Labour ahead in polls

And would a large part of the outrage be because Corbyn and the Labour Party have not accepted a position where criticism of Israel is considered anti Semitic?
‘I was there, holding the wreath, joining the Islamic prayers, but I don’t think I was involved’ Corbyn. Lol.
Ah. Prayer is anti Semitic. Got you.

Yes, praying to Allah as one celebrates the murder of Jews is antisemitic.

There are only two types of people who think it isn't -- those who are utterly retarded and those who are utterly antisemitic , the two traits overlapping to quite a degree. .
Labour is ahead in polls amid Chequers backlash

Despite an unprecedented media smear campaign against Comrade Corbyn it appears that labour support is holding strong whilst the tory vote is evaporating.

We will be voting before xmas in my opinion, a great opportunity to rid ourselves of a corrupt and dishonest regime.

Corbyn is the sort of guy who's good at campaigning. He spends his whole time campaigning instead of fighting the Tories. But people see him for what his is, a twatty politician. A guy who lives and breathes politics. A guy who loves knocking on doors, a guy who loves telling everyone about his fantasy utopia. About things that don't really matter to normal people.

A guy who people will not elect to be PM. He's too left wing for that. He follows in a great line of Labour leaders too left wing to get elected.

Milliband, Smith, Kinnock and quite a few that came before him.

Yes, he took Labour from being no hopers to almost rans in the last election. But really, with similar conditions to 1997, he should have wiped the floor with the Tories.
I dont have a problem with his policies apart from his brexit stance and his unionism. But it looks like conference is going to sort out labours brexit approach so that should be ok.
I cant really see those characters as left wing unless you compare them to Blair. Poor old Michael Foot was the last labour leader to scare the tory establishment this much.He was treated shamefully by the press.

Well, Blair was Labour's most successful leader ever for a reason. Because he was able to attract support from the Middle Class.

Labour can't be a second party AND be the party of the 19th century working class. It's just not possible. They need to decide what they want to be. Really a split would be better, the unelectables go off playing their solidarity and then leave actual politics to those who can.

Blair was successful because the first thing he did was to kow tow to the Murdoch media empire; get Murdoch on side and you have a much smoother ride, forget your principles and beliefs along the way, though.
Labour is ahead in polls amid Chequers backlash

Despite an unprecedented media smear campaign against Comrade Corbyn it appears that labour support is holding strong whilst the tory vote is evaporating.

We will be voting before xmas in my opinion, a great opportunity to rid ourselves of a corrupt and dishonest regime.

Corbyn is the sort of guy who's good at campaigning. He spends his whole time campaigning instead of fighting the Tories. But people see him for what his is, a twatty politician. A guy who lives and breathes politics. A guy who loves knocking on doors, a guy who loves telling everyone about his fantasy utopia. About things that don't really matter to normal people.

A guy who people will not elect to be PM. He's too left wing for that. He follows in a great line of Labour leaders too left wing to get elected.

Milliband, Smith, Kinnock and quite a few that came before him.

Yes, he took Labour from being no hopers to almost rans in the last election. But really, with similar conditions to 1997, he should have wiped the floor with the Tories.
I dont have a problem with his policies apart from his brexit stance and his unionism. But it looks like conference is going to sort out labours brexit approach so that should be ok.
I cant really see those characters as left wing unless you compare them to Blair. Poor old Michael Foot was the last labour leader to scare the tory establishment this much.He was treated shamefully by the press.

Well, Blair was Labour's most successful leader ever for a reason. Because he was able to attract support from the Middle Class.

Labour can't be a second party AND be the party of the 19th century working class. It's just not possible. They need to decide what they want to be. Really a split would be better, the unelectables go off playing their solidarity and then leave actual politics to those who can.
They are two different parties at the moment. and a split would be best.
For who?
Its a political issue not a religious issue.
Except where criticism of Israel is smeared as anti Semitic.
Everyone wih a brain cell can see that its just a right wing campaign to undermine Corbyn because he is leading in the polls.

