Brave German Woman Speaks Out Against Islam

Oh yes...the requisite youtube video. Small group of Palestinians cheering is representative of 2 billion Muslims world wide.

That's a good one :lol:

They just might. You're making some assumptions yourself and thinking they're more valid than mine. I look at the lack of outcry against jihad as proof positive of the true feelings of most Muslims. Such would not be the case in Christianity. Bomb an abortion clinic? The outcry would be loud and widespread. I guess most Christians don't actually support terrorism the way most Muslims do.

Where were the mass protests against the Christian abortion clinic bombings or Tillers murder :dunno:

By the way, there has been condemnation and outcry against radicalization, terrorism and violence conducted under the guise of "jihad" from Muslims around the world. It is not as well reported as the bloody bits and when brought up, duly ignored.

Maybe you were in a coma when it happened. It was condemned in every corner of Christianity. No, we weren't rioting in the streets, that's what Leftards do. Terrorism is not tolerated in Christianity whatsoever. Wish I could say the same for Muslims.

Every corner of Christianity? Link please.

I'm not talking about "rioting" I'm talking about the fact that when it comes to Muslims, the expectation is that there be mass demonstrations against violence as evidence (simple condemnation is not enough).

So were there any public protests against the Tiller killing or abortion clinic bombings? What corners of Christianity?

I can't possibly bear the burden of those who don't keep themselves informed. If you were watching the news when these things happened, you would have gotten official statements from the Vatican to Focus on the Family. What more do you expect than a rebuke? The same thing happened when the Westboro Baptist Church, of which I think Jeremiah is a member, was protesting soldiers' funerals with hate signs. The condemnation of their actions was resounding. So stuff your "link please" tactic because it's not my job to catch you up on what's going on in the world.

The Vatican and Focus on the Family. Two protests against those bombings though? Just a few statements that you can't provide any actual sources for.

By the way, did you know there have been plenty of official condemnations and statements from Muslim clerics, scholars, religious leaders - around the world - condemning extremist violance and actions? That also goes under the category of "keeping themselves informed", a burden you seem not to bear for yourself.
Oh yes...the requisite youtube video. Small group of Palestinians cheering is representative of 2 billion Muslims world wide.

That's a good one :lol:

They just might. You're making some assumptions yourself and thinking they're more valid than mine. I look at the lack of outcry against jihad as proof positive of the true feelings of most Muslims. Such would not be the case in Christianity. Bomb an abortion clinic? The outcry would be loud and widespread. I guess most Christians don't actually support terrorism the way most Muslims do.

You call yourself a Christian and you think it is alright to mass murder people? You are not a Christian, Defender. You are a very lost man. You do not know the true feelings of most anyone and you most certainly do not appear to even know your own! You have murder in your heart! You need to repent!

Advocating mass murder is pretty hateful.

It's always endearing to think of how people will put their heads in the sand when it comes to human nature. Were Americans evil monsters when they dropped atomic bombs on Japanese civilians? How about when parades in every city celebrated what we did? I'm telling you that if Muslim terrorists actually do nuke an American city, feelings will change, and the proposition you assail so vigorously will be a very popular one.

But I do hope it never comes to that. Western civilization often waits until the knife is right at our throat before doing what needs to be done. Nobody forced Islam to threaten Western civilization before, and nobody is forcing them to do it today. But when push comes to shove, it will be the Middle East glassed over, not us.

If terrorists find a means to drop a nuke in the US the response will be appropriate and measured. When Al Queda attacked us, we tracked them down to Afghanistan and we went after them. We did not go after Muslims world wide, we did not bomb Mecca. There is no comparison to the events leading up to Hiroshima.
They just might. You're making some assumptions yourself and thinking they're more valid than mine. I look at the lack of outcry against jihad as proof positive of the true feelings of most Muslims. Such would not be the case in Christianity. Bomb an abortion clinic? The outcry would be loud and widespread. I guess most Christians don't actually support terrorism the way most Muslims do.

