Brave German Woman Speaks Out Against Islam

Islam crashed planes in Manhattan . Islam did that.It isn't hateful to say that. Just a fact. Islam did more damage than the Japanese did on December 7th, 1941. The Muslims hurt America far worse, A survivor of pearl harbor told me once . FAR WORSE THAN PEARL HARBOR...And we nuked the Japanese, why not NUKE the Arabs? I am wondering...Why not? Nuke Mecca or Medina. They have more than earned it. It was a bunch of terrorists who did that.

Thought you would have figured that bit out by now.

Yes, let's pretend like they weren't religiously motivated, because to contemplate otherwise would disturb your serene, yet false, view of the world.

Yes, let's ignore the fact that extremism and terrorism are real issues in the world today and instead pretend that the entire religion and it's millions of men, women and children around the world conspired to put those men on the planes and hit the twin towers.
That doesn't have the information about the Baal god Hubal - hold on... it's in here. I found it. Read up on Hubal. Hubal is a Baal god. This is some serious stuff, Sunni Man, so listen up!

Plain Truth About Islam

Even though history shows that Allah was the chief god of the Quraysh, and the Kaaba. We also see a god called HUBAL WHO WAS THE CHIEF GOD OF THE KAABA, AND OF THE QURAYSH TRIBE! How can this be? Is there a contradiction in history? Let's look at some quotes from historians and scholars about Hubal, and then let's answer this question logically and from the foundations of history.

"Among the gods worshipped by the Quraysh, the GREATEST WAS HUBAL...The Quraysh had several idols in and around the Kaaba. THE GREATEST OF THESE WAS HUBAL" (F.E. Peters, The Hajj, pp.24-25, emphasis mine).

"Hubal was the PRINCIPAL DEITY [in Mecca] THE GOD OF THE MOON..." (Concise Encyclopedia of Islam, p.179, emphasis mine).

"...of the 360 idols set up in the Kaaba, the MOST IMPORTANT WAS HUBAL, THE GOD OF THE MOON...IT WAS SET UP IN THE KAABA, and became thePRINCIPAL IDOL OF THE MECCANS..." (ibid., p.161, emphasis mine).

"HUBAL WAS THE CHIEF GOD OF THE KAABA" (George W. Braswell, JR, Islam, p.44, emphasis mine).

"...THE MAIN GOD OF THE SHRINE [was] HUBAL" (Neighboring Faiths, Winfried, Corduan, p.78, emphasis mine).


    • Hubal was the greatest god of the Kaaba
    • Supreme god of the Quraysh tribe.
    • Hubal was the chief god of Mecca.
How do we reconcile this obvious contradiction in history? Is this a contradiction? ABSOLUTELY NOT! We have found in our research that HUBAL IS ALLAH, THEY ARE ONE AND THE SAME GOD!

The Funk and Wignall's Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend says under "Allah," "The pre-Mohammedan Arabic god HUBAL HAD AS HIS TITLE ALLAHU meaning 'THE GOD'...As the PATRON OF THE KAABA AT MECCA, ALREADY SUPREME he was MAINTAINED IN MOHAMMEDAN THEOLOGY AS THE ONE GOD..." (vol.1, p.36, emphasis mine).

Under "Hubal," or "Hobal," the same dictionary says, "Some say that Hubal, was the REAL NAME OF ALLAHU, THE CHIEF GOD OF PRE-ISLAMIC TIMES, WHO BECAME THE ONE GOD OF ISLAM..." (ibid., p.499, emphasis mine).

"In Mecca, a god Hubal was worshipped, who may be IDENTICAL WITH ALLAH" (H. Ringgren and A.V Strom, Religions of Mankind, p.178, emphasis mine).

What does this mean? It means some millions of innocent people have been duped into believing they are serving God when in fact they are serving a Baal god! You see the importance of this evidence? The truth will set you free. Baal worshipers prayed toward the east in the bible. That is another identifying sign of Baal - his worshipers pray toward the east.

The God of the Hebrews and Christians was a Baal god too or at the very least an upstart from a pagan pantheon.

