Brave German Woman Speaks Out Against Islam

Islam crashed planes in Manhattan . Islam did that.It isn't hateful to say that. Just a fact. Islam did more damage than the Japanese did on December 7th, 1941. The Muslims hurt America far worse, A survivor of pearl harbor told me once . FAR WORSE THAN PEARL HARBOR...And we nuked the Japanese, why not NUKE the Arabs? I am wondering...Why not? Nuke Mecca or Medina. They have more than earned it.

Why? Because Islam has no part in Christianity and does not belong in a church, Coyote. They have their mosques and have no business in our churches. The bible is very clear that this type of activity is forbidden. So why are churches doing this? Because they are departing from the faith. That is why.

Actions which promote interfaith dialogue, community, and tolerance are good. The Christianity that I grew up with was open and welcoming and sometimes held shared services with other faiths or denominations in the community for special occassions.

I think that is a good thing.

Interfaithism is another word for abandoning Christianity. One cannot drink from the cup of demons with idolaters and drink from the cup of the LORD at the same time. It is one or the other. I choose Jesus Christ. I serve Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ alone is LORD. There is no other God. Jesus Christ is God and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is LORD. Including yours, Coyote.

That sounds like an "or else" motivational moment.

Actually it's more like there is no or else. The kingdom of God isn't like Burger King. You don't get it your way. You get it God's way or no way at all. What is God's way? Jesus Christ, His only begotten son who he sent to redeem the world because His blood was a perfect sacrifice that cleanses us of all sin. If God could have redeemed us from the curse of sin we were born under - if he could have done it any other way - he would have. He sacrificed His own Son for us. Imagine what kind of Love that is!

To suggest that God is going to share his throne with Buddah, Mohammad, Baal Allah, Hari Krishna - whoever ....... is a false idea. It won't happen. It's God's kingdom and we do it His way or no way at all. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through the Son. The path is narrow. Jesus said so. He is the way. Jesus Christ is the Only Way.
Baal allah is his correct name. worshiped.
The Bible never uses the name Baal allah.

It a sin for a christian to make up fake Bible scripture. ..... :cool:

The history of Islam - research Dr. Robert A. Morrey and that will give you a good start, Sunni Man.

Wikipedia, on Morrey...

Morey runs Faith Defenders, an organization dedicated to Christian apologetics, and started and became pastor of the related Faith Community Church in Orange, California,[2] which recently closed upon his departure to Pennsylvania where he began his ministry. He received a Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry from the fully accredited Westminster Theological Seminary. He also claims to have a Doctor of Philosophy in Islamic Studies from the unaccredited Louisiana Baptist University[1][3] (although elsewhere he has said it is actually a doctorate in theology with an emphasis on Islam)[2] and a Doctor of Divinity, usually an honorary degree bestowed upon someone who has made distinguished contributions to the field of religion, from Faith Theological Seminary.[4][5] His honorary degree is from Faith Theological Seminary in Gujranwala, Pakistan,[1] and the Pakistan seminary created controversy over whether this degree was bestowed (and later rescinded) by them.[2][6]

Morey assisted in translation for the International Standard Version of the Bible,specifically, he worked on the "base translation" of Psalms chapters 1 through 65 and Psalms chapter 91.[7]

In 2002, the conservative website WorldNetDaily published a fund-raising plea on behalf of Morey’s Research and Education Foundation. He was asking for $1.2 million to "launch a national crusade" against radical Islam.[2] Tax records obtained by the Weekly show the fund-raiser failed to hit its target, raising just $92,707 for his Research and Education Foundation in 2002.[2]

This guy does not seem competent to write a "history of Islam". There are probably far better, more accurate, and less biased histories out there written by historians with bonafide credentials.
Jesus sat down and broke bread with the sinners.

Jeremiah says to throw them out.

Which one is following God? .... :cool:
Baal allah is his correct name. worshiped.
The Bible never uses the name Baal allah.

It a sin for a christian to make up fake Bible scripture. ..... :cool:

The history of Islam - research Dr. Robert A. Morrey and that will give you a good start, Sunni Man.

Wikipedia, on Morrey...

