BREAKING: A NATO state has started shooting down Muscovite drones over Ukrainian airspace.


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Historic first footage of directly NATO v putin´s 🇷🇺🇸🇦empire combat ever. Oops , I was wrong Turkey shot down a Muscovite fighter jet just a few years ago :thup:
A very good start - Romania (NATO state) began to protect itself. Perhaps Poland will follow suit.:thup:

More propaganda coming out of ukraine.
really ? one for sure, your propaganda is coming from MAGA politburo directly

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The troll is worthless .
Must be desperate to work for such a low grade company
The Ukraine war is a tough one. Sponge Brains Shits Pants encouraged it with his "Minor Incursion" remark, Ukraine is fighting Russian scum (their leadership is for sure. The men, sometimes) for their very existence, and there is no doubt people are getting filthy rich off the Taxpayers' backs. I can't speak to Europe, they may be more more honest than dimocrap scum. But, then again, who isn't?

Putin was a Colonel in the Communist KGB of the Soviet Union. People, you didn't work for the KGB, much less rise to the rank of Colonel, if you weren't a totally dedicated communist.

He hasn't changed much since his days in the KGB. Everything with communists is a "Head-On" collision. They use force with everything, on everyone they're not afraid of. On anyone they think they can defeat.

I see the War in Ukraine as a continuation of the War against communism. For that reason alone, it is worth defending Ukraine.

Anybody that wants to fight communism and/or communists should be provided with any support they need.

I think we should give the Ukes some of those F-117's we have just sitting around costing us money. Maybe a B-1 or two, some F-15s and 8 or 10 F-22 Raptors. The Raptors would absolutely freak the Russkies out. They'd shit themselves

And some technicians to help arm those old Soviet Nukes they got laying there. Betcha. I'd bet a beer they still got some but the Soviets had a pretty good code on them that keeps the Ukes locked out.

Free them up and give them a delivery system and we're all set -- BOOM! No more commies to worry about.

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