Where were the mass protests against the Christian abortion clinic bombings or Tillers murder :dunno:

By the way, there has been condemnation and outcry against radicalization, terrorism and violence conducted under the guise of "jihad" from Muslims around the world. It is not as well reported as the bloody bits and when brought up, duly ignored.

Maybe you were in a coma when it happened. It was condemned in every corner of Christianity. No, we weren't rioting in the streets, that's what Leftards do. Terrorism is not tolerated in Christianity whatsoever. Wish I could say the same for Muslims.

Every corner of Christianity? Link please.

I'm not talking about "rioting" I'm talking about the fact that when it comes to Muslims, the expectation is that there be mass demonstrations against violence as evidence (simple condemnation is not enough).

So were there any public protests against the Tiller killing or abortion clinic bombings? What corners of Christianity?

I can't possibly bear the burden of those who don't keep themselves informed. If you were watching the news when these things happened, you would have gotten official statements from the Vatican to Focus on the Family. What more do you expect than a rebuke? The same thing happened when the Westboro Baptist Church, of which I think Jeremiah is a member, was protesting soldiers' funerals with hate signs. The condemnation of their actions was resounding. So stuff your "link please" tactic because it's not my job to catch you up on what's going on in the world.

The Vatican and Focus on the Family. Two protests against those bombings though? Just a few statements that you can't provide any actual sources for.

By the way, did you know there have been plenty of official condemnations and statements from Muslim clerics, scholars, religious leaders - around the world - condemning extremist violance and actions? That also goes under the category of "keeping themselves informed", a burden you seem not to bear for yourself.

Muslim terrorists find safe haven among their fellow Muslims, which is why it's so hard to ferret them out. Such is not the case with Christianity. You're desperate to make Christianity the same as Islam when they're not even remotely comparable. By the way, I applaud those Muslim groups who take a stand against terrorism, which is what this thread seems to be about. But too often they're afraid of the terrorists and afraid to speak out against them, for in Muslim piety, there's no prohibition against muslim on muslim violence and it happens frequently.

And that's what's really going on here. I remember watching "Mississippi Burning" (great movie!) and marveling that the white people in town were just as terrified of the KKK as blacks. Nobody dared to speak out against them because they feared retaliation. Muslim terrorists have just that kind of hold on Islamic society, threatening swift and sure violence against anyone that opposes them, Muslim or not.
They just might. You're making some assumptions yourself and thinking they're more valid than mine. I look at the lack of outcry against jihad as proof positive of the true feelings of most Muslims. Such would not be the case in Christianity. Bomb an abortion clinic? The outcry would be loud and widespread. I guess most Christians don't actually support terrorism the way most Muslims do.

You call yourself a Christian and you think it is alright to mass murder people? You are not a Christian, Defender. You are a very lost man. You do not know the true feelings of most anyone and you most certainly do not appear to even know your own! You have murder in your heart! You need to repent!

Advocating mass murder is pretty hateful.

It's always endearing to think of how people will put their heads in the sand when it comes to human nature. Were Americans evil monsters when they dropped atomic bombs on Japanese civilians? How about when parades in every city celebrated what we did? I'm telling you that if Muslim terrorists actually do nuke an American city, feelings will change, and the proposition you assail so vigorously will be a very popular one.

But I do hope it never comes to that. Western civilization often waits until the knife is right at our throat before doing what needs to be done. Nobody forced Islam to threaten Western civilization before, and nobody is forcing them to do it today. But when push comes to shove, it will be the Middle East glassed over, not us.

If terrorists find a means to drop a nuke in the US the response will be appropriate and measured. When Al Queda attacked us, we tracked them down to Afghanistan and we went after them. We did not go after Muslims world wide, we did not bomb Mecca. There is no comparison to the events leading up to Hiroshima.