If I were a Tory I wouldn't care about the polls. Corbyn is unelectable unless the Tories do something stupid.
What more stupid things do the Tories dave to?
Interestingly enough, all these antisemitism smears have had little if any effect on voting intentions, Tories will vote Tory regardless, Labour supporters will vote Labour regardless, and of the remaining population, most don't care one way or the other, they vote on policies that are in their best interests and how they perceive the personalities involved, polls are by and large meaningless.
Labour is ahead in polls amid Chequers backlash

Despite an unprecedented media smear campaign against Comrade Corbyn it appears that labour support is holding strong whilst the tory vote is evaporating.

We will be voting before xmas in my opinion, a great opportunity to rid ourselves of a corrupt and dishonest regime.

Corbyn is the sort of guy who's good at campaigning. He spends his whole time campaigning instead of fighting the Tories. But people see him for what his is, a twatty politician. A guy who lives and breathes politics. A guy who loves knocking on doors, a guy who loves telling everyone about his fantasy utopia. About things that don't really matter to normal people.

A guy who people will not elect to be PM. He's too left wing for that. He follows in a great line of Labour leaders too left wing to get elected.

Milliband, Smith, Kinnock and quite a few that came before him.

Yes, he took Labour from being no hopers to almost rans in the last election. But really, with similar conditions to 1997, he should have wiped the floor with the Tories.
I dont have a problem with his policies apart from his brexit stance and his unionism. But it looks like conference is going to sort out labours brexit approach so that should be ok.
I cant really see those characters as left wing unless you compare them to Blair. Poor old Michael Foot was the last labour leader to scare the tory establishment this much.He was treated shamefully by the press.

Well, Blair was Labour's most successful leader ever for a reason. Because he was able to attract support from the Middle Class.

Labour can't be a second party AND be the party of the 19th century working class. It's just not possible. They need to decide what they want to be. Really a split would be better, the unelectables go off playing their solidarity and then leave actual politics to those who can.

Blair was successful because the first thing he did was to kow tow to the Murdoch media empire; get Murdoch on side and you have a much smoother ride, forget your principles and beliefs along the way, though.

I'm not sure Blair had principles per se.

At the same time Labour have two choices.

1) Have principles and abide by them at all times, in opposition
2) Have principles and be able to put a few of them into practice while being popular enough with policies that the middle classes like, in government.

They can't be principled and in government. But they don't seem to understand this.
Labour is ahead in polls amid Chequers backlash

Despite an unprecedented media smear campaign against Comrade Corbyn it appears that labour support is holding strong whilst the tory vote is evaporating.

We will be voting before xmas in my opinion, a great opportunity to rid ourselves of a corrupt and dishonest regime.

Corbyn is the sort of guy who's good at campaigning. He spends his whole time campaigning instead of fighting the Tories. But people see him for what his is, a twatty politician. A guy who lives and breathes politics. A guy who loves knocking on doors, a guy who loves telling everyone about his fantasy utopia. About things that don't really matter to normal people.

A guy who people will not elect to be PM. He's too left wing for that. He follows in a great line of Labour leaders too left wing to get elected.

Milliband, Smith, Kinnock and quite a few that came before him.

Yes, he took Labour from being no hopers to almost rans in the last election. But really, with similar conditions to 1997, he should have wiped the floor with the Tories.
I dont have a problem with his policies apart from his brexit stance and his unionism. But it looks like conference is going to sort out labours brexit approach so that should be ok.
I cant really see those characters as left wing unless you compare them to Blair. Poor old Michael Foot was the last labour leader to scare the tory establishment this much.He was treated shamefully by the press.

Well, Blair was Labour's most successful leader ever for a reason. Because he was able to attract support from the Middle Class.

Labour can't be a second party AND be the party of the 19th century working class. It's just not possible. They need to decide what they want to be. Really a split would be better, the unelectables go off playing their solidarity and then leave actual politics to those who can.
They are two different parties at the moment. and a split would be best.
For who?