Morey runs Faith Defenders, an organization dedicated to Christian apologetics, and started and became pastor of the related Faith Community Church in Orange, California,[2] which recently closed upon his departure to Pennsylvania where he began his ministry. He received a Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry from the fully accredited Westminster Theological Seminary. He also claims to have a Doctor of Philosophy in Islamic Studies from the unaccredited Louisiana Baptist University[1][3] (although elsewhere he has said it is actually a doctorate in theology with an emphasis on Islam)[2] and a Doctor of Divinity, usually an honorary degree bestowed upon someone who has made distinguished contributions to the field of religion, from Faith Theological Seminary.[4][5] His honorary degree is from Faith Theological Seminary in Gujranwala, Pakistan,[1] and the Pakistan seminary created controversy over whether this degree was bestowed (and later rescinded) by them.[2][6]

Morey assisted in translation for the International Standard Version of the Bible,specifically, he worked on the "base translation" of Psalms chapters 1 through 65 and Psalms chapter 91.[7]

In 2002, the conservative website WorldNetDaily published a fund-raising plea on behalf of Morey’s Research and Education Foundation. He was asking for $1.2 million to "launch a national crusade" against radical Islam.[2] Tax records obtained by the Weekly show the fund-raiser failed to hit its target, raising just $92,707 for his Research and Education Foundation in 2002.[2]

This guy does not seem competent to write a "history of Islam". There are probably far better, more accurate, and less biased histories out there written by historians with bonafide credentials.

That is why I do not like Wiki pages - they are known for false information about people and are not held to any decent accountability - the pages can also be edited by almost anyone - and they are - frequently. As for Dr. Morrey. He won a debate against the top Islamic Scholars in the world, Coyote. If he wasn't competent to write a book on Islam what shall we say about the leading Islamic Scholars who could not defeat him in a debate about Islam?
That doesn't have the information about the Baal god Hubal - hold on... it's in here. I found it. Read up on Hubal. Hubal is a Baal god. This is some serious stuff, Sunni Man, so listen up!

Plain Truth About Islam

Even though history shows that Allah was the chief god of the Quraysh, and the Kaaba. We also see a god called HUBAL WHO WAS THE CHIEF GOD OF THE KAABA, AND OF THE QURAYSH TRIBE! How can this be? Is there a contradiction in history? Let's look at some quotes from historians and scholars about Hubal, and then let's answer this question logically and from the foundations of history.

"Among the gods worshipped by the Quraysh, the GREATEST WAS HUBAL...The Quraysh had several idols in and around the Kaaba. THE GREATEST OF THESE WAS HUBAL" (F.E. Peters, The Hajj, pp.24-25, emphasis mine).

"Hubal was the PRINCIPAL DEITY [in Mecca] THE GOD OF THE MOON..." (Concise Encyclopedia of Islam, p.179, emphasis mine).

"...of the 360 idols set up in the Kaaba, the MOST IMPORTANT WAS HUBAL, THE GOD OF THE MOON...IT WAS SET UP IN THE KAABA, and became thePRINCIPAL IDOL OF THE MECCANS..." (ibid., p.161, emphasis mine).

"HUBAL WAS THE CHIEF GOD OF THE KAABA" (George W. Braswell, JR, Islam, p.44, emphasis mine).

"...THE MAIN GOD OF THE SHRINE [was] HUBAL" (Neighboring Faiths, Winfried, Corduan, p.78, emphasis mine).


    • Hubal was the greatest god of the Kaaba
    • Supreme god of the Quraysh tribe.
    • Hubal was the chief god of Mecca.
How do we reconcile this obvious contradiction in history? Is this a contradiction? ABSOLUTELY NOT! We have found in our research that HUBAL IS ALLAH, THEY ARE ONE AND THE SAME GOD!

The Funk and Wignall's Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend says under "Allah," "The pre-Mohammedan Arabic god HUBAL HAD AS HIS TITLE ALLAHU meaning 'THE GOD'...As the PATRON OF THE KAABA AT MECCA, ALREADY SUPREME he was MAINTAINED IN MOHAMMEDAN THEOLOGY AS THE ONE GOD..." (vol.1, p.36, emphasis mine).

Under "Hubal," or "Hobal," the same dictionary says, "Some say that Hubal, was the REAL NAME OF ALLAHU, THE CHIEF GOD OF PRE-ISLAMIC TIMES, WHO BECAME THE ONE GOD OF ISLAM..." (ibid., p.499, emphasis mine).

"In Mecca, a god Hubal was worshipped, who may be IDENTICAL WITH ALLAH" (H. Ringgren and A.V Strom, Religions of Mankind, p.178, emphasis mine).