The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and we dropped atomic bombs on their civilian populations. Yes there is a comparison. There's an enduring concept in warfare of hitting back harder. The reason is ultimately to end the conflict quickly and save lives. It may be cruel, but it's more merciful than what we're doing now, long, drawn out warfare that's actually spanning generations. There are no easy answers when it comes to military strategy because in war, they're all bad. So you and Jeremiah can stuff your high horse nonsense because if our nation truly felt threatened, MIRV's will fly. Count on it.
Where were the mass protests against the Christian abortion clinic bombings or Tillers murder :dunno:

By the way, there has been condemnation and outcry against radicalization, terrorism and violence conducted under the guise of "jihad" from Muslims around the world. It is not as well reported as the bloody bits and when brought up, duly ignored.

Maybe you were in a coma when it happened. It was condemned in every corner of Christianity. No, we weren't rioting in the streets, that's what Leftards do. Terrorism is not tolerated in Christianity whatsoever. Wish I could say the same for Muslims.

Every corner of Christianity? Link please.

I'm not talking about "rioting" I'm talking about the fact that when it comes to Muslims, the expectation is that there be mass demonstrations against violence as evidence (simple condemnation is not enough).

So were there any public protests against the Tiller killing or abortion clinic bombings? What corners of Christianity?

I can't possibly bear the burden of those who don't keep themselves informed. If you were watching the news when these things happened, you would have gotten official statements from the Vatican to Focus on the Family. What more do you expect than a rebuke? The same thing happened when the Westboro Baptist Church, of which I think Jeremiah is a member, was protesting soldiers' funerals with hate signs. The condemnation of their actions was resounding. So stuff your "link please" tactic because it's not my job to catch you up on what's going on in the world.

The Vatican and Focus on the Family. Two protests against those bombings though? Just a few statements that you can't provide any actual sources for.

By the way, did you know there have been plenty of official condemnations and statements from Muslim clerics, scholars, religious leaders - around the world - condemning extremist violance and actions? That also goes under the category of "keeping themselves informed", a burden you seem not to bear for yourself.

Muslim terrorists find safe haven among their fellow Muslims, which is why it's so hard to ferret them out. Such is not the case with Christianity. You're desperate to make Christianity the same as Islam when they're not even remotely comparable. By the way, I applaud those Muslim groups who take a stand against terrorism, which is what this thread seems to be about. But too often they're afraid of the terrorists and afraid to speak out against them, for in Muslim piety, there's no prohibition against muslim on muslim violence and it happens frequently.

And that's what's really going on here. I remember watching "Mississippi Burning" (great movie!) and marveling that the white people in town were just as terrified of the KKK as blacks. Nobody dared to speak out against them because they feared retaliation. Muslim terrorists have just that kind of hold on Islamic society, threatening swift and sure violence against anyone that opposes them, Muslim or not.

Yes, it is a great movie.

And, I understand what you have to say about terrorists - the people around them are too terrified to speak up and looking at Boko Haran and ISIS, it's understandable. But won't accomplish anything by nuking cities full of innocent people because this isn't Japan and the problem is much more complex then determining what action would force one nation's surrender.
You call yourself a Christian and you think it is alright to mass murder people? You are not a Christian, Defender. You are a very lost man. You do not know the true feelings of most anyone and you most certainly do not appear to even know your own! You have murder in your heart! You need to repent!

Advocating mass murder is pretty hateful.

It's always endearing to think of how people will put their heads in the sand when it comes to human nature. Were Americans evil monsters when they dropped atomic bombs on Japanese civilians? How about when parades in every city celebrated what we did? I'm telling you that if Muslim terrorists actually do nuke an American city, feelings will change, and the proposition you assail so vigorously will be a very popular one.

But I do hope it never comes to that. Western civilization often waits until the knife is right at our throat before doing what needs to be done. Nobody forced Islam to threaten Western civilization before, and nobody is forcing them to do it today. But when push comes to shove, it will be the Middle East glassed over, not us.

