Breaking! A massive racketeering and money laundering conspiracy involving at least 9 Biden family members to be revealed Wednesday

The mob boss is always the last to fall, ratted out by one of his capo's.

Even ratting out requires some credibility from the rat. Proof is definitive when you have signed documents and hearsay is hearsay and credibility is required when in the court. IF you have proof of signed documents then present it.

Still the congress investigation is by what they say is one on Biden family business dealings. They do not mention Joe Biden. Trump owned businesses in NY that he leased to Russians while he was president. Trump as president wanted a hot line directly with Putin. Trump as president had a secret meeting with Putin that no one knows what was discussed. Yet republicans ignore that.

IF joe Biden was part of it then where is the contract as this is a business transaction. Also if Joe Biden was a citizen at the time then there is no crime. If the China deal was never was finalized then it means nothing.

Trump still faces the Georgia issue of fake electors. You see at least 4 people are willing to rat him out.

Joe Biden is a politician and he is not stupid enough to be involved in business dealing of other family members when he had aspirations to become President.

Trump is a business man who wants to play the president game.

...Illegal Biden Family Financial Transactions...

...Possible FBI documents prove Joe Biden Involvement...

...WH Bans WP Reporter from event as indictment looms...

...Whistleblower says there is evidrnce of a criminal scheme involving Joe Biden, but it seems this claim may depend on the FBI turning over a form supposedly in theiir possession. If the FBI claims it has no such form or refuses to turn it over this could turn into a case of 'He said - she said', the whistle lower's word versus the FBI's.

If the GOP intends on making such MASSIVE criminal accusations against the sitting President of the United States they better have an air-tight case. Comer believes they do.

Despite the case seeming extremely strong, especially considering the sources of much of tbe evidence, we will all see for ourselves in about 30 hours.

Tick tok, tick tok

...Illegal Biden Family Financial Transactions...

...Possible FBI documents prove Joe Biden Involvement...

...WH Bans WP Reporter from event as indictment looms...

...Whistleblower says there is evidrnce of a criminal scheme involving Joe Biden, but it seems this claim may depend on the FBI turning over a form supposedly in theiir possession. If the FBI claims it has no such form or refuses to turn it over this could turn into a case of 'He said - she said', the whistle lower's word versus the FBI's.

If the GOP intends on making such MASSIVE criminal accusations against the sitting President of the United States they better have an air-tight case. Comer believes they do.

Despite the case seeming extremely strong, especially considering the sources of much of tbe evidence, we will all see for ourselves in about 30 hours.

Tick tok, tick tok
What time tomorrow will Comer present his evidence? And will it be in a speech to us, or a presentation before Congress?

And I wonder if the liberal media will cover this massive news - evidence that the sitting president is part of a bribery operation, receiving and laundering money from enemy countries - or will try to suppress it.

Biden is now a liability to the Democrat Party. I suspect they will finally allow the truth to come out.
What time tomorrow will Comer present his evidence? And will it be in a speech to us, or a presentation before Congress?

And I wonder if the liberal media will cover this massive news - evidence that the sitting president is part of a bribery operation, receiving and laundering money from enemy countries - or will try to suppress it.

Biden is now a liability to the Democrat Party. I suspect they will finally allow the truth to come out.
You just don't get it cartoon character, it will be a lie or a complete distortion. Just someone saying the Biden did something. Something that anyone can do about anyone. With the one thing that is always missing from the MAGA Maggots, proof. As in proof that will stand up in court.
What time tomorrow will Comer present his evidence? And will it be in a speech to us, or a presentation before Congress?

And I wonder if the liberal media will cover this massive news - evidence that the sitting president is part of a bribery operation, receiving and laundering money from enemy countries - or will try to suppress it.

Biden is now a liability to the Democrat Party. I suspect they will finally allow the truth to come out.
Comer has already been asked for his evidence, he has none
They’re getting ready to drop it all. Paul Sperry is a well reputable reporter who doesn't post bullshit. Garland and Wray are about to be under serious pressure to do something about this.

Almost Wednesday....I am so giddy with excitement
A guy who just hung around forever and has amassed great illegal wealth while persecuting others for far less and does not know where he is half the time snd is surrounded by garish like kind family leeches.

What great wealth is Joe amassed. He has a nice House in Delaware, and a beach House? The house in Delaware had a mortgage on it when he retired.

50 years in public service, and the guy didn’t even have his house paid for. Biden isn’t under investigation for evading taxes, laundering, money, or lying to banks.

But Donald Trump, who is being arrested, charged, or is under investigation to for all of this and more, is being persecuted by his political enemies. Trump was in the middle of $100 million plus fraud trial when he was elected president.

But you keep believing that Joe Biden is the criminal here. That’s really working well for you.
Key words Biden family members. I do not see Joe Biden by name in this urgent TWEET. Still if they did that why are there no legal actions in a court. Republican in congress cannot do anything. They can just make laws. Congress cannot do anything that is between individuals not in office. They will try to connect this to Joe but I don't see where they are even saying this.
Comer said it includes money that went directly to Joe.
Oh no!

What happened with Hunter being locked up last week?
Yeah, i saw that guy make a thread about it last week. I knew he was wrong before it even went down. Hunter will be going to jail though. Tomorrow Comer is going to show that they hid MILLIONS from the IRS. Its WAAAY more money than the 1.5 million from China that they were talking about last month.
A well reputable reporter, LMAO. Hoover Institute propagandist is what he is. Let's look at his archive,

Biden this, Clinton that, Adam Schiff got me kicked off tweeter. And of course, "woke" is mentioned. I would say the man is obsessed.

The reason we are waiting till Wednesday is that is when the committee is going to have a press conference. Hell, how many have they already had? BENGAZI, BENGAZI, BENGAZI. I mean for the love of Pete, when is Congress going to start doing their damn job, last I checked, it ain't investigating because they have no teeth.

Here is a quote for you.

Comer said he and Grassley have given the FBI until May 10 to produce the document showing the scheme, and now the "ball is in the FBI's court.

Hell, that is Newsmax no less. Comer giving ultimatums to the FBI, what a hoot. What is this magic document? Why doesn't the committee have it? I mean this committee is one shit show fiasco and a massive waste of taxpayer money.
Man, they are going to look really stupid tomorrow if your post is right, but if your post is wrong, YOU are going to look really stupid tomorrow. :laugh:
What great wealth is Joe amassed. He has a nice House in Delaware, and a beach House? The house in Delaware had a mortgage on it when he retired.

50 years in public service, and the guy didn’t even have his house paid for. Biden isn’t under investigation for evading taxes, laundering, money, or lying to banks.

But Donald Trump, who is being arrested, charged, or is under investigation to for all of this and more, is being persecuted by his political enemies. Trump was in the middle of $100 million plus fraud trial when he was elected president.

But you keep believing that Joe Biden is the criminal here. That’s really working well for you.
What leads you to believe Biden is NOT a criminal? Every week they find new payments from corrupt foreign governments, and not one time have the Biden's offered an explanation for it. They are being exposed as corrupt and they say nothing. They have no defense whatsoever.

If YOU were doing legitimate business and there were people accusing you of corruption, wouldnt you just show the world the legitimate business that you were doing? The Biden's offer nothing. They are taking the 5th.

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