What does this mean? It means some millions of innocent people have been duped into believing they are serving God when in fact they are serving a Baal god! You see the importance of this evidence? The truth will set you free. Baal worshipers prayed toward the east in the bible. That is another identifying sign of Baal - his worshipers pray toward the east.

The God of the Hebrews and Christians was a Baal god too or at the very least an upstart from a pagan pantheon.

Yahweh - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Yahweh (/ˈjɑːhweɪ/, or often /ˈjɑːweɪ/ in English; Hebrew: יהוה‎), was the national god of the Iron Age kingdoms of Israel and Judah. The name may have originated as an epithet of the god El, head of the Bronze Age Canaanite pantheon ("El who is present, who makes himself manifest"),[1]:94–95 and appears to have been unique to Israel and Judah,[2]:184 although Yahweh may have been worshiped south of the Dead Sea at least three centuries before the emergence of Israel (the Kenite hypothesis). The earliest reference to a deity called "Yahweh" appears in Egyptian texts of the 13th century BC that place him among the Shasu-Bedu of southern Transjordan.[3]

The thing is, God, gods evolve and change and adapt atributes of the cultures that incorporate them. The God of the Hebrews became the God of the Christians and the God of the Muslims. And in turn, the God of the Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witness', Catholics, etc. Same Diety.
Baal allah is his correct name. worshiped.
The Bible never uses the name Baal allah.

It a sin for a christian to make up fake Bible scripture. ..... :cool:

The history of Islam - research Dr. Robert A. Morrey and that will give you a good start, Sunni Man.

Wikipedia, on Morrey...

Morey runs Faith Defenders, an organization dedicated to Christian apologetics, and started and became pastor of the related Faith Community Church in Orange, California,[2] which recently closed upon his departure to Pennsylvania where he began his ministry. He received a Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry from the fully accredited Westminster Theological Seminary. He also claims to have a Doctor of Philosophy in Islamic Studies from the unaccredited Louisiana Baptist University[1][3] (although elsewhere he has said it is actually a doctorate in theology with an emphasis on Islam)[2] and a Doctor of Divinity, usually an honorary degree bestowed upon someone who has made distinguished contributions to the field of religion, from Faith Theological Seminary.[4][5] His honorary degree is from Faith Theological Seminary in Gujranwala, Pakistan,[1] and the Pakistan seminary created controversy over whether this degree was bestowed (and later rescinded) by them.[2][6]

Morey assisted in translation for the International Standard Version of the Bible,specifically, he worked on the "base translation" of Psalms chapters 1 through 65 and Psalms chapter 91.[7]

In 2002, the conservative website WorldNetDaily published a fund-raising plea on behalf of Morey’s Research and Education Foundation. He was asking for $1.2 million to "launch a national crusade" against radical Islam.[2] Tax records obtained by the Weekly show the fund-raiser failed to hit its target, raising just $92,707 for his Research and Education Foundation in 2002.[2]

This guy does not seem competent to write a "history of Islam". There are probably far better, more accurate, and less biased histories out there written by historians with bonafide credentials.

That is why I do not like Wiki pages - they are known for false information about people and are not held to any decent accountability - the pages can also be edited by almost anyone - and they are - frequently. As for Dr. Morrey. He won a debate against the top Islamic Scholars in the world, Coyote. If he wasn't competent to write a book on Islam what shall we say about the leading Islamic Scholars who could not defeat him in a debate about Islam?

What debate did he win against top Islamic Scholars?
LOL..........Jeremiah has gone into a religious frenzy. ..... :lol: :lol:

So you have no response for the comparisons to Baal worship practices and the exact same practices are used in Islam? Praying toward the east, cutting yourselves with knives, and letting the blood flow, etc. No explanation, Sunni Man? Did you read the information Hubal? The Baal god? You see the significance now? I certainly hope so and I hope it leads to your conversion too!
Islam crashed planes in Manhattan . Islam did that.It isn't hateful to say that. Just a fact. Islam did more damage than the Japanese did on December 7th, 1941. The Muslims hurt America far worse, A survivor of pearl harbor told me once . FAR WORSE THAN PEARL HARBOR...And we nuked the Japanese, why not NUKE the Arabs? I am wondering...Why not? Nuke Mecca or Medina. They have more than earned it.

This would be a good target to paint with a laser target designator.

