Brave enough to fight Putin's troll army

Some amigo

Jun 26, 2015
The Weird And Shockingly Lucrative World Of People Who Are Paid To Troll In Russia
Adrian Chen, freelance journalist, currently working as a contributing editor for The New Inquiry, recently published his article “The Agency” in The New York Times Magazine.

That guy has strong balls to fight Putin. Well done.

Ex pro-Putin Internet troll seeks to expose Kremlin 'propaganda factory'
A Russian freelance journalist who claims she went undercover as a pro-government Internet troll says she is suing her former employer in a bid to expose the workings of the Kremlin's online army

Two against the army. We wish good luck
The Weird And Shockingly Lucrative World Of People Who Are Paid To Troll In Russia
Adrian Chen, freelance journalist, currently working as a contributing editor for The New Inquiry, recently published his article “The Agency” in The New York Times Magazine.

That guy has strong balls to fight Putin. Well done.

Ex pro-Putin Internet troll seeks to expose Kremlin 'propaganda factory'
A Russian freelance journalist who claims she went undercover as a pro-government Internet troll says she is suing her former employer in a bid to expose the workings of the Kremlin's online army

Two against the army. We wish good luck

Western propaganda against Russia and Putin slowly but surely started loosing to the truth, so West decided to consolidate their lies with the "sources" like that^ . The truth will win regardless, dear Western trolls.
Good grief, when the oligarchs of the Ukraine who overthrew the duly elected government with the west's help own all the key media outlets in the Ukraine, people are going to bitch about the possibility of pro Russian posters on message boards?


Too funny!
How many of my fellow westerners know that Poroschenko bragged about using his Channel 5 to drive the coup? Hell's bells he has even bragged about funding the coup..........err..........overthrow............err the revolution?
I'll make this a triple play!

How many of my fellow westerners know the Bill and Hillary's close friend, the oligarch Victor Pinchuk owns multiple media outlets in the Ukraine?

How many of my fellow westerners know that old Victor donated millions upon millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation?

Would these multi millions of dollars funneled to the Clintons have influenced powerful political westerners to back the violent coup in the Ukraine?

Pinchuk is far left as they come as far as billionaires go. And if anyone knows the Yalta strategy they would understand who these oligarchs are that were desperate for the Ukraine to join the EU with the assistance of individuals like Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Shimon Peres and others.

Hence we had the coup. Err overthrow of the duly elected government. Err the revolution. :lol:
The Weird And Shockingly Lucrative World Of People Who Are Paid To Troll In Russia
Adrian Chen, freelance journalist, currently working as a contributing editor for The New Inquiry, recently published his article “The Agency” in The New York Times Magazine.

That guy has strong balls to fight Putin. Well done.

Ex pro-Putin Internet troll seeks to expose Kremlin 'propaganda factory'
A Russian freelance journalist who claims she went undercover as a pro-government Internet troll says she is suing her former employer in a bid to expose the workings of the Kremlin's online army

Two against the army. We wish good luck

Western propaganda against Russia and Putin slowly but surely started loosing to the truth, so West decided to consolidate their lies with the "sources" like that^ . The truth will win regardless, dear Western trolls.

Sadly, many bought into the the "evil Russian Putin" propaganda. What a joke.

The west facilitates a takeover of a duly elected legitimate government and has the bloody balls to say "we brought democracy to the Ukraine".

You should see the bullshit propaganda I get from my party, my Conservative government that fell for the lies.

I am so angry.But my options of who to back up here are so damn limited because to campaign for any other party other than Conservative would give me a nightmare government like the US has right now with Obama.
QUOTE="tinydancer, post: 11687346, member: 25451"]

Sadly, many bought into the the "evil Russian Putin" propaganda. What a joke.

The west facilitates a takeover of a duly elected legitimate government and has the bloody balls to say "we brought democracy to the Ukraine".

You should see the bullshit propaganda I get from my party, my Conservative government that fell for the lies.

I am so angry.But my options of who to back up here are so damn limited because to campaign for any other party other than Conservative would give me a nightmare government like the US has right now with Obama.[/QUOTE]


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