Brave German Woman Speaks Out Against Islam

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
In this video you will learn the story of how the Lord Jesus called one woman to speak out against an Imam who had come to pray at a Christian church. Rather than throwing out the Imam who serves a false god and denies Jesus Christ, the Christian woman was forced to leave. But not until she said this.............

Funny how the crazed woman has a menorah in her apartment and cites the words of Martin Luther who was a rabid anti-semite.

She seems slightly confused. ...... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:
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What is wrong with having a menorah in one's home? You can quote someone without condoning a mistake they made prior to their conversion, Sunni man. If God has washed away the sins of the Christians by the blood of Jesus Christ who is it that reminds them of their past? Satan. That is who. Satan is the accuser of the brethren.
I have stood up in a church and rebuked it with the Word of God and walked out before. It takes the strength of the LORD to do it when people are standing against you. I applaud the woman's courage. She did the right thing. May God raise up more like her in this hour.
Islam expels or kills apostolates or outright outlaws non Muslims in their homelands. But they want to immigrate, and then impose sharia law in our Christian homelands, how nice of them. I won't stand for that Muslim sharia nonsense. I would rather that die, it is my homeland, not yours.
The church who permitted that prayer to be said in their sanctuary is under a curse and that is why the woman came in - to break the curse and pronounce liberty to the people. Too bad they rejected that liberty and forced her to leave - therein bringing a curse upon themselves and their homes and the church where this was done. Very sad because they are perishing due to lack of knowledge. The god of Islam is not God Almighty creator of heaven and earth in the bible. It would be the equivalent of a witch doctor coming in and doing a sacrifice on the altar of the church. Very bad business.
You're mistaken I believe. He was taught anti-semitism by the Catholic church - so was Clairveaux and others who remained in the Roman church. Martin Luther repented and received salvation. That is what you must do and in that order, Sunni man. Repent and then be saved.
The church who permitted that prayer to be said in their sanctuary is under a curse and that is why the woman came in - to break the curse and pronounce liberty to the people. Too bad they rejected that liberty and forced her to leave - therein bringing a curse upon themselves and their homes and the church where this was done. Very sad because they are perishing due to lack of knowledge. The god of Islam is not God Almighty creator of heaven and earth in the bible. It would be the equivalent of a witch doctor coming in and doing a sacrifice on the altar of the church. Very bad business.
Actually, the Imam wasn't saying a prayer.

He was just reciting the call to prayer. .... :cool:
Washington Cathedral’s first Muslim prayer service interrupted by heckler

American Muslims were invited to offer prayers to Allah inside the nation’s most iconic Christian church Friday in Washington, D.C., but the intended message of peace, harmony and tolerance isn’t so well received in Muslim countries, according to Christian leaders contacted by WND.

The Washington National Cathedral, which earned the title “America’s House of Prayer” for its hosting of presidential funerals and inauguration-related prayer services, was turned into a virtual mosque in which Muslims bowed toward Mecca and shielded their eyes from the Christian cross.

Prayer carpets were arranged diagonally, to the side of the sanctuary, so worshipers could face in the direction of Mecca without seeing crosses or other Christian symbols. Muslims are not supposed to pray in view of sacred symbols “alien to their faith,” the Voice of America reported.

The Episcopal cathedral becomes the first church in America to host a Muslim-led prayer service

Read more at Woman interrupts Muslim service at National Cathedral 8216 Jesus Christ is Lord 8217
The church who permitted that prayer to be said in their sanctuary is under a curse and that is why the woman came in - to break the curse and pronounce liberty to the people. Too bad they rejected that liberty and forced her to leave - therein bringing a curse upon themselves and their homes and the church where this was done. Very sad because they are perishing due to lack of knowledge. The god of Islam is not God Almighty creator of heaven and earth in the bible. It would be the equivalent of a witch doctor coming in and doing a sacrifice on the altar of the church. Very bad business.
Actually, the Imam wasn't saying a prayer.

He was just reciting the call to prayer. .... :cool:

He should have been thrown out.

American Muslims were invited to offer prayers to Allah inside the nation’s most iconic Christian church Friday in Washington, D.C., but the intended message of peace, harmony and tolerance isn’t so well received in Muslim countries, according to Christian leaders contacted by WND.