That doesn't have the information about the Baal god Hubal - hold on... it's in here. I found it. Read up on Hubal. Hubal is a Baal god. This is some serious stuff, Sunni Man, so listen up!

Plain Truth About Islam

Even though history shows that Allah was the chief god of the Quraysh, and the Kaaba. We also see a god called HUBAL WHO WAS THE CHIEF GOD OF THE KAABA, AND OF THE QURAYSH TRIBE! How can this be? Is there a contradiction in history? Let's look at some quotes from historians and scholars about Hubal, and then let's answer this question logically and from the foundations of history.

"Among the gods worshipped by the Quraysh, the GREATEST WAS HUBAL...The Quraysh had several idols in and around the Kaaba. THE GREATEST OF THESE WAS HUBAL" (F.E. Peters, The Hajj, pp.24-25, emphasis mine).

"Hubal was the PRINCIPAL DEITY [in Mecca] THE GOD OF THE MOON..." (Concise Encyclopedia of Islam, p.179, emphasis mine).

"...of the 360 idols set up in the Kaaba, the MOST IMPORTANT WAS HUBAL, THE GOD OF THE MOON...IT WAS SET UP IN THE KAABA, and became thePRINCIPAL IDOL OF THE MECCANS..." (ibid., p.161, emphasis mine).

"HUBAL WAS THE CHIEF GOD OF THE KAABA" (George W. Braswell, JR, Islam, p.44, emphasis mine).

"...THE MAIN GOD OF THE SHRINE [was] HUBAL" (Neighboring Faiths, Winfried, Corduan, p.78, emphasis mine).


    • Hubal was the greatest god of the Kaaba
    • Supreme god of the Quraysh tribe.
    • Hubal was the chief god of Mecca.
How do we reconcile this obvious contradiction in history? Is this a contradiction? ABSOLUTELY NOT! We have found in our research that HUBAL IS ALLAH, THEY ARE ONE AND THE SAME GOD!

The Funk and Wignall's Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend says under "Allah," "The pre-Mohammedan Arabic god HUBAL HAD AS HIS TITLE ALLAHU meaning 'THE GOD'...As the PATRON OF THE KAABA AT MECCA, ALREADY SUPREME he was MAINTAINED IN MOHAMMEDAN THEOLOGY AS THE ONE GOD..." (vol.1, p.36, emphasis mine).

Under "Hubal," or "Hobal," the same dictionary says, "Some say that Hubal, was the REAL NAME OF ALLAHU, THE CHIEF GOD OF PRE-ISLAMIC TIMES, WHO BECAME THE ONE GOD OF ISLAM..." (ibid., p.499, emphasis mine).

"In Mecca, a god Hubal was worshipped, who may be IDENTICAL WITH ALLAH" (H. Ringgren and A.V Strom, Religions of Mankind, p.178, emphasis mine).

What does this mean? It means some millions of innocent people have been duped into believing they are serving God when in fact they are serving a Baal god! You see the importance of this evidence? The truth will set you free. Baal worshipers prayed toward the east in the bible. That is another identifying sign of Baal - his worshipers pray toward the east.

The God of the Hebrews and Christians was a Baal god too or at the very least an upstart from a pagan pantheon.

Yahweh - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Yahweh (/ˈjɑːhweɪ/, or often /ˈjɑːweɪ/ in English; Hebrew: יהוה‎), was the national god of the Iron Age kingdoms of Israel and Judah. The name may have originated as an epithet of the god El, head of the Bronze Age Canaanite pantheon ("El who is present, who makes himself manifest"),[1]:94–95 and appears to have been unique to Israel and Judah,[2]:184 although Yahweh may have been worshiped south of the Dead Sea at least three centuries before the emergence of Israel (the Kenite hypothesis). The earliest reference to a deity called "Yahweh" appears in Egyptian texts of the 13th century BC that place him among the Shasu-Bedu of southern Transjordan.[3]

The thing is, God, gods evolve and change and adapt atributes of the cultures that incorporate them. The God of the Hebrews became the God of the Christians and the God of the Muslims. And in turn, the God of the Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witness', Catholics, etc. Same Diety.

