BREAKING : at lease 3 dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.


2 students killed, gunman dead after shooting at New Mexico high school
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DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.
Ya, the leftists planned the shooting! You must be deranged! Bring back corporal punishment. WE had no school shootings when I was a kid. We also had a paddle. Bring back the paddle and watch grades rise and the teachers will take back control of the school. kids today know parents have no power. We ground them and they just leave. We kick their ass for leaving when grounded and the parent goes to jail. Whaqt do we expect under this situation?
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.

Today when kids are bullied they fight back....look at Harris and Klebold. As Red said on Shawshank "everyman has his breaking point"
Just as another gun-rights bill is ready to go before Congress.

DEVELOPING: 3 dead, 15 injured following shooting at Aztec High School
DEVELOPING: 3 dead, 15 injured following shooting at Aztec High School

AZTEC, N.M. – New Mexico State Police say two students are dead following a shooting Thursday morning at Aztec High School in Aztec, New Mexico. The shooter is also dead. It is unknown at this time if the shooter is a student.

15 others are injured, according to a statement by the Navajo Nation Office of the President and Vice President. However, state police officials have not confirmed that...

...FBI and state police will be investigating the incident.
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.
Ya, the leftists planned the shooting! You must be deranged! Bring back corporal punishment. WE had no school shootings when I was a kid. We also had a paddle. Bring back the paddle and watch grades rise and the teachers will take back control of the school. kids today know parents have no power. We ground them and they just leave. We kick their ass for leaving when grounded and the parent goes to jail. Whaqt do we expect under this situation?

The left merely creates the atmosphere. The unstable take it from there. Then the left uses the situation to push their ant-gun agenda.
:desk:Paddles worked. Trust me...
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.
Ya, the leftists planned the shooting! You must be deranged! Bring back corporal punishment. WE had no school shootings when I was a kid. We also had a paddle. Bring back the paddle and watch grades rise and the teachers will take back control of the school. kids today know parents have no power. We ground them and they just leave. We kick their ass for leaving when grounded and the parent goes to jail. Whaqt do we expect under this situation?

The left merely creates the atmosphere. The unstable take it from there. Then the left uses the situation to push their ant-gun agenda.
:desk:Paddles worked. Trust me...
The left does not operate in a vacuum. That being said leave guns alone and bring back the paddle at school and home!
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.
Ya, the leftists planned the shooting! You must be deranged! Bring back corporal punishment. WE had no school shootings when I was a kid. We also had a paddle. Bring back the paddle and watch grades rise and the teachers will take back control of the school. kids today know parents have no power. We ground them and they just leave. We kick their ass for leaving when grounded and the parent goes to jail. Whaqt do we expect under this situation?

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.
Ya, the leftists planned the shooting! You must be deranged! Bring back corporal punishment. WE had no school shootings when I was a kid. We also had a paddle. Bring back the paddle and watch grades rise and the teachers will take back control of the school. kids today know parents have no power. We ground them and they just leave. We kick their ass for leaving when grounded and the parent goes to jail. Whaqt do we expect under this situation?

Your brain levels can't comprehend how INCIDENTS are takne and USED to get certain things accomplished ......

the more shooting that keep happening the more fuel it gives the SHEEP to use in order to make more gun laws THAT ARE ONLY USED AGAINST THOSE WHO OWN GUNS LEGALLY OR WANT TO OWN THEM LEGALLY.
here's a fkn NEWS FLASH criminals don't follow laws and get guns no matter how many laws are in place.

Another news flash :
I didn't spank my kids and they turned out alright..Fuck you and your corporal punishment fetish pervo..
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.
Ya, the leftists planned the shooting! You must be deranged! Bring back corporal punishment. WE had no school shootings when I was a kid. We also had a paddle. Bring back the paddle and watch grades rise and the teachers will take back control of the school. kids today know parents have no power. We ground them and they just leave. We kick their ass for leaving when grounded and the parent goes to jail. Whaqt do we expect under this situation?

The left merely creates the atmosphere. The unstable take it from there. Then the left uses the situation to push their ant-gun agenda.
:desk:Paddles worked. Trust me...
The left does not operate in a vacuum. That being said leave guns alone and bring back the paddle at school and home!

You leftist are victims of your own stupidity and haven't a clue how brainwashed all of you sheep are. lol

Another primary means of dumbing down America is through mass media. If the public is busily preoccupied with the superficial garbage spoon-fed to the masses every single day via television, movies, music, internet, video games that all act just as effective as the most potent drug dulling the senses and the brain, again an enormous control over the population is achieved and maintained. With so much entertainment as the modern day opiate to the masses to divert people’s attention, these weapons of mass distraction easily render people oblivious to see what is really happening in the world. Compound that with the lowest common denominator appealing to the most prurient interests such as pornography, crass materialism (using mind control techniques to manipulate consumers into spending money on false promises of sex, status and happiness), entertainment that dually serves as propaganda along with the mesmerizing effects captivated by sports that also draw enormous amounts of money, and the oligarchs have us right where they want us – numbed and dumbed.
I didn't spank my kids and they turned out alright..Fuck you and your corporal punishment fetish pervo..
Some kids you do not have to go there. You ground them and they take the grounding. I am n9ot saying it is the first place to go, but when all else fails a swat on the ass never hurt any body for long. Thanks for calling me a perv it is interesting how quick your mind went into the gutter!
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DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.