If terrorists find a means to drop a nuke in the US the response will be appropriate and measured. When Al Queda attacked us, we tracked them down to Afghanistan and we went after them. We did not go after Muslims world wide, we did not bomb Mecca. There is no comparison to the events leading up to Hiroshima.

The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and we dropped atomic bombs on their civilian populations. Yes there is a comparison. There's an enduring concept in warfare of hitting back harder. The reason is ultimately to end the conflict quickly and save lives. It may be cruel, but it's more merciful than what we're doing now, long, drawn out warfare that's actually spanning generations. There are no easy answers when it comes to military strategy because in war, they're all bad. So you and Jeremiah can stuff your high horse nonsense because if our nation truly felt threatened, MIRV's will fly. Count on it.

It's not high horse nonsense - it's a recognition of reality.

Islam, as a whole, is not at war with us.
Given that - where and what would you target? Who else would you draw in as a result that would not have otherwise been involved or would have been our allies? You seem so eager to throw nukes around at civilian populations.

It's not comparable to Japan because it's not simply a case of "hitting back harder" - bombing Japan's two cities worked because of Japan's culture. Oh...and no one else had the bomb.
Maybe you were in a coma when it happened. It was condemned in every corner of Christianity. No, we weren't rioting in the streets, that's what Leftards do. Terrorism is not tolerated in Christianity whatsoever. Wish I could say the same for Muslims.

Every corner of Christianity? Link please.

I'm not talking about "rioting" I'm talking about the fact that when it comes to Muslims, the expectation is that there be mass demonstrations against violence as evidence (simple condemnation is not enough).

So were there any public protests against the Tiller killing or abortion clinic bombings? What corners of Christianity?

I can't possibly bear the burden of those who don't keep themselves informed. If you were watching the news when these things happened, you would have gotten official statements from the Vatican to Focus on the Family. What more do you expect than a rebuke? The same thing happened when the Westboro Baptist Church, of which I think Jeremiah is a member, was protesting soldiers' funerals with hate signs. The condemnation of their actions was resounding. So stuff your "link please" tactic because it's not my job to catch you up on what's going on in the world.

The Vatican and Focus on the Family. Two protests against those bombings though? Just a few statements that you can't provide any actual sources for.

By the way, did you know there have been plenty of official condemnations and statements from Muslim clerics, scholars, religious leaders - around the world - condemning extremist violance and actions? That also goes under the category of "keeping themselves informed", a burden you seem not to bear for yourself.

Muslim terrorists find safe haven among their fellow Muslims, which is why it's so hard to ferret them out. Such is not the case with Christianity. You're desperate to make Christianity the same as Islam when they're not even remotely comparable. By the way, I applaud those Muslim groups who take a stand against terrorism, which is what this thread seems to be about. But too often they're afraid of the terrorists and afraid to speak out against them, for in Muslim piety, there's no prohibition against muslim on muslim violence and it happens frequently.

And that's what's really going on here. I remember watching "Mississippi Burning" (great movie!) and marveling that the white people in town were just as terrified of the KKK as blacks. Nobody dared to speak out against them because they feared retaliation. Muslim terrorists have just that kind of hold on Islamic society, threatening swift and sure violence against anyone that opposes them, Muslim or not.

Yes, it is a great movie.

And, I understand what you have to say about terrorists - the people around them are too terrified to speak up and looking at Boko Haran and ISIS, it's understandable. But won't accomplish anything by nuking cities full of innocent people because this isn't Japan and the problem is much more complex then determining what action would force one nation's surrender.

Yes. 15 year wars sound so much more sensible.

Advocating mass murder is pretty hateful.

It's always endearing to think of how people will put their heads in the sand when it comes to human nature. Were Americans evil monsters when they dropped atomic bombs on Japanese civilians? How about when parades in every city celebrated what we did? I'm telling you that if Muslim terrorists actually do nuke an American city, feelings will change, and the proposition you assail so vigorously will be a very popular one.

