

The company you keep...

Yawn, guy, I get pretty sick of Zionists playing the Nazi Card when people call them on their bad behavior.

It's like a serial killer trying to get sympathy by saying his parents beat him.

Shit that happened 70 years ago doesn't justify what the Zionists are doing now.

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