Well, under FPTP it would be the Tories. That's why it's such a bad system.
Its a political issue not a religious issue.
Except where criticism of Israel is smeared as anti Semitic.
Everyone wih a brain cell can see that its just a right wing campaign to undermine Corbyn because he is leading in the polls.

If I were a Tory I wouldn't care about the polls. Corbyn is unelectable unless the Tories do something stupid.
What more stupid things do the Tories dave to?

Well that's how bad Corbyn really is. That he's not doing well when the Tories are being so bad, with infighting, messing it all up.
Labour is ahead in polls amid Chequers backlash

Despite an unprecedented media smear campaign against Comrade Corbyn it appears that labour support is holding strong whilst the tory vote is evaporating.

We will be voting before xmas in my opinion, a great opportunity to rid ourselves of a corrupt and dishonest regime.

Corbyn is the sort of guy who's good at campaigning. He spends his whole time campaigning instead of fighting the Tories. But people see him for what his is, a twatty politician. A guy who lives and breathes politics. A guy who loves knocking on doors, a guy who loves telling everyone about his fantasy utopia. About things that don't really matter to normal people.

A guy who people will not elect to be PM. He's too left wing for that. He follows in a great line of Labour leaders too left wing to get elected.

Milliband, Smith, Kinnock and quite a few that came before him.

Yes, he took Labour from being no hopers to almost rans in the last election. But really, with similar conditions to 1997, he should have wiped the floor with the Tories.
I dont have a problem with his policies apart from his brexit stance and his unionism. But it looks like conference is going to sort out labours brexit approach so that should be ok.
I cant really see those characters as left wing unless you compare them to Blair. Poor old Michael Foot was the last labour leader to scare the tory establishment this much.He was treated shamefully by the press.

Well, Blair was Labour's most successful leader ever for a reason. Because he was able to attract support from the Middle Class.

Labour can't be a second party AND be the party of the 19th century working class. It's just not possible. They need to decide what they want to be. Really a split would be better, the unelectables go off playing their solidarity and then leave actual politics to those who can.
They are two different parties at the moment. and a split would be best.
For who?
For everyone. Its becoming clear that the Blairites are being marginalised and the party is spending more time fighting each other than fighting the tories. Let the right wingers set up a new SDP and make a clean break.
Its a political issue not a religious issue.
Except where criticism of Israel is smeared as anti Semitic.
Everyone wih a brain cell can see that its just a right wing campaign to undermine Corbyn because he is leading in the polls.

If I were a Tory I wouldn't care about the polls. Corbyn is unelectable unless the Tories do something stupid.
What more stupid things do the Tories dave to?

Well that's how bad Corbyn really is. That he's not doing well when the Tories are being so bad, with infighting, messing it all up.

OK, given he was a "new" leader, had just about all MSM against him and "Blairites" in his own party trying to undermine him during the election, I think he did remarkably well. He believes Labour is a "broad church" capable of accepting multiple viewpoints, pity the Blairite faction prefers to try to fight their own party rather than fight the Tories. Maybe Tommy is right, Labour should purge them but if they did, it would just create the impression of a shift to the far-left and another smear campaign.
The Corbynistas should be the ones to breakaway and form their own party.
They could call themselves the Red Green Aliance, or simply the Communist Party.

It isn’t the ‘normal’ Labour politicians and members who should have to give up their name and start again.

In other news, another of Jezzas undeclared trips - a meeting with senior Hamas officials - has been uncovered. No doubt there are more to come :eek:

Jeremy Corbyn referred to watchdog over 2010 Hamas visit
Henry Zeffman, Political Correspondent

August 21 2018, 12:00am, The Times

Khaled Abu-Arafah and Muhammad Totah of Hamas with Jeremy Corbyn
Jeremy Corbyn has been reported to parliament’s ethics watchdog for the third time in a week over claims that he failed to declare another controversial visit to the Middle East.

