Breaking! A massive racketeering and money laundering conspiracy involving at least 9 Biden family members to be revealed Wednesday

Hey, take every small victory you can get.

At least when the entire world sees the evidence against the Bidens it will make it harder for Democrats, snowflakes, MSM, trolls, and bots to lie about it.

Of course, if Garland / the DOJ refuse to prosecute the entire left will claim 'fake news', 'never happened unless there is / was a conviction'.

Literally nothing in the world makes it harder for Democrats to lie.

It's in their DNA.

Biden Crime Family Financial Scandal Is “Biggest Foreign Corruption Scandal in American History” that Now Reaches All the Way to the Oval Office (VIDEO)

'We’ve now received since we filed that FOIA and since we filed a lawsuit to compel document production, we’ve now received three tranches of emails that have been stunning. Whether it’s been showing the vice president’s use of personal email, which is of course, forbidden, but also showing extensive, continuous collaboration and communication between the (then) Vice President’s government office and Hunter Biden and his advisors. You cannot tell where Hunter Biden’s consulting firm ends and where Joe Biden’s office begins. They communicated and coordinated press statements, on official foreign travel and foreign visits.'
Miller believes the Biden DOJ will indict Hunter on some low-level crime in order to shield Hunter and Joe Biden from further discovery. Stephen Miller says House Republicans will have to pursue AG Merrick Garland’s impeachment in order to compel discovery.,16226,16198.html

Remember the reported story about about security assessment information provided to Hunter's business partners / associates, how experts stated the verbiage looked like it came right off US Intel assessment reports, and the info was not written in Hunter's style based on his previous correspondence?

Joe Biden stole classified dating back to his time as Senator and as VP...

Comer and Grassly have evidence of Hunter meeting with Blinken just prior to trips on AF One with the Big Guy to Ukraine and other locations.

I don"t know everything Comer and Grassly have, but it sure sounds like the Big Guy engaged in espionage and crackhead sold / gave classified info to Burisma and maybe others...

If Joe Biden was willing to take cash for getting specific legislation passed, as they claim to have evidence of him doing, providing a little US classified info as well wouldn't be out of the question.
So? Until the 'media' is held accountable and judges as well, it doesn't matter. We know that the Biden's and most democrats are everything that they say Trump is. So? Only Trump and his supporter pay the price. Democrats are immune from being the actual pieces of shit.
It's good to own the DOJ and have partisanly weaponized almost all of the other Federal agencies....and now people see that more than just USSC Justice appointments matter.
What the 'media' says about it is just as important. That is changing as fewer and fewer people believe television and print(is that really a thing still) media. Only the laziest of us. But we still have such a shitty education system. That seems to be changing in the future too, but not pertinent to the next election.
Remember the reported story about about security assessment information provided to Hunter's business partners / associates, how experts stated the verbiage looked like it came right off US Intel assessment reports, and the info was not written in Hunter's style based on his previous correspondence?

Joe Biden stole classified dating back to his time as Senator and as VP...

Comer and Grassly have evidence of Hunter meeting with Blinken just prior to trips on AF One with the Big Guy to Ukraine and other locations.

I don"t know everything Comer and Grassly have, but it sure sounds like the Big Guy engaged in espionage and crackhead sold / gave classified info to Burisma and maybe others...

If Joe Biden was willing to take cash for getting specific legislation passed, as they claim to have evidence of him doing, providing a little US classified info as well wouldn't be out of the question.

It is quaint that people still think that Democrats are ever held accountable
The house committee has told the DOJ to NOT CHARGE HUNTER UNTIL WE ARE THRU ON WED.

But if the DOJ does...they are ready to implement plan B.

Through with what?
They have nothing to show for their investigation
And here's bidens defense in court...

They’re getting ready to drop it all. Paul Sperry is a well reputable reporter who doesn't post bullshit. Garland and Wray are about to be under serious pressure to do something about this.

You have to be joking, Sperry has previously been the Washington Bureau Chief at Investor's Business Daily and the far-right conspiracy website WorldNetDaily. He has written columns for The Wall Street Journal, and appeared on Fox News as well as other media outlets. He currently regularly writes op-ed pieces for the New York Post.[3][4] Paul Sperry HE IS JUST ANOTHER Q anon Loonie.
They’re getting ready to drop it all. Paul Sperry is a well reputable reporter who doesn't post bullshit. Garland and Wray are about to be under serious pressure to do something about this.

Okay, and? Is this the president? Probably not.

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