Once again the wiki page is rife with false information, Coyote. Most of it is untrue although the God of the Mormons, Seventh Day adventists, Jehovah witnesses and Catholics do not serve the God of the bible. Those are false teachings not based on the bible and their god is not the God of the bible. I do not know that they serve the same false god - there are many - the point being there is only one true God and his name is Jesus Christ. The people listed above believe in another Jesus.
Islam crashed planes in Manhattan . Islam did that.It isn't hateful to say that. Just a fact. Islam did more damage than the Japanese did on December 7th, 1941. The Muslims hurt America far worse, A survivor of pearl harbor told me once . FAR WORSE THAN PEARL HARBOR...And we nuked the Japanese, why not NUKE the Arabs? I am wondering...Why not? Nuke Mecca or Medina. They have more than earned it.

This would be a good target to paint with a laser target designator.


No, it would not. Jesus Christ died for those people, he loves those people and desires to save their souls and have them in heaven one day. Murdering mass numbers of people is NOT THE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!
Islam crashed planes in Manhattan . Islam did that.It isn't hateful to say that. Just a fact. Islam did more damage than the Japanese did on December 7th, 1941. The Muslims hurt America far worse, A survivor of pearl harbor told me once . FAR WORSE THAN PEARL HARBOR...And we nuked the Japanese, why not NUKE the Arabs? I am wondering...Why not? Nuke Mecca or Medina. They have more than earned it. It was a bunch of terrorists who did that.

Thought you would have figured that bit out by now.
That doesn't have the information about the Baal god Hubal - hold on... it's in here. I found it. Read up on Hubal. Hubal is a Baal god. This is some serious stuff, Sunni Man, so listen up!

Plain Truth About Islam

Even though history shows that Allah was the chief god of the Quraysh, and the Kaaba. We also see a god called HUBAL WHO WAS THE CHIEF GOD OF THE KAABA, AND OF THE QURAYSH TRIBE! How can this be? Is there a contradiction in history? Let's look at some quotes from historians and scholars about Hubal, and then let's answer this question logically and from the foundations of history.

"Among the gods worshipped by the Quraysh, the GREATEST WAS HUBAL...The Quraysh had several idols in and around the Kaaba. THE GREATEST OF THESE WAS HUBAL" (F.E. Peters, The Hajj, pp.24-25, emphasis mine).

"Hubal was the PRINCIPAL DEITY [in Mecca] THE GOD OF THE MOON..." (Concise Encyclopedia of Islam, p.179, emphasis mine).

"...of the 360 idols set up in the Kaaba, the MOST IMPORTANT WAS HUBAL, THE GOD OF THE MOON...IT WAS SET UP IN THE KAABA, and became thePRINCIPAL IDOL OF THE MECCANS..." (ibid., p.161, emphasis mine).

"HUBAL WAS THE CHIEF GOD OF THE KAABA" (George W. Braswell, JR, Islam, p.44, emphasis mine).

"...THE MAIN GOD OF THE SHRINE [was] HUBAL" (Neighboring Faiths, Winfried, Corduan, p.78, emphasis mine).


    • Hubal was the greatest god of the Kaaba
    • Supreme god of the Quraysh tribe.
    • Hubal was the chief god of Mecca.
How do we reconcile this obvious contradiction in history? Is this a contradiction? ABSOLUTELY NOT! We have found in our research that HUBAL IS ALLAH, THEY ARE ONE AND THE SAME GOD!

The Funk and Wignall's Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend says under "Allah," "The pre-Mohammedan Arabic god HUBAL HAD AS HIS TITLE ALLAHU meaning 'THE GOD'...As the PATRON OF THE KAABA AT MECCA, ALREADY SUPREME he was MAINTAINED IN MOHAMMEDAN THEOLOGY AS THE ONE GOD..." (vol.1, p.36, emphasis mine).

Under "Hubal," or "Hobal," the same dictionary says, "Some say that Hubal, was the REAL NAME OF ALLAHU, THE CHIEF GOD OF PRE-ISLAMIC TIMES, WHO BECAME THE ONE GOD OF ISLAM..." (ibid., p.499, emphasis mine).

"In Mecca, a god Hubal was worshipped, who may be IDENTICAL WITH ALLAH" (H. Ringgren and A.V Strom, Religions of Mankind, p.178, emphasis mine).

What does this mean? It means some millions of innocent people have been duped into believing they are serving God when in fact they are serving a Baal god! You see the importance of this evidence? The truth will set you free. Baal worshipers prayed toward the east in the bible. That is another identifying sign of Baal - his worshipers pray toward the east.

The God of the Hebrews and Christians was a Baal god too or at the very least an upstart from a pagan pantheon.

