Breaking! A massive racketeering and money laundering conspiracy involving at least 9 Biden family members to be revealed Wednesday

A guy who just hung around forever and has amassed great illegal wealth while persecuting others for far less and does not know where he is half the time snd is surrounded by garish like kind family leeches.
Is it sorta like Market Crash Monday?

Here's the deal OP....Since you posted two threads on the same thing I think that if nothing happens on Wednesday you should self-ban for a month.
Key words Biden family members. I do not see Joe Biden by name in this urgent TWEET. Still if they did that why are there no legal actions in a court. Republican in congress cannot do anything. They can just make laws. Congress cannot do anything that is between individuals not in office. They will try to connect this to Joe but I don't see where they are even saying this.
They’re getting ready to drop it all. Paul Sperry is a well reputable reporter who doesnll't post bullshit. Garland and Wray are about to be under serious pressure to do something about this.

A well reputable reporter, LMAO. Hoover Institute propagandist is what he is. Let's look at his archive,

Biden this, Clinton that, Adam Schiff got me kicked off tweeter. And of course, "woke" is mentioned. I would say the man is obsessed.

The reason we are waiting till Wednesday is that is when the committee is going to have a press conference. Hell, how many have they already had? BENGAZI, BENGAZI, BENGAZI. I mean for the love of Pete, when is Congress going to start doing their damn job, last I checked, it ain't investigating because they have no teeth.

Here is a quote for you.

Comer said he and Grassley have given the FBI until May 10 to produce the document showing the scheme, and now the "ball is in the FBI's court.

Hell, that is Newsmax no less. Comer giving ultimatums to the FBI, what a hoot. What is this magic document? Why doesn't the committee have it? I mean this committee is one shit show fiasco and a massive waste of taxpayer money.
They’re getting ready to drop it all. Paul Sperry is a well reputable reporter who doesn't post bullshit. Garland and Wray are about to be under serious pressure to do something about this.

Wanna bet a month's self ban if this happens on Wednesday as you claim in two threads?
They’re getting ready to drop it all. Paul Sperry is a well reputable reporter who doesn't post bullshit. Garland and Wray are about to be under serious pressure to do something about this.
Now imagine if they pulled the bank records for the $2 billion the Clintons took in.
Key words Biden family members. I do not see Joe Biden by name in this urgent TWEET. Still if they did that why are there no legal actions in a court. Republican in congress cannot do anything. They can just make laws. Congress cannot do anything that is between individuals not in office. They will try to connect this to Joe but I don't see where they are even saying this.
The mob boss is always the last to fall, ratted out by one of his capo's.
Oh no!

What happened with Hunter being locked up last week?
the voters will know about the Biden family corruption election time ... the left wont be able to successfully lie and cover for them this time around ! notice i said successfully ..because the left and the msm will still lie .

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