Yahweh - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Yahweh (/ˈjɑːhweɪ/, or often /ˈjɑːweɪ/ in English; Hebrew: יהוה‎), was the national god of the Iron Age kingdoms of Israel and Judah. The name may have originated as an epithet of the god El, head of the Bronze Age Canaanite pantheon ("El who is present, who makes himself manifest"),[1]:94–95 and appears to have been unique to Israel and Judah,[2]:184 although Yahweh may have been worshiped south of the Dead Sea at least three centuries before the emergence of Israel (the Kenite hypothesis). The earliest reference to a deity called "Yahweh" appears in Egyptian texts of the 13th century BC that place him among the Shasu-Bedu of southern Transjordan.[3]

The thing is, God, gods evolve and change and adapt atributes of the cultures that incorporate them. The God of the Hebrews became the God of the Christians and the God of the Muslims. And in turn, the God of the Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witness', Catholics, etc. Same Diety.

Once again the wiki page is rife with false information, Coyote. Most of it is untrue although the God of the Mormons, Seventh Day adventists, Jehovah witnesses and Catholics do not serve the God of the bible. Those are false teachings not based on the bible and their god is not the God of the bible. I do not know that they serve the same false god - there are many - the point being there is only one true God and his name is Jesus Christ. The people listed above believe in another Jesus.

Seems to me you're the self appointed authority on who's worshiping the real Jesus and who's worshiping a fake Jesus. How did you attain this lofty position? And what if we find out that the entire Protestant Reformation was a fool's errand and you're the one worshiping the fake Jesus? That's a very dangerous game you're playing methinks.

She's not the one advocating mass murdering a lot of innocent people.

If Muslims pull off their wet dream of setting off a nuke in an American city, that's precisely the response that would be called for. And it wouldn't be just me, but millions of Americans who would see that as a measured response.

Muslims or terrorists?
The enemy of mankind is not flesh and blood but a spiritual battle that is fought in spiritual warfare, Defender. The battle is fought in prayer - imagine the enemy riding a soul - and depicted as a horse in battle. What do you do? You defeat the enemy riding him - take him for your side and rejoice he was not killed in battle! Instead he's been won for the kingdom of God. That is victory. THAT is victory.

The battle isn't always spiritual. If we didn't defend Europe and push back the Moorish armies at the cost of thousands of Christian soldiers, there would be no Christianity left on this planet. That's a practical reality that can't be ignored. And crushing their armies at Jerusalem ensured they could never again threaten Western civilization. Spiritual warfare very often parallels physical battles.
Islam crashed planes in Manhattan . Islam did that.It isn't hateful to say that. Just a fact. Islam did more damage than the Japanese did on December 7th, 1941. The Muslims hurt America far worse, A survivor of pearl harbor told me once . FAR WORSE THAN PEARL HARBOR...And we nuked the Japanese, why not NUKE the Arabs? I am wondering...Why not? Nuke Mecca or Medina. They have more than earned it.

This would be a good target to paint with a laser target designator.


No, it would not. Jesus Christ died for those people, he loves those people and desires to save their souls and have them in heaven one day. Murdering mass numbers of people is NOT THE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!

Western Civilization might not exist today if we didn't kill thousands of them first in defense of Europe and then crushing them in Jerusalem. If we had to do it before, we might have to do it again, so get off your high horse.

I've got news for you, Defender. You're Catholic? You're not different than the Muslims. You need Jesus Christ. You need salvation. Catholics worship a Baal god too. And a goddess - which you are duped into believing is Mary! Read the Jack Chick thread! I've got more news for you! Jesus Christ didn't call the Roman Church to do battle and wage warfare against anyone in his name! He didn't call the Pope and he doesn't need a vicar! He never asked any church to hoards trillions of dollars in gold, buy gold cars, carriages, lavish estates, untold wealth and live like Kings! He never told his followers to go into the publishing business, to murder Muslims, to buy Blackwater and use them to do ops under the radar, to buy lands, houses, villas, mansions and put yokes upon the people they cannot bear! It's a big sham. Get out of there if you want to follow Christ.