Yahweh - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Yahweh (/ˈjɑːhweɪ/, or often /ˈjɑːweɪ/ in English; Hebrew: יהוה‎), was the national god of the Iron Age kingdoms of Israel and Judah. The name may have originated as an epithet of the god El, head of the Bronze Age Canaanite pantheon ("El who is present, who makes himself manifest"),[1]:94–95 and appears to have been unique to Israel and Judah,[2]:184 although Yahweh may have been worshiped south of the Dead Sea at least three centuries before the emergence of Israel (the Kenite hypothesis). The earliest reference to a deity called "Yahweh" appears in Egyptian texts of the 13th century BC that place him among the Shasu-Bedu of southern Transjordan.[3]

The thing is, God, gods evolve and change and adapt atributes of the cultures that incorporate them. The God of the Hebrews became the God of the Christians and the God of the Muslims. And in turn, the God of the Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witness', Catholics, etc. Same Diety.

Once again the wiki page is rife with false information, Coyote. Most of it is untrue although the God of the Mormons, Seventh Day adventists, Jehovah witnesses and Catholics do not serve the God of the bible. Those are false teachings not based on the bible and their god is not the God of the bible. I do not know that they serve the same false god - there are many - the point being there is only one true God and his name is Jesus Christ. The people listed above believe in another Jesus.

Seems to me you're the self appointed authority on who's worshiping the real Jesus and who's worshiping a fake Jesus. How did you attain this lofty position? And what if we find out that the entire Protestant Reformation was a fool's errand and you're the one worshiping the fake Jesus? That's a very dangerous game you're playing methinks.
Islam crashed planes in Manhattan . Islam did that.It isn't hateful to say that. Just a fact. Islam did more damage than the Japanese did on December 7th, 1941. The Muslims hurt America far worse, A survivor of pearl harbor told me once . FAR WORSE THAN PEARL HARBOR...And we nuked the Japanese, why not NUKE the Arabs? I am wondering...Why not? Nuke Mecca or Medina. They have more than earned it.

This would be a good target to paint with a laser target designator.


No, it would not. Jesus Christ died for those people, he loves those people and desires to save their souls and have them in heaven one day. Murdering mass numbers of people is NOT THE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!

Western Civilization might not exist today if we didn't kill thousands of them first in defense of Europe and then crushing them in Jerusalem. If we had to do it before, we might have to do it again, so get off your high horse.
That doesn't have the information about the Baal god Hubal - hold on... it's in here. I found it. Read up on Hubal. Hubal is a Baal god. This is some serious stuff, Sunni Man, so listen up!

Plain Truth About Islam

Even though history shows that Allah was the chief god of the Quraysh, and the Kaaba. We also see a god called HUBAL WHO WAS THE CHIEF GOD OF THE KAABA, AND OF THE QURAYSH TRIBE! How can this be? Is there a contradiction in history? Let's look at some quotes from historians and scholars about Hubal, and then let's answer this question logically and from the foundations of history.

"Among the gods worshipped by the Quraysh, the GREATEST WAS HUBAL...The Quraysh had several idols in and around the Kaaba. THE GREATEST OF THESE WAS HUBAL" (F.E. Peters, The Hajj, pp.24-25, emphasis mine).

"Hubal was the PRINCIPAL DEITY [in Mecca] THE GOD OF THE MOON..." (Concise Encyclopedia of Islam, p.179, emphasis mine).

"...of the 360 idols set up in the Kaaba, the MOST IMPORTANT WAS HUBAL, THE GOD OF THE MOON...IT WAS SET UP IN THE KAABA, and became thePRINCIPAL IDOL OF THE MECCANS..." (ibid., p.161, emphasis mine).

"HUBAL WAS THE CHIEF GOD OF THE KAABA" (George W. Braswell, JR, Islam, p.44, emphasis mine).

"...THE MAIN GOD OF THE SHRINE [was] HUBAL" (Neighboring Faiths, Winfried, Corduan, p.78, emphasis mine).


    • Hubal was the greatest god of the Kaaba
    • Supreme god of the Quraysh tribe.
    • Hubal was the chief god of Mecca.
How do we reconcile this obvious contradiction in history? Is this a contradiction? ABSOLUTELY NOT! We have found in our research that HUBAL IS ALLAH, THEY ARE ONE AND THE SAME GOD!

