Brave Sir Robin

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I couldn't help thinking of brave Sir Robin when I read about this.

Police say a woman reported to be in labor and her boyfriend were robbed in Annapolis as they headed to a hospital.
The couple was confronted by three men with guns as they left an apartment on Copeland Street early Sunday. When the woman's boyfriend fled, police spokeswoman Cpl. Amy Miguez says, the suspects tried to get the woman to let them into an apartment, but she didn't have a key.

News from The Associated Press

Pregnant girlfriend, actually in labor, mugging, so he runs away, and takes the keys.

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Perpetual neg reps to the first scumbag who defends him.

Was he trying to distract and deter these muggers?

Was everyone safe, did the mother and baby make it okay?

I'm going to blame the muggers first and foremost.

I would support the couple in working out the rest.
Whatever helps them to heal and deal, I support them in recovering from this trauma.

Congratulations on the baby if that worked out okay.
Poor kid will have some stories to tell (or revise as history may or may not demand)
I couldn't help thinking of brave Sir Robin when I read about this...
Sounds like your average Metrosexual Pussy...

The pregnant girl probably has more balls than he does...

Imagine growing up a single child, spoon-fed on true tales, of the cowardly father who would not stand his ground like a man and defend his woman and his unborn child, with the mother going into labor with that unborn child...

The coward whom the girl rightly threw out the door, and out of her life, except for taking the little wanker to court for 18 years of child support, and letting him have supervised visitation rights during daylight hours, one weekend a month...

The child will probably turn out to be a Genuine Hero of some kind or another over time, driven to erase the inner shame of having such a lowlife scumbag for a biological father...

Here's hoping that the little Metrosexual Wanker Coward has his cowardice thrown in his face by every (quickly distancing) friend and family member who ever gave two craps about him...

Leaving your woman and unborn child to fend for themselves when in mortal danger is about as inexcusable a gaffe can be imagined...

Unless the guy was greatly over-matched with no hope of overcoming their assailants and was running for help...

However, given that he kept running and running, and never showed up again with that help, and wasn't even at-home, or in contact via cell, etc., with either the police or the girl, by the time they finally got around to dropping her off at the hospital...

Common sense tells me that he did not run for help; rather, he ran to save his own skin; leaving his woman and unborn child in mortal danger...

God forgive him, because I doubt that many others will...



In another era, the townsfolk would have cut his balls off, and made him wear a dress forevermore, and shunned him as a pariah...
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The muggers were two black guys. The boyfriend (not husband, he's not man enough for that) ran because if he defended his woman and unborn child he'd be arrested for a racist attack.
Three guys with guns,the Boyfriend was outnumbered. That said, all the little shit head had to do was say take my wallet,my cars over there,just leave me and my GF alone. Some attempt at protection is better then leaving her to fend for herself, damn coward. She was in labor! She will never be in a more vulnerable position in her life then at that momment. How do you leave a woman in labor with three douchebags like that and live with yourself.

The robbers weren't any better. C'mon it was obvious that she was pregnant. Bad enough that they can't earn a living that they have to steal, but to be a bunch of pantywaists and rob a pregnant woman? Hope they are enjoying doing the walk of shame by having their faces all over the internet. I'm sure their fellow inmates will have something special planned for them.
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The muggers were two black guys. The boyfriend (not husband, he's not man enough for that) ran because if he defended his woman and unborn child he'd be arrested for a racist attack.

Jesus H Christ, you're a a fucking idiot
2 Arrested For Armed Robbery Of Pregnant Woman In Labor

March 2, 2014 11:30 PM


ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ)—Annapolis Police arrest two people for an armed robbery of a pregnant woman in labor.

An eyewitness called police at around 4:30 a.m. Sunday after seeing a man and pregnant woman being held at gunpoint in the 1800-block of Copeland Street.

The woman was going into labor prior to the robbery and was transported to Anne Arundel Medical Center.

When officers arrived on scene, one of the victims pointed to the suspects fleeing the neighborhood in a stolen vehicle.

Officers pursued the vehicle to Tyler Court, where the driver and passenger abandoned the vehicle and fled on foot.

During the chase the suspects threw a gun from the vehicle, which was recovered by officers. After a brief foot chase both the driver and the passenger were arrested.

Devery Kelley, 24, of Annapolis and Cornell Robinson, 44, of Washington, D.C. are being held at the Annapolis Police Department. Charges are pending.


2 Arrested For Armed Robbery Of Pregnant Woman In Labor « CBS Baltimore
I couldn't help thinking of brave Sir Robin when I read about this.

Police say a woman reported to be in labor and her boyfriend were robbed in Annapolis as they headed to a hospital.
The couple was confronted by three men with guns as they left an apartment on Copeland Street early Sunday. When the woman's boyfriend fled, police spokeswoman Cpl. Amy Miguez says, the suspects tried to get the woman to let them into an apartment, but she didn't have a key.

News from The Associated Press

Pregnant girlfriend, actually in labor, mugging, so he runs away, and takes the keys.

We're all gonna die eventually. If we get to choose how, defending the mother of your child is right up there with defending Greece against a Persian invasion.

May the boyfriend who fled live forever (an ancient curse.)
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