In November 2010 Mr Corbyn visited Israel and the West Bank with the lobby group Middle East Monitor and met two parties of Hamas officials. He failed to declare in the Commons register that the trip had been funded by Middle East Monitor and another group, Friends of Al-aqsa. An Israeli television channel, i24News, uncovered the trip...

Jeremy Corbyn referred to watchdog over 2010 Hamas visit
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The Corbynistas should be the ones to breakaway and form their own party.
They could call themselves the Red Green Aliance, or simply the Communist Party.

It isn’t the ‘normal’ Labour politicians and members who should have to give up their name and start again.

In other news, another of Jezzas undeclared trips - a meeting with senior Hamas officials - has been uncovered.

Cue smear campaign...GO! BTW, I'm a "normal member" of the Labour Party and I don't care who he has met and when. Politicians meet all sorts, Teresa May, for example, has met the King of Saudi Arabia, responsible for mass murder in Yemen.
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Except where criticism of Israel is smeared as anti Semitic.
Everyone wih a brain cell can see that its just a right wing campaign to undermine Corbyn because he is leading in the polls.

If I were a Tory I wouldn't care about the polls. Corbyn is unelectable unless the Tories do something stupid.
What more stupid things do the Tories dave to?

Well that's how bad Corbyn really is. That he's not doing well when the Tories are being so bad, with infighting, messing it all up.

OK, given he was a "new" leader, had just about all MSM against him and "Blairites" in his own party trying to undermine him during the election, I think he did remarkably well. He believes Labour is a "broad church" capable of accepting multiple viewpoints, pity the Blairite faction prefers to try to fight their own party rather than fight the Tories. Maybe Tommy is right, Labour should purge them but if they did, it would just create the impression of a shift to the far-left and another smear campaign.

But isn't the role of a party leader to unite the party, get the media on his side, and win elections?

You're taking all the things he's failed at, and using them to show how well he's done.

Whereas I take all the things he's failed at and use them to show how shit he's done.
I'm a "normal member" of the Labour Party .

Yes, you are an unintelligent true believer who views those who reject Jeremy Corbyn's support for the worst sort of Islamist filth imaginable as a "smear".

He joins in celebrating the mass murder of Jews, yet you "don't care" while dishonestly referring to such participation as a mere meeting. If he ripped off the head of a Jewish baby on live t.v. while chanting Alahu Akhbar, I'm sure you would just continue on with your stupid defense of his actions because all that matters if that you are part of tribe labor and he is head of tribe labor and fealty to tribe is all that matters in your childish little world.
Except where criticism of Israel is smeared as anti Semitic.
Everyone wih a brain cell can see that its just a right wing campaign to undermine Corbyn because he is leading in the polls.

If I were a Tory I wouldn't care about the polls. Corbyn is unelectable unless the Tories do something stupid.
What more stupid things do the Tories dave to?

Well that's how bad Corbyn really is. That he's not doing well when the Tories are being so bad, with infighting, messing it all up.

OK, given he was a "new" leader, had just about all MSM against him and "Blairites" in his own party trying to undermine him during the election, I think he did remarkably well. He believes Labour is a "broad church" capable of accepting multiple viewpoints, pity the Blairite faction prefers to try to fight their own party rather than fight the Tories. Maybe Tommy is right, Labour should purge them but if they did, it would just create the impression of a shift to the far-left and another smear campaign.
Im not a labour member but I have voted for labour in the past. Im not sure purge is the right word. My view is that once conference has made a decision thats it. You have to back a slate of policies, some of which might not be to your tatse.

The thing is that Corbyns policies are pretty moderate in the main. Its just that the UK has a frothing murdoch media that has had its own way for too long.

There are too many inside the party,in prominent positions, who are chirping away for their own ends. The bogus anti Semitism "scandal" was like manna from heaven to them and they are the people who need removing.