The Funk and Wignall's Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend says under "Allah," "The pre-Mohammedan Arabic god HUBAL HAD AS HIS TITLE ALLAHU meaning 'THE GOD'...As the PATRON OF THE KAABA AT MECCA, ALREADY SUPREME he was MAINTAINED IN MOHAMMEDAN THEOLOGY AS THE ONE GOD..." (vol.1, p.36, emphasis mine).

Under "Hubal," or "Hobal," the same dictionary says, "Some say that Hubal, was the REAL NAME OF ALLAHU, THE CHIEF GOD OF PRE-ISLAMIC TIMES, WHO BECAME THE ONE GOD OF ISLAM..." (ibid., p.499, emphasis mine).

"In Mecca, a god Hubal was worshipped, who may be IDENTICAL WITH ALLAH" (H. Ringgren and A.V Strom, Religions of Mankind, p.178, emphasis mine).

What does this mean? It means some millions of innocent people have been duped into believing they are serving God when in fact they are serving a Baal god! You see the importance of this evidence? The truth will set you free. Baal worshipers prayed toward the east in the bible. That is another identifying sign of Baal - his worshipers pray toward the east.

The God of the Hebrews and Christians was a Baal god too or at the very least an upstart from a pagan pantheon.

Yahweh - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Yahweh (/ˈjɑːhweɪ/, or often /ˈjɑːweɪ/ in English; Hebrew: יהוה‎), was the national god of the Iron Age kingdoms of Israel and Judah. The name may have originated as an epithet of the god El, head of the Bronze Age Canaanite pantheon ("El who is present, who makes himself manifest"),[1]:94–95 and appears to have been unique to Israel and Judah,[2]:184 although Yahweh may have been worshiped south of the Dead Sea at least three centuries before the emergence of Israel (the Kenite hypothesis). The earliest reference to a deity called "Yahweh" appears in Egyptian texts of the 13th century BC that place him among the Shasu-Bedu of southern Transjordan.[3]

The thing is, God, gods evolve and change and adapt atributes of the cultures that incorporate them. The God of the Hebrews became the God of the Christians and the God of the Muslims. And in turn, the God of the Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witness', Catholics, etc. Same Diety.

Once again the wiki page is rife with false information, Coyote. Most of it is untrue although the God of the Mormons, Seventh Day adventists, Jehovah witnesses and Catholics do not serve the God of the bible. Those are false teachings not based on the bible and their god is not the God of the bible. I do not know that they serve the same false god - there are many - the point being there is only one true God and his name is Jesus Christ. The people listed above believe in another Jesus.

Seems to me you're the self appointed authority on who's worshiping the real Jesus and who's worshiping a fake Jesus. How did you attain this lofty position? And what if we find out that the entire Protestant Reformation was a fool's errand and you're the one worshiping the fake Jesus? That's a very dangerous game you're playing methinks.

She's not the one advocating mass murdering a lot of innocent people.
The enemy of mankind is not flesh and blood but a spiritual battle that is fought in spiritual warfare, Defender. The battle is fought in prayer - imagine the enemy riding a soul - and depicted as a horse in battle. What do you do? You defeat the enemy riding him - take him for your side and rejoice he was not killed in battle! Instead he's been won for the kingdom of God. That is victory. THAT is victory.
Islam crashed planes in Manhattan . Islam did that.It isn't hateful to say that. Just a fact. Islam did more damage than the Japanese did on December 7th, 1941. The Muslims hurt America far worse, A survivor of pearl harbor told me once . FAR WORSE THAN PEARL HARBOR...And we nuked the Japanese, why not NUKE the Arabs? I am wondering...Why not? Nuke Mecca or Medina. They have more than earned it. It was a bunch of terrorists who did that.

Thought you would have figured that bit out by now.

Yes, let's pretend like they weren't religiously motivated, because to contemplate otherwise would disturb your serene, yet false, view of the world.
That doesn't have the information about the Baal god Hubal - hold on... it's in here. I found it. Read up on Hubal. Hubal is a Baal god. This is some serious stuff, Sunni Man, so listen up!

Plain Truth About Islam

Even though history shows that Allah was the chief god of the Quraysh, and the Kaaba. We also see a god called HUBAL WHO WAS THE CHIEF GOD OF THE KAABA, AND OF THE QURAYSH TRIBE! How can this be? Is there a contradiction in history? Let's look at some quotes from historians and scholars about Hubal, and then let's answer this question logically and from the foundations of history.

