Breaking and entering is a crime


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

Breaking and entering is a crime. But it’s “inhumane” to round up those who broke into this country illegally and deport them. If someone broke into Brad Woodhouse home he would call the police, have them arrested and put in jail. He could even stand his ground and shoot them if he feels threatened. Illegal aliens are here doing us harm by stealing jobs, our identities and using our tax money for their children’s education and medical care. We need to deal with them as we would someone breaking and entering our homes. We can deport them without “rounding them up” which is stupid phrase. Getting them to leave is as simple as enforcing our immigration laws against businesses that hire them. Many are already “self deporting” because of the economy which they also broke. Less are entering, more are being deported and self deporting does not speak for the 11 million that are still here, stealing jobs, lowering waged and using tax payers money for education and healthcare.
Low wage earners and uneducated unskilled workers does harm to the economy and both parties ignore that fact. I the 11 million illegal aliens contributed to the economy then why is the economy been failing with high unemployment, record number of people on food stamp and welfare? Obama and the gang of 8 speaks with forked tongues. There is an unholy alliance between politicians, illegal aliens and corporations that are addicted to cheap labor. An alliance that will destroy this country.
Obama attended town hall meetings in illegal aliens and Hispanics but not with Chicago’s inner city Afro-Americans who are hurting the most by the presence of illegal aliens taking jobs and lowering wages. Afro-American that elected him 2 times.
Our Constitution holds, and this a rule of law: "No one is above the law". Not presidents or congressmen or immigrants or fill in the blank. People that immigrate illegally are breaking a law. It's that simple. And they should be held accountable. Our laws don’t allow for exceptions.
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If you want to convince Mexicans in California, Texas, etc... they are breaking american laws you have first to convince them they ARE in the United States.
You can thank the business community for employing those that B&E, then you can thank our politicians for being greedy enough to do what business wants after the lobbyist throws money in their pockets.
José;7739430 said:
If you want to convince Mexicans in California, Texas, etc... they are breaking american laws you have first to convince them they ARE in the United States.

Evidently those people from Mexico think that Mexico is such a rotten place they no longer want to be part of Mexico.
BREAKING AND ENTERING IS A CRIME.....Yes breaking and entering is a crime if it happens in regards to a home or business, but entering the US illegally is only a misdemeanor, about the same punishment as Jaywalking. If you feel you want entering the US illegally upgraded to a felony then your congressman will have to include this in any New Immigration Law. Now we all know that won't happen.
BREAKING AND ENTERING IS A CRIME.....Yes breaking and entering is a crime if it happens in regards to a home or business, but entering the US illegally is only a misdemeanor, about the same punishment as Jaywalking. If you feel you want entering the US illegally upgraded to a felony then your congressman will have to include this in any New Immigration Law. Now we all know that won't happen.
Yes a misdemeanor but the restitution is "deportation" not the same for Jaywalking.

Deportation Is Only Restitution, Not Punishment | Center for Immigration Studies
BREAKING AND ENTERING IS A CRIME.....Yes breaking and entering is a crime if it happens in regards to a home or business, but entering the US illegally is only a misdemeanor, about the same punishment as Jaywalking. If you feel you want entering the US illegally upgraded to a felony then your congressman will have to include this in any New Immigration Law. Now we all know that won't happen.
Yes a misdemeanor but the restitution is "deportation" not the same for Jaywalking.

It would be if you were here illegally.
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