View attachment 164788

2 students killed, gunman dead after shooting at New Mexico high school

I'm sure it's one of those nice DACA kids.
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.
Ya, the leftists planned the shooting! You must be deranged! Bring back corporal punishment. WE had no school shootings when I was a kid. We also had a paddle. Bring back the paddle and watch grades rise and the teachers will take back control of the school. kids today know parents have no power. We ground them and they just leave. We kick their ass for leaving when grounded and the parent goes to jail. Whaqt do we expect under this situation?

The left merely creates the atmosphere. The unstable take it from there. Then the left uses the situation to push their ant-gun agenda.
:desk:Paddles worked. Trust me...
The left does not operate in a vacuum. That being said leave guns alone and bring back the paddle at school and home!

You leftist are victims of your own stupidity and haven't a clue how brainwashed all of you sheep are. lol

Another primary means of dumbing down America is through mass media. If the public is busily preoccupied with the superficial garbage spoon-fed to the masses every single day via television, movies, music, internet, video games that all act just as effective as the most potent drug dulling the senses and the brain, again an enormous control over the population is achieved and maintained. With so much entertainment as the modern day opiate to the masses to divert people’s attention, these weapons of mass distraction easily render people oblivious to see what is really happening in the world. Compound that with the lowest common denominator appealing to the most prurient interests such as pornography, crass materialism (using mind control techniques to manipulate consumers into spending money on false promises of sex, status and happiness), entertainment that dually serves as propaganda along with the mesmerizing effects captivated by sports that also draw enormous amounts of money, and the oligarchs have us right where they want us – numbed and dumbed.
I thought it was the confederate states which led the porn viewing stakes.
Poor uneducated white boys??
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.

View attachment 164788

2 students killed, gunman dead after shooting at New Mexico high school

I'm sure it's one of those nice DACA kids.
Terrible isn't it, these kids who are earning 10x what you ever did.
I think it was the muslims
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.
Ya, the leftists planned the shooting! You must be deranged! Bring back corporal punishment. WE had no school shootings when I was a kid. We also had a paddle. Bring back the paddle and watch grades rise and the teachers will take back control of the school. kids today know parents have no power. We ground them and they just leave. We kick their ass for leaving when grounded and the parent goes to jail. Whaqt do we expect under this situation?

The left merely creates the atmosphere. The unstable take it from there. Then the left uses the situation to push their ant-gun agenda.
:desk:Paddles worked. Trust me...
The left does not operate in a vacuum. That being said leave guns alone and bring back the paddle at school and home!

You leftist are victims of your own stupidity and haven't a clue how brainwashed all of you sheep are. lol

Another primary means of dumbing down America is through mass media. If the public is busily preoccupied with the superficial garbage spoon-fed to the masses every single day via television, movies, music, internet, video games that all act just as effective as the most potent drug dulling the senses and the brain, again an enormous control over the population is achieved and maintained. With so much entertainment as the modern day opiate to the masses to divert people’s attention, these weapons of mass distraction easily render people oblivious to see what is really happening in the world. Compound that with the lowest common denominator appealing to the most prurient interests such as pornography, crass materialism (using mind control techniques to manipulate consumers into spending money on false promises of sex, status and happiness), entertainment that dually serves as propaganda along with the mesmerizing effects captivated by sports that also draw enormous amounts of money, and the oligarchs have us right where they want us – numbed and dumbed.
I thought it was the confederate states which led the porn viewing stakes.
Poor uneducated white boys??

No. Navajo nation. Gang members and illegals who have flooded the reservations recruit the poor Indian kids.
I didn't spank my kids and they turned out alright..Fuck you and your corporal punishment fetish pervo..
Some kids you do not have to go there. You ground them and they take the grounding. I am n9ot saying it is the first place to go, but when all else fails a swat on the ass never hurt any body for long. Thanks for calling me a perv it is interesting how quick your mind went into the gutter!
It's the perp that's the perv not the voyeur..
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.

View attachment 164788

2 students killed, gunman dead after shooting at New Mexico high school
Paranoid pantywaist
Obama extended places where you can carry.
I guess it was another mexican Muslim
Crouching in your double wide waiting for the drones???

Only national parks. And he was against allowing the carrying of a weapon in a national park before he was for it. The outgoing George Bush administration set in place what were called "midnight rules", one of which allowed carrying in a national park.

But Obama's new administration placed that on hold until at some time later, Obama relented and allowed Bush's ruling to stand.

Yes, Bush's fault.

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