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Brain Dead Justifies Murder

The girl isn't being put through anything. She's been dead for two weeks. The only charge if there is one would be assaulting a corpse, or many corpse vandalism. Since she has been kept ventillated and machines have taken over the auto anatomical functions, her organs can still be transplanted. That's about all.

Modern medicine can keep a body going indefinitely. Once the brain is gone, it is not coming back

Just because you can keep a body alive doesn't mean you should

If there's enough money.

If this poor dead girl is to be kept on life support, how will the parents pay for it? Its not as though they are the von Bulow's. Only someone who has never seen what happens to the body would say a coma is like "Sleeping Beauty".



Sunny von Bülow, the heiress whose second husband was twice accused of trying to kill her, died today after lying in a coma for nearly 28 years, the New York Times reports...

Very sad for the family. They need to let her go and grieve.
The girl isn't being put through anything. She's been dead for two weeks. The only charge if there is one would be assaulting a corpse, or many corpse vandalism. Since she has been kept ventillated and machines have taken over the auto anatomical functions, her organs can still be transplanted. That's about all.

Modern medicine can keep a body going indefinitely. Once the brain is gone, it is not coming back

Just because you can keep a body alive doesn't mean you should

If there's enough money.

If this poor dead girl is to be kept on life support, how will the parents pay for it? Its not as though they are the von Bulow's. Only someone who has never seen what happens to the body would say a coma is like "Sleeping Beauty".

Claus von Bulow ? News Stories About Claus von Bulow - Page 1 | Newser


Sunny von Bülow, the heiress whose second husband was twice accused of trying to kill her, died today after lying in a coma for nearly 28 years, the New York Times reports...


coma is not brain death. learn the basics, rw, so you do not show your ignorance so visibly
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The girl may be dead, but I'm not convinced she's gone. If all it takes for her to open her eyes and talk is brain activity, then zap her with some juice. Orange juice or apple? Thoughts are just electrical impulses leaping between neurons afterall, if the rest of her body's alive and functioning, even with mechanical aide, and all that isn't working is her brain, zap the brain with some electricity and see if the current becomes self-sustaining.

Try everything before giving up. There is no heaven or afterlife. Don't accept death until everything's been tried.What have they not "tried"?

The hospital screwed up and wants this to all go away. They wanna get sued and settle as quickly as possible as this daily coverage is hurting their bottom line. If another facility wants to take the girl in and keep her body functioning do it. Stranger things have happened like people freezing their heads hoping for eventual resuscitation. And if she does somehow recover, can you imagine how that would negatively effect the medical industry? All of a sudden people that are declared dead maybe aren't really dead any more. So naturally to prevent things like that the hospital has a vested interest in making sure she stays dead. Consequently they're the last ones anyone should be listening to.

Where did you get your information? A link, please, that shows what you say is true.

Those who think she should be maintained on a vent, just what would you do in this case? And, how would you pay for it?

Sorry folks but its a fact of life that your beloved insurance companies don't want any part of this. Why? Because its expensive and will not end with the poor child waking up and saying she wants pizza for dinner.
Modern medicine can keep a body going indefinitely. Once the brain is gone, it is not coming back

Just because you can keep a body alive doesn't mean you should

If there's enough money.

If this poor dead girl is to be kept on life support, how will the parents pay for it? Its not as though they are the von Bulow's. Only someone who has never seen what happens to the body would say a coma is like "Sleeping Beauty".

Claus von Bulow ? News Stories About Claus von Bulow - Page 1 | Newser


Sunny von Bülow, the heiress whose second husband was twice accused of trying to kill her, died today after lying in a coma for nearly 28 years, the New York Times reports...

Very sad for the family. They need to let her go and grieve.

coma is not brain death. learn the basics, Luddly, so you do not show your ignorance so visibly

Oh for Pete's sake.

You're so desperate to attack me, you don't even bother to look for FACTS.

Please show me where I said "coma is brain death".

POST THE LINK or admit you're lying, AGAIN.

And then, STFU.
The girl isn't being put through anything. She's been dead for two weeks. The only charge if there is one would be assaulting a corpse, or many corpse vandalism. Since she has been kept ventillated and machines have taken over the auto anatomical functions, her organs can still be transplanted. That's about all.

not anymore. it's too late. 2 weeks after brain death damaged them. organs are good only for hours after the brain death is declared, later they start to deteriorate.
If there's enough money.

If this poor dead girl is to be kept on life support, how will the parents pay for it? Its not as though they are the von Bulow's. Only someone who has never seen what happens to the body would say a coma is like "Sleeping Beauty".

