Brain dead teen only capable of rolling eyes and texting to be euthenized


If she can text she is not brain dead
We need a NO SHIT SHERLOCK forum.

Texting while brain dead, damn I see that happening every time I go to walmart.

One day one of those rude little fuckers is going to run in to me while texting, and I am just going to stomp on the device.

I am sick of this "Watch where you are going, can't you see I am texting?" mentality.

Fuckin' old woman texting almost hit me while I was mowing my yard.

Damned good thing I expect such crap and was looking.
I've seen that before. I have asked them if they were talking to each other.
I see families out to dinner at nice restaurants, not even talking to each other, all busy texting.


Sounds like mine last Thanksgiving. Was so irking I actually brought up the zombies thing. Everyone but me owns a smartphone (I refuse to) and was heads-bowed pecking away on em. Meanwhile I'm sitting there suddenly noticing the lack of conversation or interaction and said, "So next year, should I just stay home at phone in my participation?" :)
A number of sci-fi stories have been written about cyber-connectivity scenarios exactly like what we see now. An analagous scenario being drug addiction. If you turned off the power or ability to connect, the people addicted to it go nuts. The WALL-E movie was akin to it, but without the horrible side effects of being disconnected.

Idea for another would be when crime in cyberspace becomes every bit as threatening as real-world. Some hacker 'holds you up' and instead of it occuring to you to simply disconnect, you sit there paralyzed with fear or something. :)
Caught on tape
This guy was texting

Bus driver hits truck in China while texting, hate to think of his fate.

Bus driver hits suv, while texting, language.

If she can text she is not brain dead
We need a NO SHIT SHERLOCK forum.

Texting while brain dead, damn I see that happening every time I go to walmart.

One day one of those rude little fuckers is going to run in to me while texting, and I am just going to stomp on the device.

I am sick of this "Watch where you are going, can't you see I am texting?" mentality.

Fuckin' old woman texting almost hit me while I was mowing my yard.

Damned good thing I expect such crap and was looking.

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