To be clear I find the Roman Catholic Church to be more dangerous than Islam. With Islam you see what you are dealing with. With the Roman Church you don't. Not until it is too late!
Islam crashed planes in Manhattan . Islam did that.It isn't hateful to say that. Just a fact. Islam did more damage than the Japanese did on December 7th, 1941. The Muslims hurt America far worse, A survivor of pearl harbor told me once . FAR WORSE THAN PEARL HARBOR...And we nuked the Japanese, why not NUKE the Arabs? I am wondering...Why not? Nuke Mecca or Medina. They have more than earned it. It was a bunch of terrorists who did that.

Thought you would have figured that bit out by now.

Yes, let's pretend like they weren't religiously motivated, because to contemplate otherwise would disturb your serene, yet false, view of the world.

Yes, let's ignore the fact that extremism and terrorism are real issues in the world today and instead pretend that the entire religion and it's millions of men, women and children around the world conspired to put those men on the planes and hit the twin towers.

They certainly provided moral support

Islam crashed planes in Manhattan . Islam did that.It isn't hateful to say that. Just a fact. Islam did more damage than the Japanese did on December 7th, 1941. The Muslims hurt America far worse, A survivor of pearl harbor told me once . FAR WORSE THAN PEARL HARBOR...And we nuked the Japanese, why not NUKE the Arabs? I am wondering...Why not? Nuke Mecca or Medina. They have more than earned it.

This would be a good target to paint with a laser target designator.


No, it would not. Jesus Christ died for those people, he loves those people and desires to save their souls and have them in heaven one day. Murdering mass numbers of people is NOT THE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!

Western Civilization might not exist today if we didn't kill thousands of them first in defense of Europe and then crushing them in Jerusalem. If we had to do it before, we might have to do it again, so get off your high horse.

I've got news for you, Defender. You're Catholic? You're not different than the Muslims. You need Jesus Christ. You need salvation. Catholics worship a Baal god too. And a goddess - which you are duped into believing is Mary! Read the Jack Chick thread! I've got more news for you! Jesus Christ didn't call the Roman Church to do battle and wage warfare against anyone in his name! He didn't call the Pope and he doesn't need a vicar! He never asked any church to hoards trillions of dollars in gold, buy gold cars, carriages, lavish estates, untold wealth and live like Kings! He never told his followers to go into the publishing business, to murder Muslims, to buy Blackwater and use them to do ops under the radar, to buy lands, houses, villas, mansions and put yokes upon the people they cannot bear! It's a big sham. Get out of there if you want to follow Christ.

To be clear I find the Roman Catholic Church to be more dangerous than Islam. With Islam you see what you are dealing with. With the Roman Church you don't. Not until it is too late!

Ok, your a kook. Thanks for revealing yourself.
Islam crashed planes in Manhattan . Islam did that.It isn't hateful to say that. Just a fact. Islam did more damage than the Japanese did on December 7th, 1941. The Muslims hurt America far worse, A survivor of pearl harbor told me once . FAR WORSE THAN PEARL HARBOR...And we nuked the Japanese, why not NUKE the Arabs? I am wondering...Why not? Nuke Mecca or Medina. They have more than earned it. It was a bunch of terrorists who did that.

Thought you would have figured that bit out by now.

Yes, let's pretend like they weren't religiously motivated, because to contemplate otherwise would disturb your serene, yet false, view of the world.

Yes, let's ignore the fact that extremism and terrorism are real issues in the world today and instead pretend that the entire religion and it's millions of men, women and children around the world conspired to put those men on the planes and hit the twin towers.

They certainly provided moral support

Oh yes...the requisite youtube video. Small group of Palestinians cheering is representative of 2 billion Muslims world wide.

That's a good one :lol:
Islam crashed planes in Manhattan . Islam did that.It isn't hateful to say that. Just a fact. Islam did more damage than the Japanese did on December 7th, 1941. The Muslims hurt America far worse, A survivor of pearl harbor told me once . FAR WORSE THAN PEARL HARBOR...And we nuked the Japanese, why not NUKE the Arabs? I am wondering...Why not? Nuke Mecca or Medina. They have more than earned it. It was a bunch of terrorists who did that.