Claus von Bulow ? News Stories About Claus von Bulow - Page 1 | Newser


Very sad for the family. They need to let her go and grieve.

coma is not brain death. learn the basics, Luddly, so you do not show your ignorance so visibly

Oh for Pete's sake.

You're so desperate to attack me, you don't even bother to look for FACTS.

Please show me where I said "coma is brain death".

POST THE LINK or admit you're lying, AGAIN.

And then, STFU.

STFU ignorant mouthpiece.
Coma is NOT brain death. Learn the basics, idiot.
( by conventional thinking)

To Vox: The culture of death is NOT conventional thinking. The culture of death is “Quality of life” thinking determined by Socialists. Conventional thinking says the courts should always rule for life and against death.

She should be taken off the vent and buried.

To Vox: If Jahi McMath does not die immediately how much time would you allow her to live before burying her? Remember Karen Ann Quinlan before you answer:

Although Quinlan was removed from mechanical ventilation during 1976, she lived on in a persistent vegetative state for almost a decade until her death from pneumonia in 1985.

Nobody will charge murder - don't hold your breath.

To Vox: Don’t count on euthanasia being legal forever.

It is cruel to put her through this

To rightwinger: In other words kill her with kindness! And how is it cruel when even the brain dead crowd say she is not in pain?

Since she has been kept ventillated and machines have taken over the auto anatomical functions, her organs can still be transplanted.

To Katzndogz: With or without her permission?

Do you remember Cass Sunstein, Obama’s Regulatory Czar who became famous for saying that the government “owns the rights to body parts of people who are dead or in certain hopeless conditions, and it can remove their organs without asking anyone’s permission,”. . .

Obama Lunges Toward Global Government
by Phyllis Schlafly
June 6, 2012

Obama Lunges Toward Global Government

And 3 physicians agreed,

To AquaAthena: There were four in a case in the UK. I’ll concede that the quality of doctors practicing socialized leaves a lot to be desired.

. . . Steven Thorpe’s parents refused to give up hope – despite four specialists declaring that the 17-year-old was brain dead.

The boy who came back from the dead: Experts said car crash teen was beyond hope. His parents disagreed
By Louise Eccles
PUBLISHED: 04:41 EST, 24 April 2012 | UPDATED: 19:55 EST, 24 April 2012

Steven Thorpe: Teenager declared brain-dead by FOUR doctors makes miracle recovery | Mail Online

perform an exhaustive autopsy to determine what went wrong and carry on from there.

To Katzndogz: Presumable the autopsy will be postponed until the rest of her dies.
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The parents have said over and over..... they want god to work a miracle.

fine.... take her off human medical support....and LET GOD work it out.

All this is... is parents not wanting to let go....and also looking for a HUGE pay out. They got their second and third opinions.... and the nursing home that had initially said they would take her have backed out.....

I am all for sending her home with the parents.

If it was about the payout, wouldn't they have shut down life support already?
There is a case here for a huge wrongful death suit.
coma is not brain death.

To Vox: As a matter of fact it is:

An ad hoc committee at Harvard Medical School published a pivotal 1968 report to define irreversible coma. The Harvard criteria gradually gained consensus toward what is now known as brain death. In the wake of the 1976 Karen Ann Quinlan controversy, state legislatures in the United States moved to accept brain death as an acceptable indication of death. Finally, a presidential commission issued a landmark 1981 report – Defining Death: Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues in the Determination of Death – that rejected the "higher brain" approach [clarification needed] to death in favor of a "whole brain" definition. This report was the basis for the Uniform Determination of Death Act, which is now the law in almost all fifty states. Today, both the legal and medical communities in the US use "brain death" as a legal definition of death, allowing a person to be declared legally dead even if life support equipment keeps the body's metabolic processes working.

The girl isn't being put through anything. She's been dead for two weeks. The only charge if there is one would be assaulting a corpse, or many corpse vandalism. Since she has been kept ventillated and machines have taken over the auto anatomical functions, her organs can still be transplanted. That's about all.

Modern medicine can keep a body going indefinitely. Once the brain is gone, it is not coming back

Just because you can keep a body alive doesn't mean you should

She's not really alive though. Not by any yardstick. Her body is kept "going" by artificial means.
The parents have said over and over..... they want god to work a miracle.

fine.... take her off human medical support....and LET GOD work it out.

All this is... is parents not wanting to let go....and also looking for a HUGE pay out. They got their second and third opinions.... and the nursing home that had initially said they would take her have backed out.....

I am all for sending her home with the parents.