But I do hope it never comes to that. Western civilization often waits until the knife is right at our throat before doing what needs to be done. Nobody forced Islam to threaten Western civilization before, and nobody is forcing them to do it today. But when push comes to shove, it will be the Middle East glassed over, not us.

If terrorists find a means to drop a nuke in the US the response will be appropriate and measured. When Al Queda attacked us, we tracked them down to Afghanistan and we went after them. We did not go after Muslims world wide, we did not bomb Mecca. There is no comparison to the events leading up to Hiroshima.

The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and we dropped atomic bombs on their civilian populations. Yes there is a comparison. There's an enduring concept in warfare of hitting back harder. The reason is ultimately to end the conflict quickly and save lives. It may be cruel, but it's more merciful than what we're doing now, long, drawn out warfare that's actually spanning generations. There are no easy answers when it comes to military strategy because in war, they're all bad. So you and Jeremiah can stuff your high horse nonsense because if our nation truly felt threatened, MIRV's will fly. Count on it.

It's not high horse nonsense - it's a recognition of reality.

Islam, as a whole, is not at war with us.
Given that - where and what would you target? Who else would you draw in as a result that would not have otherwise been involved or would have been our allies? You seem so eager to throw nukes around at civilian populations.

It's not comparable to Japan because it's not simply a case of "hitting back harder" - bombing Japan's two cities worked because of Japan's culture.

If Islam persists in its ambition to dominate the world by the sword, then it will have to be brought to its knees just like Japan did. And in doing that, there's no easy choice. I'm not really suggesting we nuke Mecca, but swift and efficacious measures must be brought to bear unless we want to continue fighting these wars for centuries.

The reason Truman dropped those bombs is because people wanted peace.
Every corner of Christianity? Link please.

I'm not talking about "rioting" I'm talking about the fact that when it comes to Muslims, the expectation is that there be mass demonstrations against violence as evidence (simple condemnation is not enough).

So were there any public protests against the Tiller killing or abortion clinic bombings? What corners of Christianity?

I can't possibly bear the burden of those who don't keep themselves informed. If you were watching the news when these things happened, you would have gotten official statements from the Vatican to Focus on the Family. What more do you expect than a rebuke? The same thing happened when the Westboro Baptist Church, of which I think Jeremiah is a member, was protesting soldiers' funerals with hate signs. The condemnation of their actions was resounding. So stuff your "link please" tactic because it's not my job to catch you up on what's going on in the world.

The Vatican and Focus on the Family. Two protests against those bombings though? Just a few statements that you can't provide any actual sources for.

By the way, did you know there have been plenty of official condemnations and statements from Muslim clerics, scholars, religious leaders - around the world - condemning extremist violance and actions? That also goes under the category of "keeping themselves informed", a burden you seem not to bear for yourself.

Muslim terrorists find safe haven among their fellow Muslims, which is why it's so hard to ferret them out. Such is not the case with Christianity. You're desperate to make Christianity the same as Islam when they're not even remotely comparable. By the way, I applaud those Muslim groups who take a stand against terrorism, which is what this thread seems to be about. But too often they're afraid of the terrorists and afraid to speak out against them, for in Muslim piety, there's no prohibition against muslim on muslim violence and it happens frequently.

And that's what's really going on here. I remember watching "Mississippi Burning" (great movie!) and marveling that the white people in town were just as terrified of the KKK as blacks. Nobody dared to speak out against them because they feared retaliation. Muslim terrorists have just that kind of hold on Islamic society, threatening swift and sure violence against anyone that opposes them, Muslim or not.

Yes, it is a great movie.

And, I understand what you have to say about terrorists - the people around them are too terrified to speak up and looking at Boko Haran and ISIS, it's understandable. But won't accomplish anything by nuking cities full of innocent people because this isn't Japan and the problem is much more complex then determining what action would force one nation's surrender.