Thought you would have figured that bit out by now.

Yes, let's pretend like they weren't religiously motivated, because to contemplate otherwise would disturb your serene, yet false, view of the world.

Yes, let's ignore the fact that extremism and terrorism are real issues in the world today and instead pretend that the entire religion and it's millions of men, women and children around the world conspired to put those men on the planes and hit the twin towers.

They certainly provided moral support

Oh yes...the requisite youtube video. Small group of Palestinians cheering is representative of 2 billion Muslims world wide.

That's a good one :lol:

They just might. You're making some assumptions yourself and thinking they're more valid than mine. I look at the lack of outcry against jihad as proof positive of the true feelings of most Muslims. Such would not be the case in Christianity. Bomb an abortion clinic? The outcry would be loud and widespread. I guess most Christians don't actually support terrorism the way most Muslims do.
Islam crashed planes in Manhattan . Islam did that.It isn't hateful to say that. Just a fact. Islam did more damage than the Japanese did on December 7th, 1941. The Muslims hurt America far worse, A survivor of pearl harbor told me once . FAR WORSE THAN PEARL HARBOR...And we nuked the Japanese, why not NUKE the Arabs? I am wondering...Why not? Nuke Mecca or Medina. They have more than earned it.

This would be a good target to paint with a laser target designator.


No, it would not. Jesus Christ died for those people, he loves those people and desires to save their souls and have them in heaven one day. Murdering mass numbers of people is NOT THE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!

Western Civilization might not exist today if we didn't kill thousands of them first in defense of Europe and then crushing them in Jerusalem. If we had to do it before, we might have to do it again, so get off your high horse.

This last bit you write- we might have to do it again...... it makes my blood boil! What nerve you have calling yourself "The Church" and then calling for the mass murder of billions of people because your agenda is to be "The One True Faith" - I have news for you, Defender. Hell will freeze before I ever join your church. HELL WILL FREEZE FIRST!!!!!!!

The Roman Catholic Church is one dangerous church. You better believe this Pope of yours has a plan to do what you are suggesting. It is a wicked thing - you do not plot the mass destruction of ANY PEOPLE. I do not give a flip who they are!!! It's wrong! It was a bunch of terrorists who did that.

Thought you would have figured that bit out by now.

Yes, let's pretend like they weren't religiously motivated, because to contemplate otherwise would disturb your serene, yet false, view of the world.

Yes, let's ignore the fact that extremism and terrorism are real issues in the world today and instead pretend that the entire religion and it's millions of men, women and children around the world conspired to put those men on the planes and hit the twin towers.

They certainly provided moral support

Oh yes...the requisite youtube video. Small group of Palestinians cheering is representative of 2 billion Muslims world wide.

That's a good one :lol:

They just might. You're making some assumptions yourself and thinking they're more valid than mine. I look at the lack of outcry against jihad as proof positive of the true feelings of most Muslims. Such would not be the case in Christianity. Bomb an abortion clinic? The outcry would be loud and widespread. I guess most Christians don't actually support terrorism the way most Muslims do.

Where were the mass protests against the Christian abortion clinic bombings or Tillers murder :dunno:

By the way, there has been condemnation and outcry against radicalization, terrorism and violence conducted under the guise of "jihad" from Muslims around the world. It is not as well reported as the bloody bits and when brought up, duly ignored.
Islam crashed planes in Manhattan . Islam did that.It isn't hateful to say that. Just a fact. Islam did more damage than the Japanese did on December 7th, 1941. The Muslims hurt America far worse, A survivor of pearl harbor told me once . FAR WORSE THAN PEARL HARBOR...And we nuked the Japanese, why not NUKE the Arabs? I am wondering...Why not? Nuke Mecca or Medina. They have more than earned it.

This would be a good target to paint with a laser target designator.


No, it would not. Jesus Christ died for those people, he loves those people and desires to save their souls and have them in heaven one day. Murdering mass numbers of people is NOT THE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!

Western Civilization might not exist today if we didn't kill thousands of them first in defense of Europe and then crushing them in Jerusalem. If we had to do it before, we might have to do it again, so get off your high horse.

