Breaking: AG Lynch To Accept Whatever Recommendation FBI Makes On Bringing Charges Against Hillary

Indictments coming down any day now, any day................................................................


This is a big deal. Comey may have told Lynch that they have the goods on Clinton—emails and the Clinton Foundation—and that if DOJ attempts to block an indictment, he will resign and go public. Lynch gets out of the way with Obama’s approval so they can replace Hillary with a Biden/Warren ticket. It is becoming apparent that Hillary is a poor candidate who will lose in November. Also, Obama wants to remain in control of the Dem party thru his surrogate, Biden.

Or Lynch already knows the fix is in at the FBI to exonerate Hillary and that it is better optics for Lynch to remove herself now from the case to make it appear there is no political influence. She met with Bill knowing the firestorm it would create among the Reps and Trump. Lynch now has the pretext for removing herself from the case. Bill was in on the charade knowing what the reaction would be. Hillary will be interviewed and then exonerated. Some of her aides may be used as scapegoats and then pardoned by Obama after the election.
Indictments coming down any day now, any day................................................................


That's right go back to your drug induced coma
Have you expressed any of your own thoughts on this matter?

Why, yes. Just yesterday I announced my candidacy for President of the United States, promising that within my first 100 days in office I will order the Justice Department to immediately take the Hillary Clinton probe to a Grand Jury for indictment. See the link in my signature.

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