Brainwashed Progtards


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
I awoke this morning to the creaking sound of the Western mind closing shut. I felt it squeezing in on me like a car crusher. Public discourse is more controlled and political dissent more squashed than at any point in memory. Try as I may, all the evidence suggests we are on the brink of an ideological Dark Age the likes of which America has never seen. It seems we’re only inches away from living in a world where stating the obvious will be criminalized.

Online, the chief enablers of this situation are the smirking young progtards, who are unwilling to even touch any viewpoint that hasn’t been spoon-fed to them in school or beamed into their eyeballs via TV. Their brains have never hatched a single original idea in their lives. They are mere hollow carriers of infectious ideas, not so much Trojan horses as little pink Trojan ponies.

The modern young leftist is a weak, wretched, psychotic creature, at once nasty and cowardly. Notice how these bespectacled, bearded nerdlings didn’t have one shred of bravado until they had the full weight of the government, media, and academia on their side. They are the sort of cowards who were terrified to make a peep until it was absolutely risk-free. They are extremely bold—at least behind a keyboard—until directly confronted when there’s no crowd around to protect them. A lone earthworm has more spine than any hundred of them....

How to Deal With the Brainwashed - Taki's Magazine
Another way to quell the riots and looting.

Is for the state government to announce they are sponsoring the building of a new Fried Chicken store in the town of Ferguson that only takes EBT cards.

Then the protesters who are rioting and looting would fear losing their EBT cards and start obeying the law. .. :cool:

I have both,

Plus 4 dozen times the IQ points you have,

What was the point again?

I do believe my first post answers any concerns you might have about this thread.
Let's get to the heart of this mindlessly clipped and pasted diatribe. It comes about half-way thru in this paragraph;

"To be a modern leftist is to embrace a constellation of lies. They eat lies as if they were corn flakes. Leftism is based on a false premise, and all political systems whose roots are planted in quicksand will inevitably sink into totalitarianism. They start with one flawed premise—equality, which is a laughably obvious lie—and embrace it as an untouchable truth. And they will tell a billion other lies to protect that main lie."

It appears you (and the author c&p'd) think "brainwashed progtards" are much too enamored of this foundational quote;

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

It appears you (and the author c&p'd) think that Thomas Jefferson sowed the seeds of the Nation in "quicksand" and it is doomed to "inevitably sink into totalitarianism". Another foundational document says that you have a right to state your opinion. I think you'd be wasting your time though if you try to convince anybody that the truths you hold self-evident are compatible with Jefferson's.
Let's get to the heart of this mindlessly clipped and pasted diatribe. It comes about half-way thru in this paragraph;

"To be a modern leftist is to embrace a constellation of lies. They eat lies as if they were corn flakes. Leftism is based on a false premise, and all political systems whose roots are planted in quicksand will inevitably sink into totalitarianism. They start with one flawed premise—equality, which is a laughably obvious lie—and embrace it as an untouchable truth. And they will tell a billion other lies to protect that main lie."

It appears you (and the author c&p'd) think "brainwashed progtards" are much too enamored of this foundational quote;

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

It appears you (and the author c&p'd) think that Thomas Jefferson sowed the seeds of the Nation in "quicksand" and it is doomed to "inevitably sink into totalitarianism". Another foundational document says that you have a right to state your opinion. I think you'd be wasting your time though if you try to convince anybody that the truths you hold self-evident are compatible with Jefferson's.

First off Snidely, as a Nazi, you obviously hold that some are more equal that others. JOOOOOZZZ for instance, are rated as inferior to your ISIS buddies.

But beyond that, the idea that we are created equal does not extend to the concept that we ARE equal. Played a game of Monopoly, everyone started equal - after a couple of hours, we were far from equal.

Ultimately leftism is the desire for totalitarianism to punish those who do better than they.
Yeah, I mean you have DOZENS of morons who agree with you over at MoveOn, ThinkProgress, CommonDreams, DailyKOS....

So it's no big thing....

Actually, there aren't many people I agree with on any of those sites - and even if I did, I wouldn't think an op-ed that made me feel good about myself was worth starting a thread on.
First off Snidely, as a Nazi, you obviously hold that some are more equal that others. JOOOOOZZZ for instance, are rated as inferior to your ISIS buddies.

But beyond that, the idea that we are created equal does not extend to the concept that we ARE equal. Played a game of Monopoly, everyone started equal - after a couple of hours, we were far from equal.

Ultimately leftism is the desire for totalitarianism to punish those who do better than they.

Obviously you haven't seen any of my posts on my decades long support of Israel or on my belief that ISIS is a fundamentally barbaric and evil group who must be destroyed as soon as possible. Obviously you are unconcerned with the truth and only concerned with spouting your simplistic moronic slogans. Go play your children's game with someone else, you're less than a cipher to me.
Obviously you haven't seen any of my posts on my decades long support of Israel or on my belief that ISIS is a fundamentally barbaric and evil group who must be destroyed as soon as possible.

True, the posts I see from you generally are supporting driving the Jews into the sea and promoting Hamas.

Obviously you are unconcerned with the truth and only concerned with spouting your simplistic moronic slogans. Go play your children's game with someone else, you're less than a cipher to me.

I'm not here to debate you Snidely, I'm here to mock you....
Ahhhh... The we were all created equal, and remain equal canard...

Perhaps with civil servant coercion we could all pretend in that fairytale... Lol

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