This last bit you write- we might have to do it again...... it makes my blood boil! What nerve you have calling yourself "The Church" and then calling for the mass murder of billions of people because your agenda is to be "The One True Faith" - I have news for you, Defender. Hell will freeze before I ever join your church. HELL WILL FREEZE FIRST!!!!!!!

The Roman Catholic Church is one dangerous church. You better believe this Pope of yours has a plan to do what you are suggesting. It is a wicked thing - you do not plot the mass destruction of ANY PEOPLE. I do not give a flip who they are!!! It's wrong!
dog-foaming-300x213.jpg It was a bunch of terrorists who did that.

Thought you would have figured that bit out by now.

Yes, let's pretend like they weren't religiously motivated, because to contemplate otherwise would disturb your serene, yet false, view of the world.

Yes, let's ignore the fact that extremism and terrorism are real issues in the world today and instead pretend that the entire religion and it's millions of men, women and children around the world conspired to put those men on the planes and hit the twin towers.

They certainly provided moral support

Oh yes...the requisite youtube video. Small group of Palestinians cheering is representative of 2 billion Muslims world wide.

That's a good one :lol:

They just might. You're making some assumptions yourself and thinking they're more valid than mine. I look at the lack of outcry against jihad as proof positive of the true feelings of most Muslims. Such would not be the case in Christianity. Bomb an abortion clinic? The outcry would be loud and widespread. I guess most Christians don't actually support terrorism the way most Muslims do.

You call yourself a Christian and you think it is alright to mass murder people? You are not a Christian, Defender. You are a very lost man. You do not know the true feelings of most anyone and you most certainly do not appear to even know your own! You have murder in your heart! You need to repent!
Yes, let's pretend like they weren't religiously motivated, because to contemplate otherwise would disturb your serene, yet false, view of the world.

Yes, let's ignore the fact that extremism and terrorism are real issues in the world today and instead pretend that the entire religion and it's millions of men, women and children around the world conspired to put those men on the planes and hit the twin towers.

They certainly provided moral support

Oh yes...the requisite youtube video. Small group of Palestinians cheering is representative of 2 billion Muslims world wide.

That's a good one :lol:

They just might. You're making some assumptions yourself and thinking they're more valid than mine. I look at the lack of outcry against jihad as proof positive of the true feelings of most Muslims. Such would not be the case in Christianity. Bomb an abortion clinic? The outcry would be loud and widespread. I guess most Christians don't actually support terrorism the way most Muslims do.

Where were the mass protests against the Christian abortion clinic bombings or Tillers murder :dunno:

By the way, there has been condemnation and outcry against radicalization, terrorism and violence conducted under the guise of "jihad" from Muslims around the world. It is not as well reported as the bloody bits and when brought up, duly ignored.

Maybe you weren't paying attention when it happened. It was condemned in every corner of Christianity. No, we weren't rioting in the streets, that's what Leftards do. Terrorism is not tolerated in Christianity whatsoever. Wish I could say the same for Muslims.
Yes, let's pretend like they weren't religiously motivated, because to contemplate otherwise would disturb your serene, yet false, view of the world.

Yes, let's ignore the fact that extremism and terrorism are real issues in the world today and instead pretend that the entire religion and it's millions of men, women and children around the world conspired to put those men on the planes and hit the twin towers.

They certainly provided moral support

Oh yes...the requisite youtube video. Small group of Palestinians cheering is representative of 2 billion Muslims world wide.

That's a good one :lol:

They just might. You're making some assumptions yourself and thinking they're more valid than mine. I look at the lack of outcry against jihad as proof positive of the true feelings of most Muslims. Such would not be the case in Christianity. Bomb an abortion clinic? The outcry would be loud and widespread. I guess most Christians don't actually support terrorism the way most Muslims do.

You call yourself a Christian and you think it is alright to mass murder people? You are not a Christian, Defender. You are a very lost man. You do not know the true feelings of most anyone and you most certainly do not appear to even know your own! You have murder in your heart! You need to repent!