The Washington National Cathedral, which earned the title “America’s House of Prayer” for its hosting of presidential funerals and inauguration-related prayer services, was turned into a virtual mosque in which Muslims bowed toward Mecca and shielded their eyes from the Christian cross.

Prayer carpets were arranged diagonally, to the side of the sanctuary, so worshipers could face in the direction of Mecca without seeing crosses or other Christian symbols. Muslims are not supposed to pray in view of sacred symbols “alien to their faith,” the Voice of America reported.

The Episcopal cathedral becomes the first church in America to host a Muslim-led prayer service

Read more at Woman interrupts Muslim service at National Cathedral 8216 Jesus Christ is Lord 8217

You're mistaken I believe. He was taught anti-semitism by the Catholic church - so was Clairveaux and others who remained in the Roman church. Martin Luther repented and received salvation.
You are incorrect.

He became very anti-semitic as he grew older. (after leaving the Catholic church......look it up)

btw I am a direct descendant of Martin Luther from my mothers side of the family. .... :cool:
Washington Cathedral’s first Muslim prayer service interrupted by heckler

American Muslims were invited to offer prayers to Allah inside the nation’s most iconic Christian church Friday in Washington, D.C., but the intended message of peace, harmony and tolerance isn’t so well received in Muslim countries, according to Christian leaders contacted by WND.

The Washington National Cathedral, which earned the title “America’s House of Prayer” for its hosting of presidential funerals and inauguration-related prayer services, was turned into a virtual mosque in which Muslims bowed toward Mecca and shielded their eyes from the Christian cross.

Prayer carpets were arranged diagonally, to the side of the sanctuary, so worshipers could face in the direction of Mecca without seeing crosses or other Christian symbols. Muslims are not supposed to pray in view of sacred symbols “alien to their faith,” the Voice of America reported.

The Episcopal cathedral becomes the first church in America to host a Muslim-led prayer service

Read more at Woman interrupts Muslim service at National Cathedral 8216 Jesus Christ is Lord 8217

A clip from your link:

But just as the Imam was about to give the Muslim call to prayer, a Christian woman, who apparently sneaked into the service, stood up, pointed to the cross and shouted “Jesus Christ died on that cross. He is the reason we are to worship only Him. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. We have built enough of your mosques in this country. Why don’t you worship in your mosques and leave our churches alone? …America was founded on Christian principles…Leave our church alone!”

She was immediately grabbed by the arms and forcibly led out of the church by two men.

Read more at Woman interrupts Muslim service at National Cathedral 8216 Jesus Christ is Lord 8217

Once again, they threw the wrong person out. The Christian woman should have remained and the Muslims should have been told to leave. They do not belong in our churches with their religion. If they wish to repent of Islam and become a born again Christian? By all means, we'll lead you to Christ and you are welcome in our churches. But your false religion - Islam - is not welcome in our churches. We serve Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God. Not allah or Mohammad.
You're mistaken I believe. He was taught anti-semitism by the Catholic church - so was Clairveaux and others who remained in the Roman church. Martin Luther repented and received salvation.
You are incorrect.

He became very anti-semitic as he grew older. (after leaving the Catholic church......look it up)

btw I am a direct descendant of Martin Luther from my mothers side of the family. .... :cool:

No, he was anti-semitic when he was a Catholic. Most of them are from that era. During the Inquisitions they were putting Jews and Christians to death. The Catholic church has always been against Jews and Christians. Because it isn't a Christian faith. It's a Pagan religion not based on the bible but on idolatry, false teachings, rituals, incense, etc.
He should have been thrown out.
Jesus sat and broke bread with the sinners.

But fake christian Jeremiah would throw the sinners out. ..... :lol: :lol:

Excuse me I have made it clear that they are not going to teach their false teachings in our churches nor have their false prayers, prayer calls in our services. It isn't happening. Not in a real church - those that choose to abandon the faith will drink from the cup of demons Islam offers - those who serve the LORD will have no part of it. The bible is very clear to have no part of evil but rather to expose it. Jesus doesn't have fellowship with Satan. You are seriously mistaken.

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