BREAKING.....BABYLON BEE is back on Twitter

Just being intelligent, perceptive, moral and honest. That's quite enough. With those skills, I can observe what conservatives say about how they feel. Therefore, I don't need to assume anything.

So why do you think conservative "humor" is so cringe-inducing?

Do you think punching down is funny?

Do you think grievance-airing and revenge-seeking is funny?

Do you think people getting hurt or humiliated is funny?

Do you think "Kamela Harris is a whore" is the height of hilarity?

Does hearing "libtards" give you giggle fits?

Do you think that mocking working people for _not_ wanting to work 80 hours for the same pay is a knee-slapper? That is what the conservatives here are laughing about. Musk is punching down on working people, and the conservatives all think it's hilarious to join in. That's really fucked up.

Normal people? They find punching _up_ to be funny.
Revenge? Like being okay with running people out of restaurants because of political beliefs or judges getting what they deserve after a controversial ruling? Do you find that claiming a President is screwing his daughter Is good humor? How about hanging an effigy of a President, is that funny. What about holding the severed head of a President, is that hilarious to you? Speaking of whores, the left called a Presidents wife a whore and called a VP candidate a whore, I think it is wrong but people on the left don’t have room to talk when it comes to hurtful humor.
Revenge? Like being okay with running people out of restaurants because of political beliefs or judges getting what they deserve after a controversial ruling? Do you find that claiming a President is screwing his daughter Is good humor? How about hanging an effigy of a President, is that funny. What about holding the severed head of a President, is that hilarious to you? Speaking of whores, the left called a Presidents wife a whore and called a VP candidate a whore, I think it is wrong but people on the left don’t have room to talk when it comes to hurtful humor.
To be fair, Melania did pose for lesbian porn pictures, and trump did talk about screwing his daughter.
Revenge? Like being okay with running people out of restaurants because of political beliefs or judges getting what they deserve after a controversial ruling? Do you find that claiming a President is screwing his daughter Is good humor? How about hanging an effigy of a President, is that funny. What about holding the severed head of a President, is that hilarious to you? Speaking of whores, the left called a Presidents wife a whore and called a VP candidate a whore, I think it is wrong but people on the left don’t have room to talk when it comes to hurtful humor.
If you haven't met a Liberal face to face, you haven't lived.
They are psychotic.
I suppose you could look at it that way. Another way would be to consider how many people are actually needed to keep the business running, and not run off 3/4 of your employees untill you have a plan to replace the ones needed. I don't use twitter anyway, so it really doesn't matter to me anyway.
You are right.

Your thoughts don't matter.
Yea, because leftists never needed safe spaces, coloring books, scream at the sky nights and therapy animals because their candidate lost an election.
The only times I ever even heard of any of those things was from some MAGA tryng to be funny.
To be fair Harris had an affair with a married man and was granted political favors because it,
To be fair Melanie is the most educated First Lady we’ve ever had and Pedo
The only times I ever even heard of any of those things was from some MAGA tryng to be funny.

CNN and the leftist media is keeping you in the dark? Who knew?
Libtard heads are exploding all across the nation.

I wonder if the Left realizes yet that if Twitter comes back strong not only surviving Musk but flourishing under him, it will disprove and repudiate everything the Left have claimed for the past 20 years about their being the majority, the future, and the trend of modern, progressive society!
I wonder if the Left realizes yet that if Twitter comes back strong not only surviving Musk but flourishing under him, it will disprove and repudiate everything the Left have claimed for the past 20 years about their being the majority, the future, and the trend of modern, progressive society!
Well, no. That will just give more conspiracy theory nuts the chance to spout their bullshit. It won't change any facts.
Conservative males, you don't have to all constantly act like whiny little bitches just because your masters order you to. You don't have to tell stupid lies and be garbage humans just to fit in. Just say no. Choose the path of morality and freedom. Walk away from the conservative loser-cult. It will hurt at first, but you'll feel better later, after you've gotten your self-respect back.

I was once a conservative, so I understand the lure of such depravity. I grew up. I got better. If I can escape the nightmare cult of conservatism, then you can too. I'm here as a beacon of hope, to help others get out and return to a normal life.
Conservative males, you don't have to all constantly act like whiny little bitches just because your masters order you to. You don't have to tell stupid lies and be garbage humans just to fit in. Just say no. Choose the path of morality and freedom. Walk away from the conservative loser-cult. It will hurt at first, but you'll feel better later, after you've gotten your self-respect back.

I was once a conservative, so I understand the lure of such depravity. I grew up. I got better. If I can escape the nightmare cult of conservatism, then you can too. I'm here as a beacon of hope, to help others get out and return to a normal life.
Could answer my reply, we understand, two different sides the same deplorable humor.
Conservative males, you don't have to all constantly act like whiny little bitches just because your masters order you to. You don't have to tell stupid lies and be garbage humans just to fit in. Just say no. Choose the path of morality and freedom. Walk away from the conservative loser-cult. It will hurt at first, but you'll feel better later, after you've gotten your self-respect back.

I was once a conservative, so I understand the lure of such depravity. I grew up. I got better. If I can escape the nightmare cult of conservatism, then you can too. I'm here as a beacon of hope, to help others get out and return to a normal life.
Nice flip of the script here, but you aren't fooling anyone about who the truly depraved in SOCIETY are, and what the agenda has been.

Let's see, so you have the Democrat leader's, and then you have these same master's/leader's steal from everyone else in order to keep their democrat sheep loyal after just enough of a portion of the booty is given over to this army of zombies in order to buy and keep their loyalty in so that the leader's can stay in power.

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