Yes. 15 year wars sound so much more sensible.

You are advocating a war against an entire world-wide religion of over 2-billion people representing almost every culture in the world, many of whom are allies, a religion who's followers include US citizens... And you want to chuck some nukes at them.
Funny how the crazed woman has a menorah in her apartment and cites the words of Martin Luther who was a rabid anti-semite.

She seems slightly confused. ...... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:

What do you think would happen to a Christian Minister giving a Christian Prayer in a mosque in lets ssay Saudi Arabia? for example. If he was even able to get that far. Do you think any of the attending muslims would vocaly protest? Would you call them crazy?

No this woman is not crazy,
Funny how the crazed woman has a menorah in her apartment and cites the words of Martin Luther who was a rabid anti-semite.

She seems slightly confused. ...... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:

What do you think would happen to a Christian Minister giving a Christian Prayer in a mosque in lets ssay Saudi Arabia? for example. If he was even able to get that far. Do you think any of the attending muslims would vocaly protest? Would you call them crazy?

No this woman is not crazy,

This isn't occuring in Saudi Arabia which has it's own set of intolerances.
I can't possibly bear the burden of those who don't keep themselves informed. If you were watching the news when these things happened, you would have gotten official statements from the Vatican to Focus on the Family. What more do you expect than a rebuke? The same thing happened when the Westboro Baptist Church, of which I think Jeremiah is a member, was protesting soldiers' funerals with hate signs. The condemnation of their actions was resounding. So stuff your "link please" tactic because it's not my job to catch you up on what's going on in the world.

The Vatican and Focus on the Family. Two protests against those bombings though? Just a few statements that you can't provide any actual sources for.

By the way, did you know there have been plenty of official condemnations and statements from Muslim clerics, scholars, religious leaders - around the world - condemning extremist violance and actions? That also goes under the category of "keeping themselves informed", a burden you seem not to bear for yourself.

Muslim terrorists find safe haven among their fellow Muslims, which is why it's so hard to ferret them out. Such is not the case with Christianity. You're desperate to make Christianity the same as Islam when they're not even remotely comparable. By the way, I applaud those Muslim groups who take a stand against terrorism, which is what this thread seems to be about. But too often they're afraid of the terrorists and afraid to speak out against them, for in Muslim piety, there's no prohibition against muslim on muslim violence and it happens frequently.

And that's what's really going on here. I remember watching "Mississippi Burning" (great movie!) and marveling that the white people in town were just as terrified of the KKK as blacks. Nobody dared to speak out against them because they feared retaliation. Muslim terrorists have just that kind of hold on Islamic society, threatening swift and sure violence against anyone that opposes them, Muslim or not.

Yes, it is a great movie.

And, I understand what you have to say about terrorists - the people around them are too terrified to speak up and looking at Boko Haran and ISIS, it's understandable. But won't accomplish anything by nuking cities full of innocent people because this isn't Japan and the problem is much more complex then determining what action would force one nation's surrender.

Yes. 15 year wars sound so much more sensible.

You are advocating a war against an entire world-wide religion of over 2-billion people representing almost every culture in the world, many of whom are allies, a religion who's followers include US citizens... And you want to chuck some nukes at them.

Is that what I said?

No, not really. Do I care to explain it again?

No, not really.
Why on earth would a Christian church deny anyone coming to pray? Shouldn't we be inviting imams so that they can feel the power of the holy Spirit and be converted to Christ?

it's not the spirit that encourages a man not to pray. It's another entity that doesn't want people praying.
Why on earth would a Christian church deny anyone coming to pray? Shouldn't we be inviting imams so that they can feel the power of the holy Spirit and be converted to Christ?

it's not the spirit that encourages a man not to pray. It's another entity that doesn't want people praying.
Why on earth would a Christian church deny anyone coming to pray? Shouldn't we be inviting imams so that they can feel the power of the holy Spirit and be converted to Christ?

it's not the spirit that encourages a man not to pray. It's another entity that doesn't want people praying.