If it was about the payout, wouldn't they have shut down life support already?
There is a case here for a huge wrongful death suit.

It would appear so, but without an autopsy we can't really know. To be medical malpractice the doctor would have had to do something, or failed to do something, that resulted in the injury. There are times when everything goes perfectly well and the patient still dies.
coma is not brain death. learn the basics, Luddly, so you do not show your ignorance so visibly

Oh for Pete's sake.

You're so desperate to attack me, you don't even bother to look for FACTS.

Please show me where I said "coma is brain death".

POST THE LINK or admit you're lying, AGAIN.

And then, STFU.

STFU ignorant mouthpiece.
Coma is NOT brain death. Learn the basics, idiot.

You're a fake, a poseur. Stop trying to make people believe you know more than you do.
Flanders, without writing one of your long winded, nonsensical rants, what is it you think should be done?
2nd Facility Turns Down Brain-Dead Teen at 11th Hour - Children's Hospital Oakland confirms it will unplug her at 5pm

The clock is ticking for Jahi McMath, with Children's Hospital Oakland yesterday confirming it will shut off her ventilator at 5pm today unless ordered otherwise, reports the San Francisco Chronicle. Her family continues to scramble to find a facility willing to take the brain-dead 13-year-old, after yesterday learning that the Los Angeles-area option they were banking on backed out (this after the first facility changed its mind amid a crush of press), reports the San Jose Mercury News. Jahi's lawyer says there's one "last, last hope": an unnamed New York hospital.

But the Mercury News indicates things may not have progressed very far on the New York front, with Children's Hospital yesterday saying that "our physicians have yet to receive a single call or message from the facility under consideration ... to discuss with our medical staff what may be necessary to transfer the deceased."
The parents have said over and over..... they want god to work a miracle.

fine.... take her off human medical support....and LET GOD work it out.

All this is... is parents not wanting to let go....and also looking for a HUGE pay out. They got their second and third opinions.... and the nursing home that had initially said they would take her have backed out.....

I am all for sending her home with the parents.

If it was about the payout, wouldn't they have shut down life support already?
There is a case here for a huge wrongful death suit.

It would appear so, but without an autopsy we can't really know. To be medical malpractice the doctor would have had to do something, or failed to do something, that resulted in the injury. There are times when everything goes perfectly well and the patient still dies.

If she had the bleeding complication after the surgery it can be blaimed on he surgeon and if it was so profuse that it impaired securing the airway and resulted in cardiac arrest ( as it clearly did) - then it is a malpractice issue. Does not mean the surgeon did anything wrong, it just happes sometimes, but still will be blamed on the surgeon. it would be the hospital who will be sued, but the blame is basically on the surgeon for the bleeding and anesthesiologist for not securing airway fast enough - although there is nor real blame as they did not do anything wrong.
If it was about the payout, wouldn't they have shut down life support already?
There is a case here for a huge wrongful death suit.

It would appear so, but without an autopsy we can't really know. To be medical malpractice the doctor would have had to do something, or failed to do something, that resulted in the injury. There are times when everything goes perfectly well and the patient still dies.

If she had the bleeding complication after the surgery it can be blaimed on he surgeon and if it was so profuse that it impaired securing the airway and resulted in cardiac arrest ( as it clearly did) - then it is a malpractice issue. Does not mean the surgeon did anything wrong, it just happes sometimes, but still will be blamed on the surgeon. it would be the hospital who will be sued, but the blame is basically on the surgeon for the bleeding and anesthesiologist for not securing airway fast enough - although there is nor real blame as they did not do anything wrong.

It depends on what the complication was and what was done.

My husband had cataract surgery and ended up blind in that eye. He had corrective surgery that didn't work. Cataract surgery is uncomplicated and routine. He should not have ended up blind in that eye. I contacted the best opthamologic medical malpractice attorney in Los Angeles and we had the records evaluated by a specialist. The surgeon did nothing wrong. Everything went like clockwork. What went wrong was simply not the fault of the surgeon.

Just from what little we know, and what can be extrapolated from what little we know, is that this child was extremely obese and had obstructive sleep apnea. It was not only her tonsils being removed, she had further surgeries to open up her airways. We don't know why surgery was chosen rather than losing weight. Her apnea might have been so bad that waiting would be dangerous. Perhaps the period of time she stopped breathing were getting longer.
It would appear so, but without an autopsy we can't really know. To be medical malpractice the doctor would have had to do something, or failed to do something, that resulted in the injury. There are times when everything goes perfectly well and the patient still dies.