Yes, let's ignore the fact that extremism and terrorism are real issues in the world today and instead pretend that the entire religion and it's millions of men, women and children around the world conspired to put those men on the planes and hit the twin towers.

They certainly provided moral support

Oh yes...the requisite youtube video. Small group of Palestinians cheering is representative of 2 billion Muslims world wide.

That's a good one :lol:

They just might. You're making some assumptions yourself and thinking they're more valid than mine. I look at the lack of outcry against jihad as proof positive of the true feelings of most Muslims. Such would not be the case in Christianity. Bomb an abortion clinic? The outcry would be loud and widespread. I guess most Christians don't actually support terrorism the way most Muslims do.

Where were the mass protests against the Christian abortion clinic bombings or Tillers murder :dunno:

By the way, there has been condemnation and outcry against radicalization, terrorism and violence conducted under the guise of "jihad" from Muslims around the world. It is not as well reported as the bloody bits and when brought up, duly ignored.

Maybe you were in a coma when it happened. It was condemned in every corner of Christianity. No, we weren't rioting in the streets, that's what Leftards do. Terrorism is not tolerated in Christianity whatsoever. Wish I could say the same for Muslims.

Every corner of Christianity? Link please.

I'm not talking about "rioting" I'm talking about the fact that when it comes to Muslims, the expectation is that there be mass demonstrations against violence as evidence (simple condemnation is not enough).

So were there any public protests against the Tiller killing or abortion clinic bombings? What corners of Christianity?
Yes, let's ignore the fact that extremism and terrorism are real issues in the world today and instead pretend that the entire religion and it's millions of men, women and children around the world conspired to put those men on the planes and hit the twin towers.

They certainly provided moral support

Oh yes...the requisite youtube video. Small group of Palestinians cheering is representative of 2 billion Muslims world wide.

That's a good one :lol:

They just might. You're making some assumptions yourself and thinking they're more valid than mine. I look at the lack of outcry against jihad as proof positive of the true feelings of most Muslims. Such would not be the case in Christianity. Bomb an abortion clinic? The outcry would be loud and widespread. I guess most Christians don't actually support terrorism the way most Muslims do.

You call yourself a Christian and you think it is alright to mass murder people? You are not a Christian, Defender. You are a very lost man. You do not know the true feelings of most anyone and you most certainly do not appear to even know your own! You have murder in your heart! You need to repent!


Advocating mass murder is pretty hateful.
Islam crashed planes in Manhattan . Islam did that.It isn't hateful to say that. Just a fact. Islam did more damage than the Japanese did on December 7th, 1941. The Muslims hurt America far worse, A survivor of pearl harbor told me once . FAR WORSE THAN PEARL HARBOR...And we nuked the Japanese, why not NUKE the Arabs? I am wondering...Why not? Nuke Mecca or Medina. They have more than earned it.

This would be a good target to paint with a laser target designator.


No, it would not. Jesus Christ died for those people, he loves those people and desires to save their souls and have them in heaven one day. Murdering mass numbers of people is NOT THE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!

Western Civilization might not exist today if we didn't kill thousands of them first in defense of Europe and then crushing them in Jerusalem. If we had to do it before, we might have to do it again, so get off your high horse.

This last bit you write- we might have to do it again...... it makes my blood boil! What nerve you have calling yourself "The Church" and then calling for the mass murder of billions of people because your agenda is to be "The One True Faith" - I have news for you, Defender. Hell will freeze before I ever join your church. HELL WILL FREEZE FIRST!!!!!!!

The Roman Catholic Church is one dangerous church. You better believe this Pope of yours has a plan to do what you are suggesting. It is a wicked thing - you do not plot the mass destruction of ANY PEOPLE. I do not give a flip who they are!!! It's wrong!

I've warned you. That is all I can do. I am not going to argue with you but neither am I going to talk to you anymore. The bible is clear that we are to tell a person once or twice - but if they don't listen - move on. I'm moving on. Bye! You can have my thread. I'm done.
They certainly provided moral support

Oh yes...the requisite youtube video. Small group of Palestinians cheering is representative of 2 billion Muslims world wide.