What church is doing that?
It's not brave to be a bigot. It's especially cowardly to pick on the one minority group everyone else is already picking on. She's kicking an entire culture while it's down and being lauded for it. Sickening.
As for Dr. Morrey. He won a debate against the top Islamic Scholars in the world, Coyote. If he wasn't competent to write a book on Islam what shall we say about the leading Islamic Scholars who could not defeat him in a debate about Islam?
I have asked you these question before about Morrey's alleged debate. But you refuse to answer them. Why? ..... :cool:

I will ask again:

1) Where was the debate held?

2) Name of the Islamic scholar's he supposedly debated?

3) Who decided the winner?

4) What did he win?
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In this video you will learn the story of how the Lord Jesus called one woman to speak out against an Imam who had come to pray at a Christian church.

The lady was not speaking out against Islam, or the Imam who was speaking. She was defending her Christian faith. However, It is very inappropriate to go against the organization in a place as important as the National Cathedral. This is extremism.

This is an excerpt from the Qur'an (which is the word of God, not that of Muhammad):

And behold! Allah (God) will say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Did you say to men, worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of Allah.?" He will say: "Glory to You! Never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, You would indeed have known it. You know what is in my heart, Though I know not what is in Yours. For You know in full all that is hidden. Never said I to them aught except what You commanded me to say, to wit, 'worship Allah (God), my Lord and your Lord'; and I was a witness over them while I dwelt amongst them; when You took me up You were the Watcher over them, and You are a witness to all things. If You punish them, they are Your servants: If You forgive them, You are the Exalted in power, the Wise."
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This is an excerpt from the Qur'an (which is the word of God, not that of Muhammad):

And behold! Allah (God) will say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Did you say to men, worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of Allah.?" He will say: "Glory to You! Never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, You would indeed have known it. You know what is in my heart, Though I know not what is in Yours. For You know in full all that is hidden. Never said I to them aught except what You commanded me to say, to wit, 'worship Allah (God), my Lord and your Lord'; and I was a witness over them while I dwelt amongst them; when You took me up You were the Watcher over them, and You are a witness to all things. If You punish them, they are Your servants: If You forgive them, You are the Exalted in power, the Wise."

I dispute that this verse is the word of God. For one thing it starts by saying. "And behold! Allah (God) will say".
This is not Allah speaking but Muhammad saying what Allah will say. Typical bad grammar of the Quran.

Also please give the verse numbers of your quotes so I can look them up and see the context.
Islam crashed planes in Manhattan . Islam did that.It isn't hateful to say that. Just a fact. Islam did more damage than the Japanese did on December 7th, 1941. The Muslims hurt America far worse, A survivor of pearl harbor told me once . FAR WORSE THAN PEARL HARBOR...And we nuked the Japanese, why not NUKE the Arabs? I am wondering...Why not? Nuke Mecca or Medina. They have more than earned it.

Because we are better than that, Mary. We do not nuke an entire nation of people. We are not in 1941 and Saudi Arabia is not in a military war with us. The circumstances are completely different in my opinion. We cannot detonate a nuclear bomb over a nation because we do not agree with their religion, their actions, their politics, etc. Although that will not stop Vladimir Putin from one day doing a nuclear strike against the USA in an attempt to mass murder Americans. What will the world say about that when he does it? Our greatest threat to America is Communism. Our greatest threat is coming from Russia at this moment with China a fast second and North Korea third. That is where our greatest threat is coming from. in 41' it was Japan. Today? It's the Communists in Russia, China, NK. I'm not discounting terrorism in the Middle East but who is financing them? The Communists. That's who. Who is financing these protests in America against law enforcement? The Communists among us. This is where our greatest threat to freedom is today. Communism.

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