If she had the bleeding complication after the surgery it can be blaimed on he surgeon and if it was so profuse that it impaired securing the airway and resulted in cardiac arrest ( as it clearly did) - then it is a malpractice issue. Does not mean the surgeon did anything wrong, it just happes sometimes, but still will be blamed on the surgeon. it would be the hospital who will be sued, but the blame is basically on the surgeon for the bleeding and anesthesiologist for not securing airway fast enough - although there is nor real blame as they did not do anything wrong.

It depends on what the complication was and what was done.

My husband had cataract surgery and ended up blind in that eye. He had corrective surgery that didn't work. Cataract surgery is uncomplicated and routine. He should not have ended up blind in that eye. I contacted the best opthamologic medical malpractice attorney in Los Angeles and we had the records evaluated by a specialist. The surgeon did nothing wrong. Everything went like clockwork. What went wrong was simply not the fault of the surgeon.

Just from what little we know, and what can be extrapolated from what little we know, is that this child was extremely obese and had obstructive sleep apnea. It was not only her tonsils being removed, she had further surgeries to open up her airways. We don't know why surgery was chosen rather than losing weight. Her apnea might have been so bad that waiting would be dangerous. Perhaps the period of time she stopped breathing were getting longer.

bleeding from the place where tonsils were is a dreaded complications and it can happen because of the character of the tissues removed and it can be potentially fatal as it is profuse bleeding with no very clear visible source. and the main problem is - in order to get to the source one has to secure the airway in the child - intubating the trachea when you don't see shit ( because the blood is everywhere and the second you suction it it is back there and the laryngoscope is just blinded by blood) is a challenge by itself, but when you have a child which is obese and with such a severe sleep apnea that it required operation, this child does not have oxygenation reserves and it is also not possible to mask ventilate in such conditions - so her oxygen saturation levels drop much faster than in a usual person ( normally you have 60-70 seconds until that ominous sound of the pulse oximeter starts to change the tone from high pitched to low bass), this child most probably already was hypoxemic for some time when the attempt at securing the airway started.

This scenario is one of the most dreadful and feared in 3 specialties - and it is tested in the boards of three specialties and if it happens, grey hair appears in all providers involved - and very often this requires emergency tracheostomy on a spot - becasue there is no other way to secure the airway.

she suffered cardiac arrest during this and that is why she became brain dead. The bleeding, obviously was stopped, but even if the bleeder was not big and it was stopped in 5 minutes - AFTER the airway securing and resuscitation - the damage to the brain already occurred.
Flanders, without writing one of your long winded, nonsensical rants, what is it you think should be done?

To Luddly Neddite: Read my posts in this thread if you want to know what I think should be done. Get help from somebody else if your sound bite mentality cannot figure it out.

If she had the bleeding complication after the surgery it can be blaimed on he surgeon and if it was so profuse that it impaired securing the airway and resulted in cardiac arrest ( as it clearly did) - then it is a malpractice issue. Does not mean the surgeon did anything wrong, it just happes sometimes, but still will be blamed on the surgeon. it would be the hospital who will be sued, but the blame is basically on the surgeon for the bleeding and anesthesiologist for not securing airway fast enough - although there is nor real blame as they did not do anything wrong.

To Vox: You’re pretty quick to exonerate. Obviously, they did something wrong when they performed the operation in the first place. Making the wrong decision that left a young girl in a coma is malpractice as surely as is butchery in the operating room.

Parenthetically, it’s exactly because of people like you that a majority of Americans better proceed with extreme caution when it comes to tort reform —— which is doublespeak for limiting the size of awards. You may not like lawyers, but they are the only thing standing between the weak and the butchers.
Flanders - you work against yourself with most of your posts. I just don't bother wading through most of them.

To Vox: You’re pretty quick to exonerate. Obviously, they did something wrong when they performed the operation in the first place. Making the wrong decision that left a young girl in a coma is malpractice as surely as is butchery in the operating room.

Parenthetically, it’s exactly because of people like you that a majority of Americans better proceed with extreme caution when it comes to tort reform —— which is doublespeak for limiting the size of awards. You may not like lawyers, but they are the only thing standing between the weak and the butchers.

I agree. I read someplace that this was not the first time this kind of "accident" happened in this hospital. We need to hold hospitals to high standards and, no matter what the apologists tell you, we do not currently do that. People like vox want you to believe they have knowledge they clearly do not.

As for tort reform - absolutely not. If anything, we need to demand better from the corporations who would screw us over and then leave us high and dry. This is part of why rw's don't like ObamaCare - it holds corporations responsible.

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