That's a good one :lol:

They just might. You're making some assumptions yourself and thinking they're more valid than mine. I look at the lack of outcry against jihad as proof positive of the true feelings of most Muslims. Such would not be the case in Christianity. Bomb an abortion clinic? The outcry would be loud and widespread. I guess most Christians don't actually support terrorism the way most Muslims do.

Where were the mass protests against the Christian abortion clinic bombings or Tillers murder :dunno:

By the way, there has been condemnation and outcry against radicalization, terrorism and violence conducted under the guise of "jihad" from Muslims around the world. It is not as well reported as the bloody bits and when brought up, duly ignored.

Maybe you were in a coma when it happened. It was condemned in every corner of Christianity. No, we weren't rioting in the streets, that's what Leftards do. Terrorism is not tolerated in Christianity whatsoever. Wish I could say the same for Muslims.

Every corner of Christianity? Link please.

I'm not talking about "rioting" I'm talking about the fact that when it comes to Muslims, the expectation is that there be mass demonstrations against violence as evidence (simple condemnation is not enough).

So were there any public protests against the Tiller killing or abortion clinic bombings? What corners of Christianity?

I can't possibly bear the burden of those who don't keep themselves informed. If you were watching the news when these things happened, you would have gotten official statements from the Vatican to Focus on the Family. What more do you expect than a rebuke? The same thing happened when the Westboro Baptist Church, of which I think Jeremiah is a member, was protesting soldiers' funerals with hate signs. The condemnation of their actions was resounding. So stuff your "link please" tactic because it's not my job to catch you up on what's going on in the world.
This would be a good target to paint with a laser target designator.


No, it would not. Jesus Christ died for those people, he loves those people and desires to save their souls and have them in heaven one day. Murdering mass numbers of people is NOT THE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!

Western Civilization might not exist today if we didn't kill thousands of them first in defense of Europe and then crushing them in Jerusalem. If we had to do it before, we might have to do it again, so get off your high horse.

This last bit you write- we might have to do it again...... it makes my blood boil! What nerve you have calling yourself "The Church" and then calling for the mass murder of billions of people because your agenda is to be "The One True Faith" - I have news for you, Defender. Hell will freeze before I ever join your church. HELL WILL FREEZE FIRST!!!!!!!

The Roman Catholic Church is one dangerous church. You better believe this Pope of yours has a plan to do what you are suggesting. It is a wicked thing - you do not plot the mass destruction of ANY PEOPLE. I do not give a flip who they are!!! It's wrong!

I've warned you. That is all I can do. I am not going to argue with you but neither am I going to talk to you anymore. The bible is clear that we are to tell a person once or twice - but if they don't listen - move on. I'm moving on. Bye! You can have my thread. I'm done.

Oh, good. You promise?
They certainly provided moral support

Oh yes...the requisite youtube video. Small group of Palestinians cheering is representative of 2 billion Muslims world wide.

That's a good one :lol:

They just might. You're making some assumptions yourself and thinking they're more valid than mine. I look at the lack of outcry against jihad as proof positive of the true feelings of most Muslims. Such would not be the case in Christianity. Bomb an abortion clinic? The outcry would be loud and widespread. I guess most Christians don't actually support terrorism the way most Muslims do.

You call yourself a Christian and you think it is alright to mass murder people? You are not a Christian, Defender. You are a very lost man. You do not know the true feelings of most anyone and you most certainly do not appear to even know your own! You have murder in your heart! You need to repent!


Advocating mass murder is pretty hateful.

It's always endearing to think of how people will put their heads in the sand when it comes to human nature. Were Americans evil monsters when they dropped atomic bombs on Japanese civilians? How about when parades in every city celebrated what we did? I'm telling you that if Muslim terrorists actually do nuke an American city, feelings will change, and the proposition you assail so vigorously will be a very popular one.

But I do hope it never comes to that. Western civilization often waits until the knife is right at our throat before doing what needs to be done. Nobody forced Islam to threaten Western civilization before, and nobody is forcing them to do it today. But when push comes to shove, it will be the Middle East glassed over, not us.

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