BREAKING: Another Twitter Files Drop: How Twitter Rigged the COVID Debate


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2012
It's interesting to see most conspiracy theories come true!

Elon Musk on Monday released another Twitter files drop: How Twitter rigged the Covid debate:

– By censoring info that was true but inconvenient to US government policy
– By discrediting doctors and other experts who disagreed
– By suppressing ordinary users, including some sharing the CDC’s *own data

They are attempting Big Brother type control of a free nation because they know their whole house of cards will tumble if we blast the truth out.
The DC UNiparty plans for medical tyranny & economic destruction are necessary to usher in a reset where they promise Huxley & deliver Orwell
They are attempting Big Brother type control of a free nation because they know their whole house of cards will tumble if we blast the truth out.
The DC UNiparty plans for medical tyranny & economic destruction are necessary to usher in a reset where they promise Huxley & deliver Orwell

I agree.

And also, people who lied about Covid and the vaccines should be held accountable! the damage they have done is immense, somebody has to answer for these crimes!
If anything this disclosing of information by Elon Musk, bless him, shows all the lies, and discrediting and suppressing of the truth was NOT conspiracy at all, it was TRUTH. :clap:

It was a poison jab after all.
It's interesting to see most conspiracy theories come true!

Elon Musk on Monday released another Twitter files drop: How Twitter rigged the Covid debate:

– By censoring info that was true but inconvenient to US government policy
– By discrediting doctors and other experts who disagreed
– By suppressing ordinary users, including some sharing the CDC’s *own data

Obviously this whole ordeal was orchastrated by Trump in a desperate attempt to save his vaccine legacy. He knew if it got out that his vaccine was killing people he would be ostracized by his supporters and face potential jail time for murdering millions.

Trump has ruined the FBI with his behind the scenes mechanations so save his own ass.
Obviously this whole ordeal was orchastrated by Trump in a desperate attempt to save his vaccine legacy. He knew if it got out that his vaccine was killing people he would be ostracized by his supporters and face potential jail time for murdering millions.

Trump has ruined the FBI with his behind the scenes mechanations so save his own ass.

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