Tom Watson ,for example, spends more time undermining Labour than he does the tories.
Everyone wih a brain cell can see that its just a right wing campaign to undermine Corbyn because he is leading in the polls.

If I were a Tory I wouldn't care about the polls. Corbyn is unelectable unless the Tories do something stupid.
What more stupid things do the Tories dave to?

Well that's how bad Corbyn really is. That he's not doing well when the Tories are being so bad, with infighting, messing it all up.

OK, given he was a "new" leader, had just about all MSM against him and "Blairites" in his own party trying to undermine him during the election, I think he did remarkably well. He believes Labour is a "broad church" capable of accepting multiple viewpoints, pity the Blairite faction prefers to try to fight their own party rather than fight the Tories. Maybe Tommy is right, Labour should purge them but if they did, it would just create the impression of a shift to the far-left and another smear campaign.
Im not a labour member but I have voted for labour in the past. Im not sure purge is the right word. My view is that once conference has made a decision thats it. You have to back a slate of policies, some of which might not be to your tatse.

The thing is that Corbyns policies are pretty moderate in the main. Its just that the UK has a frothing murdoch media that has had its own way for too long.

There are too many inside the party,in prominent positions, who are chirping away for their own ends. The bogus anti Semitism "scandal" was like manna from heaven to them and they are the people who need removing.

Tom Watson ,for example, spends more time undermining Labour than he does the tories.
Lol. There is no smear campaign. Corbyn is a terrorist supporter and an antisemite and has been his entire adult life. That you deny this in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary says a lot about you.

He’s also a security risk and many nations, including Saudi Arabia and no doubt America, would no longer even give us intel on terrorism if the terrorist supporting antisemitic weasel Corbyn were PM, since it is obvious to anyone with even just a modicum of sense, that he could not be trusted with it and would probably leak it to his pals the Iranians.

The ideological nutcase who at 70 years of age still behaves like an 18 year old pimply boy in his first year at Uni -oh wait - Corbyn doesn’t even have an education to speak of and neither does the woman he appointed shadow education minister - has gone as far as he will be allowed.
Everyone wih a brain cell can see that its just a right wing campaign to undermine Corbyn because he is leading in the polls.

If I were a Tory I wouldn't care about the polls. Corbyn is unelectable unless the Tories do something stupid.
What more stupid things do the Tories dave to?

Well that's how bad Corbyn really is. That he's not doing well when the Tories are being so bad, with infighting, messing it all up.

OK, given he was a "new" leader, had just about all MSM against him and "Blairites" in his own party trying to undermine him during the election, I think he did remarkably well. He believes Labour is a "broad church" capable of accepting multiple viewpoints, pity the Blairite faction prefers to try to fight their own party rather than fight the Tories. Maybe Tommy is right, Labour should purge them but if they did, it would just create the impression of a shift to the far-left and another smear campaign.

But isn't the role of a party leader to unite the party, get the media on his side, and win elections?

You're taking all the things he's failed at, and using them to show how well he's done.

Whereas I take all the things he's failed at and use them to show how shit he's done.
Yes, but all of that takes time. The party is united, except for a small fanatical Blairite faction that's getting more MSM coverage than they deserve, we have almost 600,000 card carrying members and are the largest political party in the UK. In 2017, for the first time in decades, we've raised more financial contributions than the Tories (most of Tory contributions come from bequests from dead people it seems!). We started 20 points down and are now ahead in the polls. The Tories and Right wing MSM are terrified that there is a sea change coming which is why we are getting all this negative attention. I'm sorry if doing the impossible is not enough for you, unfortunately miracles take a bit longer. :)
... has gone as far as he will be allowed.

Now that's a telling line..."allowed". Thanks for confirming that all this is a desperate attempt by the right wing in the UK to stop Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour party from forming the next government. I think it will be up to the public at large to determine who is "allowed" to govern, not some shadowy fascist clique deciding who is and is not "allowed" to govern.

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