"Among the gods worshipped by the Quraysh, the GREATEST WAS HUBAL...The Quraysh had several idols in and around the Kaaba. THE GREATEST OF THESE WAS HUBAL" (F.E. Peters, The Hajj, pp.24-25, emphasis mine).

"Hubal was the PRINCIPAL DEITY [in Mecca] THE GOD OF THE MOON..." (Concise Encyclopedia of Islam, p.179, emphasis mine).

"...of the 360 idols set up in the Kaaba, the MOST IMPORTANT WAS HUBAL, THE GOD OF THE MOON...IT WAS SET UP IN THE KAABA, and became thePRINCIPAL IDOL OF THE MECCANS..." (ibid., p.161, emphasis mine).

"HUBAL WAS THE CHIEF GOD OF THE KAABA" (George W. Braswell, JR, Islam, p.44, emphasis mine).

"...THE MAIN GOD OF THE SHRINE [was] HUBAL" (Neighboring Faiths, Winfried, Corduan, p.78, emphasis mine).


    • Hubal was the greatest god of the Kaaba
    • Supreme god of the Quraysh tribe.
    • Hubal was the chief god of Mecca.
How do we reconcile this obvious contradiction in history? Is this a contradiction? ABSOLUTELY NOT! We have found in our research that HUBAL IS ALLAH, THEY ARE ONE AND THE SAME GOD!

The Funk and Wignall's Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend says under "Allah," "The pre-Mohammedan Arabic god HUBAL HAD AS HIS TITLE ALLAHU meaning 'THE GOD'...As the PATRON OF THE KAABA AT MECCA, ALREADY SUPREME he was MAINTAINED IN MOHAMMEDAN THEOLOGY AS THE ONE GOD..." (vol.1, p.36, emphasis mine).

Under "Hubal," or "Hobal," the same dictionary says, "Some say that Hubal, was the REAL NAME OF ALLAHU, THE CHIEF GOD OF PRE-ISLAMIC TIMES, WHO BECAME THE ONE GOD OF ISLAM..." (ibid., p.499, emphasis mine).

"In Mecca, a god Hubal was worshipped, who may be IDENTICAL WITH ALLAH" (H. Ringgren and A.V Strom, Religions of Mankind, p.178, emphasis mine).

What does this mean? It means some millions of innocent people have been duped into believing they are serving God when in fact they are serving a Baal god! You see the importance of this evidence? The truth will set you free. Baal worshipers prayed toward the east in the bible. That is another identifying sign of Baal - his worshipers pray toward the east.

The God of the Hebrews and Christians was a Baal god too or at the very least an upstart from a pagan pantheon.

Yahweh - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Yahweh (/ˈjɑːhweɪ/, or often /ˈjɑːweɪ/ in English; Hebrew: יהוה‎), was the national god of the Iron Age kingdoms of Israel and Judah. The name may have originated as an epithet of the god El, head of the Bronze Age Canaanite pantheon ("El who is present, who makes himself manifest"),[1]:94–95 and appears to have been unique to Israel and Judah,[2]:184 although Yahweh may have been worshiped south of the Dead Sea at least three centuries before the emergence of Israel (the Kenite hypothesis). The earliest reference to a deity called "Yahweh" appears in Egyptian texts of the 13th century BC that place him among the Shasu-Bedu of southern Transjordan.[3]

The thing is, God, gods evolve and change and adapt atributes of the cultures that incorporate them. The God of the Hebrews became the God of the Christians and the God of the Muslims. And in turn, the God of the Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witness', Catholics, etc. Same Diety.

Once again the wiki page is rife with false information, Coyote. Most of it is untrue although the God of the Mormons, Seventh Day adventists, Jehovah witnesses and Catholics do not serve the God of the bible. Those are false teachings not based on the bible and their god is not the God of the bible. I do not know that they serve the same false god - there are many - the point being there is only one true God and his name is Jesus Christ. The people listed above believe in another Jesus.

Seems to me you're the self appointed authority on who's worshiping the real Jesus and who's worshiping a fake Jesus. How did you attain this lofty position? And what if we find out that the entire Protestant Reformation was a fool's errand and you're the one worshiping the fake Jesus? That's a very dangerous game you're playing methinks.

She's not the one advocating mass murdering a lot of innocent people.

If Muslims pull off their wet dream of setting off a nuke in an American city, that's precisely the response that would be called for. And it wouldn't be just me, but millions of Americans who would see that as a measured response.

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