BREAKING AUDIO: Sheila Jackson Lee caught berating staffer in offensive curse-laden rant


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Well that's one woman running for Senate with a sailor's mouth.

And the berating condescension is just too much.

I guess it's all in the name of "equity and inclusion".

California, here's your future Senator.


I wonder what BooBoo and ShitAss will have to say about all this.
I agree with her. They should have got it done like she asked. Her filthy language was out of line but I understand.

Dude, she went on for a minute and a half just oozing derision.

Totally uncalled for.
When you give some people power they instinctively abuse it. As a victim of such cowards in Canada, I can assure you it isn't just low performing politicians who do so.
She is fucking pissed off! LOL.
I never cared for her and I'm voting for anti-MAGA Adam.
I'd like to see a photo of her staff..... there could be a hate crime in there.

If this is it. YIKES. This is a crime against humanity.

Everyone already knows what she is actually like, and how it contradicts her narrative. She's an entitled politician, black female, in the 4th largest United States city, providing guidance that contradicts her own personal beliefs.

Constituents are too stupid to know how to vote, and continue to focus on labels instead of doing their due diligence .. her constituents in Houston most likely know more about guns, sports and pop culture than the politicians they are voting into office.
I personally would not hold the vulgarity against her. She was making a valid point, harshly. That's what aggressive people do. I wish Biden had the balls to call out his subordinates in the same way. Maybe they would get their heads out of their asses.
There are few decent people willing to drop successful private careers and take a job in the cesspool that is DC. Around the code pink era in 2007 the MSM began to ramp up to destroy anyone outside deep State ideas.

Who wants their lives (and all around them, family, friends, co-workers, lawyers, doctors etc. ) completely destroyed 24-7 by the Racial Madcows in the PRAVDA MSM?

the only ones willing are criminals, fags, LGBTQ etc. Those who have no career going, in debt (AOC, OMAR, Lyndey etc.) and those of lowIQ who have failed at school, any job and life in general (the biden types).

I stated this in 2008 and was lambasted. Who’s smart now?
Well that's one woman running for Senate with a sailor's mouth.

And the berating condescension is just too much.

I guess it's all in the name of "equity and inclusion".

California, here's your future Senator.


I wonder what BooBoo and ShitAss will have to say about all this.

Based on the problem she's addressing a little vulgarity was justified. Such language brings everything down to earth, where it should be.

Make you wonder how inept other congresspersons' staff are.
I find it completely normal considering it's source.....Something, something, about rocks and glass houses concerning dumb and useless motherfuckers. The ignorant bitch ain't worth the powder-n-lead to blow her fuckin' brains out.
Well that's one woman running for Senate with a sailor's mouth.

And the berating condescension is just too much.

I guess it's all in the name of "equity and inclusion".

California, here's your future Senator.


I wonder what BooBoo and ShitAss will have to say about all this.

She, Lee, is dumber than dirt. She has proven it many times.
Personally I don't have an issue with her comments and find them hysterical, If her staff isn't dong their job.
People who don't acknowledge this is how ALL government elite talk behind closed doors, are lying dog faced pony soldiers.
That's a shit-eating fuckpig straight outta the Fifth Ward.... which is Houston's version of Haiti.

The amount of monkeyshines and fuckups from that neanderthal would fill several volumes, but some of my favs -

She was railing on Wikipedia on the floor, for leaking information - the spit and snot was flying - until one of her aides reminded her it's "Wikileaks" she's outraged at, not "Wikipedia".... and now we find out how she treats her staff.... oh the irony... :laughing0301:

"Homicide is the leading cause of murder."

"AR-15's weigh as much as 10 boxes and fire 50 caliber bullets."

"Today, we have two Vietnams, side by side, North and South, exchanging and working," (40 years after they united)

That dumb mother fucker still thinks we landed and planted a flag on Mars.

That thing makes Hank Johnson look like the Black Einstein. The planet will be a better place when it returns unceremoniously back up satan's ass. ;)

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